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A guide to
teaching teenagers
and adults online

Preparation: the basics Using your voice

You need to use your voice differently in a remote classroom. You
Making the shift from the physical classroom to the remote may well be used to projecting your voice to the back of the class
classroom can seem intimidating, but it’s really much easier than in a crowded physical classroom, but you don’t need to do this
you think. There are four key functions of the remote classroom in the remote classroom, and if you do it will be an unpleasant
that you need in order to deliver successful remote learning. experience for your learners. Remember to use your voice naturally,
Understanding and mastering these functions is fundamental to as you would when talking to one person rather than to a large
the delivery of an engaging learning experience for your students.  group. One of the great things about many remote classroom
• The first of these key functions is sound and how you use your applications is that if your students are making too much noise you
voice within the remote classroom. can mute them. Be sure to find out how to do this on the platform
• The second is your webcam and how you use it to create your you use.
presence and model interpersonal communication with your Think about how you vary the tone of your voice depending on the
students. different things you do at different stages of a lesson. When giving
• The third is how to set up and use breakout rooms to enable instructions you may want to have a stricter more direct tone,
pair and group work. whereas when you are giving feedback or encouraging students
• The fourth is how to use the screen sharing function of your to speak you may want to soften your tone and be more friendly.
platform to show and share materials. The remote classroom gives you a greater capacity to work with
the tone of your voice because you have much greater control of
what students hear and you don’t have to compete with classroom
Your voice noise.
Using sound
To use sound and your voice well you should make sure that Your webcam
you use a headset with a microphone if possible, rather than
Using the webcam
the speakers and microphone on your computer. Using the
built-in speakers and microphone can cause feedback, echo and When moving from the physical classroom to the remote
interference from background noise. This kind of interference can classroom you are swapping the large space you have at the front
make the lesson difficult to follow and unpleasant for the students. of the classroom for the much smaller space you have in front of
your webcam. Good teachers use their whole body within the
In order to use your voice well within the remote classroom you
space they have in the classroom. They use hand gestures and
need to understand some basic things about how the sound works
facial expression when speaking. They use proximity and move
within the remote classroom software you are using.
closer to students when they want more or less control over them.
Balancing the volume They stand or sit in different places to set up activities or give
instructions. They use eye contact to get students’ attention and to
Most platforms have volume controls built in and they ask you
let them know that they are speaking to them or paying attention
to check your sound when you launch the platform application.
to them. All of these things are also possible in the remote
Always do this and make sure that your volume level is adjusted
classroom if you set up your computer and webcam appropriately.
appropriately. During your class you may have students who say
they can’t hear you. If this happens be sure to ask them to adjust
the volume on their own computer rather than trying to increase
your own as this will only cause distortion.

