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Comparative Effect of Different Polymerization Techniques on

the Flexural and Surface Properties of Acrylic Denture Bases

Mohammed M. Gad, BDS, MSc,1 Shaimaa M. Fouda, BDS, MSc,1 Aws S. ArRejaie, BDS, CAGS, DSCD,
FRCDC,2 & Ahmad M. Al-Thobity, BDS, MDS, FRCD(C)1
Department of Substitutive Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, University of Dammam, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Prosthetic dental sciences Department, College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Keywords Abstract
Autoclave polymerization; flexural properties;
hardness; surface roughness; PMMA denture
Purpose: Polymerization techniques have been modified to improve physical and
base. mechanical properties of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) denture base, as have the
laboratory procedures that facilitate denture construction techniques. The purpose of
Correspondence the present study was to investigate the effect of autoclave polymerization on flexural
Dr. Mohammed Moustafa Ahmed Gad, strength, elastic modulus, surface roughness, and the hardness of PMMA denture base
College of Dentistry, University of Dammam, resins.
P.O. Box 1982 Dammam 31441, Saudi Materials and Methods: Major Base and Vertex Implacryl heat-polymerized acrylic
Arabia. E-mail: resins were used to fabricate 180 specimens. According to the polymerization tech-
nique, tested groups were divided into: group I (water-bath polymerization), group II
This study was supported by the deanship of (short autoclave polymerization cycle, 60°C for 30 minutes, then 130°C for 10 min-
scientific research, University of Dammam utes), and group III (long autoclave polymerization cycle, 60°C for 30 minutes, then
(Grant No. 2015210). 130°C for 20 minutes). Each group was divided into two subgroups based on the ma-
The authors declare that they have no conflict
terials used. Flexural strength and elastic modulus were determined by a three-point
of interests regarding the publication of this bending test. Surface roughness and hardness were evaluated with a profilometer and
manuscript. Vickers hardness (VH) test, respectively. One-way ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer
multiple-comparison test were used for results analysis, which were statistically sig-
Accepted January 15, 2017 nificant at p ࣘ 0.05.
Results: Autoclave polymerization showed a significant increase in flexural strength
doi: 10.1111/jopr.12605 and hardness of the two resins (p < 0.05). The elastic modulus showed a significant
increase in the major base resin, while a significant decrease was seen for Vertex
Implacryl in all groups (p < 0.05); however, there was no significant difference in
surface roughness between autoclave polymerization and water-bath polymerization
(p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Autoclave polymerization significantly increased the flexural proper-
ties and hardness of PMMA denture bases, while the surface roughness was within
acceptable clinical limits. For a long autoclave polymerization cycle, it could be used
as an alternative to water-bath polymerization.

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) lacks the ideal criteria of because it is easy and inexpensive but its main disadvantage
a denture base material due to its poor physical properties is the long processing time.7
such as low strength, deficient surface hardness, and poor wear Autoclave was first introduced in 1879 by Charles
resistance.1 However, it is still the most commonly used ma- Chamberland.8 Lately autoclave polymerization has been sug-
terial for denture base construction since 1930,2 because of its gested as an alternative to water bath technique.6 It is an easy
biocompatibility, light weight, reasonable price, easy manipu- method and requires less time compared to water bath polymer-
lation, and good esthetics.1,3 Several attempts were suggested ization technique.9 Autoclave theory depends on water heating
to improve physical properties of PMMA including modifying in a closed container to raise its temperature above the boil-
PMMA itself to produce a co-polymerized high impact strength ing point and obtain a high-pressure saturated steam, resulting
resin,4 through using chemical modification, alternative poly- in enhancement of the physical and mechanical properties of
merization method, or changing the polymerization cycle.5 PMMA by increasing the amount of monomer conversion.8,9
PMMA is polymerized by many methods such as heat, light, Denture base materials should possess adequate flexural
chemical, microwave energy, and autoclave polymerization.5,6 and surface properties for a successful denture and patient
The most frequently used method is water bath processing satisfaction.4 Dentures are subjected to flexural stress during

