Commercial Dispatch Eedition 9-14-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

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Monday | September 14, 2020

Gulf Coast
‘In the cow business’ brace for Sally,
Starkville family follows father’s legacy to open meat wholesaler
possible new
he Sanders family has
always been “in the cow
business,” as Will Sanders
Meteorologist: For
puts it.
Will, along with his older broth-
only the second time
er Scott, his sister Leslie and his
mother Linda, wished to continue
in recorded history,
the legacy of his late father David,
who started working with cattle 40
there are five tropical
years ago. cyclones churning in
That’s why in February, the
Sanders family opened Welcome the Atlantic basin
Home Beef, a meat wholesaler, in
“We actually started selling in AND TAMARA LUSH
August before the store opened in The Associated Press
February,” Will said. “We just kind
of rolled it out to friends and let WAVELAND — Storm-weary
them try it, and the feedback was Gulf Coast residents prepared for
fantastic. That’s kind of how it was a new weather onslaught Monday
born.” as Tropical Storm Sally slowly
Partnered with local cattle farm- churned toward them, with fore-
ers in the South that spans across casters predicting landfall as a hur-
seven states and a family-owned ricane.
farm in Glenville, Nebraska, Wel- Jeffrey Gagnard of Chalmette,
come Home Beef sells a variety of Louisiana, was spending Sunday
meats at its location at 329 Univer- in Mississippi helping his parents
sity Drive. prepare their home for Sally — and
“My brother wanted to continue making sure they safely evacuated
the business and he knew the most ahead of the storm.
about the cattle,” said Will, who “I mean, after Katrina, anything
is a co-owner of the business and around here and anything on the
has lived in Starkville his entire water, you’re going to take serious,”
life. “He and my dad had always he said, as he loaded the back of his
talked about doing something like SUV with cases of bottled water in
this, they just never could put it all a grocery store parking lot in Wave-
together. He was out in Nebraska land, Mississippi. “You can’t take
and he had tasted some Mississip- anything lightly.”
pi-fed cattle. He found out the meat Gagnard said he planned to head
was really delicious. We always back across the state line to pre-
knew our stuff graded really well Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff pare his own home for winds and
as far as choice, prime, so we de- Will Sanders poses for a portrait alongside the food truck of Starkville meat rain Sally was expected to bring to
wholesaler Welcome Home Beef on Sept. 7 in Starkville. Sanders, along the New Orleans area.
cided to kill some of them and the with his siblings Scott and Leslie and their mother Linda, started the busi-
meat turned out delicious.” Forecasters from the National
ness in February, successfully selling beef and other meat products directly
Will and Leslie operate the to customers as well as to grocery stores. Hurricane Center in Miami said
sales portion of the business, while Sally is expected to become a hurri-
Scott handles the buying and sell- managing a lot of that right now, The truck offers burgers, cheese cane on Monday and reach shore by
ing of cattle. managing the wholesale accounts, steaks and street tacos for lunch early Tuesday, bringing dangerous
“My mom is the one who really and I’m right here managing the and dinner and ribeyes and New weather conditions, including risk
put the money behind it and really store.” York strips for dinner only. of flooding, to a region stretching
believed in her kids,” Will said. Welcome Home Beef also sells “Our pork comes from Missis- from the western Florida Panhan-
“She definitely supports us. My food from a food truck, which is sippi State, most of the meat in this dle to southeast Louisiana.
brother manages all the cattle and open Thursday through Saturday store is from our cattle and our “I know for a lot of people this
the supply chains. (Leslie and I) from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 6-9 p.m., seafood is bought from Horseshoe storm seemed to come out of no-
are more of the salespeople. We though Will said the days of sale Farms,” Will said. “We supplement where,” said Louisiana Gov. John
recently got into a grocery store could expand if more cooks can our ribeyes with 44 Farms. A lot of Bel Edwards. “We need everybody
in Collinsville, Mississippi. She’s be hired in the next few weeks. See SANDERS, 6A to pay attention to this storm. Let’s
take this one seriously.”
Edwards urged people to pre-


Analysis: Mississippi ballot

will have candidates and issues
Issues include medical marijuana, eliminating
an electoral college provision in governor
races and a proposal for a new state flag
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS Three issues are on the ballot.
The Associated Press One is the question of whether to
legalize medical marijuana. An-
JACKSON — Mississippi res- other is whether to eliminate an
idents will vote on people and electoral college provision in rac-
issues in the Nov. 3 general elec- es for governor and other state-
Courtesy Photo
tion. wide offices. The third is a yes- TENNESSEE WILLIAMS TRIBUTE: Laura Beth Berry, as Amanda Wingfield, and Laura
The ballot will list candidates or-no vote on a single proposal for Vernon, as Laura, act out a scene from Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie
for president, U.S. House and a new state flag. during the virtual Tennessee Williams Tribute in Columbus on Saturday. The annual
Senate and state Supreme Court. See ANALYSIS, 6A festival honoring Williams was held online this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


1 In what classic children’s book does Through Sept. 18 MEETINGS
the main character live on Asteroid Sept. 15: Lowndes
■ SAAC Fall Juried Exhibit:
B612? County Board of Su-
2 What type of cholesterol is known Starkville Area Arts Council presents
pervisors meeting, 9
as the “good” cholesterol? “The Light That Persists: Missis-
a.m., Lowndes County
3 What British actress and singer has sippi Artists in 2020,” MSU Visual
Courthouse, facebook.
a Hermès bag named after her? Arts Center, 808 University Drive,
4 What wrestling star known as the com/LowndesCounty-
William Shivers Starkville and virtually at starkvil-
Eighth Wonder of the World played Mississippi/
4th grade; Heritage Works are for sale.
Fezzik in “The Princess Bride”? Sept. 15: Lowndes

90 Low 72
5 What shopping area in London is County Fiscal Year
High Burberry’s most famous plaid pattern Thursday, Sept. 24 2020-21 budget
Humid, chance p.m. t-storm
named after? ■ Downtown Art Walk: Main public hearing, 9:30
Full forecast on Answers, 6B Street Columbus and the Columbus a.m., Lowndes County
page 3A. Arts Council present an art walk Courthouse, facebook.
downtown from 5:30-7:30 p.m. com/LowndesCounty-
Local artists in participating stores Mississippi/
and outdoors will show original Sept. 15: Columbus
INSIDE work. Masks are required, and don’t City Council, 5 p.m.,
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 4B forget to practice social distancing Municipal Complex,
Comics 4B Obituaries 5B as you shop for unique art. 662- Katie McDonald and her daughter
141st Year, No. 158 Crossword 3B Opinions 4A 328-6305, 662-328-2787. Karlie McDonald are from Caledonia. ColumbusMS/


2A MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Bernie Sanders: Biden win US election spotlight

in November is no ‘slam dunk’ mostly bypasses
‘... Joe has some pretty mainline Protestants
strong positions on the Bloomberg to spend at least $100M ‘Mainline Christians are often
economy, and I think we to help Biden in Florida quieter in their public rhetoric’
should be talking about BY JULIE PACE AND ALEX ANDRA JAFFE Florida-based Bishop Kenneth Carter
The Associated Press
that more than we have’ BY DAVID CRARY
AP National Writer
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders WASHINGTON — Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
is committing at least $100 million to help Joe Biden’s presidential cam- NEW YORK — The images were vivid: President
BY ALEXANDRA JAFFE paign in the crucial battleground state of Florida.
The Associated Press
Donald Trump brandishing a Bible outside an Epis-
Bloomberg’s late-stage infusion of cash reflects Democrats’ concerns
copal church in Washington that had been boarded
about the tight race in a state that is a priority for President Donald
WA S H I N G T O N up amid racial injustice protests. Episcopal leaders
Trump. A victory for Biden in Florida, the largest of the perennial battle-
— Bernie Sanders is reacted with outrage at what they deemed a cynical
ground states, would significantly complicate Trump’s path to reaching
warning that if one- photo-op.
the 270 Electoral College votes needed to secure a second term.
time rival Joe Biden “He didn’t say a prayer. … It was used as a matter
Republicans, however, feel confident in their chances in the state,
doesn’t do more to of partisan politics,” said Michael Curry, the denom-
pointing to GOP wins in 2018 and stronger-than-expected turnout in
promote his policies ination’s presiding bishop.
2016 as evidence the state is trending in their direction. They’ve invest-
and reach out to Lati- ed millions in Florida focused on Latino outreach and boosting their That flare-up was notable for another reason. It’s
no voters, the Dem- field operation, and the state’s size and diversity makes campaigns one of the few times that a mainline Protestant de-
ocratic presidential Sanders there expensive. nomination entered the national spotlight amid a vol-
nominee is at risk of atile election year abounding in political news about
falling short to Pres- evangelicals and Catholics.
ident Donald Trump In a Friday interview with PBS, Sanders said Biden’s policies are There’s been a steady stream of news about cer-
this November. Sanders was more blunt: “Am I here “a compromise” but that they were tain evangelical leaders — their close alliance with
Sanders, a self-de- to tell you absolutely, this is a slam “pretty strong, progressive policies.” Trump, their occasional defiance of coronavirus-re-
scribed democrat- dunk, no chance that he will lose? He also encouraged Biden to fo- lated restrictions on worship services. Meanwhile,
ic socialist who left That is not what I’m saying,” the Ver- cus more on Latino and young vot- Trump’s Democratic rival, Joe Biden, is being as-
the primary race in mont senator said. ers, groups that broadly supported sailed by some fellow Catholics, including bishops,
the spring and has Biden His comments follow a week Sanders during the primary. Biden for his support of abortion rights.
worked to shift Biden when Biden campaigned with union has struggled to build enthusiasm Rarely garnering national attention are the
to the left on key issues, has made workers in Michigan and released among young voters, and some mainline Protestant denominations that dominated
the warnings in public and private in a tax plan focused on boosting Democrats have expressed con- America’s political and civic leadership for much of
recent days. Most recently, he went U.S. manufacturing by punishing cerns about what they see as the its history, beginning in colonial times.
on MSNBC on Sunday to express businesses that take jobs overseas. These denominations, including the Episcopal,
campaign’s lack of outreach to Lati-
concerns that Biden wasn’t speak- Biden also emphasized his econom- United Methodist and Presbyterian (U.S.A.) church-
no voters, which Sanders echoed on
ing up enough about his economic ic agenda and attacked Trump for es, are now deeply engaged in campaigns against
his handling of the coronavirus pan- MSNBC.
proposals. racism and voter suppression. Yet they haven’t gen-
“I think Biden’s in an excellent demic while the former vice pres- “We got to reach out to the Latino
erated controversies this year as headline-grabbing
position to win this election, but I ident spent Labor Day with union community. You know, a lot of young
as those involving evangelicals and Catholics.
think we have got to do more as a workers in Pennsylvania. people, you’ve got a lot of Latinos,
“Mainline Christians are often quieter in their
campaign than just go after Trump,” Sanders used his MSNBC ap- African Americans who may not
public rhetoric,” said Florida-based Bishop Kenneth
he said. “We also have to give people pearance to urge Biden to speak vote. They’re not gonna for Donald Carter, former president of the United Methodists’
a reason to vote for Joe Biden. And more about some of his kitchen-table Trump, that’s for sure, but they may Council of Bishops.
Joe has some pretty strong posi- economic policies: raising the mini- not vote at all,” Sanders said. “How “But my experience has been, in every city I’ve
tions on the economy, and I think we mum wage to $15 an hour, lowering do we bring them into the political lived ... that many mainline Christians do the heavy
should be talking about that more prescription drug costs and expand- process? How do we get them to social lifting in their communities on issues such as
than we have.” ing health insurance coverage. vote?” homelessness and food insecurity.”
Carter noted that the United Methodists, the
largest mainline denomination with about 7 million
U.S. members, is politically diverse. Its members in-
clude Democrat Hillary Clinton, former presidential
candidate, senator and secretary of state, and con-
In defiance of Nevada governor, Trump holds indoor rally servative Republican Jeff Sessions, a former senator
and U.S. attorney general.
President: Nation is ‘making the last of COVID-19 weeks later,
though it was not clear if
ing reckless and selfish
actions that are putting
“In every mainline church, you’ll find members
who are Republican and Democrat,” said the Rev.
turn’ in defeating the coronavirus he contracted the virus in
countless lives in danger
here in Nevada.”
John Dorhauer, president and general minister of
the 800,000-member United Church of Christ.
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE Not since a rally in Recognizing that
AND KEN RIT TER Tulsa, Oklahoma, that many supporters were
The Associated Press was blamed for a surge uncomfortable to gather
of coronavirus infections in a large group indoors,
LAS VE- has he gathered support- where the virus spreads
GAS — In ers indoors. The pan- more easily, the Trump
open de- demic had killed nearly campaign shifted to hold-
fiance of 200,000 Americans and ing smaller, outdoor ral-
state regu- was still claiming 1,000 lies, usually at airplane
lations and lives a day. hangers. But those rallies
his own “We are not shutting have grown in size in re-
administra- the country again. A shut- cent weeks, with little
tion’s pan- down would destroy the social distancing and few
demic health guidelines, lives and dreams of mil- masks.
President Donald Trump lions Americans,” said And on Sunday, they
hosted his first indoor Trump, before using his returned indoors, in part
rally since June, telling a inflammatory moniker for as a nod to the Las Ve-
packed, nearly mask-less the coronavirus. “We will gas-area heat. Tempera-
Nevada crowd that the very easy defeat the Chi- ture checks were given to
nation was “making the na virus.” all upon entrance at the
last turn” in defeating the The rally in Tulsa, industrial site in Hender-
virus. which was his first in son and while masks were
Eager to project a three months after the encouraged, few wore
sense of normalcy in im- coronavirus reached them.
agery, Trump soaked up American shores, was a Nevada Gov. Steve
the raucous cheers in- disaster for the campaign, Sisolak, a Democrat, has
side a warehouse Sunday a debacle that featured limited in-person gather-
night. Relatively few in a sea of empty seats and ings indoors and outdoors
the crowd wore masks, a rise in COVID-19 cas- to 50 people since May, a
with a clear exception: es, including on his own recommendation based
Those in the stands di- staff. One prominent on White House reopen-
rectly behind Trump, Trump supporter at the ing guidelines. In a state-
whose images would end rally, businessman and ment released just before
up on TV, were mandated former presidential can- the rally began, Sisolak
to wear face coverings. didate Herman Cain, died said Trump was “tak-

