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Describe what

is happening
in this picture.

Police trying to get Archduke Franz Ferdinand This dude is shooting at Archduke
Gavrilo Princip Franz Ferdinand and Archduke's
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Who was assassinated?
On June 28, 1914, a 19-year-old
Serbian named Gavrilo Princip
killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Archduke Franz Ferdinand
who was to be the emperor of the
Austria-Hungary Empire. The
assassination set off a chain of
events that would lead to the start
of World War I. But the seeds of
this terrible "Great War" had been
planted long before Princip fired
those fatal bullets.
Read and Respond What was the
Europe by 1914 Franco-Prussian War?
From 1814 to 1815, Austria, Prussia, Russia,
England and France met at the Congress of
Vienna to set up borders and rules for countries
in Europe. However, 100 years later, by 1914, War in which a coalition of German states
Europe was about to be torn apart by the Great led by Prussia defeated France.
Problems began as a result of the
Franco-Prussian War (1870 to 1871). France was
defeated by Prussia. France lost land and had to
pay money to Prussia. Prussia grew stronger and
became the German Empire, so France felt it
needed a partner. Russia agreed to be France's
ally in 1892. England was also worried Germany
was getting too strong, so it became allies with
France and Russia.
Read and Respond What was the Balkan
Soon after, Austria-Hungary and Russia wanted League?
control of lands in the Balkans. The Balkans
included several countries like Serbia, Greece,
Montenegro, Bulgaria and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In 1908, Austria-Hungary claimed The League of Balkans was a quadruple
Bosnia-Herzegovina, but Serbia felt it should be alliance formed by a series of bilateral
part of its country. The German Empire treaties concluded in 1912 between the
supported Austria-Hungary. This grab for Eastern Orthodox kingdoms of Greece,
territory angered Serbia and also Russia. Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, and
Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria then directed against the Ottoman Empire, which
formed the Balkan League and in back-to-back at the time still controlled much of
Balkan wars with the Ottoman Turks (1912 and Southeastern Europe.
1913), they got control of more Balkan lands
away from the Ottoman Empire. This was seen
as a threat by both Austria-Hungary and Russia.
Read and Respond How does an alliance mean
As 1914 began, the German war could happen?
Empire and Austria-Hungary
were allies. France, England and The Alliance System played an important
Russia had their own alliance, role in leading to the First World War mainly
because it divided the European powers
so this meant that any conflict in into two rival military camps, the Triple
Europe could lead to war. Alliance and the Triple Entente by 1907.
First Then Finally
The first archduke Franz Ferdinand Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Finally, they created two alliances
is assassinated by a 19-year-old Bulgaria created the Balkan League that they called the triple alliance
Serb named Gavrilo Princip and and also had a war against the and the triple entente.
thanks to him the first war begins. Ottoman Turks
Use the map on the previous page to list who is in the
triple alliance and who is the in the triple entente.

Triple Alliance Countries Triple Entente Countries

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. France, Russia, and Great Britain
Read and Respond Who was Gavrilo Princip?
Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
was a great friend of Kaiser Wilhelm of
Germany. He met with him in June 1914 to
discuss the tense situation in the Balkans. Two Gavrilo Princip was a Bosnian Serb member
weeks later, on June 28, Franz Ferdinand and of Young Bosnia who sought an end to
his wife, Sophie, came to inspect the army in Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Gavrilo Princip, who was Herzegovina.
part of the Young Bosnia movement that hated
Austria-Hungary and wanted to join Serbia, At the age of 19, he assassinated Archduke
learned of the archduke’s visit. Supplied with Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the
weapons by a Serbian revolutionary group Archduke's wife, Sophie, Duchess of
called the Black Hand, Princip and five others Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.
traveled to the city of Sarajevo in time for the
archduke’s visit.
Read and Respond What happened to Ferdinand and
his Sophie?
The royal couple was touring the city in an
open car. One of the Serbs threw a bomb at
their car, but it rolled off the back of the
vehicle, wounding an army officer and some They were assassinated by Princip
bystanders. Later that day, the archduke's
car took a wrong turn near where Princip
happened to be standing. Seeing his chance,
Princip fired into the car, shooting Franz
Ferdinand and Sophie at point-blank range.
He then turned the gun on himself, but
before he could fire, he was tackled and held
until the police arrived. The archduke and
his wife died within the hour.
First Then Finally
The first thing that happened was When they were visiting the city, a The archduke's car spun near
that Archduke Franz Ferdinand Serb threw the bomb at him, but it where Princip was standing and
went to visit Kaiser Wilhelm in rolled out the back of the vehicle. then saw his chance to kill him and
Germany, after two weeks Archduke then shot him and his wife and they
Franz Ferdinand and his wife came died in less than an hour and then
to inspect the army in tried to commit suicide, but he was
Bosnia-Herzegovina boarded and held until the police
arrived .
Read and Respond Why did Franz Josef write a
Austria-Hungary wanted to show the letter to Kaiser Wilhelm?
Balkan countries it was strong and
would respond to this terrible crime.
Emperor Franz-Joseph wrote to Kaiser
However, Russia also wanted Balkan Wilhelm II indicating that he was
lands and Austria-Hungary was not considering taking military action against
prepared for a war with Russia. So the Serbia. His motive was the assassination of
emperor of Austria-Hungary, Franz the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne,
Josef, wrote a personal letter to Archduke Franz-Ferdinand, in Sarajevo a
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany asking few days previously
for his support. Wilhelm wrote back,
promising Germany’s full support.
Read and Respond Why did Germany declare
war on Russia?
On July 23, Austria-Hungary told the Serbian
government to wipe out terrorist organizations
within its borders. It also demanded the right to
investigate who was responsible for Franz The assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand’s assassination. It threatened military Ferdinand of Austria on June 28, 1914
action if these demands were not met. Serbia asked
triggered the conflict. Austro-Hungary and
Russia for help. The leaders of the Russian Empire
were always called the czar. Now, the czar started Germany took advantage of this tragedy to
getting his army ready. Austria-Hungary declared wage war in Europe. First, Austro-Hungary
war on Serbia on July 28. On August 1, Germany delivered an ultimatum to the Kingdom of
declared war on Russia. The German army then Serbia.
launched its attack, moving through Belgium, on
Russia’s ally, France. This attack on Belgium
brought England into the war.
Read and Respond Why do you think WWI was
called “The Great War?”
Over the next four years, the Great
War (as World War I was then
called) would grow to involve Italy, Contemporaries called it The Great War
because it was literally greater than any
Japan, the Middle East, the United
waged before
States and other countries.
More than 20 million soldiers died
or went missing and 21 million more
were wounded. Millions of other
people fell victim to the flu epidemic
that the war helped to spread.
Read and Respond How did the war end?
The war ended the reigns of royal
leaders in Germany,
Austria-Hungary and Turkey and Germany had formally surrendered on
also led to the Russian Revolution November 11, 1918, and all nations had
agreed to stop fighting while the terms of
that ended the rule of the czar. In
peace were negotiated. On June 28, 1919,
the end, an uneasy peace was signed Germany and the Allied Nations (including
in Versailles, France, in 1919. Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the
Tensions began to grow over the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the
next 20 years and would lead to war.
another devastating world war in

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