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PANTS: SIZES: Directions for size 10. Changes for sizes 12, 14 and 16 are in
Body Waist: 24" (25-1/2 -27"-29").
Blocked Waist Size (closed): 25" (26"-28"-30").
Blocked Hip Size: 36" (38"-40"- 42").

MATERIALS: Wintuk sport yarn, 2 ply, 12 (13-14-15) 2-oz. skeins camel. Aluminum
crochet hook size E. One 1/2" button. One large hook and eye. 7" skirt zipper. One
yard 1/2" elastic. 2-1/2 yards lining material. Matching sewing thread.

GAUGE: 5 sts=1"; 4 rows=1".

PANTS: RIGHT BACK: Beg at upper edge, ch 9.

First Short Row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across - 8 sc. Ch 1, turn.
2nd Short Row: Sc in each of 7 sc, 3 sc in last sc--10 sc. Ch 22 (24-26-28). Turn.
Next Row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next 20 (22-24-26) ch, sc in each
sc across-31 (33-35-37) sc. Ch 1, turn.

Pattern: Row 1 (wrong side): Sc in first sc, * dc in next sc, sc in next sc, repeat
from * across--31 (33- 35-37) sts. Mark end of this row for center back. (Note:
Mark this row for right side on left back.) Turn. Check gauge; last row should
measure 6" (6-1/2"-7"-7-1/2') wide.
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), sk first sc, * sc in next dc, dc in next sc, repeat
from * across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in first dc, * dc in next sc, sc in next dc, repeat from across--31 (33-
35-37) sts. Turn.
Row 4: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in first sc (inc made), * sc in next dc, dc in
next sc, repeat from * across, end 2 dc in last sc (inc made). Turn.
Row 5: Ch 3, sk first dc, * sc in next dc, dc in next sc, repeat from * across, end
sc in next dc, sc in top of ch 3--33 (35-37-39) sts. Ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Sc in first sc, * dc in next sc, sc in next dc, repeat from * across, end dc
in last sc, sc in top of ch 3.
Rows 7-21: (Repeat rows 4-6) 5 times, end center back edge-43 (45-47-49) sts. Turn.

Row 22: Ch 3, dc in first sc (inc made), * sc in next dc, dc in next sc, repeat
from * across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 23: Sc in first dc, work in pat across, end sc in last dc, sc in top of ch 3.
Row 24: Ch 3, sc in first sc (inc made), dc in next sc, sc in next dc, repeat from
* across, end dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. (Note: I am not sure where the * is--this
is exactly as written in the book.)
Row 25: Sc in first dc, dc in next sc, work in pat across, end dc in last sc, sc in
top of ch 3-45 (47-49- 51) sts. Turn. Repeat rows (22-25) 5 (5-6-6) times--55 (57-
61-63) sts. If necessary, work even until piece measures 11-1/2" (12"-13"13-1/2")
from start, end center back edge. Ch 6 (6-6-8) for crotch, turn.

Crotch Row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, (dc in next ch, sc in next ch) 2 (2-2-3) times,
work in pat across--60 (62-66-70) sts. Mark each side of last row for start of leg.

Leg: Work even until leg measures 7" from marker, end center back edge. Ch 1, turn.

Shape Leg: Row 1: Sc in first dc, work in pat across, end 2 dc in last sc (inc
made). Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, sk first dc, sc in next dc, work in pat across, end dc in last sc. Ch
1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in first dc, work in pat across, end sc and dc in top of ch 3 (inc made).
Ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Sc in first dc, work in pat across, end dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. Repeat
these 4 rows 8 times - 78 (80-84-88) sts. Work even until piece measures 26-1/2"
(27"-27-1/2"-28") from marker or 1" less (stretch allowance) than desired leg

Side Edging: From right side, work 1 row sc on each side edge, including crotch,
being careful to keep work flat.

LEFT BACK: Work as for right back, noting changes. Work side edgings, being careful
to have piece reverse of right back.

LEFT FRONT: Work as for right back, having end of first pat row at center front,
until 25th row is completed--45 (47-49-51) sts. Repeat rows (22-25) 4 (4-5-5)
times--53 (55-59-61) sts. If necessary, work even until piece measures 10-1/2"
(11"-12"-12-1/2") from start, end center front edge. Ch 6 (6-6-8) for crotch, turn.

