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The lonely landy

1st sceene

(One day, in the forest. There was a porcupine named landy. Landy was an arrogant porcupine.
Animals in the forest were fear him because landy’s spike, that’s why landy was a lonely animal
in the forest.)

Landy : ”lalalalala my name is landy I am so happy cause my spiky spike (sing). all animals
scared of me hahahaha. (krukkkk) oh no I am hungry, okey time to find some food”.

Mouse: “oh hi landy, what are you doing here?”

Landy : ”hi mousey. I just want to eat some food. There so many food of you. you must give it
for me.”

Mouse : “my food?nahhh, you can search your food by your self. This is mine!!!”

Landy : ” oooohhhh!!!!! come on mousey, don’t you know? I have a lot of a spike in my back, it
will very hurt if I stick in your body!!!”

Mouse : ” oh okey, this is yours, I can find another food for me. Good bye landy.” (run)

Landy : ” hahaha, my spine is so helpful for me.” (eat the food)

(When landy walking in the middle of the jungle, suddenly there is a lion in front of landy. (Landy
was scared because he meet the king of the jungle.)

Landy : ” lalalalala.........hello who is there?”

Lion : “grrr roarrr, this is me, king of the jungle. I am so hungry.  Do you want to be my food?
You look so delicious.”(strike landy)

Landy : ”please, no. don’t eat me.” (defending himself)

Lion : “arghhhhhh, what is this?? it is so hurt.” ( run )

Landy :” hahaha,the king of the jungle scared of me?wow.. it mean I can be the king of the
jungle to replace the lion.”
2nd sceene

(In the middle of the day. Deer, buffalo and rabbit talking about landy an arrogant porcupine.)

Deer : ” hmm do you know, landy now be an arrogant animal.”

Buffalo : “yeah I know, now he fell like king of jungle because his spine.”

Rabbit : “I hate landy. Before that I was his best friend... now he is changing.”

(When everybody busy talking about landy, suddenly landy comes and make everyone

Landy : “hi guys.”

Deer : “hhhhiiii lann... dyy.”

Buffalo : “hhi…”

Rabbit : “hhhii....”

Buffalo : “deer should we go now? (whispering)

Deer : “ I dont know.”

Rabbit : “I am afraid lets go.”

Deer : “okey when I say 3, we run together.”

Rabbit + buffalo : “okey.”

Deer : “1.”

Rabbit+buffalo : “3.” (run)

Deer : “hey guys wait... hehehe bye landy.” (smile to landy and run)

Landy : “ this is so fun, all of them are afraid of me! I will make more animals in jungle scared of

(After landy know if rabbit, buffalo and deer afraid of him. He decided to call the eagle and
giving information about landy become a new king of the jungle.)

Landy : “eagle.... heyy eagle where are you!!”

eagle : “I’am here. wow, are you brave or a fool?. Do you want to be my dinner?”

Landy : “hahaha you cant eat me. You will kill yourself if you eat me.”

eagle : “why? I have a claw that can destroy you!!”

Landy : “dont you know? I have many sharp spike. Do you want to try my spine?”

Eagle : “wahhh, no no no, please landy no. I am just kidding. We are friend.,I will give what you

Landy : “really?”

Eagle : “yes I do .. I promise.”

Landy : “please tell every animals in jungle. I am the new king of  the jungle.”

Eagle : “are you kidding me? You wouldn’t replace the lion as the king of jungle.”

Landy : “Lion? He is not worthy as a king. Even the Lion fear my spike!”

eagle : “really? Lion scare of you?”

Landy : “yes he is..”

Monkey : “hey what are talking about??”

Eagle : “This spiky mouse said want to replace the lion as the king !!”

Monkey : “hah?? Seriously?? Hahahahaha landy? Want to be the jungle king? On your dream!!

Landy : “how dare you mocking me like that!!!”

Eagle : “monkeyy.... be careful, landy have a lot of spike....”

Monkey : “hahaha Iam not fear you Landy!!!”

Landy : “eat this!!” ( landy embed the monkey)

Monkey: “awwwwww....... this is so hurt.... help me eagle!!!”

Eagle: ( helping monkey) “landy you are so mean!!!”

Landy : “do you want to feel it too birdy??? Now you will tell all the animals that Landy is the real
king of the jungle!!!”

Eagle : “okey... I will fly and tell the entire jungle.”

3rd sceene

(Feeling dominating the jungle .Landy walk with proudly in the jungle. And meet bear)

Landy : “hi bear!!”

Bear : “ohhh hi landy! What are you doing??” (Eating some food)

Landy : “can I have your food?”

Bear : “sure... I have a lot of food. here it is (give 1 fruit)

Landy : “just one? I want all of your food.”

