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Bangladeshi Street food

Street food is a kind of food ,the only view that comes to our mind is of
those little stalls placed side by side with delicious aroma and colour
which pleasing our senses when we pass through them.Street food is
called so because it is prepared in front of customers and also served
consumed on streets. From starters to desserts everything is served on
street.With a large number of population,street food is very famous
and demandable in our country Bangladesh.The speciality about street
food in dhaka is that a beggar or a millionaire ,people from all kinds of
economic classes eats on street because the taste is better than
restaurants and also affortable price.Those who are concern about
hygienic,they can see the cooking process.We have some street food
items such as, Bhelpuri, Jhalmuri, Chotpoti, Fuchka, Achar, Peanuts,
Fruits with salt and chili, Khetapuri, Shrimp kebab, Tikka kebab with
Parata, Pitha, Sringara, Chanachur and Chola etc.In winter ,pitha is
available but also some pitha is available in every season.During
Ramadan,Chok bazar is arrange a food festival which is really attracting
for us to taste different types of fried items.In summer,we also try
sugar cane juice which we can feel fresh and become healthy. Bhelpuri
is one of the most common and popular street food in Dhaka. We can
find at least one Bhelpuri-wala in every area. Chotpoti and fuchka are
two street foods that are from the previous decade. Many stories were
written about couples sharing a plate of chotpoti and fuchka because
the taste of fuska is not telling about a word. Its a normal evening meal
of every Bangladeshi which is “Chanachur” but some person made it
very interesting. They make it in a different way and its yummy and hot
too. We call it Gorom Chanachur (Hot  Chanachur) . One of my
favourite street food is “Jallaby”It’s like a deep fried funnel cake cooled
and soaked in sugar water.”Sringra and Samosa” is deep fried ball or a
tringale shape which served with onion pieces.We also taste
“Strawberry and kola “vhorta which is made all kind of Bangladeshi
green fruits.Another achar is very much popular in girls.In our daily
work,we don’t have enough time to prepare food.That’s why we nees
street food,which is ready-made.Mainly lower and poor people have to
solve their earning source to make foods. Sometimes this food is
unhygienic for us. So, we need to eat this food very carefully.
Otherwise, we become sick. Overall Street Food is helpful for corporate
people and also delicious for every people in Bangladesh.

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