Next Row: Work as for crotch row of right back--58 (60-64-68) sts. Mark each side
of last row for start of leg.

Leg: Work evenly until leg measures 6" from marker, end center front edge. Ch 1,
Shape Leg: Rows 1-4: Work as for right back. Repeat these 4 rows 9 times--78 (80-
84-88) sts. Complete as for right back. Work side edgings.

RIGHT FRONT: Work as for left front, mark first pat row for right side. Work side

FINISHING: Steam-press pieces. Using pieces for pattern, cut lining, allowing 1/2"
on all edges for seams and 1" on each piece at waistline for darts. Weave center
front seam to crotch markers. Leaving 7" opening at upper edge, weave center back
seam to crotch. Weave side and leg seams. From right side, work 1 rnd sc around
lower edge of each leg.

Waistband: From right side, beg at left side of opening, work 1 row sc around
waistline, ch 10 for over- lap. Turn.
Row 2: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch and st across. Ch 1, turn each row.
Rows 3-5: Sc in each sc across. At end of last row, do not turn, sc in edge of each
of 5 rows. Ch 1, turn.
Buttonloop: Sc in first sc, ch 5, sk next 3 sc, sc in next sc, turn, sl st in each
of 5 ch, sl st in sc. End off.
Casing: Work casing (see "Casing on Skirt help page) on inside of waistband. Cut
elastic 1" longer than waist measurement; insert in casing. Sew ends securely. Sew
zipper in opening below waistband.
Assemble lining. Insert lining, hem lining to lower edge of waistband. Hem
lining 1" shorter than legs. Fasten overlap with a hook and eye. Sew button inside
waistband under buttonloop. Steam-press lightly on wrong side.

MATERIALS: 12-ply cotton twine, 12-1/2 lb. or 400-ft. balls; or knitting worsted, 8
(4-oz.) skeins. Crochet hook size I or 8. Note from Vicki: I believe you could use
a larger hook and change the size of the pants--not sure as I haven't made this

GAUGE: 3 sts = 1".

PONCHO: Ch 117.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across - 116 sc. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), sk first st, dc in each st across -116 dc. Turn each
Rows 3 and 4: Repeat row 2. Check gauge; piece should be 39" wide.
Row 5: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc, ch 1), sk first and next dc, dc in each of next 4 dc,
* ch 2, sk 2 sts, dc in each of next 4 dc, repeat from * across, end ch 1, sk next
dc, dc in last dc.
Row 6: Ch 4, sk dc, ch 1, * dc in each of next 4 dc, ch 2, sk ch-2 sp, repeat from
* across, end ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of turning ch. Repeat last row for pat until piece
is 23" from start. Repeat rows 2-4. Ch 1, turn.
Next Row: Sc in each st across. End off. Make 2nd piece the same.

FINISHING: Place a marker 25" in from left side edge on last row of first piece.
Pin side edge of 2nd piece under last 4 rows of first piece, placing piece from
side edge to marker; sew in place. Pin 25" of last 4 rows on 2nd piece over side
edge of first piece forming an opening in center for neck; sew in place.

PANTS: Beg at upper edge of front, ch 46.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across-45 sc. Ch 1, turn. Hdc in each
sc across. Ch 1, turn each row. Work in hdc for 4". Check gauge; piece should be
15" wide.

Shape Crotch: Sl st in each of next 12 sts, ch 1, hdc in next st and in each of

next 20 sts--21 hdc.
Next Row: Sk first st, hdc to within 1 st of end--19 hdc. Ch 1, turn. Repeat last
row 3 times--13 hdc.
Next Row: Sk first st, sc to within 1 st of end--11 sc. Ch 1, turn. Repeat last row
once--9 sc.
Next Row: Sk first st, sc in each st across--8 sc. Repeat last row 3 times--5 sc.
Work even in sc for 6 rows. Mark each side of last row for lower edge of crotch.
Next Row: 2 sc in first and last sc--7 sc. Ch 1, turn each row. Work 1 row even.
Repeat last 2 rows 5 times--17 sts. Working in hdc, repeat last 2 rows 5 times--27
hdc. Ch 10, turn, hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next 8 ch, hdc in each
hdc, ch 10, turn, hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next 8 ch, hdc in each st
across--45 hdc. Work even for 4-1/2".
Sew side seams, easing in back edge. Work 1 row of sl st around top edge.