Pence drops plan to go to fundraiser hosted by QAnon backers

BY MATTHEW BROWN QAnon accounts. tute for the fundraiser, the
The Associated Press The baseless conspira- Trump campaign said.
cy theory alleges Trump is Daines campaign
BILLINGS, Mont. — battling an entrenched bu- spokesperson Julia Doyle
Vice President Mike Pence reaucracy and sex traffick- said the first-term senator
has canceled plans to at- ing ring run by pedophiles. does not know the Bor-
tend a Trump campaign Three Republicans lands nor “does he know
fundraiser in Montana seeking election in Mon- what QAnon even is.”
following revelations that tana also had been sched- She referred questions
the event’s hosts had ex- uled to attend the fundrais- on whether the event
pressed support for the er: U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, would be rescheduled to
QAnon conspiracy theory. who faces a November the Trump campaign.
President Donald challenge from Demo- Gianforte, who faces
Trump’s reelection cam- cratic Gov. Steve Bullock; Democratic Gov. Lt. Gov.
paign told The Associated U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte, Mike Cooney in Novem-
Press on Saturday that a Republican running for ber, also does not know the
Pence’s schedule had been governor; and state auditor Borlands or what QAnon
changed, but the campaign Matt Rosendale, a candi- is, spokesman Travis Hall
did not provide a reason date for the U.S. House. said.
or say whether the fund- Pence, Daines and the A Rosendale spokes-
raiser might be held at a other Republican candi- man said he was unaware
later time. The change dates are still scheduled to of QAnon. Rosendale “isn’t
comes after the AP report- hold a campaign rally Mon- focused on false conspiracy
ed Wednesday that hosts day afternoon in Belgrade, theories and the attempts
Cayrn and Michael Bor- near Bozeman. Pence will of liberal extremists to
land in Bozeman, Montana, host a rally earlier in the smear the President,”
had shared QAnon memes day in Wisconsin, an event spokesman Andy Westber-
and retweeted posts from that was added as a substi- ry said in an email.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 3A

Alabama last in Census response as much of Deep South lags

The 2020 Census will be used to determine The 2020 Census will be
used to determine how federal
state could lose a congressional
seat. U.S. Sen. Doug Jones of
ing to take the civic responsibil-
ity to respond,” Ward said.
how federal dollars are distributed and how dollars are distributed and how
many congressional seats each
Alabama on Friday also urged
people to respond to the Census
Award-winning actor Mor-
gan Freeman, who lives in Mis-
many congressional seats each state will get state will get. State officials are if they haven’t already. sissippi, appeared in a public
making public pleas for people “We are dead last in the Cen- service announcement urging
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS households have been count- to complete the Census, using sus, and we stand a chance of people in the state to respond
ed as of Sept. 10, according to public service announcements losing a congressional seat. We to the Census. “Millions of dol-
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Al- numbers from the U.S. Census. with celebrities and even a con- stand a chance of losing a lot lars for Mississippi families,
abama ranks last in the country That compares to a national test to try to boost participation. of federal dollars,” Jones said children, schools, health care,
for the response to the 2020 percentage of 90.1
U.S. Census — with Louisiana, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey this during a campaign event. roads and bridges are at stake,”
Other Deep South states week told people that it was Giles Ward, a former state Freeman said.
Mississippi and Georgia also in
also had a low response rate. “now or never” to complete the senator in Mississippi, spent To boost participation, Ala-
the bottom five— as officials
warn a low response rate could Mississippi had a response rate Census a year as head of a committee bama started the Alabama Cen-
lead to the loss of federal funds of 82.3 percent. Georgia had a “I’ve said it since our March assigned to encourage people sus Bowl, in which low-respond-
and even a congressional seat. response rate of 82.1 percent. kick-off, and I will say it again: to respond to the Census. Ward ing counties have the chance to
Alabama so far has the low- Louisiana had a response rate Alabama stands to lose too said Friday that the state could win $65,000 for their schools
est percentage of households of 82.7 percent. Montana also much if we do not reach our receive about $5,000 per per- through Census participation.
responding — through self-re- ranked in the bottom five with goal of maximum participa- son, per year, from the federal People can fill out the Cen-
sponse or follow-up contact 82.3 percent. South Carolina tion,” Ivey said. government for various pro- sus online at my2020Census.
— of any state in the country. was in the bottom 10 with a rate Alabama officials have long grams. “We just have to hope gov, by phone at 1-844-330-2020
About 81.5 percent of Alabama of 83.2 percent. expressed concern that the and believe that people are go- or by traditional paper form.

The following arrests

Fifth indicted in a
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Joshua Akers, 34, scheme to rig state
education contracts
was charged with pos-
session of methamphet-
amine, no crash helmet,
no insurance, improper
equipment and suspended Akers Andrews Hardy Heinz Hendrix Holliman
Memphis lawyer charged with
drivers license.
n Benjamin Andrews, conspiracy, bribery, and interstate
47, manufacture of mari-
juana. transportation in aid of bribery
n Christopher Hark,
41, was charged with do- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
mestic violence-aggravat-
ed assault by strangula- JACKSON — A Memphis lawyer has been in-
tion. Hoskins Johnson King Merritt Norris Robinson Jr. dicted for conspiring with a former top official in
n Colby Heinz, 33, was the Mississippi Department of Education to rig
charged with possession contracts and steal public money, authorities said
of methamphetamine and Friday.
failure to obey a P.O. Errol Harmon, 47, is charged with conspiracy,
n William Hendrix, 48, bribery, and interstate transportation in aid of
was charged with photo- bribery, U.S. Attorney Mike Hurst said in a state-
graphing of filming anoth- ment. Harmon is the fourth person to be indicted
er without permission. in the scheme.
n Willard Holliman, Watkins T. Williams Cunningham Emerson Brown Spencer Former Department of Education employee
62,was charged with pos- Cerissa Renfroe Neal, 45, of Madison County, was
session of methamphet- charged in a federal indictment with conspiracy,
amine and possession of wire fraud, money laundering and bribery, Hurst
methamphetamine with announced Sept. 3. Three contractors from Ten-
intent to distribute. nessee face conspiracy and wire fraud charges:
n Krystal Hoskins, 36, David B. Hunt, 54, of Jackson; Joseph Kyles, 51, of
was charged with embez- Memphis: and Lambert Martin, 59, also of Mem-
zlement under contract. phis. Kyles is also charged with money launder-
n Terry Johnson, 56, Flowers Edwards Horton Childress J. Williams Gordon ing and bribery.
sex offender registration was charged with posses- fice: n Jacob Edwards, 23, Neal was executive director of the Office of
failure. sion, sale, transfer of a sto- n Jonathan Emerson, was charged with pos- Educator Quality in the Department of Education
n Calvin King, 55, bur- len firearm, possession of26, was charged with from 2013 from 2016. The government alleges
session of controlled sub-
glary-breaking and enter- Marijuana more than an robbery, MDOC HOLD, that Neal stole $42,000 from the state and grant-
ing a dwelling. ounce, careless driving, burglary of a vehicle, two ed contractors she conspired with more than
n Dennis Horton, 20, $650,000 in state contracts, including federal
n Tremae Merritt, 28, no drivers license and no counts attempt to commit
was charged with bur- was charged with hold for funds the U.S. Department of Education granted
insurance. a crime and possession of
glary. n Darious Cunning- marijuana more than 30 other agency. to Mississippi. Neal has pleaded not guilty.
n Deidra Norris, 27, ham, 34, was charged with grams. n Tonya Childress, 46, Neal manipulated the state contract bidding
was charged with four possession with intent to n Laci Brown, 24, was possession of schedule process to make a profit by splitting larger con-
counts food stamp fraud. distribute, trafficking ofcharged with a bench war- two drug. tract requests into multiple, smaller contracts
n Willie Robinson Jr., controlled rant.
substances, n Javaris Williams, 23, to avoid threshold amounts that would trigger a
47, was charged with ag- failure to appear, no driv- n James Spencer, 21, was charged with failure formal, competitive bidding process, authorities
gravated assault to mani- ers license, no insurance,was charged with six to stop when officer sig- allege. When she needed to obtain vendor quotes
fest extreme indifference no license tag, possessioncounts felony aggravated for comparison, Neal would obtain false and in-
nals, improper equipment,
to life. of marijuana in a vehicle assault. flated quotes to guarantee the award of the con-
n William Watkins, 49, contempt of court and no tract. Then she and her co-conspirators would
and careless driving. n James Flowers, 20,
was charged with posses- was charged with posses- insurance. split the profit, officials said.
sion of a controlled sub- The following arrests sion of schedule two drug n Shelly Gordon, 28, As alleged in the indictment, Harmon’s role in
stance. were made by the Oktib- and possession of para- was charged with a bench the scheme was to receive money from Kyles and
n Tevin Williams, 28, beha County Sheriff’s Of- phernalia. warrant. transfer it to Neal.


Mississippi city I had to sign a new civil to get tested for the virus
emergency order this and for antibodies and
restores juvenile morning that will put a was notified later Tues-
curfew after crime juvenile curfew back in day that he was positive
spike place for the city of Vicks-
burg,” Mayor George
for the virus, The Nat-
chez Democrat reported.
recent spike in juvenile Flaggs Jr. said Thursday. Gibson said he had not
crime has prompted a “We do see a temporary felt any of the symptoms
Mississippi city to rein- spike in juvenile crime. associated with the virus.
state a juvenile curfew We are seeing juveniles “It is the weirdest,
effective immediately. walking the streets at strangest virus,” Gibson
night. Because of that, it said. “At the very first
The City of Vicks-
is imperative we get on onset of the quarantine I
burg moved Thursday to
top of this, and get on top was tired, but I was also
re-emphasize the curfew
of it quick.” working 10 to 18 hours a
that has been in place as
Flaggs said he talked day.”
part of the city’s shelter-
with Vicksburg Warren Gibson said he
in-place COVID-19 civil
School District Super- thought the tiredness
emergency, which is set
intendent Chad Shealy came from how hard he
to expire Oct. 5. The lat- was working in the first
and Police Chief Milton
est order will run from days of his term as may-
Moore about the curfew,
7:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. or. Because he has tested
and both agreed there
daily and supersedes the positive, Gibson said he
was a need for it.
city’s ongoing juvenile would follow CDC guide-
curfew on school nights, SOLUNAR TABLE
Mississippi mayor lines and remain quaran- The solunar period indicates

which runs from 10 p.m.

peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
tined for another 10 days.
to 6 a.m., The Vicksburg tests positive for “I am a little tired of
Post reported. COVID-19 being under house ar-
Exceptions for youth NATCHEZ — The rest, but I feel blessed,”
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

17 and under include mayor of Mississippi’s Gibson said.