Bear : “what? Are you kidding me?”

Landy : “I said I want all of your food, I am serious.”

Bear : “hah? No way. I am never giving my food...”

Landy: “give me now, or I will shoot my spine?”

Bear: “what? Your spine? Ooo okey okey this is yours bye...”

Landy: “haha bye, go far away from me. I am the king of the jungle now.”

Bear: “sorry? King of the jungle??”

Landy: “yaa don't you know? I'm the king of the jungle now...”

Bear: “ kayy”

(When Landy talking with bear . Rabbit, Buffalo, and Deer hear their conversation from far
away. And come closer to Bear and Landy)

Buffalo : “hello landy, bear. What are you talking about??”

Deer: “haii... what happen with the king of the jungle??”

Landy: “I have replaced the lion as the king of the jungle now!”

Rabbit: “www... what?? Replace the lion?? How can it be?”

Bear: “sssttt rabbit... you can't talk with landy like that. He will stab you. He has many sharp

Landy: “how can it be? Iam worth to be king of jungle.”

Rabbit: “but there is no arrogant king in this jungle like you!!!”

Buffalo: “ya ya ya... Iam agree what rabbit said...”

Deer: “me too. You are too arrogant to be the king of the jungle.”

Landy: “how dare you to oppose me!!!! Begone from my sight or I’ll shoot my spikes!”

(The animals walked away with anger)

4th sceene

(When Landy role the jungle. Monkey,his the one that very annoyed. He can’t just stay still and
do nothing. He gathered all the animals and makes plan to give Landy a lessons.)

Monkey : “what should I do?? First I must gather everyone.”

(mouse come from the bush)

Mouse : “hey monkey.. what is it? do you need something?”

Monkey : “thank you mousy.. I really need your help to gather every animals but not that Landy.”

Mouse : “For what? What are you want to do?”

Monkey : “I have a plan to fight agains Landy the Porcupine!”

Mouse : “What!! You have? okey lets go I’ll surely help you.I hate that Porcupines as well !!”

(When Monkey and Mouse walked in the jungle. They were separated and Mouse met the Lion)

Mouse: “Ahhh… where is Monkey? he was at my back a minute ago…”

Lion: “Hi mouse what are you doing here?”

Mouse : “o.. oo ..o lion.. please don't eat me!!”

Lion: (walking cripplely) “relax mousy, I won’t eat you.. I’m not eager to eat a mouse right now.”

Mouse: “What happen to you lion??”

Lion: “I just sad!! You know right. I'm not the king of the jungle again... and landy spine was
embed in my leg.”

Mouse: “oalah... you a poor kitty. Let me help you.”

(Mouse remove spine from lion leg)

Lion: “awwww... wah it much better. Thank you mouse.”

Mouse: “you’re welcome lion.. By the way I and monkey gathering all animals in the jungle to
fight agains Landy the Porcupines. Come and meet us in the water spring this afternoon and
join us!”

Lion: “we’ll find out”

5th sceene

(In the afternoon. The animals has gathered at the water spring)

Bear: “hey monkey. You can start the meeting now . Landy is sleeping with belly full of fruit. I
just check him a minutes ago.”

Monkey: “okey. ( monkey ring the bell) heyy listen to me everybody”


Monkey: “everybody know Landy right? He became the most arrogant animal in this jungle now.
This soo called the king of the jungle treat us just the way he like! He took our food! He nailed
his spine to our feet! He tought he can dominate us! Animal like that cannot rule this jungle. This
is not his jungle this is our jungle!!! ”

Bear: “’s true. Do you think someone like that could be our king??? ”

Animal: “noooo....”

Buffalo: “No body from us agree if landy become the king of the jungle.”

Deer : “yaa that's right!!! ”

Monkey: “now I will tell you my plan to trap Landy. ”

(Suddenly the Lion comes)

Rabbit: “looks !!! It’s the Lion!!! ”

Lion: “yaa easy guys.. i just want to have my revenge to landy. He made me lose my pride. ”

Eagle: “so what is the plan?? ”

(After the meeting, The animals went back to their own dwellings.)
6th sceene

Landy: “whoaaammm.... good morning jungle... (kruk kruk) ooo I'm hungry. Let's find some food.
Oh wait its the mouse over there with an apple! ”

Mouse: “ohh Landy! How is your sleep?”

Landy : “I dreamed about food tonight. And now Iam very hungry, soo give me your apple! ”

Mouse : “Here you go... I don’t need it any more. After this competition I will eat soo many fruit! ”

Landy : “Competition? Food? What are you talking about?”