Left Leg: From right side, join yarn at marker at crotch. Work 63 sc around left
leg opening. Join.
Rnd 2: Sc in each sc around.
Rnd 3: Ch 3 for first dc, dc in each of next 5 sc, ch 2, sk next 2 sc, * dc in each
of next 3 sc, ch 2, sk next 2 sc, repeat from * 10 times; join to top of ch 3.
Rnds 4-16: Ch 3 for first dc, dc in each of next 5 dc, * ch 2, sk next ch-2 lp, dc
in each of next 3 dc, repeat from * around, end ch 2; join.
Rnd 17: Ch 3, (2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc) twice, 2 dc in next dc, * ch 2, dc
in each of next 3 dc, repeat from * around, end ch 2; join.
Rnd 18: Ch 3, (2 dc in next dc, dc in each of next 2 dc) twice, 2 dc in next dc, dc
in next dc, * ch 2, dc in each of next 3 dc, repeat from around, end ch 2; join.
Rnd 19: Ch 3, dc in each of next 11 dc, * ch 2, dc in each of next 3 dc, repeat
from * around, end ch 2; join. Repeat last rnd until leg is 28" from crotch or
desired length.
Next Rnd: SI st in each st around. End off.

Right Leg: Join yarn 2" before marker at crotch; work same as left leg.

CORD: Make a chain 65" long. Thread through first hdc row at waistline, skipping
every 4 or 5 sts.
The Gypsy Vest Book by Jack Frost (the yarn people), Vol. 75, 1969

SIZE 36 (40) (must be bust size?)

MATERIALS: Crochet hook size "K"

2 (4 oz.) pull-skeins Wintuk Knitting Worsted Yarn

GAUGE: 3 chains = 1 inch

CHAIN 117 (129) sts.

Row 1: 1 tc in 9th ch from hook, * ch 2, 1 tc in 3rd ch, repeat from * to end--37
(41) squares.
Row 2: Ch 4, turn, * 2 tc under ch-2 space, ch 1, repeat from * ending with 2 tc
under the last 2 ch sts, next to the tc of the row below, ch 1, 1 tc in 3rd ch from
Row 3: Ch 5, turn, 1 tc under second ch-1 space, ch 2, * 1 tc under next ch-1
space, ch 2, repeat from *, ending with 1 tc in end ch.

Repeat rows 2 & 3 for pattern. Piece will measure 36" (40") wide.

Work even for 17 rows, ending with row 3, or 1" less than desired length to
underarm, ending with row 3.

Row 1: Ch 4, turn, 2 tc under second ch 2 space, ch 1, work in pattern for next 4
(5) spaces, ch 1, work 1 tc under next ch 2 space, ch 3, work 1 slip st in next tc,
work slip st across 4 spaces going into each stitch, ch 3, work 1 tc under next ch
2 space, work in pattern across next 13 (15) spaces, ch 1, work 1 tc under next ch
2 space, ch 3, slip st in tc, slip st across next 4 spaces, ch 3, 1 tc under next
ch 2 space, ch 1, work in pattern across next 5 (6) spaces, do not ch 1, 1 tc under
last ch 5 spaces.

Row 2: Left Front: Ch 3, turn, work 1 tc under first ch 1 space, work in pattern
across next 4 (5) spaces.
Row 3: Ch 4, turn, 2 tc under first ch 2 space, ch 1, work in pattern across 3 (4)
spaces, ch 1, 1 tc under last ch 3 space.
Row 4: Ch 3, turn, 1 tc under second ch 1 space, ch 2, work in pattern across next
3 (4) spaces.
Row 5: Ch 4, turn, work in pattern across 3 (4) spaces, ch 1, 1 tc under last ch 3
Row 6: Ch 5, 1 tc under second ch 1 space, work in pattern across next 2 (3)
Row 7 & 8: Work even in pattern. Pull yarn through last st on hook to end off.

