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LECTURE 1 FEBRUARY 18 2020 For example: There is a calamity and goods and money are donated to
the DSWD. These funds do not belong to the government, strictly
Frauds and Illegal Exactions speaking they were owned by private individuals but donated for public
• Crimes punished under RA 3019. purpose. If any person misappropriates, the crime will still be
Article 213- frauds against the public treasury and similar offences
214- Other frauds Custody may be a temporary authority provided that the reason he
215 - prohibited transactions acquired custody was because of his office.
216 - Possession of prohibited interest by a public officer.
CASE: People vs Tolentino 69 Phil 715
• Crimes committed by public officers
• The passage of RA 3019, most cases are now filed under RA 3019 Malversation from Estafa
and not under RA 3019. This results in a lot of suspension even if the In order to distinguish malversation from estafa ( even public officer
officer is not convicted there is already punishment, because there is can commit estafa) even if he uses or pretends to use his office.
preventive suspension for the administrative case. 3019 can also result
in an administrative case. In Estate, even if he uses his public office to defraud somebody, he
• In 3019, there are two preventive suspensions. He is not yet found can still do that provided that the funds are public in nature. The
guilty but he may be subject to preventive suspension for both criminal offender in malversation acts in his public capacity. In estafa- private
and administrative case capacity but it will not discount a public officer from committing estafa.

Malversation of Public Funds (Article 217) For example: Tax collector asks someone to pay tax but there is no
actual law for the requirement of tax. The reason for him being able to
• Jurisprudence is rich to malversation because under RPC it has the Collect money is from his public office. When he got the money, that is
definition and interpretation of elements. not malversation even if he is a public officer because the money he
• There may be prosecution under 3019, no double jeopardy got is not public at all because there is no law authorising the collection
of the money. Otherwise, this would be (check audio*)
1. Offender is an accountable officer - not committed by just any Even if Tolentino is saying that to commit estafa, you (check
officer, he must be charged with the custody of public funds recording*) it does not discount the fact that estafa may still be
2. Public funds or property are involved committed by a public officer using his public authority.
3. Custody by reason of his office
4. Misappropriation (either by himself or by another)- may be Here there is taking but he is not misappropriating a public fund
committed by another person because there is no law.
5. Committed through intent or negligence (dolo/culpa)
In estafa, there is a stage between the consummation of the crime and
Example: A treasurer entrusted with money to be brought to the city the ripening of the criminal liability. During that window, if damage is
but he left his bag and someone took away the money. The treasurer returned, even if consummated it will not ripen into criminal liability
can still be liable for the malversation because it says that the (incipient criminal liability).
misappropriation be committed by another person. The reason may not
be intentional and may be even by reason of negligence. For malversation, during the audit and malversation is found out then
the crime is automatically consummated and thus gives rise to criminal
Malversation may be committed by negligence but it is a crime of male liability. If the official reimburses it (it may be considered mitigating:
in se (good faith can be a defense). People vs Lumauig 2014) The effect of reimbursement is different.
Despite the return it will only give rise to extinction of civil liability but
If there is no negligence and no intent but there is good faith then that criminal liability subsists. There is no incipient liability or window, then
good faith can be a defense demand is not necessary.

• "Accountable Officers" In Estafa, there is one kind where demand is necessary. For example
A string of cases expanded the meaning of certain elements. In in checks, the demand must be in writing. Without it the criminal liability
,malversation when the law says that the person who can be held liable will not be ripe. In malversation, once there is unexplained shortage,
for malversation should be an accountable officer. When the law says there is malversation regardless of reimbursement.
public officer it does not always mean he is a treasurer because if a
person even if he is not in the regular course, if it is not his job
description even if having custody of funds is not part of the position. If When can a private person commit malversation:
in that particular moment he is authorised to have custody, he is 1. He conspires with a public official in the malversation
considered as an accountable officer for that instance. 2. Accomplice or accessory to malversation
3. Entrusted with the custody of public funds and misappropriates the
For example: The people from DSWD are tasked to provide the 4P's, same
when they distribute it they will temporarily hold public funds and when 4. Made the depository of funds or property seized or attached by
they misappropriate it they can still be held liable for malversation even government order even if the property belongs to a private person.
if they are not really accountable officers in the job.
SC: It is not necessary that it is their permanent position it is essential For example: Employees of MLhullier who distribute the 4P's
that at the time of the taking he was accountable (check audio) (Question: What if the person does not know??)