those youth accompanied
by an adult and those
youth participating in
oldest city remains under
quarantine after testing
positive for COVID-19.
Gibson said he tends
to look at the bright side
of situations. The current
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
high school activities or Natchez Mayor Dan quarantine, Gibson said, Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
organized youth sports. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Gibson was on a 14-day has allowed him to “get Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
The move comes just self-imposed quarantine in the weeds” on various POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
days after a number of after a person he had issues, such as the city The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703

juvenile-related crimes, lunch with tested positive budget and health care.
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
including one murder, for the coronavirus. The “We will make the
occurred within the city last day of that restric- best of these next 10 days
limits. tion was Tuesday. Gibson and get a lot more work If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
“It is unfortunate that said he waited until then done,” Gibson said.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Voice of the people
Accepting unity nominations I was even more horrified to learn that some appar- sue big chains like McDonald’s if they’ve been stiffed
During a time in our country when there is so ent BLM protesters took it upon themselves to show on the minimum wage or overtime pay. The rule was
much uncertainty and divisiveness, our Unity Park up outside the hospital where these two officers, one a knocked down in court, and the original suit was
Committee is pleased that so many people have found mother of a young child, the other, a 24-year-old male, brought by 18 Democratic Attorneys General.
a place where unity is celebrated. That is the Oktib- and potential future parent, are currently fighting They called the ruling a critical win for the many
beha County Unity Park. We were particularly happy for the lives, to jeer them — to shout such things as American workers who would have experienced wage
when we learned that the Mississippi State Football ‘Death to the police’ and worse. This is so sick, so theft or a decrease in income due to this reckless rule.
Team held a “Black Lives Matter” rally there. What a depraved, so beyond the pale, that I am shocked to It would have cost workers $1 billion in lost wag-
perfect place for such an event before the Unity Park my core. I find it nearly impossible to believe that es per year. All workers’ worst nightmare is to have
Wall of Honor where the pictures and names of people someone could reach that point, no matter what has Republicans in charge of the economy.
who spent their lives working for civil rights and happened to them during their lives. But there it is. It Trump has the option to appeal. You can stop that
unity are displayed. They should be an inspiration to has happened. at the polling booth in November.
everyone. It is a credit to the Oktibbeha County Board Let me be clear. I support the BLM movement as In response to Roger Wade having decided to with-
of Supervisors that they listened to the request to clearly worthy and a long time coming. And there is a draw from voicing his opinions via The Dispatch, he’s
honor those who fought for civil rights and unity, and part of me that wonders how the Black community in not the only one.
we are the beneficiaries of this very special place in general has remained as patient as they have, for so It appears to me these people listen to only conser-
downtown Starkville. long. But just as I will resist assaults on the rule of law vative news outlets (all others they claim are liars and
Each year at this time, up until November 1, the and our nation’s Constitution, I am compelled to point at the same time, they are defending a pathological
Unity Park Committee will be accepting nominations at this weekend’s events with equal horror. liar) who are 24/7 smearing the Democrats and news
of individuals who have worked to bring unity to our This behavior only takes us backward. It is wrong to make Trump look good.
community. Go to for the in so many ways. My heart is with these two officers When they write a letter, it’s about what they’ve
nominating form and for other information about the just as it is with the great majority of reasonable folks been hearing. And when they get responded to with
Unity Park. who protest as part of the BLM movement. a heavy dose of reality, they complain: I can’t take it
The Unity Park Committee I fervently hope we can continue to move onward anymore. I’ve had it. I quit!
Jeanne Marszalek, Chair towards a better society for all, free of such acts of vi- Wade states: It boggles my mind that people go
Robbie Coblentz olence, where people of all stripes can lead ever safer to church on Sunday, singing, shouting and praises
Charles Evans and healthier lives. We will all be better off from that Jesus, then go vote for the party that supports (the
Jay Hurdle effort. I remain committed to this goal — no matter Democratic platform) this non-sense.
Everlyn Johnson how hard or how long it takes to achieve. Mary Trump, Trump’s niece, said the exact same
Dylan Karges Paul Mack thing, that it boggles her mind that the evangelical
Billy Nicks Columbus Christians voted overwhelmingly for Trump, and he
Chris Taylor has no Christian principles.
Eva Mara White In response to Armstrong Williams and Roger Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney for
Wade’s last letter over 10 years, in his book coming out Tuesday, states
Condemns police shooting and jeering In a recent column, Armstrong Williams states the that Trump mocks Christians, calls them fools and
As a proud Democrat who knows right from wrong, Black workers would do better under Trump. schmucks.
I want to loudly condemn the shooting of two police- Trump effort to roll back worker protections knock Cohen says Trump labels Christianity bulls**t and
man in Compton, California, over the weekend. That it down in court. is consumed by a lust for wealth.
happened at all is unconscionable. That it seems clear- The joint employer rule (which has to do with the I know, Cohen lies, but not more than Trump.
ly to have been an ambush on top of that, it is beyond fast food industry) issued by Trump’s labor depart- James Hodges
my comprehension. ment this year, would make it harder for workers to Steens

Stop talking about doomsday
scenarios for election night
ll this agonizing over what may
happen if President Donald
Trump tries to steal the election
is highly annoying. It normalizes the
idea that pure aggression can so easily
steamroll the democratic process.
Here are healthier assumptions for
those who value a fair election:
If Trump loses, he leaves the White
House on Jan. 20, 2021. If, heaven for-
fend, he wins, then he stays.
If, by evening on Election Day, there
is no obvious winner — mail-in ballots Froma Harrop
still need to be counted — then we wait
until the mail ballots are counted. If, by bedtime in the Central
time zone, Trump leads in-person voting in key swing states and THE PRESIDENT
declares victory, then we still wait for the mail-in ballots to be
counted. And if that takes days or even weeks, then it takes days
or weeks.
It’s thus too bad that The Washington Post has nervously
Trump’s many lies no longer shock us
called this last outcome a possible “election-night disaster.” e weren’t even as he was telling the American people
Anti-Trump conservative David Brooks marched anxiety forward going to COVID-19 was no big deal and that its impact
by imagining a “nightmare scenario” whereby Trump supporters normalize would be minimal, he knew none of this was
prematurely hit the streets only to be met with angry Joe Biden this. true. He told Woodward in contemporaneous
voters, and mayhem ensues. Remember that? interviews that the virus was far more deadly
The problem with all this handwringing of what Trump may do Remember the way than he was letting on.
is that it helps set a stage for him to do it. And it could spur Biden many of us solemnly “I wanted to always play it down,” he said.
voters to participate in chaos when they should be keeping their vowed we would “I still like playing it down, because I don’t
cool. always maintain the want to create a panic.”
If Trump declares victory when victory is not yet his, then the ability to be out- One imagines the captain of the Titanic
proper response is to ignore him and calmly proceed with the raged, hold on to our sending worried passengers back to their
counting. The same brush-off would apply to Trump supporters capacity for shock? cabins. “Just a little bump. Nothing to worry
who erupt into a premature happy dance. Paying them no mind Well, after almost Leonard Pitts about.”
would take the joy out of such provocations. four years that have Democratic presidential nominee Joe
Chastised for their faulty projections in the 2000 cliffhanger passed like geologic time, that declaration Biden has seized on this revelation, calling
between George W. Bush and Al Gore, responsible national media feels like an artifact from another era, a it “a life-and-death betrayal of the American
say they will be far more careful this time. And they’re the sourc- Polaroid from back when the kids were little people.” Which it is. Yet one wonders if —
es we take seriously. and you still had all your hair. It feels like honestly, one doubts if — the revelation will
Sure, Trump did say that “the only way we’re going to lose this something you said when you were too young move the needle. The people who consider
election is if this election is rigged.” Jeff Flake, a former Repub- to know any better. Trump “the chosen one” will not change
lican senator from Arizona and Trump critic, responded: “What The truth of Donald Trump’s untruths is their minds. Meanwhile, those of us who see
kind of president talks like that? What kind of American leader that they have become not simply normal, but him for the shambolic catastrophe he is will
undermines confidence in the elections in his own country?” One taken for granted. Saying that Trump lied is regard it as superfluous confirmation.
imagines that even many who plan to vote for Trump would agree. like saying the tide came in or the Browns But one doubts any of us will be surprised,
Biden said in June that if Trump loses and refuses to leave, the lost. Because, of course. That’s what they or even truly outraged. We have lost some-
military will escort him out of the Oval Office. It seems unlikely do.The paradox is that the sheer volume of thing — the ability to expect recognizably
that the armed forces would rush in to keep Trump illegally in his lies seems to keep any one of them from adult, human behavior in our leader. Worse,
office — even if he hadn’t called them “suckers” and “losers” for mattering all that much. we’ve also lost what we said we wouldn’t: the
serving their country. A normal presidency in normal times ability to feel disappointed and indignant
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley says that any would have been indelibly marked by any when it does not come. There is an element of
dispute over election results would be resolved by law, the courts one of the thousands of whoppers Trump has exhaustion here. Fury feels rote, less a feeling
and Congress, not the armed forces. To which he added, “We will excreted. Ask Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon than the memory of one.
not turn our backs on the Constitution of the United States.” about that. Even if Trump is defeated in November, it’s
Extortion and threats of violence are things we have gotten But Trump’s mendacities — more numer- an open question whether we’ll get that ability
used to. That doesn’t mean we have to heed them. So let’s drop ous and more brazen than those of any presi- back — and what kind of people we will be if
this talk of “nightmare scenarios.” If Trump doesn’t win more dent before him — are different. Forget dom- we don’t.
Electoral College votes than Biden, then the only thing that is inating history, they often fall short of even After all, Trump’s “strategy” — assuming
doomed is his administration. dominating a news cycle. Again: There is so one wants to dignify it with that word — has
Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen has predicted that much. One’s ability to be indignant — or even left dead 190,000 Americans, and count-
there “will never be a peaceful transition of power” if Trump to pay attention — is simply overwhelmed. ing. He is guilty of lethal incompetence, of
loses. Peaceful or not, there will be a transition. And the best way He lies about voting by mail, about laws failing his sacred obligation to safeguard the
to keep it peaceful is for the Biden camp to not reward Trump’s he passed, about jobs he created, about his country. Yet saying this does not suck all the
efforts to intimidate by showing fear. border wall, about defunding the police, about air out of the room as it should. We said we
The 2018 midterms showed that power — in this case, control the weather. It becomes a challenge to even weren’t going to normalize this.
of the House — could be smoothly passed on to another party. keep track. All lies matter, so no lies matter. Turns out we had no say in the matter.
Be prepared for more stress this time, but don’t assume that the Which brings us to “Rage,” the new book Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulit-
democracy can’t withstand it. by Bob Woodward — and its headline take- zer Prize for commentary, is a columnist for the
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the Providence away. It seems Trump admitted to Woodward Miami Herald. Email him at lpitts@miamiher-
(Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is that, back in the first months of this year,
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 5A

Teacher departures leave schools

scrambling for substitutes
Teachers in at least three states have died after most of its teacher retirements
during the summer, surveys sug-
bouts with virus since start of the new school year gest more retirements than usual
could happen as the calendar year
BY CASEY SMITH classes on video, and Orzechowicz progresses, said Trish Whitcomb,
The Associated Press/Report for America said it “just wasn’t what I signed up executive director of the Indiana
for when I became a teacher.” Retired Teachers Association.
INDIANAPOLIS — With many “Overall, there was just this ut- “I’ve gotten more (teachers) call-
teachers opting out of returning ter disrespect for teachers and their ing me back saying, ‘Well, I’m going
to the classroom because of the lives,” she said. “We’re expected to to go ahead and retire,’” Whitcomb
coronavirus, schools around the be going back with so little.” When said. “Some still wanted to go back
U.S. are scrambling to find replace- school leaders said teachers would in the classroom, but they didn’t
ments and in some places lowering be “going back in-person, full throt- think the risk was worth it. They
certification requirements to help tle, that’s when I said, ‘I’m not doing looked at their grandkids and the
get substitutes in the door. it. No.’” life they have, and I think they’re
Several states have seen surges Teachers in at least three states saying, ‘I’m just not going to do it.’”
in educators filing for retirement or have died after bouts with the coro- In Salt Lake County, Utah, the
taking leaves of absence. The de- navirus since the start of the new state’s most populated metropolitan
partures are straining staff in plac- school year. It’s unclear how many area, more than 80 teachers have
es that were dealing with shortages teachers in the U.S. have become either resigned or retired early be-
of teachers and substitutes even ill with COVID-19, but Mississippi cause of concerns about COVID-19
before the pandemic created an ed- alone reported 604 cases among in schools. More than half of those
ucation crisis. teachers and staff. happened in one of the county’s five
Among those leaving is Kay In cases where teachers are ex- school districts, Granite School
Orzechowicz, an English teacher at posed to the virus, they could face District. All of the district’s teach-
northwest Indiana’s Griffith High pressure to return to the class- ers who left were fined $1,000 for
School, who at 57 had hoped to room. The Trump administration failing to give 30 days’ notice.
teach for a few more years. But she has declared teachers to be “critical Mike McDonough, president of
felt her school’s leadership was not infrastructure workers” in guid- the Granite Education Association
fully committed to ensuring proper ance that could give the green light teachers union, said the departures
social distancing and worried that to exempting them from quarantine stem from frustration over how the
not enough safety equipment would requirements. schools have reopened. In Granite,
be provided for students and teach- Throughout Indiana, more than most students will return to in-per-
ers. 600 teacher retirements have been son instruction for four days a week,
Add the technology require- submitted since July, according to and there are few opportunities for
ments and the pressure to record state data. Although the state gets teachers to instruct solely online.