Right Front: Attach yarn at top of tc on right front, at neck edge. Repeat rows 2
thru 8 of left front.

Attach yarn at top of tc at right side of back, ch 5, 1 tc under second ch 1 space,
work in pattern across row, ending 1 tc in last ch 1 space. 13 (15) spaces.

Work even for 5 rows.

Ch 5, 1 tc under second ch 1 space, work in pattern across 1 (2) spaces, ch 5, 1
slip st in next ch 1 space, slip st across to last 3 (4) spaces, ch 5, 1 tc under
ch 1 space, work in pattern across last 2 (3) spaces. Fasten off.

Sew shoulder seams. Fasten off ends. Make a tie by chaining desired length in
chain st. Work 1 row of sc around piece. Work 1 row of sc around armholes.


"IN" Crochets, Vol. 23

Bernhard Ulmann Co., 1969

(Austin Powers ????)

Scarf: Approx. 6" wide x 108" long, not including fringe.

Cap: 4 sc and 3 ch-1 = 2"
Scarf: 7 meshes = 6"


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� Bear Brand, Fleisher's or Botany Twin-Pack Knitting Worsted, 4 oz. paks: 3 PAKS
� "Boye" Hooks, Sizes F and H (or size required to obtain gauge)

___CAP: With size H hook and 2 strands of yarn, ch 3, join with sl st in first st
of ch to form a ring. Use 2 strands of yarn for entire cap.
___Round 1: Work * ch 1 and 1 sc in ring; repeat from * 5 times more. Do not join.
Mark for end of round. Carry up marker.
___Round 2: Inc. Round: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in next ch-1 space, ch 1 and 1 sc in same
space; repeat from * 5 times more; 12 sc and 12 ch-1 spaces.
___Round 3: Inc. Round: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in next space, ch 1 and 1 sc in next space,
ch 1 and 1 sc in same space (an increase); repeat from * 5 times more; 18 sc and 18
___Round 4 and all Even Numbered Rounds: Work ch 1 and 1 sc in each space.
___Round 5: Inc. Round: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in next space, ch 1 and 1 sc in next space,
ch 1 and 1 sc in same space (an increase), ch 1 and 1 sc in next space; repeat from
* 5 times more; 24 sc and 24 spaces.
___Round 7: Increase in every 4th space 6 times; 30 sc and 30 spaces.
___Round 9: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in each of next 2 spaces, increase in next space, ch 1
and 1 sc in each of next 2 spaces; repeat from * 5 times more; 36 sc and 36 spaces.

___Round 11: Increase in every 6th space 6 times; 42 sc and 42 spaces.

___Round 13: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in each of next 3 spaces, increase in next space, ch 1
and 1 sc in each of next 3 spaces; repeat from * 5 times more; 48 sc and 48 spaces.

___Round 15: Increase in every 8th space 6 times; 54 sc and 54 spaces.

___Round 16 and 17: Work even as for round 4.

___First Decrease Round: * Work ch 1 and 1 sc in each of next 7 spaces, ch 1, draw

up a loop in each of next 2 spaces, yo and through all 3 loops on hook (a
decrease); repeat from * 5 times more; 48 sc and 48 spaces.
___Next Round: Work 1 round even.
___2nd Decrease Round: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in each of 3 spaces, work decrease in next 2
spaces, ch 1 and 1 sc in each of 3 spaces; repeat from * 5 times; 42 sc and 42
___Next Round: Work 1 round even.

___3rd Decrease Round: * Ch 1 and 1 sc in each of 5 spaces, work decrease in next 2

spaces; repeat from * 5 times; 36 sc and 36 spaces.
___Next 3 Rounds: Work 3 rounds even, end with ch 1, sl st in next space. Do not
break yarn.