• "Public Funds" Technical Malversation (220)

The term public funds or property has also been stretched. The
traditional notion is that these are properties belonging to the • Public funds is still used for a public purpose but it was earmarked for
government. another articular public purpose
• If there is misappropriation or appropriation for another purpose. It is
SC: Even if property does not belong to the government but it is to be possible that no one is prejudiced or that there is no damage or even
used for a public purpose it will acquire the nature of a public fund or benefit but if a person that has been allocated for a certain purpose are
property. Misappropriation of this fund will still give rise to malversation. spent for another purpose that is considered as technical malversation

• Public funds can only be expended in accordance with a law or an accused and undertake to have custody of the accused. If the accused
ordinance. flees, the third person who ensured may be criminally liable.

For example: *Article 225 may apply since the person has custody.
There is a budget passed by Congress thru DPWH. 100 Million for the
construction of a bridge but there is no river. So instead they decide to Instances when private person has custody over somebody:
build a health centre for the community. • Hospital arrest. The private facility will have custody. For example:
If you want to divert the money, there must be realignment of funds. first offender's penalty is rehabilitation. If a person has pending case,
There must be another law or ordinance to amend the previous the rehab will have custody.
ordinance otherwise there will be a crime.
Offenses in Relation to Elective Office
LECTURE 2 MIDTERMS February 20 2020
Article 234- Refusal to discharge elective office
Malversation from Technical Malversation Article 236 Anticipation of duties of a public office
No misappropriation, so what constitutes the crime is the act of Article 237 Prolonging performance of duties and powers
spending public funds allocated funds for one purpose without authority Article 238 Abandonment of Office
• Elections happen in the second Monday of may in an election year.
• There is a gap between proclamation and actual assumption of office.
CASE: Parungao v Sandiganbayan GR 96025 (Osmena and Labella, prior to 2019 the incumbent mayor was Tomas
May the sandiganbayan after finding that a municipal treasurer Osmena. During the time where there is a mayor-elect, the incumbent
charged with malversation of public funds is not guilty thereof mayor is not yet the newly elected mayor. If Labella after his
nevertheless convict him in the same criminal case for illegal use of proclamation, decides to appoint people, there will be a crime of
public funds. Anticipation of duties of a public office.)
NO. Technical malversation is not necessarily included in malversation • If after June 30, Tommy will not leave his position, the crime will be
as the elements are not the same. prolonging performance of duties
• If Labella will not go to office, it will be refusal to discharge.
Technical malversation is not identical or included or not an attempt to • Abandonment may happen in the middle of a term.
commit malversation. The elements are not the same.
Usurpation of powers and unlawful appointments
If a person is charged with malversation and not found to have
commuted malversation and the elements of malversation are not Article 239 Usurpation of legislative powers
present he cannot be convicted for technical malversation as this - Can DU30 unilaterally abrogate the VFA?
would be against the constitutional right of the accused to be informed Article 240 Usurpation of executive functions (Judge)
of the nature of the accusation against him Article 241 Usurpation of Judicial Functions
Article 242 Disobeying Request for Disqualification (Judicial or Quasi-
If acquitted, another case for technical malversation may be brought Judicial Body (Ombudsman))
and there will be no double jeopardy. Article 243 Orders or requests by executive officers to any judicial
authority (2 mayors attacked a sheriff who was implementing a judicial
221 Failure to Deliver Public Funds or Property order)
• There must be an obligation to pay from funds in his possession or to Article 244 Unlawful appointments
deliver property in his custody or administration. ‣ Either the applicant is not qualified,
‣ Appointing authority is not qualified or
Example: There are funds not delivered to calamity-stricken areas. ‣ No such position for such authority.
◦ Example: Governor (executive) appoints a staff to
Sanguniang (legislative)
Infidelity of Public Officers
1. Infidelity in the custody of prisoners- committed by the person having LECTURE 3 MIDTERMS February 22, 2020
custody. (Article 223-224)
2. Infidelity in the custody of documents- public officials who have the TITLE 8 -CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS
authority to have custody over certain documents. (Sanguniang
Secretary, Local Registrar's Office) The crime is directed against the person which may result in his death
3. Revelation of secrets or the infliction of injuries.
20 years ago it included rape which is now under the crime against
If the escape is without the connivance of a public officer the crime will chastity.
be removal.
Killing a person
Evasion, Removal and Infidelity • Infanticide
• Evasion is committed by the convicted prisoner • Parricide
• Removal committed by any person, prisoner maybe convicted or not • Murder
• Infidelity committed by a public officer has custody (223) or by a • Homicide
private person has custody (225), could refer to convicted prisoner.
A. Infanticide
Recognisance Law- When a person commits a bailable offense he will • Victim must be less than 3 days old.
have the option of bail bond, property bond, ◦ If the victim is 3 days old, it will not be infanticide.
If he cannot afford to post bail, the property must be titled but most of • If victim is expelled and is less than 6 months old, crime is abortion if
the properties are not titled. If a person is unable to post bail he can he was born alive.
avail of recognisance law. • If child is born dead and offender tried to kill him offender is guilty of
impossible crime.
Someone will vouch for your character that you will not abscond. Under
this law, someone (not relative) which can be a church official, a • In order for it to be infanticide and not abortion, the baby must be
person of good standing will vouch for the integrity or character of the born alive and must be able to survive after having been born. If baby
cannot survive because of his age then the crime will not be infanticide.

