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Classification: C-Constitutional, I- inherent limitation, N-not limitation of taxing power

_____ 1. Non-assignment of taxes
_____ 2. Territoriality of taxation
_____ 3. Taxes must be for public purpose
_____ 4. Exemption of the property of religious institutions from income tax
_____ 5. Exemption of the revenues and assets of non-profit, non-stock educational institutions
_____ 6. Non-delegation of the taxing power
_____ 7. Non-appropriation for religious purpose
_____ 8. The requirement of absolute majority in the passage of a tax exemption law.
_____ 9. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of tax debt
_____ 10. Taxpayers under the same circumstance should be treated equal both in terms of
privileges and obligations.
_____ 11. Exemption from property taxes of religious, educational and charitable entities.
_____ 12. Government income and properties are not object of taxation
_____ 13. Each local government shall have the power to create its own sources of revenue.
_____ 14. Imprescriptibility in taxation
_____ 15. Non-impairment of obligation and contracts.
_____ 16. Gaurantee of proportional system of taxation.
_____ 17. International courtesy
_____ 18. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to review tax cases.
_____ 19. The government is not subject to estoppel.
_____ 20. Imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax.

_____ 1. Eminent domain involves confiscation of prohibited commodities to protect the well-
being of the people.
_____ 2. Horizontal equity requires consideration of the circumstance of the taxpayer.
_____ 3. Taxes are the lifeblood of the government.
_____ 4. Taxation is a mode of apportionment of government costs to people.
_____ 5. There should be direct receipt of benefit before one could be compelled to pay taxes.
_____ 6. The exercise of taxation power requires constitutional grant.
_____ 7. Taxation is inherent in sovereignty.
_____ 8. Police power is the most superior power of the government. Its exercise needs to be
sanctioned by the Constitution.
_____ 9. All inherent powers presuppose an equivalent form of compensation.
_____ 10. The reciprocal duty of support between the government and the people underscores
the basis of taxation.
_____ 11. The Constitutional exemption of religious, charitable, and non-profit cemeteries,
churches and mosques refers to income tax and real property tax.
_____ 12. Taxpayers under the same circumstances should be taxed differently.
_____ 13. Taxation is subject to inherent and constitutional limitations.
_____ 14. International comity connotes courtesy between nations.
_____ 15. Collection of taxes in the absence of a law is violative of the Constitutional requirement
for due process.
_____ 16. The scope of taxation is regarded as comprehensive, plenary, unlimited, and supreme.
_____ 17. No one shall be imprisoned for non-payment of tax.
_____ 18. The lifeblood doctrine requires the government to override its obligations and contracts
when necessary.
_____ 19. 2/3 of all members of Congress is required to pass a tax exemption law.
_____ 20. The government should tax itself.
_____ 21. Tax evasion in one year can be offset by paying excessive taxes in the following year.
_____ 22. The power of taxation cannot be exercised without a previous constitutional authority.
_____ 23. Tax laws should always be aimed at revenue collection
_____ 24. A tax is a voluntary donation to the government.
_____ 25. The salary of the President of the Philippines is not subject to income tax.
_____ 26. A taxpayer who deliberately admits to declare all of his taxable income is guilty of tax
_____ 27. The power of tax can reach over into any jurisdiction to seize upon persons or property.
_____ 28. Salaries of Supreme Court Justices and Judges of lower courts are exempt from income
_____ 29. A person cannot refuse to pay a tax on the ground that the government owes him an
amount equal to or greater than the tax being collected.
_____ 30. Taxes must only be imposed prospectively unless provides for its retroactivity.
_____ 31. The test or exemption from real property tax of private educational institutions is its use
and not ownership.
_____ 32. As a general rule, a tax exemption is an act of liberality which can be revoke by the
_____ 33. Taxes are paid only by those are directly benefiting from the government.
_____ 34. All revenue bills must originate from the Senate.
_____ 35. All laws granting tax exemption must be approved by a 2/3 vote of all the members of
the Congress.
_____ 36. The salary of a priest as a chaplain in the Armed forces of the Philippines is subject to
income tax.
_____ 37. The income of a non-stock and non-profit educational institution is exempt from income
_____ 38. Non-delegation of the legislative power to tax is both a constitutional and inherent
limitation on the power of taxation.
_____ 39. The power to tax is limited to the territorial jurisdiction of the taxing power.
_____ 40. The power to tax may include the power to destroy.
_____ 41. A person may be imprisoned for non-payment of a poll tax.
_____ 42. The police power can be used to implement the power of taxation.
_____ 43. Value-added tax is an indirect tax.
_____ 44. In case of doubts, statutes are construed strictly against the government and liberally in
favor of the taxpayer.
_____ 45. Internal revenue laws are civil in nature and not political.
_____ 46. Double taxation is not an inherent limitation on the exercise of the power of taxation.
_____ 47. Constitutional limitations are part and parcel of the power of taxation and originate
from the very nature of taxation.
_____ 48. A law passed imposing a tax of P2.00 on every citizen for the purpose of raising funds to
be given as loans to earthquake Victims in Mindanao is not valid because it violates the equal
protection clause.
_____ 49. A tax does not meet the public purpose limitation if it is for the benefit principally of
limited subjects or objects.
_____ 50. The Congress has the power to tax the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
_____ 51. A law passed by the Congress which granted tax amnesty to those who have not paid
income taxes for a certain year without at the same time providing for the refund of taxes of
those who have already paid them is invalid because it is a violation of the equal protection
_____ 52. The doctrine of “incidental and reasonably necessary use” as a basis in the granting of
exemption from real property tax on educational institutions is still applicable under the 1987
_____ 53. The power to grant tax exemption is essentially a legislative prerogative.
_____ 54. The non-impairment clause is violated if franchises are revoked even if the reason for its
revocation is public welfare.
_____ 55. The Congress may delegate to the President the power to fix tariff rates.
_____ 56. Tax avoidance is a form of tax escape.
_____ 57. Tax evasion is not punishable.
_____ 58. A tax bill may embrace more than one subject.
_____ 59. Non-payment of a tax cannot result to criminal liability on the art of the taxpayer, only
civil liability.
_____ 60. All are secondary purposes of taxation, except:
A. Sumptuary purposes C. Compensatory purposes
B. Regulatory purposes D. Uniformity purposes
_____ 61. In the absence of inherent and constitutional limitation, the power to tax is?
_____ 62. All are similarities of taxation, police power, and power of eminent domain, EXCEPT:
A. All are necessary attributes of the Constitution.
B. All exist independently of the constitution.
C. All are contemplating an equivalent benefit.
D. All are superior to the non-impairment clause of the constitution.
______ 1. It is intended to regulate conduct?
______ 2. A from a property which derives some special benefit from public improvement.
______ 3.

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