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Person 1: Introduction

Person 2: Folic acid, folacin or pteroilmonoglutamic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-
soluble vitamin of the complex of vitamins B, necessary for the maturation of structural proteins
and hemoglobin. The body uses it to make new cells. Folic acid is the synthetic, meaning that it
doesn´t usually occur naturally, we can find folato in supplements and fortified foods, such as rice,
pasta, bread, and some cereal for breakfast.

Person 1: Do you know what the functions of folic acid are in the human body?

Person 3: Mainly this influences the growth of tissues and cell work, works with vitamin B12 and
vitamin C so that the body can break down, use and create new proteins, It helps the formation of
red blood cells and that’s the form that helps to prevent anemia, it also helps in the production of
DNA, a fundamental pillar for the human body, because it carries genetic information.

Person 4: Protects healthy cells, prevents a type of anemia, helps control hypertension, intervenes
in the formation of the nervous system, is beneficial for the treatment of symptoms associated
with menopause, reduces the chances of colon cancer, cervical cancer and, in some cases, breast

Person 2: What organs are involved in this process?

Person 3: Folic acid from food is absorbed in the small intestine and is distributed by the blood to
the tissues, we have deposits of folic acid in the liver and a small amount is produced by the
bacteria that make up the intestinal flora.

Person 4: What causes a lack of folic acid in the human body?

Person 1: produces diseases such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease, diarrhea, graying of the hair,
mouth ulcers, peptic ulcer, growth retardation and swelling of the tongue (glossitis). Also the
consumption of overcooked fruits and vegetables or excessive alcohol consumption can be a
factor that decreases the amount of this vitamin in the body

Person 2: Most people can get the amount of folic acid they need by eating a balanced diet.
Depending on age, the recommended daily amount varies; Babies need about 70 micrograms,
children 300 mcg, men and women 400mcg, but pregnant women need about 600 mcg.

Person 3: Do you know that folic acid, better known as vitamin B9, is essential for the pregnancy
process in women?
Person 4: Yes, because when a woman has enough folic acid in her body before pregnancy, the
vitamin helps prevent deformations in the placenta that could have serious consequences, such as
birth defects in the baby's brain and spine. In early development, folic acid helps form the neural

Person 2: Exist a possibility of generating an increase in folic acid in the body for people who lack

Person 1: yes, one of the best known sources that help generate folic acid in our body is the
consumption of fruits such as orange, kiwi, papaya, strawberry and raspberry.

The consumption of tablets that have this vitamin as a component can also help

Person 3: What knowledge do you have about folic acid in chemical terms?

Person 4: Its general formula is C19H19N7O6, and its chemical structure is made up of three parts.
A nitrogenous heterocyclic ring (pteridine) with two simple substituents oxo = O and amino -NH2,
at positions 4 and 2, respectively.

Person 1: What are the physical and chemical properties of folic acid?
Person 2: Among the physical Properties we can find that the appearance is Yellow-orange
crystalline powder, its Molar mass is 441.14 g/mol, its melting point is 523 K (250 ° C) and also is
important to know that is soluble in water

Person 3: Adding to that information, we can find in the Chemical Properties that folic acid It’s only
slightly soluble in water in its acid form, however its salts are. It oxidizes easily in solution, and is
sensitive to light and extreme changes in pH. It decomposes to form: pterin-6-aldehyde, H2 pterin,
pterin and xanthopterin.

The molecule easily breaks at the C9-N10 bond to form p-aminobenzoylglutamic acid (pABG). Light
instability is a constant feature of all forms of folic acid.

Person 4: Among other properties we have water-soluble vitamin, acidic solutions are sensitive to
heat, but as it approaches neutral pH, stability increases. U.V light inactivates vitamin in solution,
alkaline solutions are sensitive to oxidation.

Person 4: Can you tell us something about the acid folic rings?

Person 1: The heterocyclic ring exists in a keto-enol tautomerism, however, and as shown in the
figure, said tautomeric equilibrium is shifted towards the pterine form with the substituent at the
4-oxo position.

The IUPAC numbering of the pteridine ring is as follows:

Person 2: In addition, the structure of folic acid is composed of a central spacer (in position 6)
derived from p-aminobenzoic acid, and attached to the latter, a molecule of glutamic acid
(dicarboxylic acid). Also, it is called pteroglutamic acid.
Person 3: FUN FACT: The enzymatic activity of folic acid is tetrahydrofolic acid or THF
(tetrahydrofolate). CLOSING


1 Camila 3 3

2 Andrea 2 4

3 Eimy 3 3

4 Valentina 2 4

TOTAL 10 14

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