The crime will be the expulsion of the baby resulting in the death of the established. Aid of armed men was only considered ordinary
baby. aggravating circumstance.
• When the baby is expelled and dies and not expected to survive the
crime is abortion. Qualifying: Treachery by sudden attack (2 requisites)
• The baby must be more than 6 months old and the baby must be 1. At the time of the attack, the victim was not in a position to defend
born alive. If it is not born alive then there may be abortion if the himself.
expulsion was intentional or by reason of force. 2. Offender consciously adopted the particular means, method or form
• If the baby Is already 3 days old, the crime is murder (abuse of of attack.
superior strength). When means are employed in order to kill with the
victim unable to defend himself, the is treachery. People vs Torrefiel: Treachery absorbs abuse of superior strength and
aid of armed men
B. Parricide People vs Barigga: When treachery is not proven but aid of armed men
• Spouse - must be legitimate is proven, treachery will not absorb aid of armed men, the latter may
• Ascendants - must be by consanguinity, legitimate. Legitimacy not an stand to serve as qualifying on its own. If there was treachery then it
issue if committed by parents/children, must be by blood. will be absorbed and no more qualifying or aggravating.
• Descendants -
When there are more than 1 qualifying proven, the others must be
Relationship must be by blood. generic aggravating circumstance (People vs Barriga)

NOT PARRICIDE: Dissenting: Generic applies across the board and any kind of crime.
• Siblings The opposite is specific aggravating, where it only applies to certain
• Aunt and nephew crimes. Example: Treachery only applies to crimes against persons
• Stepsons and stepfathers Treachery not enough that its adopted victim must also not put up
• In-laws defense

With respect to ascendant, descendant, relationship must be legitimate Pp vs Umawid 2014 check ppt
UNLESS parents-children (relationship NEED NOT BE LEGITIMATE) How young must he e to be an abuse of superior strength?
No discussion as to how the accused abused strength resulting in
C. Murder victim unable to defend. Basis of SC for abuse of superior strength was
• Qualifying circumstance must be specifically sought for by the age
accused for the purpose of killing (People vs. Galura)
• PD 1613 applies if killing on the occasion of arson. Case to case basis

