Rights To Operate or Maintain The Asset Do Not Necessarily Grant The Right To Direct How and For What Purpose The Asset Is Used

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Lease Right to direct the use

- Is a contract, or a part of a contract, that Customer has the right to direct the use of an asset if:
conveys the right to use an asset.
- He has the right to direct how and for what
Parties to a Lease Contract purpose asset is used.
- Asset’s use is predetermined, supplier is
Lessee precluded from changing the predetermined
o Entity that obtains the right to use an use.
asset. Decision-making rights:
Lessor 1. Rights to change the type of output that is
o Entity that provides the right to use an produced by the asset.
2. Rights to change when the output is produced.
3. Rights to change where the output is produced.
Identifying a Lease 4. Rights to change whether the output is
produced, and quantity of output.
- If the contract conveys the right to control the
use of an identified asset for a period of time. *rights to operate or maintain the asset do not
necessarily grant the right to direct how and for what
An entity has the right to control the use of an identified purpose the asset is used.
asset if it has both:
Protective rights
- Right to obtain substantially all of the economic
benefits from the use of the identified asset. Include: contractual restrictions designed to protect the
- Right to direct the use of the identified asset. supplier’s interest in the asset or its personnel or ensure
compliance with laws or regulations.
Portions of Assets
Contract may:
Portion identified as asset if: physically distinct
(specifically identifies the said asset). - Specify the maximum amount of use an asset
- Require a customer to follow particular
Not identified as asset if: not physically distinct, unless it operating procedures
represents substantially all of the capacity of the asset. - Require a customer to inform the supplier of
changes on how an asset will be used.
Substantive Substitution Rights (SSR)
Is there an identified lease?
Asset, not identified asset if supplier has the SSR
throughout the use. Yes -> next question No -> contract has no lease
Suppliers right to substitute an asset – substantive if Does customer have the right to obtain economic
both conditions exist: benefits?
- Supplier has the practical ability to substitute Yes -> next question No -> contract has no lease
alternative assets.
- Supplier would benefit economically from the Does customer have the right to direct the use of
exercise of its right to substitute the asset. the asset?

Supplier’s right to substitute an asset is not substantive Yes -> contract has lease No -> contract has no lease
if it cannot be exercised throughout the period of use,
Lease Term
such as:
- non-cancellable period for a lease, together with
- Only on a particular date or upon the occurrence
of a specified event.
o periods covered by an option to extend.
- During repairs, maintenance, upgrading.
o periods covered by an option to
*Supplier’s SSR not substantive when not readily terminate.
determinable. *must be reasonably certain which option.
Right to obtain economic benefits from use Non-cancellable period is the period in which the
contract is enforceable.
Customer controls the use of an identified asset if it has
the right to obtain substantially all of the economic No longer enforceable when each of the lessor and
benefits from the asset throughout the period of use lessee can terminate the lease without permission,
(exclusive use of an asset). subject only to insignificant penalty.
Economic Benefits: potential inflows from the asset’s  If only lessee has the right to terminate the
output. lease, lessee considers this right when
determining the lease term.
When assessing the right to obtain the economic  If only lessor has the right to terminate the
benefits from use of an asset, entity considers only lease, non-cancellable period of the lease
economic benefits within the defined scope of its right to includes the period covered by option to
use the asset. terminate the lease.
*A stipulation in a contract requiring the customer to In assessing whether lease is reasonably certain to
pay additional consideration does not prevent the exercise an option, an entity considers all relevant facts
customer from having the right to obtain the economic and circumstances that create an economic incentive for
benefits from the use of the asset. the lessee whether or not to exercise the option to
extend or just terminate the lease.


Lessee may be reasonably certain to opt for an extend

- Lease payments on extended period are Subsequent Measurement (RUA)
expected to be below market rate.
- Lessee made significant improvements, useful Subsequently measured similar to purchased asset,
life longer than original lease term. under Cost Model except when:

Lessee may be reasonably certain not to opt for - Relates to a class of PPE measured under
termination if: revaluation model -> revaluation model
- Meets the definition of investment property, fair
- Costs of terminating the lease are significant. value model -> fair value model
- Leased asset is important to lessee’s operations.
Cost Model
*the shorter non-cancellable period = more likely
lessee will exercise to extend RUA is measured at cost:

^more likely the costs associated with obtaining - Less acc. dep. and any acc. impairment losses
replacement asset will be higher. - Adjusted for any remeasurement of the lease
Accounting for leases by Lessee
Lessee depreciates asset over useful life if:
Lessee recognizes lease liability (LL) and right-of-use
asset (RUA) at commencement date. - Contract provides transfer of ownership to
lessee by end of lease term
Initial Measurement (LL) - Reasonably certain that lessee will exercise
purchase option
Initially measured at PV of lease payments not yet paid
at commencement date. *Other cases, lessee depreciates asset over shorter
of asset’s useful life and lease term.
Lease payments include the ff:
*Depreciate starts from commencement date.
- Fixed payments – incentives received
- Variable payments (depends on index/rate) Recognition Exemptions
- Amounts expected to be payable by lessee
under residual value guarantees Lessee may elect not to apply recognition requirements
- Exercise price of purchase opt (reasonably from above for:
certain) - Short-term leases
- Payments of penalties for terminating the lease - Leases which asset has low value
Lease payments do not include the ff: Short-term Lease
- Payments for non-lease elements (except when Lease, at commencement date, has a lease term of 12
practical expedient) mos or less.
- Payments in optional extension periods (unless
reasonably certain) *A lease that contains a purchase opt is not a short-term
- Future changes in variable payments (depend on lease.
- Variable payments linked to the lessee’s future *Election for short-term leases is made based on class of
sales or usage of asset asset to which the right of use relates.

Subsequent Measurement (LL) Low Valued Asset

Subsequently measured similar to amortized cost, but Assessment of value is based on the value of the asset
remeasured to reflect any reassessments or lease when it is new.
modifications. Assessment is performed on an absolute basis, meaning,
Accordingly: not affected by materiality or the lessee’s size, nature, or
- Interest is computed using effective interest
method, recognized in P/L *If leased asset is sub-leased, head lease does not
- Lease payments are apportioned between the qualify as lease of low valued asset.
interest and a reduction to LL. *Election for leases of low valued assets = lease-by-
Discount Rate lease basis.

Lease payments are discounted using interest rate Accounting

implicit in the lease. Lessee may elect to recognize the lease payments
Not readily determinable = lessee’s incremental associated with
borrowing rate. a. Short-term lease, or
Initial Measurement (RUA) b. Lease w/low valued asset

Initially measured at cost. as an expense on straight line basis over lease term.

Comprises of the ff: Separating the components of a contract

- Amount of the initial measurement of the LL Entity accounts for each lease component of a contract
- Any lease payments made at or before separately from non-lease components.
commencement date – incentives received Lessee allocated the consideration based on relative
- Any initial direct costs incurred by lessee stand-alone price of the lease component, then
- PV of any decommissioning and restoration aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease
costs which entity incurred an obligation, unless components.
incurred to produce inventories.

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