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Justin Case - Broken Armadillo Anthroposophist

Body: d4
Speed: d6
Mind: d6
Will: d6
Species: d8
Type: d8
Career: d8

Personality: Discrete
Motto: “Loyalty is everything.”
Goal: Serve Ms. Greatstone
XP: 2

Initiative: 2d6
Dodge: d6, d8

> SKILLS Career Species Type TOTAL Fave

Academics d8 d8
Athletics d8 d8
Endurance d8 d8 d8 3d8
Evasion d8 d8
Presence d8 d8 d8 3d8

Anodyne Arcana 2d8 (Page 31)
Before making a casting for Vitalism Magic, you may declare you will only be
casting for effects with the “Anodyne” descriptor. You gain a 2d8 bonus to your
casting roll, but you may only select effects with the “Anodyne” descriptor – all
other effects will fail.

Coercive Arcana 2d8 (Page 31)

Before making a casting for Vitalism Magic, you may declare you will only be
casting for effects with the “Coercive” descriptor. You gain a 2d8 bonus to your
casting roll, but you may only select effects with the “Coercive” descriptor – all
other effects will fail.

Coward (Page 54)

Whenever you suffer the “Panicked” status, you may claim a bonus d12 to all dodge
rolls. While Panicked, you may claim a d12 bonus to any rolls to Scramble … but
only if you are moving away from danger.

Increased Trait: Career

Jumping (Page 57)

You may claim a bonus d12 to all Athletics rolls to jump high or long. You can use
the Jumping Attack of “Vault”. This attack lets you move through other people’s
spaces, even as a counter.

Personal Power (Page 29)

To cast a Ritual, roll your Power, Mind, Will, and Academics dice vs. 3, count the
successes, then choose from this list.

Vitalism (Page 27)

You may call upon the powers of Vitalism. You may claim a d8 bonus to any roll to
research vitalism on an academic level, to observe a vitalism effect, and to
question other people about vitalism.
Fancy Outfit
Jar of Vitamins
Good Luck Charm

> ATTACK Range Dice Effect Notes

Vault Charge d6, d12 Spring

Frenzy Soak -2
Panic Soak -2
d4, 3d8 vs. 3

> OPINION Side Size

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