Qualifying: Evident Premeditation

Qualifying Circumstances 1. Offender is determined to commit crime
For the first if many are present it is only counted as one 2. Sufficient lapse of time between determination and execution of the
1. Aid of armed men, treachery, abuse of superior strength, employing act, to allow reflect upon consequences of his act and conscience to
means to weaken the defense or insure or afford impunity. overcome his will.
A. If killing was committed by a band of armed men with 3. Act showing that he clung to his determination
treachery, then it will be taken as one which is treachery.
B. If there is a qualifying circumstance in other numbers, for Just because there was quarrel in the morning and killed his opponent
example: in consideration of price, or evident premeditation, if Juan in the evening, it does not immediately mean that there was
wanted to kill Pedro and hires a and B to kill Pedro. There is evident premeditation or taking advantage of night time.
premeditation and in consideration of price or reward. If killing was
done with treachery then there will be a third qualifying circumstance. Found his wife with another but didn't kill them yet but by evening he
Only one of the is enough to qualify the killing to murder. The evident saw paramour, while playing mahjong. evident premeditation since he
premeditation can already qualify the killing to murder while the rest did not specifically seek for the boytoy.
can be treated as ordinary aggravating circumstances.
C. People vs Galura: In order to be considered qualifying or
aggravating the circumstance must be specifically sought. If the
circumstance is not specifically adopted in order to commit the crime Killing a Person
then the circumstance may not qualify the killing. The poisoning was A. Victim is killed (check ppt)
not deliberately used in order to kill thus not qualifying it. • Homicide- regardless intent to kill maybe committed through culpa or
D. There is only treachery is there is a means to weaken the reckless or simple imprudence
defense or victim is unable to put up a defence at all. Treachery is the • Murder- if qualifying circumstances is
methods not only leads to not recognising but also being unable to put
up a defence. B. Victim is not killed (check recording)
2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise 1. Without intent to kill
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion, shipwrecks • Physical injuries: serious, less serious, slight, mutilation
stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a street car or • Slander by deed: no physical injury but there is public humiliation
locomotive, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or with the • Maltreatment - no physical injury or public humiliation
use of means involving great waste and ruin. 2. WITH INTENT TO KILL
4. On the occasion of calamities • Fatal injury - frustrated murder, homicide
5. With evident premeditation • Non fatal injury or no injury- attempted homicide, murder, parricide,
6. With cruelty, augmenting the suffering- IT CAN BE DURING OR infanticide.
Case: Accused was accompanied by armed men but nobody saw how A. No. Frustrated or attempted homicide (CHECK PPT)
the killing was committed. There is no crime of murder as treachery
cannot be proven without any witness as to the manner of killing. Crimes against persons and use of firearm
However, there is aid of armed men because even if the actual killing • For frustrated stage, there must be fatal wound and intent to kill
was not seen, other circumstances leading to the killing were
• Attempted stage, intent to kill and overt act (leads to intention to kill). baby is killed, the crime will no longer be abortion because the baby
injuries or none at all but firearm must be fired. There must be a did not die because of abortion. The crime will be infanticide.
connection between act and intent. Without a direct connection ◦ There can still be attempted if there was intention to expel
between the overt act and the intention, there is no attempted stage. In the baby. There must be an act in order to kill the baby.
an attempted rape, the SC ruled that not only must there be intent to •
rape but the act must also be related to the intent. Attempted Abortion (2 instances)
1. If there was an attempt to kill any inside but baby was not killed.
For example: I will kill you and waves the firearm. NOT ATTEMPTED.
The injuries are not necessary to be attempted. Mere drawing is only • If baby is born whether intentional or unintentional abortion huh?
other light threats. Check recording wtf
• For grave threats, threats must be clear • If the baby dies later on not because of expulsion because of some
• Mere drawing of firearm in a quarrel is only other light threats. other thing, that's no longer consummated abortion even if it dies
because it did not die from the expulsion.
2534 Discharge of Firearm
• No intent to kill, no injuries. (Please check recording) Pregnant pedestrian gets hit by a car. There can be unintentional crime
• Difference between alarms and scandals. In alarms, the purpose of abortion. Mother can claim damages.
must be to scare the public. It must be calculated to cause fear, the Unintentional abortion can only happen if there is force.
fear must not be directed against one particular victim only. If the fear
is directed without intent to kill that is only illegal discharge. If it is Under the constitution, the state must protect the unborn child. We
directed not at a particular target but to create fear to the public in cannot pass a law regarding abortion.
general, that is when you have alarms and scandals. The purpose is to Medical practitioners can rely on the law since there is no such law
create chaos in public. written in black and white
• In illegal discharge it must be aimed without intent to kill.

