28 Movie Day

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How can sandstorms in the Sahara Desert transform the Amazon Rain Forest, over
__5,000_____ miles away? Explain. The dust from the Sahara goes to the amazon in a dust
storm and will turn into storm clouds providing nutrients (plankton)and (Phosphorous), which is
from when the Sahara used to be an ocean.

2. If you were to consider the entire electro-magnetic spectrum to be a line that

stretched from New York City to Los Angeles, the piece that our eyes could see would
be about the size of ____dime_______.

3. What is the name of the NASA satellite studies the Water Cycle on Earth?

4. For vast area of ocean to evaporate fast, the critical temperature of

__80_____degrees, that must be reached.

5. At this temperature, evaporation, produces an invisible gas :


6. How is energy from the Sun transformed into storm energy? Explain.
The energy from the sun is transformed into storm energy by water vapor taking up heat
with them. When the vapor releases the sun’s energy the heat the result is a storm.

7. In just 24 hours, Hurricane Katrina grows into a category __5____ monster.

8. The monsoon eventually moves to the east, reaching _____china_____, where it

floods the paddies that are ideal for growing rice.

9. Besides light , water and carbon dioxide plants and phytoplankton need
________land/nutrients_________ to flourish

10. On average, the South Pole is ____43_____ degrees colder than the North Pole.
11. What are the two main reasons why Antarctica is so much colder?
1. The poles receive little of the sun's energy and reflect most of it back into space
2. The winds of the polar jet and the water of the circumpolar current together form
an impenetrable barrier around antarctica isolating it from the rest of the planet
and depriving it from warmth
12. What are the effects of Antarctica’s climate on the rest of the world?
The effects of antarctica lay in a large body of water what happens when it freezes

13. At what critical temperature does the ocean start to freeze(___29 degrees
fahrenheit ____)

14. As water freezes into ice, dissolved salts come out of solution and form a

15. The brine is denser than regular sea water, and sinks downwards to the bottom of
the ocean. As winter's grip on Antarctica tightens the formation of ice speeds up and
spreads. Soon large slicks appear on the surface and thicken into a solid mass. What
started as a microscopic process can soon be seen from ______space____________.

16. One trillion gallons of salty brine plunge down from the Weddell Sea surface every
hour, a torrent equivalent to the volume of ____500______ Niagara Falls.

17. This brine water under-current is part of which global system_______antarticas

__gulf stream___

18. How does the Gulfstream ocean current affects Europe’s climate?
It takes warm water from the gulf of mexico north to the eastern united states and
europe generating warm air
19. Ultimately what are the net effects of ocean currents on the planet?
They carry the left over nutrients away, and mix the cold water with the warm
20. How did the characteristics of Antarctica help the evolution of organisms on Earth?
The characteristics of Antarctica helped the evolution of organisms on earth because of the
streams that come and leave because a lot of organism like tuna travel in streams so this is one
way it helped the evolution of organisms

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