Study: Kids infected at day care spread virus at home

CDC report also showed that dren are less likely than
adults to be infected by
The study concluded
12 children caught the
children with no symptoms, or very the virus and are less
likely to become serious-
coronavirus at the fa-
cilities, and spread it to
mild symptoms, can spread the ly ill when they do get
at least 12 of the 46 par-
ents or siblings that they
infection, just like adults can There also was data came in contact at home.
suggesting that young Three of the infected
BY MIKE STOBBE members,” said William children don’t spread the children had no symp-
AP Medical Writer Hanage, a Harvard Uni- virus very often, though toms, and one of them
versity infectious diseas- older kids are believed spread it to a parent who
NEW YORK — Chil- es researcher. to spread it as easily as was later hospitalized be-
dren who caught the The findings don’t adults. cause of COVID-19, the
coronavirus at day cares mean that schools and In the new study, re- researchers said.
and a day camp spread it child-care programs searchers from Utah That kind of rate of
to their relatives, accord- need to close, but it and the CDC focused on spread — about 25 per-
ing to a new report that does confirm that the three outbreaks in Salt cent — is on par with
underscores that kids virus can spread within Lake City child care fa- studies of spread in
can bring the germ home those places and then be cilities between April households that have in-
and infect others. brought home by kids. and July. Two were child- cluded both children and
Scientists already So, masks, disinfection care programs for tod- adults. It also shows that
know children can spread and social distancing are dlers, and the other was children with no symp-
the virus. But the study needed. And people who a camp for older kids. toms, or very mild symp-
published Friday by work in such facilities The average age of kids toms, can spread the in-
the Centers for Disease have to be careful and get at all three programs was fection, just like adults
Control and Prevention tested if they think they about 7. can.
“definitively indicates — may be infected, experts At two of the facilities, Hanage cautioned that
in a way that previous said. investigators were able to it’s not clear whether the
studies have struggled Earlier research from establish that an infected findings at the three pro-
to do — the potential for the U.S., China and Eu- adult worker unknowing- grams are broadly appli-
transmission to family rope has found that chil- ly introduced the virus. cable.

Harshmallow: Virus prompts pause for Peeps holiday treats

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as the Bethlehem, Penn- “This situation result- Easter is one of their big-
sylvania-based company ed in us having to make gest and busiest times
BETHLEHEM, Pa. — prepares for next Easter, the difficult decision to of the year as children
Peeps treats are going on reports. forego production of our — and adults — use the
hiatus for several months Production of the seasonal candies for Hal- holiday as an excuse to
— another consequence holiday-shaped candies loween, Christmas and indulge in candy eggs
of the coronavirus pan- was suspended in the Valentine’s Day in order and chocolate bunnies.
demic. spring as the coronavi- to focus on meeting the Just Born, which has
Just Born Quality rus spread across the expected overwhelming been in business since
Confections said it won’t state. Limited produc- demand for Peeps for 1923, said its other sea-
be producing the popu- tion resumed in mid-May next Easter season, as sonal confections are ex-
lar marshmallow sweets with protocols in place to well as our everyday can- pected to return to store
for Halloween, Christ- protect employees, Just dies,” the company said. shelves by Halloween
mas or Valentine’s Day Born said. For confectioners, 2021.
6A MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Dakotas lead US in virus growth

as both reject mask rules
Infections have been spurred by schools reopening, across the country.
“It is not a surprise that South
mass gatherings like the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Dakota has one of the highest
(COVID-19) reproduction rates in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS demic, health experts warn that the the country,” Brookings City Coun-
infections must be contained before cil member Nick Wendell said as he
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Corona- care systems are overwhelmed. commented on the many people who
virus infections in the Dakotas are North Dakota and South Dakota forgo masks in public.
growing faster than anywhere else lead the country in new cases per The Republican governors of
in the nation, fueling impassioned capita over the last two weeks, rank- both states have eschewed mask re-
debates over masks and personal ing first and second respectively, ac- quirements, tapping into a spirit of
freedom after months in which the cording to Johns Hopkins University independence hewn from enduring
two states avoided the worst of the researchers. the winters and storms of the Great
pandemic. South Dakota has also posted Plains.
The argument over masks raged some of the country’s highest posi- The Dakotas were not always a
this week in Brookings, South Dako- tivity rates for COVID-19 tests in the hot spot. For months, the states ap-
ta, as the city council considered re- last week — over 17 percent — an peared to avoid the worst of the pan-
quiring face coverings in businesses. indication that there are more infec- demic, watching from afar as it raged
The city was forced to move its meet- tions than tests are catching. through large cities. But spiking in-
ing to a local arena to accommodate Infections have been spurred by fection rates have fanned out across
intense interest, with many citizens schools and universities reopening the nation, from the East Coast to the
speaking against it, before the mask and mass gatherings like the Sturgis Sun Belt and now into the Midwest,
requirement ultimately passed. Motorcycle Rally, which drew hun- where states like Iowa and Kansas
Amid the brute force of the pan- dreds of thousands of people from are also dealing with surges.

Continued from Page 1A
pare for the storm im- if you live in low-lying ar- Coast was battered with a tropical storm Monday
mediately. He also said eas, the time to get out is windy, wet weather. morning, and was expect-
there are still many from early tomorrow morning,” Pensacola, on Florida’s ed to become a hurricane
southwestern Louisiana Gov. Tate Reeves said late Panhandle, was bracing later in the week, forecast-
who evacuated from Hur- Sunday. for 10 to 15 inches of rain. ers said. And, Tropical
ricane Laura into New Or- In Waveland, Missis- Sally could produce Depression Twenty-One
leans — exactly the area sippi, Joey Chauvin used rain totals up to 24 inches formed Monday east of
that could be hit by Sally, rope to tie down a tall by the middle of the week, the Cape Verde islands,
which is a slow-moving wooden post topped with forecasters said. Its max- with the potential to be-
storm. a statue of a pelican serv- imum sustained winds come a tropical storm.
In Mandeville, a city ing as a marker at the Monday morning were 60 A mandatory evacu-
about 35 miles north of driveway leading to his mph. ation has already been
New Orleans, resident weekend camp. He said “That system is fore- issued in Grand Isle, Lou-
Chris Yandle has pur- a matching pelican mark- cast to bring not only isiana, ahead of Sally. On
chased a week’s worth of er on the opposite side of damaging winds but a Saturday, New Orleans
groceries and moved all the driveway was washed dangerous storm surge,” Mayor LaToya Cantrell
his patio furniture into his away in Tropical Storm said Daniel Brown of the issued a mandatory evac-
family’s house and shed in Cristobal earlier this sum- Hurricane Center. “Be- uation order for Orleans
preparation for the storm. mer. That storm pushed cause it’s slowing down it Parish residents living
“I’m mostly trying to more than 3 feet of water could produce a tremen- outside of the parish’s le-
stay calm — especially into the area. dous amount of rainfall vee protection system.
with a family of four and “If this one hits the over the coming days.” All northern Gulf
a dog to worry about,” coast as a Cat 2, I’m think- For only the second Coast states are urging
Yandle said. “I’ve lived ing we’re gonna have at time in recorded histo- residents to prepare.
through many hurricanes least six to seven feet of ry, there are five tropical “It is likely that this
growing up in Louisiana, water where we’re stand- cyclones churning in the storm system will be im-
but I haven’t felt this anx- ing at,” Chauvin said. “So, Atlantic basin, meteorolo- pacting Alabama’s Gulf
ious about a hurricane in yeah, we’re definitely not gist Philip Klotzbach said. Coast. While it is current-
my life.” going to stay.” The entire island of ly not being predicted as
Mississippi officials The system was mov- Bermuda, where homes a direct hit to our coastal
warned that the storm ing west-northwest at 9 are built to withstand areas, we know well that
was expected to coincide mph Monday morning. It major hurricanes, was we should not take the
with high tide, leading to was centered 120 miles inside the eye of Hurri- threat lightly,” said Ala-
significant storm surge. east-southeast of the cane Paulette on Monday bama Gov. Kay Ivey. She
“It needs to be under- mouth of the Mississippi morning. Once a tropical urged residents to pre-
stood by all of our friends River, and 175 miles south- storm, Rene was forecast pare and stay informed
in the coastal region and east of Biloxi, Mississippi. to become a remnant low of the storm’s path in the
in south Mississippi that On Sunday, Florida’s Gulf Monday. Teddy became coming days.

Continued from Page 1A
Because of the ballot 100,000 registered voters didate to win a majority al vote provision. Jordan
structure, there’s poten- petitioned to put it there. of the popular vote and a wrote that the plaintiffs’
tial for confusion on the The alternative got on the majority of the electoral argument about violation
medical marijuana ques- ballot because legislators vote. One electoral vote of one person, one vote is
tion. put it there, as state law goes to the candidate re- “arguably ... their stron-
Initiative 65 would le- allows. ceiving the most support gest claim.”
galize medical marijuana. Putting an alternative in each of the 122 state The flag issue is on the
It is paired on the ballot on the same ballot is gen- House districts. If nobody ballot because Mississip-
with Alternative Measure erally seen as a way for wins both the popular
pi legislators voted in late
65A, which would legalize legislators to kill the orig- vote and the electoral
June to retire the last state
medical marijuana only inal proposal. That hap- vote, the race is decided
for people with debilitat- pened in 2015, when leg- by the state House. But flag with the Confeder-
ing conditions. islators put an alternative representatives are not ate battle emblem. They
There’s a two-step on the ballot along with a obligated to vote as their made the change under
process for voting on 65 school-funding proposal districts did. pressure from business,
and 65A. The ballot first that got there through the Mississippi is the only religious, education and
instructs people to “Vote petition process. Both the state with the multistep sports groups as wide-
for approval of either, initiative and the alterna- process for electing a gov- spread protests against
or against both.” It then tive failed. ernor. The process was racial injustice in the U.S.
says, “And for vote for The second measure written when white poli- focused attention on the
one” — either 65 or 65A. on this year’s Mississip- ticians across the South public display of Confed-
“Even if you vote pi ballot deals with the were enacting laws to erate symbols.
against both, you can election process, and it erase Black political pow- A commission spent
still vote for 65 or 65A got there because leg- er gained during Recon- weeks soliciting and re-
just in case this was to islators adopted House struction. The separate vising designs before
pass,” Secretary of State Concurrent Resolution 47. House vote was promot- recommending a new
Michael Watson said in a The proposed state con- ed as a way for the white state flag with a magno-
Facebook video. stitutional amendment ruling class have the final
lia. As required by law, it
Responding to ques- says that winning a race say in who holds office.
includes the phrase, “In
tions from The Associat- for governor or any oth- Black plaintiffs sued
ed Press, Watson said Fri- er statewide office would the state over its elector- God We Trust.” If a ma-
day that it’s OK for people require a simple majority; al process last year. Days jority of voters accept the
who vote against both 65 if no candidate receives before the 2019 gover- magnolia design, it will
and 65A to skip the sec- that, the race would be nor’s race, U.S. District become the new flag. If
ond part. Their “no” vote decided by a runoff. Judge Daniel P. Jordan III they reject it, the design
will still count. The Mississippi Con- wrote that he has “grave process starts again, still
Initiative 65 got on the stitution currently re- concern” about the consti- with a prohibition on the
ballot because more than quires a statewide can- tutionality of the elector- Confederate symbol.