Mouse : “You... as the King of the jungle didn’t known about this news? Everybody know about
this competition. This afternoon in the midle of the jungle wil be held a running competition. If
you win you will get soo many fruit! Now goodbye I must prepare my self... ” (walked away)

Landy : “I will come and win the race soo I can eat fruits and sleep! ”

( In the afternoon all of the animals has come to the center of the jungle and suddenly Landy
came to the race with proudly)

Deer : “where is Landy? ”

Rabbit : “I don’t know I haven’t see him yet”

Buffalo : “hey look over there! Is that Landy? ”

Landy : “Good afternoon my people I will win this race and after that all of your foodwill be

Bear: “hi arrogant landy!!“

Landy: “what? What you say? Arrogant? I'm not arrogant.“

Bear : “yes you are.“

Landy: “you make me mad!! “

Bear: “really Landy?? Hahaha“

Landy: “You know right, what the consequences if you make me mad?”

Bear: “yes of course I know. You will shoot your spine right?”

Landy: “yes I will... But I am being kind right now. So just give me your food because Iam
Bear: “no you can’t Landy!! You must catch me first in this race!!”

Landy : “ohhh I will !!! and I will have my spine on your butt!!”

Monkey : “well everyone today is the racing competition. And this is our racer! The Deer, The
Bear, Buffalo and here our new king! Landy the Porcupine!”

(the animals yelling)

Landy : “Thank you... thank you... hahaha”

7th sceene

(the race started)

Deer : “huh... huh... huh... huh... this is very exhausted... its enough for me”

Monkey : “Oh.. seems like the Deer out from the arena!!. Now only three racer remains!”

Bear : “Buffalo!! Go now!!”

Buffalo : “Yes I understand! ” (The Buffalo run faster and faster)

Buffalo : “Eagle prepare to throw the net now!”

Eagle : “What? Throw the net now?!”

Buffalo : “No! Prepare to throw the net now!!”

Eagle : “Throw the net now? Well OK” (Throw the net onto Buffalo and fly away)

Buffalo : “ohh no!! Really? Why could this happened to me! Hey Rabbit, mouse! Come and help
me before Landy found me like this!” (Rabbit and Mouse come and help Buffalo)

Monkey : “well we cant found Buffalo anywhere. So the Buffalo disqualificated.”

Bear : “OK its only two of us now! I will win this race and all the food will be mine!”

Landy : “No !!! it’s belongs to the king!”

Bear : “Someone arrogant like you shouldn’t be our king!“

Landy: “how dare you!! ( chasing bear and shoot his spike) heyyy bear stop right there... don't

Bear: “no no no... catch me if you can!!!”

(When Bear climbed the tree, the Rabbit and mouse came)

Bear: “Come quick grease the tree with oil before Landy comes!!”

Mouse and Rabbit: “Yess!!!” (after spreading the oil they gone to the bush)

Landy: “You make me soooo mad!!! wait for me. ”

( landy try to climbing the tree)

Bear: “ble ble ble ble... you cant climb this tree!!!!”
Landy: “I cannnnn.... ( gedebuk ) aww.”

Bear: “yessss we did it!!! Got you!!!”

(All animals show up and laughing)

Monkey : “eat that you wierdo!!!! Hahahaha.”

Landy: “how dare you laughting at me!!! Come down here and help me.”

Deer : “hahaha no way we will help you you.”

Eagle : “Yea help your self. You said you are the king! The king can do anything by himself.”

Animals : “huuu... huuu..”

(suddenly the lion come and roar)

Lion : “well... well... seems like I found an easy prey here”

Buffalo : “enough! We don’t want to eat him. We just want to give him a lesson.”

Deer : “hey Landy, what do you say if we help you?”

Landy : “Just help me okey!”

Mouse : “We will help you if you ask it nicely and promise us that you won’t ever prick your
spine on us anymore”.

Landy : “what? Iam your king! I do anything that I want!!!”

Bear : “Fine if that what you want. come on guys just leave him alone.”

Landy : “wait! Okey okey I promise you guys I won’t ever hurt you anymore Iam sorry I was
wrong. Please pick me up”.

Eagle : “What do you say guys?”

Animals : “Pick him up Eagle.”

(eagle pick Landy up.)

Landy : “Iam so sory guys for everything I have done to you. You have my debt. Is that anything
I can do to so you guys would forgive me?”
Animals : “hahahha.”

Landy : “What is it? What’s the funny thing?”

Monkey : “hahahha... no it’s enough. We are completely forgive you.... with the lost of your
spine, you have pay your mistake .....”

(Landy was shocked knowing his spine was destroyed because he felt to the ground. Now, he
became a kind porcupine and have a lot of friend. And all animals live together happily ever

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