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Hello & Goodbye

1.B.- Greetings

Good morning: Buenos días

Good afternoon: Buenas tardes
Good night: Buenas noches
What’s your name?: ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is _______: Me llamo _______
How are you?: ¿Cómo estás?
Mr: Señor
Mrs: Señora
Miss: Señorita
I’m fine: Estoy bien
Not bad: No estoy mal
I’m ill: Estoy enferma
Thank you: Gracias
Pleased to meet you: Encantado/a
Where do you live?: ¿Dónde vives?
I live in _______: Vivo en _______
Where are you from?: ¿De dónde eres?
I’m from _______: Soy de _______
See you later: Hasta luego
Goodbye: Adiós

 2.- Vocabulary Practice

 2.A.- How do you spell…?

1. Your name
2. Goodbye
3. Thank you

 2.B.- Put the following dialogue into the correct order

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3.- Grammar – To be / To have / To do

 3.A.- To be – Present Simple

Compare the full forms and the short forms

Full Form Short Form Spanish

I am I'm Yo soy / estoy
You are You're Tú eres / estás
He / she is He's / she's El (ella) es / está
It is It's El es / está
We are We're Nosotros(as) somos / estamos
You are You're Vosotros(as) sois /estáis
They are They're Ellos(as) son / están

3.A.1.- Complete Sarah’s letter to Jane. Use am, is or are.

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3.A.2.- Complete the sentences using the short form of the verb To be.

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3.B.- To be: Present simple (negative)

Full Form Short Form Spanish

I am not I'm not Yo no soy / estoy
You are not You're not Tú no eres / estás
He / she is not He's / she's not El (ella) no es / está
It is not It's not El no es / está
We are not We're not Nosotros no somos / estamos
You are not You're not Vosotros no sois /estáis
They are not They're not Ellos no son / están

3.B.1.- Complete the sentences using the negative of the verb to be.

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3.C.- To have: Present Simple (affirmative)

Full Form Short Form Spanish

I have I've Yo tengo
You have You've Tú tienes
He / she has He's / she's El (ella) tiene
It has It's El tiene
We have We've Nosotros(as) tenemos
You have You've Vosotros(as) tenéis
They have They've Ellos(as) tienen

3.C.1.- Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb to have.

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3.D.- To have: Present Simple (negative)

Full Form Short Form Spanish

I have not I haven't Yo no tengo
You have not You haven't Tú no tienes
He / she has not He's / she hasn't El (ella) no tiene
It has not It hasn't El no tiene
We have not We haven't Nosotros(as) no tenemos
You have not You haven't Vosotros(as) no tenéis
They have not They haven't Ellos(as) no tienen

3.D.1.- Complete the sentences with the negative short form of the verb to have.

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 3.E.- To do: Present Simple (affirmative)

Full Form Spanish

I do Yo hago
You do Tú haces
He / she does El (ella) hace
It does El hace
We do Nosotros(as) hacemos
You do Vosotros(as) hacéis
They do Ellos(as) hacen

3.F.- To do: Present Simple (negative)

Full Form Short Form Spanish
I do not I don't Yo no hago
You do not You don't Tú no haces
He / she does not He / she doesn't El (ella) no hace
It does not It doesn't El no hace
We do not We don't Nosotros(as) no hacemos
You do not You don't Vosotros(as) no hacéis
They do not They don't Ellos(as) no hacen

F Complete the following sentences with the affirmative form of the verb to do.

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4.- Reading – Meeting & Greeting

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 4.A.- Practice
A. Answer the following questions

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My Office

1.- Vocabulary

Table: mesa
Chair: silla
Computer: ordenador
Laptop: portátil
Mouse: ratón (ordenador)
Printer: impresora
Folder: carpeta
Pen: bolígrafo
Pencil: lápiz
Highlighter: rotulador fluorescente
Paper: papel
Paper clip: clip
Ruler: regla
Stapler: grapadora
Scissors: tijeras
File: archivo
Calculator: calculadora
Envelope: sobre
Book: libro
Door: puerta
1.A.- Practice

Match the words with the correct picture:

Pen / Table / Book / Chair

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2.- There is / There are

There is: Hay (singular)

There are : Hay (plural)

Is there….?: ¿Hay? (singular)

Are there…?: ¿Hay? (plural)

Yes, there is: Sí, hay (singular)

No, there isn’t: No, no hay (singular)

Yes, there are: Sí, hay (plural)

No, there aren’t: No, no hay (plural)

2.A.- What’s on the table?