___PEAK: Row 1: Ridge Row: Right side: Ch 2, * skip next sc, work 1 sc in front
loop of next ch st, ch 1, repeat from * 15 times, skip next sc, sl st in next
space; 17 spaces. Fasten off. Mark 9th space of last row for center.
___Row 2: From right side, join with sl st in 5th space to right of marked center
space, ch 2, work 1 sc in next space, * ch 1, 1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc all in next space
(an increase), ch 1, 1 sc in next space; repeat from * 3 times, ch 1, sl st in next
space; 14 spaces.
___Row 3: Ch 2, turn, 1 sc in first space, * ch 1, 1 sc in next space; repeat from
* 12 times, ch 1, 1 sc in top of sl st, ch 1, 1 sc in next space, ch 1, sI st in
next space; 17 spaces.
___Row 4: Ch 2, turn, 1 sc in first space, * ch 1, 1 sc in next space; repeat from
* 15 times, ch 1, 1 sc in side of last sc in row below, ch 1, 1 sc in next space,
ch 1, sI st in next space; 20 spaces.
___Row 5: Ch 2, turn, 1 sc in first space, * ch 1, 1 sc in next space; repeat from
* 18 times, ch 1, 1 sc in side of last sc in previous row, ch 1, 1 sc in next
space, ch 1, sl st in next space. Fasten off.
___Next: From right side, with loop on hook, work 1 sc in any space at center back,
ch 1, 1 sc in next space, continue around outer edge of cap and peak, keeping
pattern, end ch 1, join with sl st in first st. Fasten off.

___Trimming: With 2 strands of yarn, ch 11, work 1 sl st in 2nd and each remaining
st of ch. Fasten off, leaving 8 in. end. Sew ends of ch tog. and sew to center top
of cap.

___SCARF: With size F hook, ch 33.

___Row 1: Work 1 sl st in 9th ch st from hook, * ch 5, skip next 3 sts of ch, 1 sl
st in next st; repeat from * across ch; 7 meshes.
___Row 2: Ch 5, turn, 1 sc in first mesh, * ch 5, 1 sc in next mesh; repeat from *
across; 7 meshes.

Repeat row 2 until about 90 ins. from beg. Fasten off. Block, stretching to about
108 ins.

___FRINGE: Wind yarn around an 8 in. cardboard. Cut at one end. Knot (8) 4-strand
fringes on each end of scarf as illustrated below.

FRINGE: Wind yarn around cardboard; cut at one end, see F.1. Fold in half and knot
in number of strands indicated in individual instruction, see F.2. Trim fringe


SIZES: Directions are for Size 8. Changes for Sizes 10 and 12 are in parentheses.

MATERIALS: Bear Brand, Fleisher's or Botany Twin-Pak Knitting Worsted, (4 oz. paks)
5 (5-6) paks. Crochet Hook sizes F and E or size to give gauge. 1 yard belting or
grosgrain ribbon, 1" wide. Hooks and eyes. 7" skirt zipper, 6 buttons.

GAUGE: Size F hook, 4 sts = 1"; 4 sc rows and 4 dc rows = 3". Size E hook, 13 sc =
2-1/2"; 11 sc rows = 2".

NOTE: Front and Back of skirt are made with size F hook. Front and Waist bands are
made with size E hook. Directions are for skirt 27" long, plus 1" waistband. Make
any necessary adjustment after last increase.

BACK: With size F hook ch 49 (51-54) for waist edge.

Row 1 (wrong side): Work 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each remaining ch -- 48
(50-53) sts.
Row 2 and All Even Numbered Rows: Turn, sl st in first st, ch 3, work 1 dc in 2nd
st and in each remaining st to end; 48 (50-53) sts. NOTE: Ch 3 at beg of each dc
row counts as 1 dc.
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, work 1 sc in each of first 14 (15-16) sts, 2 sc in next St, 1 sc
in each of next 18 (18-19) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each st to end, 50 (52-55)
Row 5: Ch 1, turn, work 1 sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 12
(13-14) sts; 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 20 (20- 21) sts, 2 sc in next
st, 1 sc in each st to within 2 sts of end, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in last sc; 54
(56-59) sts.
Row 7: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each of first 15 (16-17) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in
each of next 22 (22-23) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each st to end; 56 (58-61)
Row 9: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in first at, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 13 (14-
15) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of, next 24 (24-25) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1
sc in each st to within 2 sts of and, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in last st; 60 (62-65)
Row 11: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each of first 16 (17-18) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in
each of next 26 (26-27) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each st to end, 62 (64-67)
Row 13: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 14 (15-
16) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 28 (28-29) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1
sc in each st to within 2 sts of end, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in last st; 66 (68-71)
Row 15: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each of first 17 (18-19) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in
each of next 30 (30-31) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each st to end; 68 (70-73)
Row 17: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 15 (16-
17) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 32 (32-33) sts, 2 sc in next st, 1
sc in each st to within 2 sts of end, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in last st, 72 (74- 77)
Row 19: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each st to within 2
sts of end, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in last st; 74 (76-79) sts.
Rows 21 and 23: Same as row 19; 78 (80-83) sts.
Row 25: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each st to end.
Rows 27, 29, 31, 33: Same as row 19; 86 (88-91) sts.