• SC: Even if at the time of firing it was no longer aimed but it was CASE: Pretty Vs UK
initially aimed without intent to kill but at the actual firing, it was pointed
at another, that is still illegal discharge. What is important is that it was In Pretty v. The United Kingdom, the applicant, Ms. Diane Pretty, was
initially aimed. paralysed and suffered from a motor neurone disease, a progressive
degenerative and incurable illness, which had reduced her to a state of
Difference: In illegal discharge , it is directed against a person or even complete dependency upon others. She was facing the prospect of a
a person inside a house. distressing death by suffocation when her breathing muscles started to
fail. Although it was not a crime to commit suicide under English law,
• The firearm is aimed but there is no intent to kill. Since it must be the applicant was prevented by her disease from taking such a step
directed at another it cannot be without assistance. She wanted to protect her right to a dignified death
(Please check recording) and requested the Director of Public Prosecutions to grant immunity
from prosecution to her husband if he assisted her in committing
LECTURE 4 February 27, 2020 suicide. This request was denied at the domestic level. She alleged
that this refusal infringed her rights under the ECHR . She focused her
Abortion - is the killing of the foetus in the uterus or the expulsion of the complaint principally on Article 3 of the Convention. She submitted that
foetus from the maternal womb which results in the death of the fetus. the suffering which she faced qualified as degrading treatment under
Article 3 of the Convention. She also alleged violation of Article 2. She
Abortion is not a crime against the mother but against the child. alleged that permitting her to be assisted in committing suicide would
not be in conflict with Article 2 of the Convention. According to the
Under the Constitution, the unborn child is protected. applicant, Article 2 protects not only the right to life but also the right to
choose whether or not to go on living. It was submitted that it protected
• When a baby is killed inside the womb regardless of the age of the the right to life and not life itself, while the sentence concerning
baby. (Baby dies inside) deprivation of life was directed towards protecting individuals from third
• If the baby is forcibly or intentionally expelled, and because of such parties, namely the state and public authorities, not from themselves.
the baby dies, that is abortion, regardless of age. (Intentionally The applicant claimed that Article 2 therefore acknowledged that it was
expelled) for the individual to choose whether or not to go on living and protected
• If the baby dies because it is expelled but it was not intentional, her right to die to avoid inevitable suffering and indignity as the
regardless fo age it is still abortion but unintentional provided that the corollary of the right to life.
baby dies when it was expelled. If the baby dies, whether intentional or
unintentional, regardless of age, the crime is abortion. In another case, the court allowed for the family to remove the
• Age does not matter if baby dies inside the womb.
• When age is important: If the baby does not die, when it was Who may file? It can be filed by anybody.
expelled. If the baby lives even after it was expelled, you have to take
into consideration the age. LECTURE 5 FEBRUARY 29, 2020
◦ If the baby is alive when it was expelled from the womb, we
have to determine age No frustrated unintentional abortion
‣ Below 6 months- abortion (baby is not expected • In view of lack of intent to cause abortion, there can be no frustrated
to live, if baby dies thereafter, the crime is still abortion even if he was or attempted unintentional abortion
born alive and later on dies. • Crime would be physical injuries
‣ NO CONSUMMATED ABORTION IF BABY DOES NOT • If the abortion Is intended and the baby does not die, there can be
DIE. If baby below 6 months survives, then the crime will become attempted or frustrated stage.
attempted abortion.
‣ Age of the baby is 6 months or more, the crime In unintentional abortion, there may be knowledge or lack of knowledge
will NO LONGER BE ABORTION. In abortion, it requires the death of of the pregnancy.
the baby (crime against the baby not the mother). If the baby is born If a person pushes a woman but he did not know that she was
and does not die and he can live because his age is more than 6 pregnant and it results n abortion, the crime would be unintentional
months, there is no abortion that is consummated. If eventually the abortion. It also does not mean that the accused must not know. Even
if the woman is very pregnant with a child and a reckless driver hits the