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 1
Properties of Autoclave Polymerized Acrylic Resin Gad et al

Table 1 Grouping, codes of tested specimens, and polymerization techniques

Group Materials Polymerization technique Code

Group I Vertex Implacryl Water bath heat polymerization at 70° for 90 minutes followed by 100°C for 30 minutes WBV
(Control) Major base WBM
Group II Vertex Implacryl Autoclave polymerization (short cycle) autoclave polymerization at 60°C for 30 minutes followed by ASV
Major base 130°C for 10 minutes ASM
Group III Vertex Implacryl Autoclave polymerization (long cycle) autoclave polymerization at 60°C for 30 minutes followed by ALV
Major base 130°C for 20 minutes ALM

mastication. Additionally, they are usually supported by un- The Netherlands), then invested in dental stone (Fujirock EP;
even alveolar ridges due to the gradual irregular pattern of bone GC, Leuven, Belgium). The flasks (61B Two Flask Compress;
resorption.10 Therefore, high flexural strength of denture base Handler Manufacturing, Westfield, NJ) were kept for 1 hour af-
material is needed to avoid denture fracture under flexural load- ter stone setting, then immersed in boiling water for 5 minutes
ing. Denture base material should also have a high modulus of for dewaxing. Then mold spaces were cleaned, and a thin film
elasticity to avoid permanent deformation that might be caused of separating media (Isolmajor, Major Prodotti Dentari SPA,
by continuous stress or strain during mastication.11 The elas- Moncalieri, Italy) was applied. Commercially available heat-
tic modulus exhibits the material rigidity, where the higher the polymerized PMMA Major base (MB) (Major base 20; Major
value, the lower the elastic deformation, the higher the rigidity Prodotti Dentari SPA) and Vertex Implacryl (VI) (Vertex-Dental
of the material.11 B. V., Zeist, The Netherlands) were used according to the manu-
A smooth denture base surface is essential for patient com- facturer’s instructions. These two materials were selected based
fort and reduced plaque accumulation as well as discoloration. on the differences in their composition. MB acrylic resin is a
Surface properties are affected by hardness, which is the re- conventional heat-polymerized PMMA, while VI is considered
sistance of a material to permanent surface indentation or pen- a high-impact rubber-reinforced PMMA, where the PMMA
etration. It also determines the ease of finishing of a dental polymer is modified by the addition of a rubber compound
material.12,13 High surface roughness and low hardness would to enhance the material’s strength. The main composition of
damage the denture base material during finishing and result in the heat-polymerized acrylic resin powder includes PMMA,
plaque adherence.14 benzoyl peroxide as an initiator, and other chemicals in small
Studies investigating the effect of autoclave polymerization percentages, while the monomer contains methyl methacrylate
on the physical and mechanical properties of PMMA denture and glycol dimethacrylate, as a crosslinking agent.6,18 The liq-
base resin are still limited. Therefore, the aim of the present uid/powder ratio of the polymer was mixed in a porcelain jar,
study was to evaluate the effect of autoclave polymerization on then kneaded by hand until achieving a doughy consistency
some properties of different denture base resins and compare and packed into the mold. After the flasks were clamped, clo-
it with water bath polymerization. The hypothesis of this study sure was performed under force of 20 kN and maintained for
was that autoclave polymerization could improve the properties 30 minutes. The flasks were kept at room temperature for 1
of PMMA denture base. hour. Although all specimens were prepared in the same man-
ner, simple random sampling was performed by using the slip
envelope method after the specimens had been packed in the
Materials and methods
dental flasks to control all factors, such as composition, size,
A total of 180 specimens were fabricated using metal molds and shape, which might cause differences between specimens.
(65 × 10 × 2.5 mm3 ) for the flexural strength test and (12 × The specimens were divided randomly into three groups ac-
12 × 3 mm3 ) for the surface roughness and hardness tests ac- cording to the polymerization technique used: group I (water
cording to ANSI/ADA specification number 12.15 The sample bath method), group II (short cycle with heat), and group III
size calculation assumed a minimum difference of the means (long cycle with heat) (Table 1).
between baseline versus autoclave curing (60°C for 30 minutes
and 130°C for 10 minutes) resulting in 81.24 ± 5.99 versus
84.0 ± 5.19, in line with the study by Durkan et al.9 Next, the Polymerization techniques
required sample size at 80% power, with a 5% level of sig- Group I (water bath method) specimens were submerged in
nificance and a 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated water inside a heat-curing unit (KaVo Elektrotechnisches Werk
for 60 specimens for each group (total 180 specimens). The GmbH, Leutkirch, Germany) and processed at 70°C for 90
World Health Organization (WHO) sample size calculator was minutes followed by 100°C for 30 minutes. For the autoclave
employed, based on the formula (Ritter M11 UltraClave; Midmark International, Spain) poly-
  2  merization, specimens were exposed to one of the following
n = 2σ 2 Z1−α/2 +Z1−β /(μ1 −μ2 )2 processing cycles: a short cycle (group II) at 60°C for 30 min-
utes followed by 130°C for 10 minutes, or a long cycle (group
The specimens were fabricated following the conventional III) at 60°C for 30 minutes followed by 130°C for 20 minutes.
method. Molds were waxed up (Set-up Wax; Cavex, Haarlem, After polymerization of all specimens, the flasks were brought