Repeat rows 24 through 33, three times-110 (112-115) sts. Work even in pat until
26" or 1" less than desired length from beg, end with sc row without inc. Fasten

FRONT: Work same as for back.

FINISHING: Matching rows and allow for blocking; sew side seams leaving a 7"
opening on left side for skirt zipper. Block, stretching 1" in length.

FRONT BAND: With size E hook, ch 14 for lower edge.

Row 1: Work 1 Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each remaining ch; 13 sts.
Row 2: Ch 1, turn, work 1 sc in each st to end; 13 sts.
Repeat row 2 until 11 rows, about 2-1/2" from beg.

BUTTONHOLE ROW: Ch 1, turn, work 1 sc in each of first 4 sts, ch 5, skip 5 sts for
buttonhole, 1 sc in each of last 4 sts. Continue working sc, repeating buttonhole
every 20th row 5 times. Work even until band is same length as center front of
skirt. Fasten off. From right side, beg at lower edge, work 1 row sc along one long
edge of. band. This edge will not be sewn to skirt. With wrong side of band to
right side of skirt, ends of band even with waist and lower edges of skirt,
carefully pin, then baste band to center front of skirt as illustrated.

WAISTBAND: From right side, work 1 row sc along waist edge, working through both
thicknesses at upper edge of front band.
Next Row: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each st. Repeat last row until about 1" from beg, end
on right side, working 2 sc in last st for corner, with care to keep work flat,
work 1 row sc along both edges of opening, 1 sc in same at as first st, join with
sl st in first st. Fasten off. Sew lower edge of front band to lower edge of skirt.
Sew one long edge of band to skirt. Sew buttons under buttonholes. Sew in skirt
zipper. Face waistband with grosgrain ribbon, holding in to desired size. Sew hooks
and eyes to waistband.

SIZES: Directions are for Size 10-12. Changes for Size 14-16 are in parentheses.

MATERIALS: American Thread Dawn Knitting Worsted (4 oz skein) 2 (2) each Wood Brown
and Avocado, 1 (2) each Gold and Burnt Orange, 1 (1) each Amber, Tangerine and
Cinnamon. Plastic crochet hook size J, or size to give gauge. 1 yard-3/4" black

GAUGE: 3 sts = 1"; 7 sc rows = 2".

SKIRT: Beginning at waistline with Amber, ch 80 (86), join to first ch, being
careful not to twist ch.
Rnd 1: 1 sc in each ch, join to first sc, do not turn, cut yarn. NOTE: Join and cut
yarn at end of each rnd. When changing colors always join rnd with new color.
Rnd 2: With Cinnamon, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts evenly spaced, turn.
Rnd 3: With Tangerine, 1 sc in each sc, turn.
Rnd 4: With Beige, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 5: With Wood Brown, ch 1, 1 hdc in each St, do not turn, (hdc: yo hook, insert
in St, pull yarn through, yo and pull through all loops at one time).
Rnd 6: With Gold, 1 sc in each St, turn.
Rnd 7: With Beige, 1 sc in each St, turn.
Rnd 8: With Cinnamon 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, do not turn, 86 (92) sts.
Rnd 9: With Avocado, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 10: With Gold, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 11: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 12: With Beige, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, do not turn.
Rnd 13: With Wood Brown, ch 3, 1 dc in each St, turn.
Rnd 14: With Avocado, 1 sc in each St, turn.
Rnd 15: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, do not turn.
Rnd 16: With Amber, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 17: With Cinnamon, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 18: With Wood Brown, 1 dc in each sc, inc 3 sts, turn.
Rnd 19: With Beige, 1 sc in each dc, turn.
Rnd 20: With Avocado, 1 hdc in each sc, do not turn.
Rnd 21: With Beige, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, turn.
Rnd 22: With Wood Brown, 1 sc in each sc, turn.
Rnd 23: With Gold, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Rnd 24: With Beige, 1 hdc in each sc, turn.
Rnd 25: With Cinnamon, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, turn.
Rnd 26: With Beige, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Rnd 27: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Rnd 28: With Avocado, 1 sc in each sc , turn.
Rnd 29: With Beige, 1 sc in each sc, inc 3 sts.