Continued from Page 1A
people don’t know this truck sooner, but the “Honestly it benefited The Sanders family
about cattle, but when pandemic made that us with the meat short- is also thinking about
you kill an animal, you difficult. Surprisingly, he age and people cooking growing its business.
only get 20 ribeyes and said, that’s about the only more at home,” Will said. “I think the pandem-
70 filets off of that heifer. difficulty the business “We managed it well. We ic has changed a lot of
You can imagine ribeyes has had despite opening did everything we could things. We’re definitely
are the most popular a month before most to take precautions. For going to get on Door-
item, so we supplement businesses were ordered the most part, we were Dash and promote deliv-
our ribeyes with (meat to cease operations. able to stay open. God ery,” Will said. “I think
from Texas-based beef Meat sales went up after kind of blessed us in that that’s going to be here
producer) 44 Farms” Welcome Home Beef way. I think it probably to stay. We’re definitely
Will said the family offered curbside pickup helped business a little going to try and get into
hoped to open the food and made deliveries. bit.” more grocery stores.”


BY THEO DEROSA him to concentrate on sports because of his life
outside of them. He hung
MACON — Speed is around with his cousins
Antonio “AJ” Fowler’s big- and friends he’d had since
gest asset on the football he was small, and that led
field, the quality that al- to bad decisions.
lows the Noxubee County Late at night, with
sophomore wide receiver nothing else to do, they’d
to make the game-break- decide to do what Fowl-
ing plays he routinely de- er called “dumb stuff”
livers. in the streets of Macon.
It’s also what could They’d run from police,
have gotten Fowler killed sometimes nearly getting
someday. caught.
Disillusioned with foot- As time went on, Fowl-
ball, he walked away from er’s attitude went south.
the sport last fall, already His love for football di-
rocketing down a path minished.
that all too often leads to “I had my mind set that
jail or prison or death. I didn’t want to play any-
Thankfully, he nev- more,” he said.
er got that far. Parents, When the junior varsi-
coaches and teammates ty season ended, Fowler
intervened, telling Fowl- decided he was done with
er to slow down before the sport. He didn’t even
he met those unpleasant tell Young.
consequences — and not But an eventual return
to give up on the sport he to football was never gone
loved. from his mind.
“Don’t do it,” they “Sometimes, late at
warned him. “Don’t quit. night, I’d be crying just
Keep on pushing.” thinking about how good
Fowler listened. He I could be if I could get out
showed up to the football of the streets,” he said.
team’s summer workouts
in June with a whole new
attitude, devoting himself Back in the game
to the sport instead of the At one low point, Fowl-
streets. er’s mother, Joann Harris,
And less than a month sat her son down for a
into the Tigers’ season, cautionary tale: her broth- Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
he’s made a measurable er’s.
Disillusioned with football, Noxubee County sophomore wide receiver AJ Fowler walked away from football at
impact on the field and an the end of last year’s junior varsity season. But Fowler came back to the Tigers this year and plays a big role at
Fowler’s uncle has
invaluable improvement wideout.
been in prison since he
within himself. himself was a kid, and “They told me that the Fowler made it to every someday. with an 80-yard kickoff
“I’ve cried plenty his existence feels almost way I’m living, I need to day of summer work- “I can tell that he’s return touchdown. On
of nights happy that I foreign: Fowler has never slow down because I’m outs. He was nervous at dedicated himself to be- Friday at Philadelphia,
changed my life,” Fowler met him and doesn’t know not going to be able to first after his time away. ing a football player and he hauled in a pass from
said. his name. make it,” Fowler said. That quickly wore off. being a student-athlete,” Rupert and went down the
Harris warned her son The words hit home “The more he came, Young said. right sideline for a score.
Walking away that if he kept making the for Fowler, who was well the more he liked it,” Young said he’s not “Ever since the season
Last season, Fowler same bad decisions, he aware of the talent he pos- Johnson said. surprised Fowler came started, he’s been locked
was the No. 1 receiver on could be headed for a sim- sessed. He knew it was back: He knew the wide- in,” Johnson said.
the Tigers’ junior varsity ilar fate. time for a change. out loved football: Fowler And the people for
team. “She told me if I don’t So he made one.
Locked in texted Young about it all whom it matters are tak-
He was talented. Un- Now, Fowler runs
change my life, I’d be on He told his old friends the time. It was a matter ing notice, Fowler said. A
doubtedly so. But he he was changing his hard and gets in extra of everything else, and couple of his friends who
the same road as him,”
wasn’t the player Noxu- Fowler recalled. ways. They understood; work with Rupert, the Fowler came through. quit the football team in
bee County coach Teddy The conversation that made it easier. team’s starting quar- “He had to make up the past have thought
Young knew he could be. helped wake him up to “They’re with me no terback, after practice. his mind that he want- about following in Fowl-
Fowler typically what he was facing. So did matter if I’m in the streets He watches film and ed to get away from the er’s footsteps.
missed practice, only his teammates. or playing sports,” Fowler texts Johnson about it crowd he was hanging “They saw I can do it,
showing up for games. Before football season said. often. He works hard in with and just make it bet- so they can do it,” Fowler
During those contests, this year, a group of Ti- He texted Young rou- the weight room and re- ter for himself,” Young said.
he didn’t respond well to gers — Travorus Hatcher, tinely, saying he was sponds more readily to said. Fowler said he’s proud
coaching. He talked back. Macardi Johnson, An- ready to be part of the coaches’ comments. He So far, that decision is of what he did, and see-
He was disrespectful. thony Little, Shunterri- team. The coach told watches his favorite NFL paying off for Fowler and ing what he’s inspired just
“Last year, I didn’t on Sherrod, Dequadrion him to prove it. Again, receivers — Tyreek Hill, Noxubee County. motivates him even more
care,” Fowler said. “I felt Welch, Chrishaad Rupert he did. DeAndre Hopkins and In the Tigers’ Aug. 28 to keep it going.
like I could do it.” and Trillo Brown — took With the help of John- Julio Jones — in hopes scrimmage at Louisville, “It makes me go hard
He said it was hard for Fowler aside. son, a senior receiver, of reaching their level Fowler opened things every day,” he said.


MSU QB Garrett Shrader working at receiver Brady twice in 34-
a dual-threat in former
coach Joe Moorhead’s
bring down.”
For Rogers, he’s
backs, they don’t have
some of the gifts that
23 win over Bucs
RPO-based offense. Now earned wide acclaim Garrett does and so the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NFL game featuring two
STARKVILLE — Gar- under the guidance of throughout the fall for idea of moving them to
rett Shrader’s time under quarterbacks in their
Leach and his air raid of- his ability to step in and another position, I mean NEW ORLEANS —
center has seemingly 40s.
fense, Shrader’s passing compete immediately. that’s not really very do- Tom Brady was intercept-
reached an end. The 41-year-old Drew
l i m it at ions Having been recruited able. Their next position, ed twice in his Tampa
After starting four Brees passed for 160
were mag- by Leach’s staff at Wash- some of them, is probably Bay debut, Alvin Kamara
games in 10 appearances yards and two TDs, but
nified in ington State and coming coach.” scored touchdowns run-
a season ago while throw- he also avoided critical
camp after from the same Brandon ning and receiving, and
ing for 14 touchdowns, mistakes. He did not turn
Shrader is now working he complet- High School program Mississippi State the New Orleans Saints the ball over and took
as a slot receiver, accord- ed just 57.5 that bred Cougar great cornerback Javorrius beat the Buccaneers 34- only one sack. His first
percent of Gardner Minshew, there 23 on Sunday.
ing to head coach Mike
Leach, after being sup- his 153 pass was already a familiarity Selmon opts out of The first of Brady’s
TD pass was a dump-off
2020 season to Kamara from 12 yards
planted as the No. 2 quar- attempts between Rogers and the interceptions led to Ka-
Shrader A third Mississippi out. In the fourth quarter
terback by freshman Will last year. new staff. mara’s 6-yard touch-
“The big- Now two weeks shy State football player has he hit free-agent signing
Rogers. down run. The second
gest thing is just getting of MSU’s season opener opted out of the 2020 sea- Emmanuel Sanders for a
Shrader, who came to pick thrown by the new,
him tuned in,” Leach said against LSU, Leach said son over COVID-19 con- 5-yard score.
MSU rated the No. 7 du- 43-year-old Bucs QB
of Shrader’s flip to receiv- Saturday if the game cerns. Few witnessed this
al-threat quarterback in — who left the New En-
er. “I think he’s got to get were played today Stan- A source with knowl- historically significant
the 2019 class according gland Patriots in free
in shape because there’s a ford graduate transfer edge of the situation con- agency after 20 years quarterback matchup in
to the 247 Sports compos-
different type of shape in K.J. Costello would be firmed to The Dispatch and six Super Bowl tri- person, with government
ite rankings, saw his pres-
ence most felt as a runner playing quarterback than the starter. Sunday afternoon that umphs — was returned leaders and the Saints
last year. From his heli- receiver where you do all “He’s a really talented freshman cornerback 36 yards for a touchdown having agreed that no
copter-like flight against the running. But no, he’s guy so you hate to leave Javorrius Selmon will by Janoris Jenkins. fans should attend the
Kansas State to the 587 looked impressive. He’s his talent on the shelf,” not play this fall due to Neither quarterback opener amid the corona-
rush yards he accounted got a sense of space and Leach said of Shrader. uncertainty regarding was statistically excep- virus pandemic.
for, he worked best as routes, and he’s tough to “Those other quarter- See MSU, 3B tional in this first-ever See SAINTS, 3B
2B MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Thiem 1st since 1949 to win US Open after ceding 1st 2 sets
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ment’s final. those others. This time, a backhand, followed by a But the louder crowd an clay after an unusual
“I wish we could have he was the favorite and long forehand. noise heard by TV view- two-tournament hard-
NEW YORK — A U.S. two winners today,” came out jittery, but even- After having a train- ers was fake, added by the court doubleheader in
Open unlike any other Thiem said. “I think we tually worked his way out er check on his right broadcaster. Flushing Meadows —
finished unlike any other both deserved it.” of that, while Zverev went leg during the ensu- Unable to draw from called “a crazy idea” by
— and Dominic Thiem When it ended on a from cool and confident ing changeover, Thiem support in what’s always U.S. Tennis Association
constructed a comeback groundstroke flubbed to passive and pushed couldn’t seal the deal, ei- been an electric environ- CEO Mike Dowse on Sun-
the likes of which hadn’t by Zverev, a 23-year-old around. ther, and eventually need- ment, on an evening that day.
been seen in 71 years. from Germany, the wea- The fifth set was just ed a trio of match points felt more like a glorified The U.S. Open was
After dropping the ry Thiem collapsed on as back-and-forth as the to end it. practice session than a preceded at its site by
opening two sets against his back way behind the other four, the mistakes While this was the No. match with so much at the Western & Southern
Alexander Zverev on baseline. Zverev — who rising with the tension 7-ranked Zverev’s first stake, both men were Open, which moved from
Sunday at a nearly emp- himself came within two and the history in the off- Slam final, this was the sluggish at times, listless, Ohio to New York as part
ty Arthur Ashe Stadium points of the victory — ing. first one that Thiem was even. The play was hardly of a “controlled environ-
— fans were banned be- walked around the net Thiem broke in the supposed to win, follow- perfect: They combined ment” to limit travel.
cause of the coronavi- to offer a handshake and opening game when ing losses to Nadal at the for 120 unforced errors to Another way in which
rus pandemic — Thiem hug to his pal, two ges- Zverev shanked a pair of French Open in 2018 and only 95 winners. In a cu- this whole event was dif-
slowly but surely turned tures rarely spotted in forehands. Zverev broke 2019, then to Djokovic at rious parallel, Zverev bal- ferent: A member of the
things around for a 2-6, this era of social distanc- right back — and pierced the Australian Open this anced his 15 aces with 15 Big Three of men’s tennis
4-6, 6-4, 6-3, 7-6 (6) victo- ing. the silence with a rare cry February — back before double-faults, and Thiem — Roger Federer, Nadal
ry across more than four “I wish you would have of “Come on!” — when the pandemic upended had eight in each catego- or Djokovic — had won
hours to earn his first ma- missed a little bit more Thiem double-faulted. the world and put tennis ry. the preceding 13 major
jor championship. so I could have held that Then it was Zverev’s on a five-month hiatus. Normally, the U.S. trophies. But Federer and
The 27-year-old from trophy up,” Zverev said, turn to nose ahead, Instead of wild ap- Open closes each Grand Nadal didn’t enter the
Austria is the first man to choking up when he men- breaking for a 5-3 lead plause and loud shouts Slam season, but what U.S. Open, while Djokov-
win the American Grand tioned his parents, “but when Thiem sent a down- greeting great exchang- about 2020 has been nor- ic was defaulted in the
Slam tournament after here I am, giving the run- the-line backhand wide es, the soundtrack at Ar- mal? fourth round for acciden-
trailing 2-0 in sets in the ner’s-up speech.” and leaned over, gasping thur Ashe Stadium main- “Strange times,” tally hitting a line judge
final since Pancho Gon- As Thiem stepped for air. ly came from outside the Thiem called it. with a ball he smacked
zalez did it against Ted forward to pose for pic- But with a chance to largest court in tennis, Because of the in anger after dropping a
Schroeder in 1949 at an tures with his shiny new serve out the biggest win courtesy of roaring air- COVID-19 outbreak, game.
event then known as the bit of hardware, Zverev of his nascent career, planes, rumbling trains, Wimbledon was canceled Thiem — barely, just
U.S. Championships and remained a few feet be- Zverev faltered, getting revving car engines, for the first time since barely — was the one who
held in Forest Hills. hind, one hand clutching broken right back when honking horns and wail- World War II, while the took advantage of the
Not only that, but in his less-impressive silver he pushed a volley into ing sirens. There was the French Open was post- chance to sneak into the
a fitting finish to an un- tray, the other hand on a the net. occasional polite applause poned from its originally club of champions.
precedented two weeks, hip. That began a three- from the dozens of tour- scheduled May start and “I want to congratulate
this match was decided Thiem had come in 0-3 game run for Thiem, who nament workers allowed now will begin in two Dominic on the first of
by a fifth-set tiebreaker, in Grand Slam finals, but broke to lead 6-5, earning in the stands — and, deep weeks. many Grand Slam titles,”
something that had never always faced Rafael Na- his own chance to serve into the match, yells from So the tennis world Zverev said. “I think this
happened in this tourna- dal or Novak Djokovic in for it, when Zverev netted the players’ entourages. quickly shifts to Europe- is not the only one.”