2 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Gad et al Properties of Autoclave Polymerized Acrylic Resin

down to room temperature. The excess resin of deflasked speci- After immersion, specimens were removed from the distilled
mens was removed with a tungsten carbide bur (HM251FX-040 water and placed horizontally on the device table under a 300
HP; Meisinger, Centennial, CO) and polished with an acrylic g load for 15 seconds, while the load was applied using a di-
polisher (HM251FX-060; Meisinger). The polished specimens amond tip, which was pressed down firmly and quickly on
were inspected to ensure they had a smooth surface without any the indenter. The maximum readings were recorded as the VH
voids or porosity; then they were kept in distilled water at 37°C measurements. The measurements taken with the device (in
for 72 hours. mm) were transferred to a microprocessor that calculated the
hardness values and displayed the results. A total of five inden-
Testing procedures tations were made at various exact points on each specimen,
and the means of the individual specimens were averaged.
Both flexural strength and the elastic modulus were evaluated
using a three-point bending test that was performed at room
temperature using a universal testing machine (Instron 8871; Statistical analysis
Instron Co., Norwood, MA). Specimens were soaked in a water The software package SPSS-20.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY) was
bath for 48 ± 2 hours at 37°C prior to testing. Each specimen used to perform statistical data analysis. The results of the flex-
was placed horizontally on a three-point flexure apparatus with ural strength, elastic modulus, surface roughness, and hardness
50 mm distance between two vertical supports. The vertical values were transformed into arithmetic mean and standard
load (a 50 kgf load cell) was applied midway between the deviation (SD). For intragroup comparison, in relation to the
supports with a 5 mm/min crosshead speed until the specimen control versus various stages of flexural strength, elastic mod-
fractured, and the fracture load was recorded. The following ulus, surface roughness, and hardness, a Kruskal-Wallis one-
formula was used to calculate the flexural strength values of way ANOVA was performed. For comparison between groups,
each specimen:16 a Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test was used. A p-value
FS = 3FL/2bh2 ࣘ 0.05 was considered a statistically significant result.

where the variables consist of the following:

(FS) flexural strength (MPa), Results
(F) fracture load (N), The mean value and SD of flexural strength values are pre-
(L) distance between the two supports, sented in Table 2 and Figure 2A. Autoclave polymerization
(b) specimen width, and significantly increased flexural strength of PMMA (df = 5,
(h) specimen thickness. f = 159.41, p < 0.05). Higher flexural strength was found
The results from the flexural strength test were used to cal- in both VI and MB materials subjected to long-cycle auto-
culate the elastic modulus using the formula16 clave polymerization compared to water bath polymerization;
E = FL3 /4bh3 d however, no significant differences were found between
the short- and long-cycle autoclave polymerized specimens.
where the variables consist of the following: Among autoclaved groups, the highest flexural strength (FS)
(E) elastic modulus (MPa), value was found in VI material that was autoclave polymerized
(F) load (N) at a convenient point (p) in the straight line of using a long cycle (88.20 MPa), while the lowest FS value was
the tension/deformation curve (elastic deformation), found with MB material that was autoclave polymerized using
(L) distance between the two supports, a short cycle (85.24 MPa).
(b) specimen width, The results of the elastic modulus for both VI and MB ma-
(h) specimen thickness, and terials are summarized in Table 2 and Figure 2B. A significant
(d) deflection in that point (p). effect of autoclave polymerization on the elastic modulus of MB
A noncontact optical interferometric profilometer (Contour (df = 5, f = 4.87, p < 0.05) was found. A substantial increase
Gt-K1 optical profiler; Bruker Nano, Inc., Tucson, AZ) was in the elastic modulus was found in MB material subjected
used to measure the surface roughness (Ra) of the acrylic spec- to autoclave polymerization in both long and short cycles as
imens at a 0.01 mm resolution. The machine was positioned on compared to VI polymerized using the water bath method. No
a vibration isolation table in a noiseless room. Each specimen significant differences were found between MB polymerized
was placed horizontally underneath a standard camera at 5× using the water bath method and VI subjected to either a short
magnification, and an area was scanned of approximately 1.3 × or a long autoclave polymerization cycle (p > 0.05). For auto-
1.0 μm2 . Each specimen’s surface was scanned at five sites ra- clave polymerization, VI significantly exhibited a lower mean
dially (across each specimen), and the average was calculated elastic modulus compared to MB, whether it was polymerized
per specimen. The acquired images (Fig 1) were then analyzed using either a short or a long cycle (p < 0.05).
using a software package (Vision64; Bruker) to determine pit The mean values and SDs of surface roughness and hardness
characteristics, and a final Ra value was calculated for each values are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 2C. Autoclave polymer-
specimen (representing the average roughness in μm).17 ization did not show a significant effect on the surface roughness
A VH test was performed using a hardness tester (Wil- of the VI material (df = 2, f = 2.55, p = 0.0965) or MB (df = 2,
son Hardness; ITW Test & Measurement, GmbH, Shanghai, f = 1.66, p = 0.208). Moreover, there was no statistically signif-
China). The testing device consists of an indenter with a icant difference between polymerizing acrylic resins in a water
0.8 mm blunt pointer, and it is connected to a digital scale. bath or an autoclave. The MB material recorded lower surface

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 3
Properties of Autoclave Polymerized Acrylic Resin Gad et al

Table 2 Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test for flexural strength and elastic modulus (MPa) of denture base resins

Flexural strength Elastic modulus

Group Mean ± SD SSD Mean ± SD SSD

WBV 83.16 ± 2.4 WBM, ASM, ASV, ALM, ALV 2367.04 ± 36.99 ASM, ALM
ASV 86.99 ± 1.4 WBM, WBV, ASM, ALV 2373.26 ± 14.34
ALV 88.20 ± 2.12 WBM, WBV, ASM, ASV 2373.98 ± 17.
WBM 81.27 ± 2.5 WBV, ASM, ASV, ALM, ALV 2370.24 ± 31.79
ASM 85.24 ± 1.7 WBM, WBV, ASV, ALM, ALV 2380.25 ± 13.61 WBV
ALM 87.72 ± 2.49 WBM, WBV, ASM 2380.28 ± 13.28 WBV

Multiple comparison tests for all pairwise differences between the means. SSD, Statically significant difference from group p ࣘ 0.05

Table 3 Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test for surface roughness (μm) and hardness (Kg/mm2 ) of denture base resins

