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Year/Section: BTLED 2-2

Online Classes: Boom or Doom

During this time of crisis and pandemic, technology plays an important role as the
major mode of learning and it aids the continuity of learning. Unfortunately, region 2 is not
ready to online learning and/or distant education. Thus, technology-based strategy in the
teaching-learning process is unsatisfactorily. As of the moment, no other best way to continue
our schooling in this time of crisis without technology. This kind of mode of learning adds to
the burden of every Filipino. They could not focus on the lessons due to the fear caused by
this unseen enemy. Moreover, many Filipinos lost their jobs and they cannot easily even
provide food in their tables. Asking them to attend for online classes will cause greater
burden to parents and students. It would be harder for them load and find for better reception.
If technology and signal reception are not available, it would be better to postponed for a
while our online classes and continue the actual classes after the stability of everything.
According to Juco Antonio Rivera, a professor at iAcademy, he said that "Being a
teacher of communication, I cannot appreciate not seeing my students' response to my
lessons. I need to see them to know whether my teaching is effective.” Moreover, he noted
that "slow internet connection is probably the worst enemy of online classes".
We are still struggling and in crisis with the implementation of K-12 educational
system in the country. What more if we will shift to online classes? In this time of crisis,
present global situation and country's slow internet reception and national poverty, online
classes are a "doom".

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