pregnant woman resulting in abortion, that would still be unintentional ◦ Intention must be malicious, there must be intention to
abortion (reckless imprudence resulting in unintentional abortion) mutilate.
◦ If the specific intention is to mutilate (has frustrated and
The knowledge as to pregnancy is irrelevant. What is important is attempted)
1. There is violence or force ◦ Example: Through medical intervention it was put back
2. Abortion is not intentional together, crime is frustrated.
• In the absence of intent to kill and intent to mutilate, even if the
Does it mean that unintentional abortion is always culpa? infliction was intentional, it cannot give rise to attempted frustrated or
In the second example, there is culpa. (reckless imprudence resulting mutilation- SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES
in unintentional abortion) , what caused the abortion was force which is ◦ It will always be serious. Now if you compare mutilation to
not intended and was the result of a culpable act. 263 on serious physical injuries. 263b, the second kind of serious
physical injuries is when an arm is cut.
In the first example, if the accused punches a woman not knowing that
the woman is pregnant resulting in the abortion of the baby, there is If a body part is cut it may give rise to attempted or frustrated murder
unintentional abortion but the act of punching was intentional .The etc or mutilation, if there was intention to cut only. If there was no
crime could be physical injuries with unintentional abortion. This is not specific criminal intent, in the course of a fight Juan cuts the arm. The
culpa because the delivery of the blow was intentional. What is not fighting was intentional but there was no specific criminal intent, only a
intentional is the abortion. general criminal intent. The crime is intentional, but the crime is serious
physical injuries, even if it heals it will be serious.
As compared to the 2nd example where the hitting was not intentional.
• If there was no criminal intent - imprudence resulting in serious
When we say unintentional it does not always mean culpa, it means physical injuries.
the abortion was unintentional but the proximate cause may be • What is meant by malicious?
Physical Injuries (263)
Unintentional abortion must have no intent at all whether the proximate • Formal crime, it is always consummated. Because before the injuries
cause was an intended act such as punching, there can never be are inflicted, we do not know what injuries are going to be caused.
frustrated unintentional abortion. When we say frustrated there must be • No such crime as physical injuries alone, in order to be a crime there
intention to abort and meaning the baby did not die has to be determination of the extent of the injury
• 4/3? KINDS
Duel • When is serious physical injuries qualified?
A mere fight as a result of an agreement is not necessarily a duel ◦ When it would have been parricide
because a duel implies an agreement to fight under determined ◦ When it would have been murder
conditions and with the participation and intervention of second who fix • If a person with the use of treachery without intent to kill threw a
such conditions. stone on a sleeping victim, but he sneaked from behind but did not
intend to kill. If the injuries caused were serious, the crime would be
• Both combatants and seconds are punished qualified serious physical injuries. Had there been intent to kill, it would
• Seconds are punished as accomplices be attempted or frustrated murder.
• If there are injuries, even if in a duel there is intent to kill. The law • NOTE: These qualifying circumstances are only true if the injuries are
says the penalty shall be that of physical injuries. serious. If they are merely less serious or slight, what would happen to
• If the victim or one of them does not die, the crime in so far as the the circumstances, they will be ordinary aggravating.
one who injures will only be for physical injury instead of attempted • 264 Administering injurious substances or beverages.
4 categories of serious physical injuries
Different penalties according to degree
Challenging to a duel 1. MOST SERIOUS: Victim becomes insane, imbecile, impotent or
Somebody is challenging a person to a duel which may or may not be blind.
accepted, even if it is not accepted may still be a crime. ◦ It does not matter that he does not go to the hospital, so
long as the result is present.
Challenging to a duel is not the same as daring someone in a fight in 2. Cutting off of body parts
the heat of agreement. Duel is not just the ordinary agreement to fight. 3. Deformity
It is more than an agreement to fight it is an agreement with the - 3 factors must concur in deformity
formalities similar to a contract to kill each other. 1. Ugliness/deformity
2. Deformity/Ugliness is visible
Mutilation 3. Deformity will not heal naturally
• Mutilation is the lopping or clipping off of some part of the body which Juan was slashed in the face, after he had a surgery he became
is not susceptible to growth again. handsome, was there physical injuries? Yes because it would not have
• It must be intentional healed naturally.

Kinds of mutilation
1. Depriving a person of the use of a reproductive organ - not The least- the one that requires medical attention or time to heal would
necessary that there is a chopping off, total deprivation. be 30-90 days
2. Chopping off of a body part (any body part including arms, ear
Slight physical injuries - time to heal is one day to 90 days
A person who went to hospital for appendicitis but was circumcised
/vasectomised. Will this be mutilation? YES 265
266 Slight physical injuries
If a person's reproductive organ becomes useless, there can be 3
crimes that can be committed. Slight physical injuries cannot be complexed with another crime.
• If the reproductive organ is injured for the purpose of killing him
(specific criminal intent to kill) - ATTEMPTED MURDER, • Check images for ppt
• If the purpose is just to cut that body part- MUTILATION