Repeat rnds 1 to 29 once, then repeat rnds 1 to 16 for color scheme and pat only,
inc 3 sts in each of the following rnds: 32, 35, 39, 42, 46, 50, 54, 57, 60, 63,
65, 67, 69, 71, 73, the other rnds will be worked even.

Rnd 75: With Cinnamon, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, turn.

Rnd 76: With Beige, 1 sc in each St, turn.
Rnd 77: With Wood Brown, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, turn.
Rnd 78: With Beige, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 79: With Burnt Orange, ch 3, 1 dc in each St, inc 3 sts, do not turn.
Rnd 80: With Avocado, 1 sc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 81: With Tangerine, 1 hdc in each St, inc 3 sts, turn.
Rnd 82: With Gold, 1 sc in each St, turn.
Rnd 83: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each St, inc 3 sts, do not turn.
Rnd 84: With Wood Brown, ch 3, 1 dc in each St, do not turn.
Rnd 85: With Avocado, 1 sc in each St. Fasten off.

WAISTBAND: With right side facing, attach Wood Brown in Joining, work around
opposite side of foundation ch, 1 SC in each St, 80 (86) sts, do not join or turn.
Place a marker at beg of each rnd.
Next 3 rnds: 1 SC in each SC, join at end of last rnd, cut yarn and fasten off.

FINISHING: Casing: With wrong side waistband facing, attach Wood Brown in joining
of first rnd, * ch 5, skip next 2 sts, sl st in base of next St of Rnd 4, ch 5,
skip next 2 sts, sl st in base of next sc of first rnd, repeat from * around ending
to correspond, join, cut yarn and fasten off. Block skirt to measurements. Lace
elastic through casing, adjust to size. Sew ends together.

BOLERO BACK: Beginning at right shoulder edge, with Cinnamon, ch 10 (12), 1 SC in

2nd ch from hook, and in each remaining ch, cut yarn, do not turn.
Row 2: Attach Avocado in first SC, 1 SC in each SC to within last SC, 2 SC in last
SC (neck edge), cut yarn. Work another section in same manner inc in first St of
row 2, do not cut yarn, ch 12 (14) at end of row 2, attach to neck edge of row 2
of first section, cut yarn.
Row 3: With right side of last row facing attach Gold in first SC, work 1 SC in
each SC and 1 SC in each ch, do not turn, 32 (38) sts. Note: Cut yarn at end of
each row. When directions are, "do not turn", attach new yarn at beginning of row.
Row 4: With Burnt Orange 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 5: With Beige, 1 SC in each SC, turn.
Row 6: With Wood Brown, ch 3 (ch 3 counts as first dc), 1 dc in each SC, turn.
Row 7: With Avocado, 1 SC in each dc, turn.
Row 8: With Burnt Orange, 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 9: With Amber, 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 10: With Cinnamon, 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 11: With Wood Brown, 1 dc in each SC, turn.
Row 12: With Beige, 1 SC in each dc, turn.
Row 13: With Avocado, 1 hdc in each SC, do not turn.
Row 14: With Beige, 1 SC in each St, turn.
Row 15: With Wood Brown, 1 SC in each SC, turn.
Row 16: With Gold, 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 17: With Beige, 1 hdc in each SC, turn.
Row 18: With Cinnamon, 1 SC in each St turn.
Row 19: With Beige, 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 20: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each SC, do not turn.
Row 21: With Avocado, work in SC, inc 1 St at beg and end of row, turn.
Row 22: With Beige, 1 SC in each SC, turn.
Row 23: With Amber, work in SC, inc 1 St at beg and end of row, do not turn.
Row 24: With Cinnamon, 1 sc in each sc, turn.
Row 25: With Tangerine, work in SC, inc 1 St at beg and end of row, turn.
Row 26: With Beige, 1 SC in each SC, do not turn.
Row 27: With Wood Brown, work 1 hdc in each St, inc 1 hdc at beg and end of row, do
not turn.
Row 28: With Gold, 1 SC in each St, turn.
Row 29: With Beige, work in SC, inc 1 St at beg and end of row. Set section aside
to be worked later; 42 (48) sts.