2.A.1.-. Name 3 things on the table

1. There is a…..
2. There are….
3. ……………………………..

2.A.2.-. Answer the questions

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3.- Grammar – Subject Pronouns

English . Spanish
I Yo
You Tú
He El
She Ella
It Ello
We Nosotros(as)
You Vosotros(as)
They Ellos(as)
3.A.- Practice

3.A.1.- Complete Dan’s Letter to Amanda. Use I, You, He, She, It, We and They.

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3.A.2.- Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.

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4.- Reading – My office

(Para ver la traducción hacer click en texto; doble click vuelve a posición original)

4.A.- Practice

A – True or false. Correct the false statements.

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The Mansfield Family

1.- Vocabulary - Members of the family

Mother: madre
Father: padre
Parents: padres
Son: hijo
Daughter: hija
Children: niños
Grandparents: abuelos
Grandmother: abuela
Grandfather: abuelo
Grandchildren: nietos
Granddaughter: nieta
Grandson: nieto
Aunty: tía
Uncle: tío
Brother: hermano
Sister: hermana
Stepbrother: hermanastro
Stepsister: hermanastra
Cousin: primo/a
Godmother: madrina
Godfather: padrino
Mother in law: suegra
Father in law: suegro
Sister in law: cuñada
Brother in law: cuñado
To be married: estar casado/a
To get married: casarse
Boyfriend: novio
Girlfriend: novia

1.A. Vocabulary Practice

Fill in the gaps

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2.- Grammar – Possessive Adjectives

Learn these possessive adjectives!

Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective Adjetivos posesivos

I My Mi
You Your Tu
He His Su
She Her Su
It Its Su
We Our Nuestro(a)
You Your Vuestro(a)
They Their Su

2.A.- Put my or your into the gaps

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2.B.- Put his or her into the gaps

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2.C.- Complete each sentence. Use the correct possessive adjective.

E.g. James helps his mum at weekends.

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3.- Reading

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3.A.- Practice

3.A.1.- Fill in the gaps

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3.A.2.- Who’s who?

1. Who’s James?

2. Who’s Dawn?

3. Who’s Alex?

3.A.3.- Answer the following questions

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My House

1.- Vocabulary

House: casa
Flat: piso
Room: habitación
Bathroom: baño
Living room: salón
Dining room: comedor
Kitchen: cocina
Study: despacho
Bedroom: dormitorio
Cloakroom: retrete
Loft: desván
Basement: sótano
Cellar: sótano
Hall: vestíbulo
Garden: jardín
Balcony: balcón
Plant: planta
Carpet: moqueta
Picture: cuadro
Bath: baño
Shower: ducha
Toilet: váter
Sink: lavabo
Mirror: espejo
Toothbrush: cepillo de dientes
Bed: cama
Wardrobe: armario
Bedside table: mesilla de noche
Chest of doors: cómoda
Lamp: lámpara
Window: ventana
Table: mesa
Chair: silla

1.A.- Practice – Find the following objects

1.A.1.- A table / a plant / some chairs / a window / a patio

1.A.2.- A toilet / a sink / a window / a mirror / a picture / a toothbrush

2.- Grammar – Nouns

2.A.– Place the following words into the correct category

Eat / play / book / you / sleep / plate / we / sing / orange / child

(Para ver la solución hacer click en picture; doble click vuelve a posición original)
2.B.- Plural Noun Form

The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter " -s ".

Singular Plural
Plate Plates
Boy Boys
Orange Oranges
Cat Cats

Words that end in -ch, -x, -s will require an -es to form the plural.

Singular Plural
Box Boxes
Bus Buses
Watch Watches
KIss KIsses

With words that end in a consonant and a y, change the y to an i and add es.

Singular Plural
Baby Babies
Gallery Galleries

Words that end in " -o " añaden " -es ".

Singular Plural
Potato Potatoes
Hero Heroes

* Exceptions: Memo – Memos / Cello – Cellos

Plurals of words that end in " -f "or " -fe " usually change the f sound to a v sound
and add s or -es.

Singular Plural
Knife Knives
Leaf Leaves
Life Lives
Self Selves
Elf Elves

There are several nouns that have irregular plural forms.

Singular Plural
Child Children
Woman Women
Man Men
Person People
Mouse Mice

2.B.1. – Write the plural of the following nouns.