Rape as a crime against persons RA 8353 incorporated as 266 A RPC You can only complex crimes that are punished by revised penal code.
(not against chastity You cannot complex crimes arising from one act if the crimes are
punished under different laws. You cannot apply complexing, so what
Rape as a public crime, prior to this it was a private crime ( only the happens is simmering.
victim can file the case or the parents of the victim)
You carry a gun during election period. Since these laws violated are
Rape and impossible crime e.g necrophilia - When rape was still a SPL's , you cannot apply 48. (Illegal possession of firearms, bringing of
crime against chastity, raping a dead person could not be impossible firearms during elections omnibus election code.)
crime. An impossible crime must be a crime against persons or
property. If a dead person is raped, it would be impossible crime You will have two cases. A
NEW AMMENDMENT: Crime will be gun ban but the penalty will not
2 kinds of rape: be for gun ban but the penalty will be for aggravating.
1. Carnal Knowledge- only be committed by a man and victim is a
woman. For example: Child pornography
No jurisprudence where the victim is not a woman, in most cases the The act of recruiting , the act of filming,
woman is only an accomplice or accessory. For every act, one crime.
If a transgender is raped it is not rape of the first kind. The law is clear RA 9995 Voyeurism
on the definition. Distribute: Voyeurism
Chid pornography: victim may need not be a child. Even an adult who
1. Sexual Assault dresses up like a child can give rise to child pornography
The filming is different from the actual abusing.
Means adopted: (Before 8358, there were only 3 methods of There will be as many crimes as there are acts violated.
committing rape 1,2 and 4)
1. Through force, threat or intimidation Even if the victim will testify that she was not raped, that testimony will
2. Offended is deprived of reason not have any effect is she was below 12.
3. Fraudent machination or abuse of authority
4. Offended party is under 12 years old or is demented. If the victim is more than 12, it becomes a problem if the woman will
not consent to the filing of the case.
Degree of resistance required There are crimes that can be prosecuted only with the consent and
What is meant by force? The kind of force needed may not be too cooperation of the victim
overwhelming. It is not necessary to abuse the victim. In so far as the • Rights based - final say is on the victim, if she chooses to avail of that
victim's reaction is concerned, or the degree of resistance is right. It needs her cooperation.
concerned, it need not be a tenacious resistance. The slightest penetration already constitutes rape it is not necessary
that there be lacerations.
Pp. v. Gondaway, 2002
Any physical overt act manifesting resistance in any degree from the LECTURE 6 MARCH 3 2020
victim is admissible as evidence fo lack of consent. Tenacious Is there frustrated rape? (Check ppt and recording missed it)
resistance is not required. There is none

SC made it clear that there is such a thing as constructive force, which Baleros vs Pp
may be in the form of moral ascendancy. If the rapist is a relative ,
such person need not employ physical force. The fact that he exercises • A woman was walking alone and suddenly the accused sprung out of
control over the victim is enough for the victim to become helpless. nowhere and embraced her and made her smell a piece of cloth
leading her to be unconscious. Even if there was already overt act, we
Rape can be committed through intimidation cannot determine with those overt acts what was the intent. Is the
If the offender uses threats, the threats alone like showing a knife intent to have carnal knowledge or to kidnap. In order to be attempted
would be enough to scare the victim. rape, the overt act done must show the intent to rape. Mere hugging
does not yet show that the intent was to have carnal knowledge.
When the victim is deprived of reason • In order to be attempted rape, the overt act must be in connection
• Not only includes victims who are inside but also includes those who with the rape, without the connection it cannot be the attempted stage
are of sound reason, those who are drugged, asleep or drunk. At that of one crime.
time there cannot be consent. • Once that connection is established, that is the time we can have
attempted stage.
Offended party is under 12 years old or demented. • (Check ppt for further explanation)
• Statutory rape - the statute considers it rape regardless of consent. If • The attempt which the RPC punishes is that which has a logical
the victim is below 12, even if the victim consented it will still be rape. connection to a particular, concrete offence that which is the beginning
• Consent will not matter if victim is below 12. of the execution of the offence by overt acts leading directly to its
• If victim is 12 to below 18, if there is consent, there can be what is realisation and consummation.
known as consented abduction. • "Absent the unavoidable connection as where the purple of offender
• After her 12th birthday, it can be seduction or consented abduction. is not certain, what obtains is an attempt to commit an indeterminate
Special penal law- child abuse law • To be attempted, there must be the specific criminal intent coupled
If there was consent but the child is below 12 it is still rape but after she with an overt act.
is 12, there can be child abuse only if there is consent. The consent in
this case can be acquired through persuasion, influence, e, coercion, • When is rape consummated, attempted.
there is consent but it will no longer be rape but it will be child abuse. • When is the crime attempted rape, when acts of lasciviousness.
• When is there no acts of lasciviousness, when there is unjust
If intention was to rape and death was unintended then crime would be vacation.
rape resulting in death. Sombilon

Penalty: highest is 20 years May a woman commit rape?