© Oxford University Press A guide to teaching teenagers and adults online 1

Setting up the webcam functionality. This enables the teacher to put the students into pairs
In order to understand your body language and gestures, your or groups in a separate room so that they can practice speaking
students need to see as much of the top half of your body as together. The way these rooms function and how this is done
possible. However, having the screen at an angle looking up to you can vary from platform to platform, so be sure to check your own
will only show them a distorted view of your head and some of platform and make sure you know how to do this. It’s a good idea
your ceiling. Ideally you should have your computer set up so that to work with a group of fellow teachers and practice this together
the webcam is at your eye level and the computer screen is vertical so you feel more confident trying it with your students.
and parallel to your body. This will make it easier for you to have There are some important things to remember when using
eye contact with your students and reduce the distorting effect breakout rooms.
of the lens. You should also move back from the screen by about Firstly, set up your activities and give your students any instructions
80 to 100 cm if you can, so that you have more space to move they need for the activities before they go to the breakout room.
around and your students can see more of you. Moving back from Once they go into their breakout rooms they won’t be able to hear
the camera enlarges the space you have to work with from being you, so they need to know what to do when they get there.
a few centimetres each side of your face to around 50cm around A breakout room is like a new version of the room you are using,
your body. but all of the materials you have been showing students and the
You can also try putting your computer on top of some boxes or messages from the chat will usually be unavailable. So if students
using a stand-up desk. Standing up can really help you use the need role cards or questions to discuss in the breakout room for
space between you and your webcam more effectively and can example, they will need to have their own copies of these that they
also help boost your energy levels and make your classes more can access once they are in the breakout room.
dynamic.  As mentioned earlier, once the students are in breakout rooms
Try to have a plain background behind you with as few distractions they can’t hear or see you and you can’t hear or see them, but you
as possible. This will make it easier for students to see you and your can move from room to room to monitor. You should give them
gestures and body language. a few moments to get started and then go around each room
Try to set up your lighting so that students can see you clearly. checking that they are on task and monitoring and evaluating their
Don’t have a strong light or a window behind you as this will performance as they work together. Try to be unobtrusive when
transform you into a silhouette. Try to have natural light on your you do this and just listen and make notes of any points you want
face or use a lamp to one side of your computer so you aren’t to raise in feedback. It might be best to turn off your webcam while
dazzled. you do this so that you are less of a distraction.
When using your classroom application, you will usually be able to Managing breakout rooms can be challenging, but it is perhaps
see the image of yourself that is being broadcast to your students. one of the key elements to delivering engaging and interactive
This usually appears at the top or bottom corner of the screen. In lessons. So plan carefully how you will use the rooms and get
some cases, such as with the Zoom platform, the image is movable. plenty of practice with managing the technical side to keep wasted
If this is the case, drag the image of yourself up to the top centre of time to the minimum. Getting into and out of breakout rooms can
the screen, just below your webcam. Teachers have a tendency to take time so be sure to allow for this when you plan your lessons.
look at themselves and monitor their body language while they are
speaking, so placing the image below the webcam will enable you Student behaviour in breakout rooms
to do this whilst still maintaining eye contact with your students. Some teachers worry about whether students are on task or
If you leave the image at the bottom of the screen it will appear to misbehaving in the breakout rooms. For that reason, it can be
your students as though you are avoiding eye contact. useful with more mature students to assign one person in each
group to be a monitor and give them a separate task. This could be
Using the space listening and making notes of any grammar errors they think they
Having more space between you and the webcam also allows you hear, or it could be monitoring to see which student contributes
to do more of the things you are familiar with doing in the physical the most to the discussion. At the end of the breakout session
classroom, such as using flashcards, showing realia or using mime. when you bring the students back to the main room, you can ask
You can also think about how you use proximity to the camera as these people to give feedback on the performance of their group.
a way of managing your class. You may want to come closer to the Providing students with feedback after the breakout sessions is
camera when you are speaking to an individual student or step vitally important. If students don’t feel that the work they did in the
back when you are addressing the whole class. room was monitored and evaluated they may start to feel that it is
Proximity, body language, gesture and tone of voice are all of less value and so lose motivation.
elements of good communication that we need to model for
students and encourage them to learn and use, so it’s good to have Screen sharing
some activities that involve students in developing their non-verbal The screen sharing function of your platform is what enables you
communication skills too. to show students your course materials and guide them through
Many students can be reluctant to use their webcam for classes. the activities and tasks. The technical side of this function may
This could be because they are sensitive about their room or are vary from platform to platform, but all remote classrooms will have
feeling self-conscious. However, turning their webcam on can really some means of showing materials. In some cases this involves
help you to develop their communication skills. So encourage uploading them to a whiteboard space and in others it simply
them to do this where possible. involves opening the materials on your computer screen and then
sharing the screen with your students so that they can also see
Breakout rooms them. Make sure you know how to use this function as it can be
incredibly useful for guiding students through the course book
Setting up and using breakout rooms materials, showing students images and videos, sharing websites
One of the most useful tools for helping students to practice with students or showing them your own self prepared materials.
and develop their spoken language skills is the breakout room Take care that you have your screen prepared before you share it,
feature of the remote classroom. Most applications that have been though, and avoid sharing any personal documents, sites or email
developed for teaching will have some form of breakout room messages.

