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Book Title: Quiet Power – The secret Year: 2016

strengths of introverted kids
Author: Susan Cain
Before Reading:
Reading the title, what do you think the book is about?
I think it is about some children’s lives, and I believe it will talk about how to solve
their problems with introversion, and how they could be considered extroverted in a
different way.

Would you identify yourself as an introvert?

Yes, I think I am the most introvert person I know! I know I am introvert, and I know it
could be a big problem in certain situations, but I try to deal with it and to change that
lack, if possible.

Which aspects or topics that the book might tackle do you believe that you will find
most useful?
Reading some stories told by other people as introvert as me, I will find most useful
some tips to learn how to improve myself.

While Reading:
Write down ten words or expressions that were new to you, including the page you
found them on. Provide a synonym for them:
1. Cliques: group of people 6. Mellow: soft

2. Blurt out: to let the cat out of the bag 7. Fiddle: violin

3. Itch: desire, will 8. Chime: music box

4. Bash: party, celebration 9. Blossom: flower

5. Razor-sharp: really sharp, biting, 10. Hectic: chaotic, frenzied

After Reading:
Do you identify as an introvert after having read the book? If so/if not, explain why.
I still believe I’m introvert, because, while reading the book, I always identified myself
with a different person in each chapter: they all shared the same problems, but also
the same will to prove that, even if they are a bit shy, they can be as good as other
people who are not (even better, I believe). I am aware of the fact that being shy and
introvert sometimes could be a flaw, but it can only affect some aspects of my life,
such as my desire of remain by myself for a while when I need to stay alone, but it
does not mean that I can’t have friends: I only need my times and my spaces.
I knew some of the celebrities the author talked about, and I was impressed by the
fact that they were as introvert as me and now they could be found among the best
people in their categories, such as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo or Beyonce.

How could this ‘quiet revolution’ be applied to teaching environments?

I think teachers should look after their children considering their different
personalities, but I also think that children have to act, too.
On the one hand, talking about teachers, they don’t have to force children to make
them doing something they would not do, because it could create a worse
environment with another obstacle to deal with. If talking is a problem for a particular
child, the teacher/professor has to help him/her in order to see a change: if the child
is quiet and knows that the teacher could be considered as a friend and not as a
stumbling block, then everything will be easier.
On the other hand, children (but also adolescents) have to fight, they have to try to
change their lives. They have to understand that teachers are humans, and human
beings can commit a mistake considering other people’s personality. They mustn’t see
them as monsters, but as friends they can rely on.

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