Test VIII Scrapbook

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I. Artists use color to create patterns. Color can also show different moods. Bright colors make us feel
happy and energetic. Dark colors make us feel calm or sad. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.
They are the colors that can be mixed together to make different colors. Mixing two primary colors
makes a secondary color. The secondary colors are orange, green, and violet (purple). Orange is made by
mixing yellow and red. Green is made by mixing yellow and blue. Violet is made by mixing red and blue.
Intermediate colors can be made by mixing a primary and a secondary color together. Some intermediate
colors are blue violet and red orange. Black, white, and gray are special colors. They are called neutral
colors. Colors have been organized into a color wheel. It shows the three primary colors, the three
secondary colors, and the six intermediate colors. Artists use the color wheel to helps them know which
colors they want to use together.
a. Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false:
1. Colors are used to express different moods.
2. Secondary colors can be mixed together to create various colors.
3. A secondary color is made by mixing two primary colors.
4. When a secondary and primary color is mixed together it creates an intermediate color.
5. The color wheel was created to help people learn the colors.
b. Read the text again and answer the questions:
What kinds of colors make us feel calm?
What kinds of colors make us feel like we have lots of energy?
What are the primary colors?
What are the secondary colors?
What tool do artist use to organize all the colors?

II. Choose the correct answer:

Shoes are made of a) cotton b) leather c) wood
Necklaces are made of a) nylon b) silver c) wool
Chairs are made of a) wood b) cotton c) nylon
T-shirts are made of a) gold b) iron c) cotton
Cars are made of a) iron b) wool c) silver

II. Fill in the gaps with:

a. the comparative form of the adjectives given.
1. The princess is ______________________________than the witch. (beautiful)
2. Tom is a ______________________________ student than Mary. (good)
3. A lion is ______________________________ than a cat. (dangerous)
4. Bicycles are ______________________________ than motorbikes. (safe)
5. Computers are ______________________________ than telephones. (expensive)
b. the superlative form of the adjectives given.
1. It is the ______________________________ shop in town. (large)
2. Monday is the ______________________________ day of the week. (bad)
3. Sam is the ______________________________ in the class. (popular)
4. Let's pick the ______________________________ apple of the tree. (big)
5. That is the ______________________________ sofa in our house. (comfortable)

III. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. We really ___________________________ (enjoy) the game last Sunday
2. ___________________________ (Marco / win) the golf competition?
3. They ___________________________ (not play) very well yesterday.
4. How many goals __________________________ (they / score) in the first half?
5. Sandra ___________________________ (not want) to go swimming with me.
6. They ___________________________ (go) to the swimming pool yesterday.
7. I ___________________________ (buy) a new baseball cap last week

IV. Choose the correct answer and circle it:

1. I dropped my mobile phone when I walked / was walking to school.
2. The train arrived / was arriving and they got on.
3. What did Jamie do/ was Jamie doing when you saw him?
4. It didn’t rain/ wasn’t raining when we left the house this morning.
5. Emily wasn't riding her bike when the accident happened / was happening.
6. Did they sleep / were they sleeping when you phoned them?
7. I went shopping yesterday, but I didn’t buy / wasn’t buying anything.
8. Who did you talk to / were you talking to when I arrived?

V. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice:

1. The policemen help the children. - _______________________________________________
2. He writes poems. - ____________________________________________________________
3. Mother waters the flowers. - ____________________________________________________
4. He opens the door. - __________________________________________________________
5. We set the table. - _____________________________________________________________
6. She pays a lot of money. - ______________________________________________________
7. I draw a picture. - _____________________________________________________________
8. The people speak English. - _____________________________________________________
9. We play volleyball. - __________________________________________________________
10. They sing the song. - _________________________________________________________

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