© Oxford University Press A guide to teaching teenagers and adults online 2

Preparation: beyond the basics video once they are in the room, so you will need to explain how
to do that. This is true of most of the things that you do in a remote
Beyond these four key functions there are a number of other areas classroom. Although we think of students as being very digitally
you should be aware of which can help your classes to run more adept, it’s often the case that studying in a remote classroom is
smoothly. something totally new for many students and they will still need
time to understand how things work.
Many parents and students are very concerned about safety when Motivation
studying online and this can lead to lower participation levels in Motivation is often mentioned as a challenging issue in remote
online classes. Some of the problems that arise in online contexts learning, but it doesn’t have to be a problem if we manage
are due to lack of knowledge, training and experience rather than expectations and give students a clearly structured progression
malice. Things that students may find funny in a classroom can with regular milestones. Make sure that students know what they
seem more hurtful in the online environment. One of the most will be learning and achieving during the course. Create a to-do
effective means of dealing with this is to ensure that you have list that you can share with students and use a part of the lesson
a code of conduct for students that outlines what is and is not to review the list and tick off achievements as you go through the
acceptable behaviour in the remote classroom. Work together course. Be sure to celebrate milestones and students’ achievements
with other teachers to create this and make sure it covers things too. You could use a part of the lesson to celebrate and share
like not sharing information, images, videos or contact details of any outstanding work your students have done. Awarding digital
other students outside the class. Keep everyone’s contact details badges can be a nice way of recognising students’ achievements
and social media profiles confidential. Give students an outline and can help with their motivation.
and some examples of what constitutes harassment in the virtual An important part of why students come to and enjoy physical
realm and most of all, make sure students know who they should English lessons is that it is an opportunity to meet up with friends.
report any problems to and what the consequences of breaking Students usually have time before and after class as well as at break
the code of conduct will be. Having a clear code of conduct and times to socialise with other students. This socialisation also has an
safeguarding policy can help parents and students feel more secure important pedagogical function in that students often compare
and more willing to engage in remote lessons. notes, talk about what they have learned in class and measure their
own progress and motivation against that of other students. This
Classroom management social aspect of studying is often neglected when classes move
In some ways the remote classroom solves a lot of classroom online so it’s worth putting aside some time for students to go into
management problems. In many remote classrooms you can breakout rooms so they have a chance to chat and catch up with
control your students’ audio and mute it when you need them to each other.
listen to you. You can also select a student to speak by unmuting There is a common saying that ‘He who travels alone travels fast,
their audio individually. However, controlling the class in this way but he who travels with friends travels further.’ This is also true of
can have its negative side. It’s better to make students aware of language learning. If we can develop our students into a team
the importance of turn taking in remote working environments as or teams that work together, they can help to motivate and
this is an important part of developing their communication skills. encourage each other. There is a rule of thumb that states that the
Having said that, it’s reassuring to know that you have the ability maximum size of a team should be no more than the appropriate
simply to turn off student audio if things ever get out of hand. number of people to share two pizzas. If they need three pizzas, the
Likewise, you can turn off their video and in some platforms you team is too big. Think carefully about the qualities of your students
also have the power to remove students from the class. and the kinds of roles you would like them to play within the team
One of the most challenging aspects of managing students online before you decide which students should be in each team. It’s
is moving them into and out of breakout rooms. It’s good to get good to think of generic team roles and then think about which
plenty of practice doing this with other teachers before you have students you think fit each role. Some possible roles could be:
to do it with your students. Also be sure that you set up activities team leader, peacekeeper, grammar expert, vocabulary manager,
with your students before you put them into breakout rooms as thinker, researcher, monitor, evaluator, joker. Make sure that when
they won’t be able to hear you once you have moved them. You you put your students into teams they choose and negotiate their
should also give your students some training in using breakout roles within the team themselves. It’s also helpful to get the team to
rooms. Don’t simply assume that they know what will happen. In decide on their team name together . You could even tell them to
some platforms they may have to turn on their own sound and design their own logo and slogan.

