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Data Provide by

MIV Fields Field description Length

Type PLT in seq.

MIVNO Material Issue Voucher # NUMC 10 2

MIVITM MIV Item number NUMC 4

MITNO MIT number NUMC 10 3
MITITM MIT item number NUMC 4 4
WERKS Plant CHAR 4 5
SHIPR Shipper CHAR 40
TRXPT Transported by CHAR 40 6
CNSGN Consignee CHAR 40
ACCNO Account Number CHAR 30 7
MATNR Material number CHAR 18 8
MAKTX Material Description CHAR 100 9
MEINS Unit of Measure CHAR 3 10
QUNTY Quantity QUAN 13 11
PCKGS Packages CHAR 18 12
WEIGHT Weights DEC 13 13
CORIG Country of Origin CHAR 18 14
NET_PRICE Net price (MYR) NUMC 15 15
CURRENCY Local Currency CHAR 5 16
BRTWR Total loc value (MYR) DEC 20 17
DOCCUR Document Currency CHAR 5 18
DOTWR Total Doc Value DEC 20 19
PRNAM Prepared by name CHAR 30
PRDAT Prepared by date DATS 8
REMARKS Remarks CHAR 40 20
REDYSHP Ready for Shipment CHAR 1
ACKMAIL Acknowledged email CHAR 40 21
CREATEBY Created by CHAR 12

CREATE_DT Created date DATS 8

CREATE_TM Created time TIMS 6

BATCH Batch Number CHAR 10

UPTCD Unloading Point CHAR 25 21
STEXT Item Text CHAR 50 22
Material Issue request
AUFNR Order Number NUMC 10
EBELN PO number NUMC 10
ACKMAIL2 Acknowledged email 2 CHAR 40
DIMEN Dimension CHAR 40 23
CTNAM Contractor Name CHAR 40 24
DOHEADER DO number header CHAR 60 25

CHE Cargo Handling Equipment CHAR 18 26

XLOEK Deletion indicator CHAR 1 27

PLT Field
EWM system generate. Return value to PLT for new
record. PLT to provide MIVNO for changes. If MIVNO
provided, EWM will overwrite the MIV data with data
provided. IssueId
Existing logic NA
Direct map from PLT items/EwmCode
Direct map from PLT items/ItemNo
Direct map from PLT SupplyBaseLocationCode
Direct map from PLT VoyageName
Direct map from PLT NA
Direct map from PLT items/MaterialNumber
Direct map from PLT items/Description
Direct map from PLT items/Unit
Direct map from PLT items/Quantity
Direct map from PLT items/ContainerName
Direct map from PLT items/Weight
Direct map from PLT items/Country
Retrieve from MIT items/UnitPrice
Direct map from PLT items/Currency
Direct map from PLT items/Price
Direct map from PLT items/DocumentCurrency
Direct map from PLT items/DocumentPrice
Blank NA
Blank NA
Direct map from PLT items/Remarks
Set to ‘X’ as ready NA
Direct map from PLT items/AcknowledgeEmail
User id NA

Today’s date NA

Current time NA

Retrieve from MIT NA

Direct map from PLT DestinationLocationCode
Direct map from PLT items/AdditionalItemText

Retrieve from MIT NA

Retrieve from MIT NA

Retrieve from MIT NA
Leave blank NA
Direct map from PLT items/Dimension
Direct map from PLT items/CompanyName
Direct map from PLT items/DONumHeader

Direct map from PLT

PLT to set to ‘X’ if for deletion, else blank+G19 Delete
Creation date NA

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