Keselowski dominates in playoff win at Richmond

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS jumbled the leaderboard, with Harvick and Hamlin two years I haven’t made once the track rubbered swept both races on the
Keselowski kept rising to when racing resumed in it all the way, so we’ve got up, we just weren’t any 0.75-mile oval last sea-
RICHMOND, Va. — the top. May following a pause to get all the way there, good,” he said. son, said. There still
Brad Keselowski entered “I tell you, it’s a chess for the pandemic. He but if we can get to Phoe- Headed into next Sat- was satisfaction, though.
NASCAR’s playoffs cer- game and I got blinders won three earlier races, nix, we’re gonna be real- urday night’s elimination “When your car is off
tain he has as good a on,” Keselowski said. “I earned a contract exten- ly good. ... I don’t want race at Bristol Motor and you can run second,
chance at the Cup cham- don’t know what every- sion at Team Penske and to look too far ahead, the Speedway, William By- it says a lot about yout
pionship as favorites Kev- body is doing and who steadfastly maintained next round is going to be ron, Cole Custer, Matt team.”
in Harvick and Denny is where and who is on he should not be dis- really difficult, but still I DiBenedetto and Ryan Logano called it a
Hamlin. what strategy, but (crew counted in the title race. am really pumped about Blaney are below the cut- “pick your poison” night
He even predicted chief) Jeremy Bullins, He didn’t do a cele- this performance.” off line. when adjustments never
he’d win at Richmond the whole 2 team, excel- bratory burnout after Keselowski also gave Martin Truex Jr. fin- got his car quite right,
Raceway. lent performance.” making good on his Rich- Team Penske a sweep ished second at Rich- but was happy to get his
His confidence was Harvick, the title fa- mond prediction because of the day — Will Power mond, followed by Kes- second consecutive third
justified as Keselows- vorite, won last week’s that specific No. 2 Ford won for the IndyCar arm elowski teammate Joey place finish in the post-
ki dominated Saturday opener to earn the auto- has won twice in as many of the organization earli- Logano and Austin Dil- season.
night at Richmond Race- matic berth into the sec- races this year and Kes- er Saturday. lon, who has opened the “We’re doing what we
way, leading 192 laps in ond round. Hamlin, de- elowski wants it intact for Harvick, Hamlin and playoffs with back-to- have to do. We scored
the second playoff race railed at his home track the championship-decid- Keselowski are the only back top-five finishes stage points and a top
and advancing into the of Richmond by a speed- ing finale at Phoenix. drivers locked into the for the first time in his five and puts us in a pret-
next round. ing penalty, finished 12th That doesn’t mean next round of the play- career. Harvick finished ty good spot for next
On a night when the but still advanced into he thinks he’s already offs. Hamlin has six seventh. weekend,” Logano said.
only caution flags were the next round based on locked up a berth in the wins, but just ne in the “I wanted to win and “... You can top-three,
scheduled by NASCAR, points. title race. last nine races, leading going for three in a row top-five all the way to
leading to plenty of Keselowski was the “We’ve got to get to frustration. here would have been Phoenix if you keep do-
green-flag pit stops that only driver able to run there,” he said. “The last “It just seemed like pretty cool,” Truex, who ing this.”

Duvall, Albies power a 4-2 lead into the sixth, change pitchers, and Aus- why I should come out of else do you want out there The 24-year-old had
and Scherzer had already tin Riley looped a single to the game after the fifth in the sixth inning?” pitched more than four
Braves to 8-4 triumph thrown 104 pitches. Man- right before Albies lashed inning.” Wright (1-4), who was innings just once in his
over Nationals ager Dave Martinez sent his third homer to center. Scherzer (4-3) struck 0-7 with a 7.86 ERA in 16 five previous starts in
WASHINGTON — the three-time Cy Young “I had an extra day out 10 while throwing 119 career appearances be- 2020.
Adam Duvall and Ozzie Award winner out to start coming into the start, got pitches in 5 1/3 innings. fore Sunday, allowed three “He’s experiencing
Albies each hit a two-run the inning, and stuck with two extra days coming He allowed six runs for earned runs and eight things and he’s figuring
homer off a laboring Max him after Dansby Swan- up, bullpen’s been taxed, the first time since yield- hits. himself out,” Braves man-
Scherzer, and the Atlan- son flied out and Nick threw five innings, I’m ing seven against Miami “It took a lot longer
ager Brian Snitker said.
ta Braves rallied past the Markakis singled. thinking there I need on April 20, 2019. than expected,” Wright
Washington Nationals 8-4 Two pitches later, Du- to get through the sixth “We get to the sixth in- said of his first victory. “I “It’s really good. I’ve had
on Sunday. vall blasted his major inning,” Scherzer said. ning and it was all about felt like I kind of got away multiple talks with him
Kyle Wright pitched six league-leading ninth ho- “We got three of the four location that inning,” Mar- from myself a little bit. about how good his stuff
innings for his first major mer in September. The right-handed hitters com- tinez said. “He’s our ace. Now I’m slowly getting is. How good he can be.
league win, helping Atlan- drive to deep center was ing up, that’s an opportu- And when you have these back to where I need to He doesn’t have to take a
ta take three of four from his 14th homer overall this nity for me to go out there conversations and you’re be. I still have a long way backseat to anybody and
Washington. season. and try to get through that watching him and he says to go, but I definitely like you saw it today.” 
The Nationals carried Martinez still didn’t inning. There’s no reason he feels good, for me, who the way I am trending.” SOURCE: AP
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 3B

Wilson throws 4 TD passes, Seahawks beat Falcons 38-25

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS field, but instead of going for Atlanta was Matt Ryan when the play is reviewed.
for the first down with a going past John Elway
ATLANTA — The Se- short throw, Wilson lofted for ninth on the NFL ca- Up next
attle Seahawks let Russell one to DK Metcalf, who reer passing yardage list. Seahawks: Host Cam
Wilson do the cooking. was streaking toward the Matty Ice was 37 of 54 for Newton and the New En-
The only thing he end zone. 450 yards and two touch- gland Patriots in their
burned was the Atlanta Metcalf beat corner- downs, the second-high- home opener next Sun-
Falcons. back Isaiah Oliver and est yardage total of his day.
Showing what he can hauled in the perfect- career. Falcons: Travel to Dal-
do when given a chance ly thrown ball without Even that wasn’t las to take on the Cow-
to open up the offense, breaking stride to push enough against Wilson. boys next Sunday.
Wilson threw four touch- Seattle to a 21-12 lead. “Just being himself,”
down passes to lead the “They made a good Falcons defensive tackle
Seahawks to a 38-25 victo- stop on third down and Grady Jarrett said. “He’s
Chargers muster just
ry over the Falcons in the were all celebrating,” Wil- a premier player in this enough offense to slip
season opener Sunday. son said. “I looked at the league for a reason.” by Bengals
Wilson dished out
throws to nine receivers,
sideline and said, ‘OK,
let’s go after ’em.’ I want- Taking a knee
Playing with a starting


finishing 31 of 35 for 322

yards. He also carried
ed to be aggressive.”
On the ensuing posses-
Both teams protested quarterback other than
Philip Rivers for the first
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
racial injustice with a dra- 6 2 3 1 9 7 5 4 8
the ball three times for a sion, Atlanta attempted a time since 2005, the Los Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
matic gesture on the first
team-high 29 yards rush- fake punt on fourth-and-2 Angeles Chargers mus- ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 7 8 5 3 6 4 9 2 1

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

play of the game. based onthe a 9x9
ing. from its own 33. Blocking As the opening kickoff tered just enough offense is to place numbers 4 9 1 5 8 2 6 7 3
“We wanted to spread back Sharrod Neasman — and got just enough grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 1 7 6 5 3 4 8 2
by Seattle’s Jason Myers given
the ball around,” Wilson took a direct snap and had sailed through the end breaks. so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 2 3 6 8 4 9 7 1 5
said. “We wanted to get enough for the first down The Chargers got it object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
zone, all 22 players re- numbers 5 4 8 2 7 1 3 6 9
the ball to a lot of different on a run up the middle, mained in place and took done against the Cincin- contains the1same to 9 number
3 6 9 7 2 8 1 5 4
guys. We wanted to be ag- only to fumble the ball nati Bengals on Sunday the empty spaces so
a knee. After a few sec- only once. The difficulty 1 5 2 4 3 6 8 9 7
gressive in our approach.” away. It was recovered by but showed they still have that each row, each
onds, they stood back up, level increases from
That sort of talk will Seattle’s Freddie Swain at plenty of work to do be- column and each 8 7 4 9 1 5 2 3 6
trotted off the field and Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
surely be pleasing to Se- Difficulty Level 9/12
the 36. hind journeyman Tyrod
the game carried on with the same number only once. The difficulty level
ahawks fans, who have Five plays later, Wilson Taylor.
the Falcons taking the increases from Monday to Sunday.
pleaded with the team to zipped his fourth TD pass Taylor — LA’s starter
ball at their own 25.
“Let Russ Cook” — es- of the game, a 7-yarder to for now, with rookie Jus-
“It was good to have
sentially a call to be more new tight end Greg Olsen. tin Herbert awaiting his
both organizations come
aggressive offensively The 35-year-old was let opportunity — and run-
from the start rather than together and do some-
go after spending the last ning back Austin Ekeler
relying on Wilson to keep thing together,” Jarrett
nine years at Carolina, chipped away at the im-
leading dramatic come- said. “I think it will help
where he faced the Fal- proved Bengals defense
backs. spark conversations for
cons twice a season. and found just enough
How did that work out? change.”
Wilson hooked up with cracks to escape with a
The Seahawks threw Civil rights leader John
running back Chris Car- 16-13 win. The Chargers
on 21 of their first 35 Lewis, a longtime con-
son on his first two scor- got a break when Randy
plays. More tellingly, Wil- gressman from Atlanta
ing passes. Bullock missed a 31-yard Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
son dropped back to pass who died in July, also was
A 3-yard TD toss was field goal that would have
on seven of 12 first-down honored as every play-
set up by a 41-yard pass in- tied the game with 7 sec-
plays in the opening half, er wore white armbands
terference penalty against onds left, thwarting a
and ran it himself two oth- Ricardo Allen that erased with the initials “JL” and
last-minute rally by Ben-
er times. There were only a third-and-23 hole. After the team logos.
gals rookie quarterback
three handoffs in those the Falcons were stopped In addition, the Falcons
Joe Burrow.
situations. on a fourth-and-3 play made Lewis an honorary
Taylor, who has had
“Russell was in total from their own 40, Wilson captain. A black jersey stints with Baltimore, Buf-
command of the game,” went to Carson again on a with his name was draped falo and Cleveland, was
Seattle coach Pete Carroll screen pass for a 19-yard over an empty spot on the a mundane 16 for 30 for
said. score. Atlanta bench. 208 yards. Rookie Joshua
Wilson threw a pair The Falcons outgained Kelley ran for the only
of TD passes in the first the Seahawks 506 yards Injury report Chargers touchdown, and
quarter as Seattle built a to 383, with Julio Jones, Seahawks: DE Ra- Michael Badgley booted
14-12 halftime lead. He Calvin Ridley and Russell sheem Green went out in three field goals.
added two more in the Gage all collecting more the first half with a shoul- “Early on in the game,
third quarter to put the than 100 receiving yards. der injury. a little out of synch,” Tay-
Falcons away in a game But Atlanta came up short Falcons: Gage took a lor said. “And I’ll take full
played with no fans at all four times it tried to shot to the head on a hel- blame for that. We have to
Mercedes-Benz Stadium convert on fourth down. met-to-helmet hit by new be better on third down,
because of the coronavi- It was not a promising Seattle S Jamal Adams in and that starts with me.
rus pandemic. start to a make-or-break the second quarter. After We can do that. As the
The biggest play of all year for Falcons coach being evaluated for a pos- game progressed more
came after the Falcons Dan Quinn, who kept his sible concussion, Gage and more we were able to
made what looked to be job despite back-to-back was cleared to return in get on the same page.”
a crucial stop, leaving the losing seasons. He likely the second half. Adams Ekeler carried 19 times
Seahawks with fourth- must lead Atlanta to the was not penalized on the for 84 yards, and Hunter
and-5 at the Atlanta 38. playoffs to return in 2021. play but could face dis- Henry caught five passes
The offense stayed on the The only bright spot cipline from the league for 73 yards.