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Tips for teaching online Developing writing skills in this way also enables you to monitor
the students as they write. You can simply click on the link to
the students’ text to see what they are doing and how they are
Introducing language points and grammar progressing.
Introducing new language in the remote classroom doesn’t have
to be significantly different from in the physical classroom. You
can still use the materials provided in your course book and work
through them in the same way. You can screen share the materials
and use the OUP Classroom Presentation Tool to highlight the
parts of the book that students need to pay attention to. There’s a
very useful video tutorial from Charlotte Murphy, an OUP Teacher
Trainer, available here that shows
how the tool works and how you can enlarge part of the page to
make it easier for students to see. Remember to check regularly
that students are following you. Ask questions regularly to check
understanding and get the students to respond using the chat
window. This will also increase the level of engagement for the
students.  Developing reading skills
Text is still one of the most common elements of the internet and
Teaching communications skills reading online is nothing new to most teachers and students.
Most teachers focus on language input and conversation practice Setting reading tasks in the remote classroom can be very
when teaching in remote classrooms, but all of the four skills can be rewarding. As well as the digital course book resources you have
addressed by using a few virtual tools. available, there’s also a world of online texts and websites that you
can use with your students simply by creating tasks and sharing
Developing listening skills links to the texts through the chat window.
One of the key things to understand when developing listening You can do reading skills activities directly from the digital course
skills in the remote classroom is how to share the audio file with book by screen sharing the text and setting the reading tasks, but
students. In the physical classroom, the teacher is very much in this isn’t the best way as the screen size of your students’ devices
control, playing the audio from the front of the classroom, but the may impede their ability to read the text. If you are using the course
remote classroom offers a number of alternatives that can also help book it is better to ask students to find the text in their student’s
to develop learner autonomy. The teacher can share the audio file book and read from there.
with students by uploading it or sharing a link through the chat
window. This gives students control of the listening and enables Developing speaking skills
students to listen to the file at their own pace. If you do this, As mentioned earlier, one of the key tools for developing speaking
remember to give the students the listening task first and set them skills is the breakout room feature of your platform, so be sure you
a time limit. You can also put the students into breakout rooms know how to get students into groups in the breakout rooms and
to work together on listening tasks. This can help to make the how to move them from room to room when you want to regroup
listening more collaborative. This can be particularly effective if you them. When setting up speaking activities make sure you give
have split listening tasks. These are ones which involve students students the instructions before they go into the breakout rooms
listening to different audio files and then collaborating together to and if there are any additional materials they need during the
complete the task. speaking activity, such as role cards or discussion questions, make
Some platforms allow you to take a more conventional approach sure that they have their own independent copy as the materials
by playing and pausing the audio from your own computer, you screen share won’t be visible to students in the breakout
synchronised with the students’ computers. This way of doing rooms.
the listening can be more demanding in terms of connectivity Getting started with speaking activities can take students a little
though and some students may not have a such a good listening longer in the remote classroom so with discussions, for example,
experience. it will help if you put students into breakout rooms first to prepare
their arguments together and then move them to different rooms
Developing writing skills when they have their discussion. 
One of the advantages of developing writing skills in the remote
classroom is that digital tools can make the writing process more
collaborative. There are a number of tools available to make this
Project work
possible. Google Docs is a very common tool for developing online The remote classroom is a great environment for doing project
writing skills but there are many others, such as the online version work. You can divide students into groups and put them into
of MS Word and the Apple equivalent, Pages. To use these tools breakout rooms to work on their projects together and because
with students it’s best to set the task up within the document they are online already, they have access to lots of resources
yourself. Make sure that the editing rights are open so that anyone to do background research, collect online resources and work
can edit, and then get ready to share a link to the document with collaboratively together. They can produce digital artefacts such
your students. Put the students into pairs or small groups first and as presentations, posters or short reports and then come back to
explain the task to them, then share the link to the document with the main classroom to present these to the rest of the class. When
the students and put them into breakout rooms. In their breakout doing project work students usually spend longer in the breakout
rooms they can work on the task together. The virtual document rooms working autonomously so monitoring is much easier as you
can be edited by anyone with a link, so the students will be able to have more time to move around the breakout rooms and check
type into the same document. This also makes peer editing much on students’ progress. Ensure that the time in the breakout rooms
easier as students can then share the link to the document with is spent on doing tasks that involve interaction and that students
another pair of students and they can comment on each other’s are staying on task. If students aren’t monitored this could lead to a
work using the commenting feature of Google Docs. drop in motivation and problems with misbehaviour.