No, she cannot because the law is clear that only a man can commit
rape by carnal knowledge. It is however possible for a woman to be

criminally liable for rape even if she is actually not the one committing will just be absorbed. If the woman was also seriously injured, the
the rape. serious physical injuries will also be absorbed.

Rape by sexual intercourse may be committed by a woman provided Rape: simply, ordinary complex and special (check ppt)
that she commits it together with a man. There is no complex crime of forcible abduction with rape if the primary
• Offender should be a man. The one who will actually commit the rape objective of the accused it to commit rape (People vs Domingo)
should be a man but this does not preclude a woman being liable for
rape if she incurs the liability because of conspiracy. She incurs the Robbery with Rape
same liability as the rapist by virtue of conspiracy. The primary objective must be to rape.
• If the purpose is to rape and after which the woman was robbed, the
Rape by sexual assault may be committed by a woman against crime would be rape and robbery or theft as the case may be.
another woman.
- may be committed by anybody regardless of gender. If the main purpose was to rob, it does not matter whether the rape
- victim may be anyone. happened first after the taking.
In the special complex crime of robbery with rape, the primary objective
Degree of resistance required must be to rob. The rape maybe committed prior to during or after the
People vs Gondaway July 23, 2002 taking of the property. Succeeding rapes are absorbed.
Any physical overt act manifesting resistance in any degree form the
victim is admissible as evidence of lack of consent. Tenacious Regalado: "In robbery with rape, the victim in the rape maybe a co-
resistance is not required. Neither is determined and persistent robber herself." The victim in the rape need not be the victim in the
physical struggle necessary ( deviation from people vs Lago, which robbery. So long as the main intention is to rob and during, before or
required tenacious resistance and not mere initial reluctance after, a rape was committed, it is not necessary the the victim in the
rape is also the victim in the robbery.
People vs Guittierez May 9 2003
Physical resistance need not be proved in rape when intimidation is If there was no more intimidation when the things were taken, it would
exercised upon the victim and she submits urself against her will to the no longer be robbery, it would be theft.
rapist advances because of fear for her life and personal safety.
If the man entered through the window for the purpose of raping,
Force may be actual or constructive (check constructive force on employing intimidation in order to rape and after that he took valuables
lecture 5) and escaped, the crime would be rape and robbery. Not because there
was violence in the taking but because there was force upon things
Special Complex Crime when he entered in an entrance not intended for the purpose of
• Robbery with Rape- primary purpose must be to rob entering.
• Kidnapping with rape- the main purpose is to deprive liberty
• Forcible abduction with rape- the taking must be with lied designs but
not necessarily an element of rape otherwise the crime would simply
be rape.

• If she was brought from one place to another but the purpose was to
rape, the crime would simply be rape. The taking was only incidental to
the commission of the rape.
• If the purpose is with lewd designs not necessarily to have carnal
knowledge, then if a woman is taken from one place to be brought from
another place and when they reach the place, the rape happens even if
it is not the main intention, the crime will be an ordinary complex crime
of forcible abduction with rape (one crime is a means of committing the
other crime). Forcible abduction is the means of committing the rape.
• However, if the victim was taken for the purpose of depriving her of
her liberty, and then afterwards was raped. The crime will be a special
complex crime of kidnapping with rape.

Why is it important to determine the kind of complex crime?

Rape - If A, B, C, D with the intention of raping dragged a woman from

a public place to a secluded area, where it was raped by each one of
them. Four counts, all of them would be liable for each count. The each
refers to the count. As many counts as there are rape

Forcible Abduction with Rape- If the purpose was to have a joyride

(purpose not yet to rape) but there was already lewd designs. They
took a woman because they wanted her to strip dance but later on she
was rape. (Check recording) Only the first crime will be applied with the
forcible abduction because for the following crime of rape, the forcible
abduction was no longer necessary. Note: All of them are still liable for
all the crimes of rape. As many counts as there are rape but only
applies to first.

Kidnapping with Rape - If the purpose of the taking of the woman is to

deprive her of liberty, absent the lewd design or intention to rape. For
example, she failed to pay her debts. They took her in order to deprive
her of liberty, until she will pay but during the kidnapping she was
raped by A,B,C and D. Only one count (check recording). The others

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