Surface roughness Surface hardness

Group Mean ± SD SSD Mean ± SD SSD

WBV 0.10889 ± 0.01566 ASM, WBM, ALM 398.84 ± 13.7 ASM, ASV, ALM, ALV
ASV 0.11039 ± 0.00918 ASM, WBM, ALM 405.62 ± 9.4 WBM, WBV, ALV
ALV 0.1063 ± 0.0102 ASM, WBM 410.32 ± 5.4 WBM, WBV, ASM, ASV
WBM 0.10092 ± 0.01177 ALV, WBV, ASV 395.29 ± 12.5 ASM, ASV, ALM, ALV
ASM 0.09984 ± 0.0065 ALV, WBV, ASV 403.91 ± 7.7 WBM, WBV, ALV
ALM 0.10185 ± 0.00432 WBV, ASV 408.07 ± 7.7 WBM, WBV

Multiple comparison tests for all pairwise differences between the means. SSD, Statically significant difference from group p ࣘ 0.05

roughness values in comparison to VI with different polymer- ical service life affects the oral health of the tissues in contact
ization techniques (df = 5, f = 16.51, p < 0.05). Figure 1 shows with the denture and the ability to perform adequate mechanical
the average surface roughness values using parameters with two cleansing.18 In view of these requirements, this in vitro study
colors: red and blue. Red exhibits the peak’s height, while blue was performed to evaluate the FS, elastic modulus, surface
exhibits the valley’s depth, or deviation, from a mean line. roughness, and hardness properties of PMMA denture bases
The graduated colors between red and blue and readings for the polymerized by autoclave and compared to the water bath heat
top and bottom of this parameter represent the whole surface polymerization method. Based on the results of this study, the
roughness. hypothesis that autoclave polymerization improves the proper-
The results of the analysis of the VH data (Table 3) revealed ties of PMMA denture bases was accepted.
that autoclave polymerization resulted in a significant increase The FS test was particularly valuable in comparing denture
in hardness for both the VI and MB resins in comparison to base materials, during which a bending force was applied to
water bath polymerization (p < 0.05). The VI material resulted the denture during mastication. The FS is a mixture of com-
in significantly higher VH values (p < 0.05) compared with the pressive, tensile, and shear strengths, which directly reflect the
MB material. In addition, long-cycle polymerization resulted material’s rigidity and its fracture resistance.19 According to
in significantly higher VH values for both resins when com- this study’s FS test results, there was a significant difference
pared with the control group (p < 0.05) (Fig. 2D). For the two between the autoclaved materials’ group and the control group,
resin types, no significant differences were found among the VI wherein the autoclave polymerization of both tested denture
material polymerized using a short cycle or the MB material base materials significantly increased the materials’ FS. A non-
polymerized using either a short or a long cycle (p > 0.05). significant difference in FS between the short and long cycle
of autoclave polymerization was found. The increased pressure
and elevated boiling temperature within the autoclave speeded
up the initial polymerization reaction, increased the degree of
This research revealed that the polymerization technique can polymerization, and reduced residual monomer, which subse-
affect resins’ properties, and autoclave polymerization was sug- quently improved these polymers’ strength.20,21
gested as one polymerization technique that results in a com- Additionally, VI showed a slight increase in FS when cre-
plete denture with satisfactory strength and resistance to frac- ated using a long cycle over a short cycle. This could be at-
ture. The main advantages of the autoclave were the abilities tributed to the resin type, in which a rubber compound was
to heat water to a higher temperature above its boiling point added to an acrylic resin to produce a resin with high strength,
and to increase the pressure due to the constant volume of the which is called a high-impact acrylic resin.18 Moreover, this
container.9 Proper flexural and surface properties of denture type of resin is made with a high degree of homogeneity that
base materials are a necessity. A longer denture material’s clin- prevents changes within this material, as the bonds between

4 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Gad et al Properties of Autoclave Polymerized Acrylic Resin

