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Name: Mahfuzur Rahman

ID: 2018000000036
Department: CSE
Course: ENG-1001
Section: 102

My Favorite Movie

Harry Potter is one of my favorite movie. This movie becoming my favorite since
it has been held on theatre ten years ago. In my opinion, the story is totally
awesome. Based on the best seller novel by J. K.Rowling, this movie becomes real.
I mean that the story is fiction, but it looks real when we see the movie. This
movie story tells about Harry Potter, he is a wizard child since he was a baby, but
his parents died by the hand of The Dark wizard,Voldemort. So, he had to
struggled on his whole life. When he turned to a young boy, Hogwarts school of
wizard and wizardry sent him a message that he is a student of that school. In
there, he learned everything about magic, and also he found his true friendship,
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They always helped Harry Potter in
everything, whether is right or wrong. They do this all together, happiness or
sorrow. Harry Potter also learned how to love his parents, friends, teachers, and
everything. When Voldemort comes to kill Harry Potter, Harry against hard to be
win. His best friend helped him until they come to chaotic, but they still hold out.
With his witchcraft power, his friends help, and their courageous, Voldemort got
lost.From the story, I learn something about love, friendship, against everything
bad, with our courageous and our heart and soul. That's why this movie becoming
my favorite ever, because the story is touching, even it's just a fiction story. But it
doesn't mind, because we get everything in this movie, the great adventure, and
the philosophy of this movie, definitely Harry Potter is my favorite.

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