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3.- Reading

(Para ver la traducción hacer click en picture; doble click vuelve a posición original)
3.A.- Practice

A – Correct the sentences below

(Para ver la solución hacer click en picture; doble click vuelve a posición original)

Interview with Luke

1.- Vocabulary

Tall: alto
Short: bajo
Fat: gordo
Thin: delgado
Pretty: guapa
Handsome: guapo (para chicos)
Ugly: feo
Blonde hair: pelo rubio
Brown haired: pelo castaño
Ginger hair: pelirrojo
Long hair: pelo largo
Short hair: pelo corto
Bald: calvo
Straight hair: pelo liso
Wavy hair: pelo ondulado
Curly hair: pelo rizado
Pale: pálido
Tanned: bronceado
Beard: barba
Moustache: bigote
Friendly: simpático
Funny: gracioso
Sad: triste
Happy: feliz
Shy: tímido
Nice: agradable
Silly: tonto
Good: bueno
Bad: malo
Ambitious: ambicioso
Honest: honrado
Weak: débil
Strong: fuerte

1.A.- Practice

1.A.1.– Find the opposite adjective

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1.A.2.- Describe the following people

---- ----

E.g. He has brown hair. She is pretty, etc.

2.- Grammar – Adjectives

An adjective describes something.

Example: He is a good actor. (Es un buen actor)

Rule: Adjectives describe nouns. The adjective never changes. Adjectives don’t have
singular and plural forms or masculine and feminine forms.


The happy man. (El hombre feliz.)

The happy men. (Los hombres felices.)
The happy woman. (La mujer feliz.)
The happy women. (Las mujeres felices.)

2.A.- Practice

Complete the sentences with the word in brackets.

(Para ver la solución hacer click en picture; doble click vuelve a posición original)

Rule: Adjectives are placed before the noun, never after the noun.


The red apple. (La manzana roja.)

The interesting books. (Los libros interesantes.)

Rule: Adjectives can also be placed at the end of a sentence if they describe the
subject of a sentence.


My teacher is shy. (Mi profesora es muy tímida.)

The boys are very noisy. (Los chicos son muy ruidosos.)

2.B.– Place the sentences into the correct order

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3.- Reading

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3.A.- Questions

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3.A.1.– True or False. Correct the false sentences.

3.A.2.– Correct the following sentences

An Afternoon at the Museum

1.- Vocabulary

Months of the year

January: enero
February: febrero
March: marzo
April: abril
May: mayo
June: junio
July: julio
August: agosto
September: septiembre
October: octubre
November: noviembre
December: diciembre

Days of the week

Monday: lunes
Tuesday: martes
Wednesday: miércoles
Thursday: jueves
Friday: viernes
Saturday: sábado
Sunday: domingo

1.A.- Practice

Find the months of the year

2.- Numbers and Time expression

One: uno
Two: dos
Three: tres
Four: cuatro
Five: cinco
Six: seis
Seven: siete
Eight: ocho
Nine: nueve
Ten: diez
Eleven: once
Twelve: doce
Thirteen: trece
Fourteen: catorce
Fifteen: quince
Sixteen: dieciséis
Seventeen: diecisiete
Eighteen: dieciocho
Nineteen: diecinueve
Twenty: veinte
Twenty one: veintiuno
Twenty two: veintidos
Thirty: treinta
Thirty one: treinta y uno
Forty: cuarenta
Fifty: cincuenta
Sixty: sesenta

At midday: a mediodía
At midnight: a medianoche
In the morning: por la mañana
In the afternoon: por la tarde
In the evening: por la tarde (después de las 6)
At night: por la noche

2.A.- Write the following numbers.

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3.- The Time

It’s five o’clock. It’s half past twelve.

It’s quarter past twelve It’s quarter to one

It’s ten past ten It’s ten to two

3.A.1.- Look at the clocks. Write the times.

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3.A.2.- Write the time

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4.- Grammar

Prepositions of time: at / in / on

We use:


at 7 o'clock
at 12.30am
at lunchtime
at midday


in August
in winter
in the evening
in 1990

• ON for DAYS and DATES

on Monday
on Tuesdays
on 10th March
on 25th December 2020


• I go to bed at 11pm.
• At lunchtime, I eat a sandwich.
• Everyday I watch television at 9pm.
• In August it is my birthday.
• On Monday I go to school.
• On 13th August it’s my birthday.

4.A.- Practice

Complete the sentences. Use on / in / at.

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5.- Reading

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5.A.- Practice

5.A.1.- Answer the following questions

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5.A.2.– What do the times refer to?

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