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FULL AND PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Please print or ype your name, me OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: TAST NANE — FIRST NAME — MIDDLE NAME: Mathew TK ‘COUNTY in 2 pF _____ Hillsborough NAME OF AGENCY NAME OF OFFICE OR POSITION HELD OR SOUGHT Tax Collector (CHECK IF THIS IS A FILING BY A CANDIDATE PART A~ NET WORTH Please enter the value of your net worth as of December 31, 2019 or a more current date. [Note: Net worth is not cal- culated by subtracting your reported liabilities from your reported assets, so please see the instructions on page 3,] My net worth as of December 31 2019 was $ 318,623 PART B~ ASSETS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS: Household goods and personal effets may be roported in a lump sum if hei aggrogate value exceeds $1,000, This category includes any of te following, if not held for investment purposes: jewelry; colections of stamps, guns, and numismatic tems; rt objects; household equipment and furnishings; clothing; other housahold items: and vehicos for personal use, whether owned of leased. The agoregate valve of my housahold goods and persona fects (described above) is $ 242,000 [ASSETS INDIVIDUALLY VALUED AT OVER $1,000: DESCRIPTION OF ASSET VALUE OF ASSET [Floridacentral Credit Union- 8620 Citrus Park Dr, Tampa PART C~ LIABILITIES LIABILITIES IN EXCESS OF $1,000 (See instructions on page 4): NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR AMOUNT OF LIABILITY Lake View Mortgage PO Box 8068 Virginia Beach VA 23450 [239,000 INavient 830 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20202 15,771 “JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITIES NOT REPORTED ABOVE NAME: AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR AMOUNT OF LIABILITY PART D— INCOME |dentty each separate soures and amount of income which exceeded $1,000 during the yaar, inchiding secondary sources of income, Or attach a complete ‘copy of your 2018 federal incom tax rtum, including all W2s, schedules, and atachments. Ploase redact any social security or account number before attaching your returns, asthe law requires those documents be posted tothe Commission's website, Ct eloet to te 2 copy of my 2018 federal income tax return and all W2's, schedules, and alachments [ifyou check ths box and atach a copy f your 2019 tax alum, you need not complete the remainder of Part 0 PRIMARY SOURCES OF INCOME (See instructions on page §): NAME OF SOURCE OF INCOME EXCEEDING $1,000. ADDRESS OF SOURCE OF INCOME AMOUNT. ja [i600 ‘SECONDARY SOURCES OF INCOME [Major customers, ents, ot, of businesses owned by reporting person~eee instructions on page Si NAME OF NAME OF MAJOR SOURCES ADDRESS PRINCIPAL BUSINESS BUSINESS ENTITY (OF BUSINESS INCOME OF SOURCE ACTIVITY OF SOURCE. PART E ~ INTERESTS IN SPECIFIED BUSINESSES [Instructions on page 6] BUSINESS ENTITY #1 BUSINESS ENTITY #2 BUSINESS ENTITY # 3 TAME OF, BUSINESS ENTITY ‘ADDRESS OF BUSINESS ENTITY PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY, POSITION FELD ATH ENTITY TOWN MORE THANA SS INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS. NATURE OF MY. ‘OWNERSHIP INTEREST PART F- TRAINING For officers required to complete annual ethics training pursuant to section 112.3142, F.S. Q_ICERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPLETED THE REQUIRED TRAINING. STATE OF FLORIOA, OATH COUNTY OF HS \\ISINDy BLOW, |. the person whose name appears atthe ‘Swom to (or aftemed) and subscribed before ne by means of beginning ofthis form, do depose on osth or affirmation Wysct prance or Lone ncaa tie CL day ot ‘and say thatthe information disclosed on this form and any attachmonts hereto is tue, accurate, Personally Known, ‘OR Produced identification YC Type of deniicaton Produced “EL Drwers License {EPORTING OFFICIAL OR CANDIDATE lf certified public accountant licensed under Chapter 473, or attomey in good standing withthe Florida Bar prepared this form for you, he or ‘she must complete the following statement: 1 Prepared the CE Form 6 in accordance with Art. I, Sec. 8, Florida Constitution, ‘Section 772.5744, Fonda Statutes, and the instructions to the form. Upon my reasonable knowledge and belief, the disclosure herein is true ‘and correct. Signature : Date Preparation of this form by a CPA or attorney does not relieve the filer of the responsibility to sign the form under 0:

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