Figure 1 Representative surface roughness images for (A), VI specimens polymerized by water bath method. (B), MB specimens polymerized
by water bath method. (C), VI specimens polymerized by short-cycle autoclave. (D), MB specimens polymerized by short-cycle autoclave. (E), VI
specimens polymerized by long-cycle autoclave. (F), MB specimens polymerized by long cycle autoclave.

the molecules are more stable under higher temperatures and found a nonsignificant difference in FS between autoclave and
pressures.22,23 Heat treating over a longer time and increased water-bath polymerization methods,6 these conflicting results
pressure also increases cross-linking. As a result of cross- may be due to differences in the autoclave polymerization cy-
linking, a 3D network formed an adequate number of bridges cles or materials.
between macromolecules that led to the increased strength and Denture base resins should withstand mastication-induced
rigidity of the resin.20 Similar to the results of the present study, stress without permanent deformation; therefore, a material
Durkan et al9 evaluated the effects of autoclave polymerization with high elastic modulus is required. Due to the flexing ac-
on the FS of high impact denture base resins and observed that tion of the maxillary dentures, midline fractures of the denture
autoclave polymerization significantly increased the FS when frequently occur. To resist fractures and permanent deforma-
compared to the water bath polymerization. While the results tion, the denture base should have satisfactory FS and elastic
of this study were in disagreement with a previous study that modulus properties. This study’s results revealed that autoclave

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 5
Properties of Autoclave Polymerized Acrylic Resin Gad et al

Surface Roughness(um)
A Flexural strength (MPa) C Vertex Implacryl Major base
vertex Implacryl Major base
88.2 0.11039
86.99 0.10889

85.24 0.1063


81.27 0.10092

Control Short cycle Long cycle Control Short cycle Long cycle

B Elastic modulus (MPa) D Hardness (Kg/mm2)

vertex Implacryl Major base vertex Implacryl Major base

2380.25 2380.28
2373.98 403.91

2370.24 398.4


Control Short cycle Long cycle Control Short cycle Long cycle

Figure 2 (A-D) Graphical depiction of mean values of denture base resins with different polymerization method. (A) mean values of flexural strength
test of studied group; (B) mean values of elastic modulus test of studied group; (C) mean values of surface roughness test of studied group; (D) mean
values of hardness test of studied group.

polymerization led to a statistically significant increase in elas- oration, and could also contribute to microbial colonization and
tic modulus of both VI and MB resins in comparison to the biofilm formation and consequently, denture stomatitis.12 The
water bath polymerization method; however, there were no sta- results of this study showed that the autoclave polymerization
tistically significant differences in the elastic modulus between of acrylic resin material revealed a statistically nonsignificant
the short and long autoclave polymerization cycles. The elas- difference in surface roughness in comparison to the control
tic modulus of the high-impact resin (VI) was significantly group. These results coincided with those of Nazhat et al,27
lower than that of the traditional resin (MB). Hence, the elas- who found that polymerization techniques did not affect the sur-
tic modulus reflected the stiffness of a material,24 where the face roughness of an acrylic resin denture base, in disagreement
high-impact resin exhibited less stiffness than the traditional with previous studies that found a statistically significant differ-
resin. Those findings agreed with the findings of this current ence in surface roughness of autoclave polymerization.28 These
study, in which VI exhibited less stiffness. Therefore, greater differing results may be due to using an alternative autoclave
deformation occurred in the VI material when compared with polymerization cycle (120°C for 45 minutes) or using another
the MB material.25 This finding is in agreement with a previous denture base material. Based on the results of this study, there
study, which reported that a high impact acrylic resin exhibited are no adverse effects on the surface roughness of the tested
a low elastic modulus when compared to a traditional resin.18 groups. In addition, the Ra values for all the tested groups were
In addition, O’Brien reported that the addition of rubber to a lower than the reported clinically acceptable value (0.2 μm).
high-impact resin improved the impact strength but reduced This value is significant because when increased above the ac-
the stiffness, which clarified the lower elastic modulus of the cepted value, plaque accumulation occurs in the prostheses.15,29
high-impact resin found in this study.26 Regardless of the polymerization technique employed, the Ra
The surface roughness of denture base materials should be value is probably interrelated with the air bubbles incorporated
evaluated before their use in the mouth. Materials with rough into the material during mixing, which clustered close to the
surfaces can cause patients discomfort, denture base discol- surface, increasing surface roughness.27