1 Sports figure
5 Library stamp
Continued from Page 1B 10 Heap
11 Martini gar-
That turned the nor- Godwin along the right goal attempt in the first only catch was his late, nishes
mally deafening 73,000- sideline, drew a pass in- half and had a sack in the 2-yard TD. DL Rakeem 13 Prayer finish
seat Superdome into terference penalty with a fourth quarter. Receiv- Nunez-Roches was down 14 Give to
more of an echo chamber. 22-yard attempt to Mike er Bennie Fowler recov- and briefly attended to by charity
When Wil Lutz’s field goal Evans and capped the ered a muffed kickoff at team staff late in the first 15 Prom date’s
put New Orleans up 17-7, drive with a 2-yard keep- the Tampa Bay 18 in the quarter before walking gift
the squeaking of pulleys er, after which he emphat- fourth quarter. That set off on his own. 17 Immoral act
could be heard across the ically spiked the ball off up a 21-yard field goal Saints: Two-time All- 18 Tempts
stadium as the net behind the turf. that made it a three-score Pro WR Michael Thomas 19 Lyricist Ger-
the goal post was lowered. After that, however, his game with 8:01 left. appeared to be limping shwin
Tight end Jared Cook turnovers helped stake in the fourth quarter of 20 Hockey great
caught five passes for 80 the Saints to a lead they Interference a game in which he had Bobby Sunday’s answer
yards for New Orleans, would not relinquish. Defensive pass inter- just three catches for 17 21 Verse writer 41 Declares retirees
highlighted by a 46-yard ference penalties had a yards. New RB Ty Mont- 22 Crumpet’s DOWN 22 Grew old
reception down the left Social justice considerable effect on the gomery appeared shaken cousin 1 Word sep- 23 Fast sailing
side that set up Sanders’ Both teams largely game. The Saints were up after special teams 25 Good judg- arator ship
TD. stood along the sidelines flagged four times for 101 play in the third quarter ment 2 Shakespeare’s 24 Surpassed
Brady was 15 of 28 during the national an- yards, with all of those but was able to walk to 26 Greek letters Athenian 25 Aching
passing for 157 yards and them. calls occurring during the the sideline. Hunt also
One exception was Bucs’ first three scoring
27 Mafia leader 3 Vigilant 27 Hate
one TD through the first required attention on the
54 minutes of the game. Saints safety and Players drives. A 33-yard interfer- 28 Gallery fill 4 Causes of 29 Makes roads
field in the third quarter 29 Keep at it stress 30 Delhi’s land
He padded his numbers Coalition co-founder Mal- ence penalty against Tam-
and walked off. 33 Young fellow 5 Los Angeles 31 Unemotional
in garbage time, finishing colm Jenkins, who trotted pa Bay at its own 6-yard
with 239 yards and two to the Saints bench area line set up Kamara’s sec- 34 Eroded player 32 Bullfight bulls
TDs, the second scoring after the anthem had fin- ond touchdown of the Up next 35 Change over 6 African lilies 36 — Fail (Irish
strike going to Mike Ev- ished. game. Officials called de- Buccaneers: Contin- time 7 Light metal coronation
ans with 2:41 left. fensive pass interference ue NFC South play when 37 Smell 8 Vague answer stone)
Tampa Bay’s opening Fortuitous moves six times for 149 yards on Brady makes his home 38 Refuses 9 Stops working
drive was promising for The Saints saw two both teams combined. debut against Carolina on 39 Spanish boy 12 Capitol group
Brady, who the Bucs hope players activated from Sunday. 40 Minimal 16 Plot unit
can lead them to their the practice squad on Injury report Saints: Take part in the amount 21 Funds for
first playoff appearance Friday come up with big Buccaneers: Evans first NFL game played in
since the 2007 season. special teams plays. De- played after missing prac- Las Vegas, the Raiders’
He lofted a 26-yard fensive end Margus Hunt tice the past week with home opener on Monday
completion to Chris blocked a 54-yard field a hamstring injury. His night, Sept. 21.

Continued from Page 1B
the ongoing coronavirus so earlier this offseason. Dixon was the second Washington State prior to
pandemic. Paul Jones of With Selmon and Wil- player to announce his in- his arrival in Starkville.
247Sports first reported liams not playing this tentions to opt out of the The Bulldogs are set to
the news. fall, MSU is now left with season after Williams. open their season at 2:30
Selmon arrived at just nine cornerbacks on Dixon noted in a Twitter p.m. on Sept. 26 against
MSU as a three-star pros- its current roster. Sopho- post on Aug. 24 that he in- defending national cham-
pect, the No. 607 player more Martin Emerson is tends to graduate trans- pion LSU in Baton Rouge.
in the class of 2020 and the most experienced of fer in December. Capacity at Tiger Stadium
No. 17-rated player in the bunch having played MSU is entering its is expected to be limit-
Mississippi according to all 13 games a season first season under head ed to 25 percent due to
247Sports Composite. ago, but the Bulldogs coach Mike Leach, who COVID-19 concerns.
The Jackson native is now are severely lacking in took over for the now-de- MSU’s first home
the second cornerback to grizzled veterans at the parted Joe Moorhead. game of the year is set
opt out of the season after position. Leach was 55-47 in eight for 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 3
junior Tyler Williams did Wide receiver Taury years as the head coach at against Arkansas.
4B MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Nuggets do it again, taking Clippers to Game 7 in West

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gets topped the Clippers from Monte Morris. The pers coach Doc Rivers son in Game 5 of the open- outscored the Clippers
111-98 on Sunday to even Nuggets outscored the said. “Listen, when you de- ing round by rallying from 30-8. Denver had eight
LAKE BUENA VIS- their West semifinal se- Clippers 62-27 over a diz- cide to be a coach it’s not 15 points down in the third different players score in
TA, Fla. — Flights home ries at three games apiece. zying 20-minute stretch of going to be roses every quarter against Utah to set that stretch, Murray and
from the NBA’s bubble are The Nuggets will try to the second half, turning day. We clearly have the the tone for a rally from a Morris scoring seven
planned whenever a team become the first team in everything around. right formula as far as how 3-1 series deficit. They apiece, and the big defi-
is on the cusp of elimina- NBA history to rally from “I don’t know how we we’re playing and then we saved themselves again cit became an 85-81 lead
tion, just in case they’re a pair of 3-1 deficits in the did it, to be honest,” Jok- keep losing it.” in Game 5 of this series, with 10:16 left.
needed. same postseason, after do- ic said. “That’s an amaz- The Nuggets were getting down by 16 before “It’s not that we don’t
Denver is in no hurry to ing so against Utah in the ing team. They are really down 16 at the half — coming back to save the respect them,” George
board that plane. West first round. talented, well-coached. the fourth time out of six season again. said. “We respect the
The never-say-die Nug- “I’m running out of They’re really scary.” games in the series when On Sunday, it was more opponent. They got this
gets pulled off another adjectives, superlatives, Paul George had 33 they trailed by at least that of the same. far for a reason. They’ve
season-saving comeback whatever you want to call points, Kawhi Leonard many in a game — and George hit a 3-pointer been together for a while
— and, after rallying from it to speak on our team,” scored 25 and Lou Wil- eventually fell behind by shortly after halftime for a so they’re a connected
19 points down with 22 Nuggets coach Michael liams had 14 for the Clip- as many as 19 in the third 19-point lead and Leonard group. They’ve been
minutes remaining, they’ll Malone said. “That is a pers, who are now 0-7 in quarter. made a pair of free throws here. They’ve been a part
see the Los Angeles Clip- tough, resilient group of games where they could “I just think we’re a re- with 8:27 left in the third of a lot of Game 7s.”
pers in Game 7 on Tues- you-know-whats. I love clinch a trip to the confer- ally good team,” Murray quarter to put the Clippers Another one awaits.
day night for a berth in our team. I love our team. ence finals. said. “It shouldn’t get to up 73-55. That’s appar- “It’s going to sound
the Western Conference I love our toughness.” The Clippers were out- this point.” ently when the Nuggets weird or funny or what-
finals. Jamal Murray scored scored by 29 after half- Of course, the Nuggets decided it was time to get ever, but we don’t care,”
Nikola Jokic had 34 21 for Denver, which got 16 time, their worst such flourish when they’re in going. Jokic said. “We’re just go-
points, 14 rebounds and from Gary Harris, 13 from deficit of the season. trouble. Over the next 10 ing to go there and have
seven assists, and the Nug- Michael Porter Jr. and 10 “It’s frustrating,” Clip- They saved their sea- minutes, the Nuggets fun.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR There is no concerns my significant other’s
ABBY: I’m excuse for the 18-year-old daughter. I have
considered abuse you have been dating (now living with)
an essential em- described. Fear, “Frank” for two years. I have
ployee during this stress and ex- been a big help to him. With a
pandemic. I am tended isolation healthy diet and loving care, I
writing on behalf have brought have helped him to lose more
of myself and all out the worst in than 50 pounds, which got him
retail workers. some of us. off insulin that we were paying
First let me I don’t offer $250 every 10 days for.
say that it is my this in an at- I have always been nice
pleasure to serve tempt to excuse to his daughter, “Franny,”
ZITS on the front line. unacceptable on the rare occasions I have
We are all a little behavior, but the been around her. I wasn’t in
apprehensive, but customers you the picture when her parents
we feel we are describe appear divorced. Frank’s family, i.e.
called to help. to be so upset sister and son, have accepted
Our problem:
Dear Abby and on edge me, and his sister tells me
A lot of shoppers that they can no often how much she loves
coming into our stores are longer control their emotions. me and appreciates all I have
extremely rude to us. They are Yes -- some of them are also done for her brother.
angry when they encounter entitled, impatient and arro- Franny, on the other hand,
longer lines and waiting times. gant. Personally, I think that refuses to visit him or even
One customer actually spit on when a customer acts out, the call him “unless he gets rid of
a plexiglass shield we put up store manager should step me.” He loves me, but I worry
to protect our cashiers. They in and remove that person this is breaking his heart. He
also bring small children and from the premises. Some naturally loves his daughter.
GARFIELD babies in with them to shop. stores have increased their The reason she says she
We have been cursed security staff to deal with this. hates me is, I’m older than he
at and yelled at for reasons If enough managers did this, is -- actually, quite a bit older.
beyond our control. Please let customers would be put on Should I approach her to talk
the public know we are trying notice that bad behavior won’t about it, or should I just leave
our best to serve them even be tolerated. things as they are? -- “OLD”
though a lot of us are afraid P.S. As to mothers with GAL IN THE SOUTH
for our health and the health babies and small children who DEAR GAL: You are not
of our families. My daugh- are unable to arrange for child responsible for Frank’s pain
ter is a nurse, and she has care while they shop, try to or his daughter’s attempts at
experienced some of the same cut them some slack because emotional blackmail. Leave
things. -- IN THIS TOGETHER they may be doing it because things as they are. The person
DEAR IN THIS: Your letter they have no other choice. to talk some sense into Franny
carries an important message. DEAR ABBY: My situation is her father, not you.


TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). powerful has the need for big
14). You’re not stuck in one way You’re looking forward to an displays of rage. Your compas-
of claiming the life you want. event and, at the same time, sion and patience will be called
You go boldly into this new era, dreading it. If it weren’t so, it on.
making fresh connections, wouldn’t be worth committing LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
adjusting your views and retro- to. You’re better for having such Unfortunately, the busywork
fitting the old plans to create milestone markers in your life. does matter; it matters quite a
a new future. With loved ones, Embrace the awful excitement. lot. Smooth dealings will be the
you refuse to coast on your past GEMINI (May 21-June result of details that are well
successes and will have fun 21). Emotional growth doesn’t aligned with the procedures
working on your relationships. always go with physical growth. and expectations of all involved
BABY BLUES Sagittarius and Pisces adore While you can see when a parties.
you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, person is physically grown, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
3, 33, 18 and 44. you have to test for emotional 22). It is not wrong to seek
ARIES (March 21-April 19). growth, which you do in small status, but it is also excellent to
You have a fear to overcome, ways when you’re getting to recognize the unsustainability
and overcome it you will — first know a person. of the goal. High-status stations
in tiny steps, and then in one CANCER (June 22-July 22). run on cycles and obey laws of
big leap. You’ll work your way to Tantrums are the communica- relativity.
a course of action of which you tion style of a person who feels LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
can later be proud. powerless. No one who feels You care about someone and
every time you do that, the one
you care about gains a little
bit of power over you. A key bit
of your life is in this person’s
hands. It’s scary but part of
BEETLE BAILEY being fully alive.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Everyone is dealing with
the same threats, doubts and
anxieties. It doesn’t make your
own worries any less signifi-
cant, but it does make you feel
a sense of belonging and an
impetus to help the others.
Dec. 21). The world of fiction
provides what reality cannot.
Escapism isn’t necessarily a
vice. It helps you get perspec-
tive, as well as lifting some of
MALLARD FILLMORE your perceived limits.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Ego loss hurts, but it is
worth it today as a reduced ego
allows for entering into the spirit
of another and returning to your
own lens with a different and
deeper understanding of the
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). When you were small, you
got angry and exploded. Also,
when you were bigger. But
robust self-assertion is now an
option to you, not a knee-jerk
FAMILY CIRCUS reaction and that right there is a
mark of emotional growth.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Take no shortcuts. There
will be something deeply satis-
fying, not to mention necessary,
about going through all of the
motions. Amidst the details, you
will find answers.

On all fours
The Dispatch • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 5B

Fires raise fight over climate change before Trump’s visit

‘This is truly the bellwether for climate change Deere said. California Gov.
Gavin Newsom’s office said he
hottest August, with world-re-
cord-setting heat in Death Val-
adviser Peter Navarro echoed
that Sunday on CNN’s “State
on the West Coast. And this is a wake-up call would be meeting with Trump.
The governors have been
ley. It had 14,000 dry lightning
strikes that set off hundreds of
of the Union,” saying that for
many years in California, “par-
for all of us that we have got to do everything blunt: Washington Gov. Jay In- fires, some that combined into ticularly because of budget cut-
slee on Sunday called climate creating five of the 10 largest backs, there was no inclination
in our power to tackle climate change.’ change “a blowtorch over our fires in the state’s recorded his- to manage our forests.”
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown states in the West.” tory. And it had back-to-back Forest management, which
“It is maddening right now heat waves. includes tree thinning and
BY LINDSAY WHITEHURST ever before. Numerous studies that when we have this cosmic Oregon Gov. Kate Brown brush clearing, is costly, la-
AND SAR A CLINE in recent years have linked big- challenge to our communities, said about 500,000 acres typ- bor-intensive work that is effec-
The Associated Press/Report
ger wildfires in the U.S. to glob- with the entire West Coast of ically burn each year, but just tive in reducing fuel for wild-
for America
al warming from the burning of the United States on fire, to in the past week, flames have fires. Millions of dollars are
BEAVERCREEK, Ore. — coal, oil and gas. have a president to deny that swallowed over a million acres, spent on such reduction efforts
With crews battling wildfires The Democratic governors these are not just wildfires, pointing to long-term drought every year in Western states
that have killed at least 35 peo- say the fires are a consequence these are climate fires,” Wash- and recent wild weather swings though many argue more needs
ple, destroyed neighborhoods of climate change, while the ington Gov. Jay Inslee said Sun- in the state. to be done. The efforts can also
and enveloped the West Coast Trump administration has day on ABC’s “This Week.” “This is truly the bellwether be undercut when homeowners
in smoke, another fight has blamed poor forest manage- As Newsom toured a ghost- for climate change on the West in rural areas don’t undertake
emerged: leaders in the Demo- ment for the flames that have like landscape destroyed by Coast,” she said Sunday on similar efforts on their own
cratic-led states and President raced through the region and flames Friday, he called out the CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “And properties.
Donald Trump have clashed made the air in places like Port- “ideological BS” of those who this is a wake-up call for all of Los Angeles Mayor Eric
over the role of climate change land, Oregon, Seattle and San deny the danger. us that we have got to do every- Garcetti accused Trump of per-
ahead of his visit Monday to Francisco some of the worst in “The debate is over around thing in our power to tackle cli- petuating a lie that only forest
California. the world. climate change. Just come to mate change.” management can curtail the
California, Oregon and Trump is headed to McClel- the state of California, observe At a rally in Nevada, Trump massive fires seen in recent
Washington state have seen lan Park, a former air base just it with your own eyes,” he said. blamed the way states have run years. He pointed to drought
historic wildfires that have outside Sacramento, California, He noted that just in the the land, saying “it is about for- and the need to reduce carbon
burned faster and farther than White House spokesman Judd last month, California had its est management.” White House emissions.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH siblings, Don Knight of Home and Crematory her brother, Charles Macon, to Danny and
OBITUARY POLICY Saltillo, Eugene Knight Second Avenue North Mosely. Margie Stuart Kinard.
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
of Tupelo, Johnny “Bo” location is in charge of She is survived by She was a graduate of
service times, are provided Knight and Lynda arrangements. her husband, Allen Louisville High School
free of charge. Extended obit- Francis both of Amory; Mr. Shanks was Moore; son, Billy Dean and East Mississippi
uaries with a photograph, de- nine grandchildren; 13 born April 25, 1939, Pickle; step-children, Community College.
tailed biographical information great-grandchildren; in Artesia, to the late Shawn Moore and An- She was formerly em-
and other details families may and one great-great- Dewey and Earline gela Atkins; sister, Judy ployed as a K-4 teacher Helen Wallace
wish to include, are available grandchild. Smith Shanks. He was Graveside Services:
for a fee. Obituaries must be Fletcher; and grand- with Central Academy Monday, Sept. 14 • 10 AM
submitted through funeral
Pallbearers will be formerly employed as a children. Living Faith Tabernacle Cemetery
Jacob and Jared Knight, beekeeper and farmer and was a member of 2nd Ave. N Location
homes unless the deceased’s
Dusty Thompson, Scott and attended Artesia Elon Baptist Church.
body has been donated to
science. If the deceased’s Bunch, Eric Price, United Methodist
Angie Disbrow In addition to her Boyd Shanks
MACON — Angie parents, she is survived Services:
body was donated to science, Matthew Gazaway and Church. Tuesday, Sept. 15 • 2 PM
the family must provide official Kinard Disbrow, 55, by her husband, Mike
Blake Goodin. In addition to his par- 2nd Ave. N Location
proof of death. Please submit died Sept. 10, 2020, at Visitation:
ents, he was preceded Disbrow; children, Will
all obituaries on the form pro- her residence. Monday, Sept. 14 • 5-7 PM
vided by The Commercial Dis- Sharon Odom in death by his siblings,
A private graveside
Disbrow, Dani Disbrow, 2nd Ave. N Location
patch. Free notices must be ABERDEEN — Calvin Shanks, Alton Kayla Disbrow and
Shanks, Samuel Shanks service was held Satur- Oktibbeha Memorial Garden Park
submitted to the newspaper Sharon Lee Holloway day in Memorial Park Coley Disbrow; and 2nd Ave. N Location
no later than 3 p.m. the day Odom, 75, died Sept. and Bertha Thrasher. siblings, Beth Clark
prior for publication Tuesday He is survived by his of Louisville, with Steve
11, 2020, at North Mis- and Stuart Kinard.
through Friday; no later than 4
children, Boyde “Bub- Reynolds officiating.
sissippi Medical Cen- Memorials may be
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
ba” Shanks Jr. of Shan- Cockrell Funeral Home
ter-Hospital of Tupelo. made to the American
edition; and no later than 7:30
non, Gloria Berry and of Macon was in charge
a.m. for the Monday edition. A graveside ser- Cancer Society, P.O.
Windy Raines both of of arrangements.
Incomplete notices must be re- vice will be at 11 a.m.
Columbus; sister, Ann Mrs. Disbrow was Box 22478, Oklahoma
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, in Howell
for the Monday through Friday Cemetery, with Sammy Minor of Columbus; born June 23, 1965, in City, OK 73123.
editions. Paid notices must be seven grandchildren;
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
Washburn officiating.
the next day Monday through Cleveland-Moffett Fu- and four great-grand-
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 neral Home of Amory children.
p.m. for Sunday and Monday is in charge of arrange- Pallbearers will be
publication. For more informa- ments. Chris Berry, Brandon
tion, call 662-328-2471. Mrs. Odom was born Whitmore, Freddie
Feb. 24, 1945, in San- Minor, Dwayne Woo-
James Knight Jr. ford, Maine, to the late ten, Arthur Pugh and
AMORY — James Robert D. and Virginia Frankie Pugh.
Howell “Jim” Knight Jr., Whicker Holloway. She Memorials may be
83, died Sept. 12, 2020, attended Aberdeen made to the Columbus
at North Mississippi High School and was a Lowndes Humane
Medical Center-Gilm- graduate of Meridian Society, P.O. Box 85,
ore. School. She was former- Columbus, MS, 39703.
Funeral services will ly employed with Farm
be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Bureau Insurance. Sandy Moore
at Cleveland-Moffett She is survived by SULLIGENT — San-
Funeral Home, with her husband, Robert dy Mosley Moore, 65,
Stanley Blaylock and Odom; children, Kim died Sept. 11, 2020, at
Danny Burks officiat- Matheny of Tyrone, her residence.
ing. Burial will follow Georgia and Jeff La- Funeral services
in Gilvo Cemetery near Greek of Garden Grove, were at 5:30 p.m.
Skyline. Cleveland-Mof- California; step-chil- Sunday, at Otts Funeral
fett Funeral Home of dren, Rob Odom, Home Chapel, with
Amory is in charge of David Odom both of Shane Harris and Tan-
arrangements. Aberdeen and Deana ner Trentelman offici-
Mr. Knight was Honeycutt of Caledonia; ating. Burial followed
born Sept. 3, 1937, in siblings, Sue Franklin in Sizemore Memorial
Belzoni, to the late of Arkansas and Judy Cemetery. Visitation
Jimmy Howell and Smith of Meridian; was one hour prior to
Thelma Maurine Bush four grandchildren; six services at the funeral
Knight. He attended step-grandchildren; home. Otts Funeral
Moorehead School. He and four great-grand- Home of Sulligent was
was formerly employed children. in charge of arrange-
selling insurance, op- Pallbearers will be ments.
erating Jim and Jeans Brad Matheny, David Mrs. Moore was
Drive-In, running Front Odom, Tom Crook, born March 11, 1955, in
Page and Barr’s Ferry Billy Head, Larry Sykes Guin, Alabama, to the
and as owner and oper- and Dustin Odom. late Willie B. Mosley
ator of Jr’s Lounge. and Margie Robertson.
In addition to his Boyd Shanks She was a graduate of
parents, he was preced- COLUMBUS — Sulligent High School
ed in death by his wife, Boyd Eugene Shanks, and MUW. She was
Ruby Knight; son Greg- 81, died Sept. 12, 2020. formerly employed as
ory Knight; siblings, Funeral services will the CFO of Trimjoist
Fred and Bob Knight; be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Corporation, as an ac-
and one great-grand- at Memorial Gunter countant with NACCO
child. Peel Chapel. Burial and as a professional
He is survived by his will follow in Oktibbe- photographer. She
children, Mike Knight, ha Memorial Garden attended Beaverton
Jeff Knight both of Park. Visitation is from Methodist Church.
Mooreville, Glenda 5-7 p.m. today, at the In addition to her
Thompson and Donna funeral home. Memori- parents, she was
Price both of Amory; al Gunter Peel Funeral preceded in death by

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