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The Cost of Listening

6bp per roll, goal is to reach 76

1-25: d12p
26-50: d8p
51-75: d6p

Half-Orc: One free purchase of the Listening skill

Cleric: One free purchase of the Listening skill
Blind: Two free mastery rolls of the Listening skill
Keen Hearing: +4 mastery die bonus

Average of a d12: 6
Average of a d8: 4
Average of a d6: 3
Average of a d4: 2

WORST ROLLS Rolls Equals Running Total

Half-Orc Free Roll: 1+4+9 = 14 = 14
Cleric Free Roll: 1+4 = 5 = 19
Blind Free Roll: 1+4 = 5 = 24
Blind Free Roll: 1+4 = 5 = 29
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 34
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 39
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 44
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 49
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 54
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 59
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 64
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 69
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 74
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 79
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 84
6bp roll: 1+4 = 5 = 89
Total Cost: 72bp

AVERAGE ROLLS Rolls Equals Running Total

Half-Orc Free Roll: 6+4+9 = 19 = 19
Cleric Free Roll: 6+4 = 10 = 29
Blind Free Roll: 4+4 = 8 = 37
Blind Free Roll: 4+4 = 8 = 45
6bp roll: 4+4 = 8 = 53
6bp roll: 3+4 = 7 = 60
6bp roll: 3+4 = 7 = 67
6bp roll: 3+4 = 7 = 74
6bp roll: 3+4 = 7 = 81
6bp roll: 2+4 = 6 = 87
6bp roll: 3+4 = 6 = 93
Total Cost: 42bp

BEST ROLLS Rolls Equals Running Total

Half-Orc Free Roll: 12+4+9 = 19 = 25
Cleric Free Roll: 12+4 = 16 = 41
Blind Free Roll: 8+4 = 12 = 53
Blind Free Roll: 6+4 = 10 = 63
6bp roll: 6+4 = 10 = 73
6bp roll: 6+4 = 10 = 83
6bp roll: 4+4 = 8 = 91
Total Cost: 18bp
Build Points Earned:
Base 40
Blind 30 Cherry Pick / 60 Random
Ability Scores 50 No-Rearrange / 25 Switch Two
TOTAL 70-150

Build Points Cost:

Half-Orc Cleric 35
Master Listening 18-72
Resolute# 10
Tough as Nails 10

+2 Str -2 Int -3 Wis +2 Con -3 Lks -3 Cha
10hp + Con + d8

Tough Hide
A few rare characters are unusually stoic and can shake off wounds far
easier than the norm. Such characters receive a +1 Damage Reduction bonus to
any wound suffered (i.e. each wound is reduced in severity by 1 hit point). This
bonus is cumulative with the damage reduction of any armor he may be wearing.

Pain Tolerant
A character with this talent can withstand agonizing pain far better than others;
he receives a +10% bonus when calculating his Threshold of Pain.

Free Hiking/Road Marching Proficiency

May purchase the following Talents at 50% BP cost#

Poison Resistant#

A character with this talent is able to muster his resolve and snatch victory from
the jaws of defeat. Anytime he suffers a blow that would knock him to 0 or fewer
hit points (but not death), he may attempt a Constitution check that, if
successful, restores him to d8 hit points (i.e. he temporarily gains the absolute
value of his current hp total plus an extra d8). Unfortunately, the extra hit
points only last 30 plus 5d12p seconds, so he’ll need to obtain some sort of
healing before then or collapse (or die if he suffers further injuries).

Tough as Nails
This character is a tough guy. He can shrug off pain far batter than his
constitution affords. Consequently, he rolls a d12p for all Threshold of Pain
checks (rather than a d20p). A character that successfully uses this talent is
known as a ‘tough guy’.

Other Sources of BP:

Delusional 40
Facial Scar 2d20

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