© Oxford University Press A guide to teaching teenagers and adults online 4

Assessment Recommended resources
There are many ways that you can assess and give feedback on Blog post: Online Teaching Part 1: Getting Started
students’ online learning.
One of the most effective ways of doing this is to ask students to getting-started/
keep some form of digital portfolio. There are many sites and digital
apps that you can use to set this up, but the simplest way is just to
Blog post: Online Teaching Part 2: Practical Tips for English
have an online folder where you or they can store all of the digital
Language Lessons
artefacts created during the course or semester. You can set up
folders on Google Drive, One Drive or Dropbox and have shared
access with your students so that both you and they can access the practical-tips/
folder, add to it, and view and comment on the materials in it.
Assessing and giving feedback on digital writing work is much Blog post: Online Teaching Part 3: Tips to Engage and Motivate
easier than with paper-based homework marking. If you are using Students
tools like Google Docs or the online version of MS Word, you can
easily access students’ written work by asking them to share a link engage-motivate/
with you and then you can use the comments feature on these
platforms to suggest improvements and to highlight areas of
strength. There are also a range of free screen capture applications Blog post: Collaborative Learning Online and In The Socially
available online that allow you to record your screen and voice as Distanced Classroom
you talk through their compositions and give them feedback. This
can be far more motivating, engaging and developmental than the learning/
more traditional red pen and paper marking.
Assessing speaking can be made much more effective and simpler Video: How to use Classroom Presentation Tools (CPT) for online
in the virtual environment. You can set your students speaking tasks or remote lessons
that they can complete by recording themselves using either the
video or audio functionality on their phone or computer. They can
then share this with you by uploading it to a folder on Google Drive
or wherever you choose to host their digital portfolio. This enables Blog post: 5 ways to Engage with Students Online
you to listen to their speaking without the surrounding background
noise of the classroom and carefully evaluate their strengths and  
weaknesses. You can then record your feedback in the same way
Video: Teaching Writing with Classroom Presentation Tools
and post it into their portfolio folder for them to listen to. These
audio and video files are then easy to review and compare weeks
or months later for both you and your students to evaluate their
progress. Video: Vocabulary work with teenagers using Flipped Teaching
Also remember that your OUP digital course books have end of unit
and end of course tests that you can send to students to complete.
Video: Storytelling with secondary students

As you can see, teaching in the remote classroom does have

its challenges, but with practice these can easily be overcome. Video: Assessing Students Online
Teaching, whether in the face to face or the remote classroom,
is an interpersonal process so just try to keep things simple to
begin with and make sure you use your voice and your webcam to Blog post: Assessment in a Post-Pandemic World
project your warmth and personality to your students.
You don’t need to find lots of new tools or applications to do a
good job. If you learn to use the breakout rooms well and can
screen share your materials, then that should be enough. Language You can also download our focus papers to access bite-sized
teaching is fundamentally still about the same things and teachers insights and practical tips for the ELT classroom by logging in to the
still need to tap into the basic skills of promoting language use Oxford Teachers’ Club.
and listening carefully to understand how we can help students Focus on Focus on