6 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–8 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Gad et al Properties of Autoclave Polymerized Acrylic Resin

Hardness may be broadly defined as the ability to resist into aging effects are completed, all of which contribute to the
permanent surface indentation or penetration under a specific durability of a denture base.12
load.30 Hardness is an important surface property, which can be Limitations of the present study included the fact that more
used to evaluate the rigidity of the polymer and the degree of relevant clinical investigations are required to verify this study’s
conversion of the acrylic resin during the polymerization reac- results. In addition, the laboratory circumstances of the present
tion through a micro-VH test.30 According to the results of the investigation did consider the inherent changes in the materi-
current study, there was a highly significant difference in surface als induced by long periods of use under oral fluid conditions.
hardness between the autoclave polymerization groups and the In addition, we tested two autoclave polymerization protocols
control group, where the higher VH values were reported with and heated the specimens within two different time periods;
autoclave polymerization (both short and long cycle), while however, the changes of resins’ properties after autoclave heat-
the lowest hardness values were found in the water-bath poly- ing for longer periods and with other protocols are unknown.
merization groups. The results of this study coincided with Further investigations should explore the effects of autoclave
the results obtained by Ali et al31 and Ayaz et al,32 who con- polymerization on the residual monomer content, the degree of
cluded that autoclave polymerization significantly increased conversion of different commercial brands of PMMA, and the
surface hardness. Considering that the hardness should estab- effects contributed by time and temperature.
lish an inversely proportional relationship with the amount of
residual monomer,33 it is possible that the increase in hardness
was related to further polymerization and decreased residual Conclusions
monomers, which probably overcame the plasticizing effect of Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions
water uptake.34 The plasticizing effect of residual monomers were drawn:
reduces the polymer interchange forces so that deformation
happens simply under load during a hardness test.35,36 1. Autoclave polymerization revealed higher flexural prop-
The increases in the surface hardness within autoclave poly- erties for PMMA denture base resins, as compared to the
merized materials’ mean values over those of water-bath poly- water bath polymerization method.
merization mean values occurred due to the pressure. For exam- 2. No significant effects of autoclave polymerization were
ple, one explanation for the reduction in the residual monomer detected on surface roughness, while a significant in-
content within the present study may be the diffusion of the crease in the hardness of the PMMA denture base resins
unreacted molecules out of the polymer matrix through the ac- occurred.
tion of the pressure that was applied during autoclave poly- 3. Long polymerization cycle times exhibited better values
merization. Thus, the pressure played an important role in in comparison to both short cycles and the water bath
speeding up the initial polymerization by raising the temper- method.
ature of the steam and elevating the boiling temperature of
the monomers, and therefore might suggest a reduction in the
residual monomer content, which is considered an advantage
of using pressure that could be obtained using the autoclave.21 The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Re-
In contrast, Ming et al37 studied the effects of a pressure cooker search, University of Dammam, for providing a research grant
with automatic controls on the hardness of denture base resins for this study (Grant No. 2015210). The authors would like to
and reported that pressure cooker polymerization at different deeply thank Mr. Hussien Almussalm and Mr. Abhish Vargh-
pressures and durations showed statically nonsignificant differ- ese for their assistance in specimen preparation and mechanical
ences in comparison to the water-bath polymerization method. testing; Dr. Lindsey Mateo for assistance in mechanical test-
The highest mean value of hardness was reported in the long ing; and Dr. Abdul Majeed and Mr. Intisar Siddiqui for their
polymerization over the short polymerization, and the low- assistance in the statistical analysis.
est values were found in the water-bath polymerization group.
That research completed polymerization over long polymer-
ization cycles; therefore, a reduction in the residual monomer References
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