RIGHT FRONT: With Cinnamon, ch 10 (12), 1 SC in 2nd ch from hook, and in each
remaining ch, do not turn. Following color scheme and pat same as back, work as
Next 3 rows: Work even.
Row 5: Inc 1 St at end of row.
Rows 6 and 7: Work even.
Row 8: Inc 1 St at end of row.
Rows 9, 10, and 11: Work even.
Row 12: Inc 1 St at beg of row.
Rows 13, 14, 15: Work even.
Row 16: Inc 1 St at end of row.
Rows 17 and 18: Work even.
Row 19: Inc 1 St at end of row.
Row 20: Work even.
Row 21: Inc 1 St at beg of row (armhole edge).
Row 22: Inc 1 St at beg of row (neck edge).
Row 23: Inc 1 St at beg of row.
Row 24: Work even.
Row 25: Inc 1 St at beg and end of row.
Row 26: Work even.
Row 27: Inc 1 st at beg of row.
Row 28: Inc 1 st at end of row.
Row 29: Inc 1 st at end of row. Place section aside, 22 (24) sts.

LEFT FRONT: Work same as right front reversing all shaping.

Row 30: With wrong side of last row of each section facing, attach Cinnamon in
first sc of left front (front edge), work 1 sc in each of the 22 (24) sts of front,
attach a separate length of yarn at side of last sc, ch 10 (11) underarm, attach to
armhole edge of back, attach a separate length of yarn at side of last st of back,
ch 10 (11), attach to armhole edge of right front, then work 1 sc in each ch, 1 sc
in each rt of back, 1 sc in each ch, 1 sc in each st of right front, 106 (118) sts.
Cut yarn, do not turn.
Row 31: With Avocado, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 32: With Gold, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 33: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 34: With Beige, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 35: With Wood Brown, 1 dc in each sc, turn.
Row 36: With Avocado, 1 sc in each dc, turn.
Row 37: With Burnt Orange, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 38: With Amber, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 39: With Cinnamon, 1 sc in each sc, turn.
Row 40: With Beige, 1 sc in each sc, turn.
Row 41: With Wood Brown, dec 1 sc in first 2 sts (to dec: pull up a loop in each of
2 sts, yo and pull through all loops on hook), 1 sc in each sc to within last 2
sts, dec in next 2 sts, do not turn.
Row 42: With Beige, 1 sc in each sc, do not turn.
Row 43: With Burnt Orange, ch 3, dec 1 dc in next 2 sts (to dec: keeping last loop
of each st on hook 1 dc in each of 2 sts, yo and pull through all loops on hook), 1
dc in each sc to within last 3 sc, dec in next 2 sts, dc in last st, do not turn.
Row 44: With Avocado, 1 sc in each dc, do not turn.
Row 45: With Tangerine, work in hdc, dec 1 st at beg and end of row, (to dec: Yo,
pull up a loop in each of next 2 sts, yo, pull through all loops on hook), turn.
Row 46: With Gold 1 sc in each st, turn.
Row 47: With Burnt Orange, work in sc, dec 1 st at beg and end of row, do not turn.

Row 48: With Wood Brown, 1 dc in each sc, do not turn.

Row 49: With Avocado, work in sc, dec 1 st at beg and end of row. Fasten off.

FINISHING: Block to measurements. With matching color weave shoulder seams.

EDGE: Attach Wood Brown at left front shoulder seam at neck edge, work a row of sc
around, working 1 sc on sides of sc rows, 2 sc on sides of hdc and dc rows, 1 sc in
each st across lower and neck edges, join, cut yarn. Attach Wood Brown at center of
underarm and work a row of sc in same manner around each armhole, join, cut yarn
and fasten off.


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