improve. Remember that these are skills that you already have, so MANAGING ONLINE
don’t let the technology get in the way. 1. What is it?
1. What is it?
Increasingly, the first place we go for anything we need to know or learn is online.
Good teaching is good teaching, whether it is done face-to-face or online. As a teacher, It’s easier and faster than ever to access the tools and information we need. But for
you will already have many skills and strategies that you can bring to teaching online, longer-term learning goals like language learning which involve the development
whatever digital tools you choose (or are asked) to use. And as a language teacher, you of knowledge and skills over time, online learning will require structure, support,
already know how to engage and motivate your students. You also know that you need interaction, and a teacher.
to give your students opportunities to listen to and practise English. In this paper, we At its simplest, online learning can be facilitated just by sending assignments by email
look at tools, techniques, and activities that will enable you to use these essential skills or on a messenger app for your students to complete and return in the same way for
in your online teaching. marking. Going further, there is a wealth of free resources, support, and easy-to-use
Variety of options tools that can help you set up and run online learning. These can enable you to deliver
There isn’t a single ‘correct’ way to teach online. How you teach online depends on tasks and activities to your students, track their interaction with the activities, collect
your context and what technologies you and your students have available. It also scores to measure attainment, and even meet face-to-face online with groups or
depends on how confident you feel using these technologies, and what you want your individual students for live lessons or one-to-one tutorials.
students to achieve. Teaching online can include: With younger learners, you will need to enlist the support of parents. There are lots of
■ Synchronous learning ready-made activities that you can send younger students to work on with their parents.
This involves communicating in real time. For example, carrying out a live lesson Check out the teacher support site for your coursebook on the Oxford Teachers’ Club.
with your students using a videoconferencing tool like Skype or Zoom. There is also the Oxford Parents site where you can find tips and activities to share
with parents.
■ Asynchronous learning
This involves communicating over time. For example, asking your students to work
with online learning materials or participate in a class discussion via email or in an 2. What types of tools are available?
online forum at a time or location of their own choosing.
Learning platforms
■ Using ready-made materials Google Classroom and Edmodo are very popular learning platforms that many
A wide range of digital English language learning materials for all age groups teachers use. They have the advantage of being compatible with tools that you can use
and on almost any topic is available online, including language learning apps, to create interactive materials.
digital reading and listening resources, grammar games, and videos. Many English
If you work with older students who are regular Facebook users, you can create courses
language coursebooks come with online tips and activities for teachers and parents,
on Facebook using a Facebook Group. Be sure to use a community group and set it to
including those that can be found on the Oxford Teachers’ Club and Oxford Parents
show the content in units. This will enable you to structure your content around themes,
skills, or grammar points.
■ Creating materials
You may need to create some materials yourself in order to supplement your Content tools
coursebook or to meet the requirements of teaching online. For example, you could If you want to create your own interactive content, there are quite a few different
create online quizzes using free websites and apps like Kahoot! or Quizlet. options. You can use free tools like Educandy and Jetpack for creating games and
quizzes for younger learners. For teens and adults, Kahoot and Quizlet are useful for
■ Using multimedia
creating quizzes and games.
Multimedia can be used in low-tech contexts, where you can create audio
recordings to share via email, as well as in high-tech contexts, where you could
create a video recording or a narrated PowerPoint presentation to share via an
online file-sharing service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.


Nicky Hockly is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E (TCE). She is a teacher, Nik Peachey has worked all over the world as a language teacher, teacher trainer,
trainer, international plenary speaker, consultant, and author of several prize- technology trainer, and educational technology consultant. He is an award-winning
winning methodology books about technology in ELT. course designer and materials writer and author.

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Focus on Teaching Online   Focus on Managing Online Learning

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