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General Functions

The general functions of WinKFPT are divided up into the following groups:

· Special Functions

· Diagnosis Functions

You select a group by clicking one of the following function buttons or pressing the corresponding
function key on the keyboard:

· "Special"

· "Diagnosis"

Fig.: Function menu with the function buttons "Special" and "Diagnosis"

Since calling a general function always involves communicating with an ECU, a minimum amount of
job data must have been entered in the active operating mode of WinKFPT.

The function buttons for the general functions are only displayed:

· once programming settings phase Level 1 or 2 of Expert mode has been completed and at least one
PABD, P-SGBD and ECU address (ECU address only if the P-SGBD uses an external address) have
been selected/entered (see “ Functions of Programming Settings Phase Level 1 in Expert Mode” and “
Functions of Programming Settings Phase Level 2 in Expert Mode”).

· once the programming settings phase of Comfort mode has been completed and a ZUSB number and
ECU address/integration position have been selected/entered by means of one of the following

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functions: "Enter ZUSB", "Choose ZUSB" or "Update ZUSB" (see “7.1 Functions of the
Programming Settings Phase in Comfort Mode”).

Special Functions

When you click the "Special" function button (or press <F3>) in Expert or Comfort mode, the function
menu with the function buttons for calling the special functions of WinKFPT is opened:

Fig.: Function menu for the special functions

This function menu contains buttons for activating the following functions:

· Reading the UIF

· Reading the ECU baudrates

· Reading and writing the calibration values

· VS20/DS2 Mode

· EWS alignment

· Exiting the Special function menu

Function: Reading the UIF

You start the function for displaying the UIF entries of a control unit either by clicking the "Read UIF"
button in the Special function menu or by pressing function key <F1> on the keyboard.

When you activate this function, all the user info field (UIF) entries of the control unit are read out and
displayed by the following PABD job:


Prerequisite for this is a valid UIF entry in the control unit.

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The contents of the UIF display dialog are written to the file AIF_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT in the
\<root>\BIN directory.

The contents of the AIF_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT file are overwritten every time "Read UIF" is

The file name is displayed in the header of the UIF display dialog.

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Fig.: Display dialog for the Special function "Read UIF"

You close the UIF display dialog by clicking "OK".

Function: Reading the ECU Baudrates

You start the function for displaying the ECU baudrates of a control unit either by clicking the "ECU
baudrates" button in the Special function menu or by pressing function key <F2> on the keyboard.

When you activate this function, all the possible baudrates of the control unit are read out and displayed

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by the following PABD job:


The contents of the ECU baudrates display dialog are written to the file BD_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT
in the \<root>\BIN directory.

The contents of the BD_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT file are overwritten every time "ECU baudrates" is

This functionality is no longer supported by standard PABD jobs.

If you call "ECU baudrates" for control units with standard description files, the following error
message appears:

Fig.: Error message displayed when you call "ECU baudrates"

Function: Reading and Writing the Calibration Values

You start the function for reading and writing the calibration values of a control unit either by clicking

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the "Calibration values" button in the Special function menu or by pressing function key <F3> on the

When you activate this function, the submenu for reading and writing the calibration values of the
control unit opens.

Fig.: Submenu for reading and writing the calibration values

This function enables you to read specific data (calibration values) out of a control unit and write it to
another control unit.

Procedure for transferring calibration values:

· Connect the control unit from which the calibration values are to be read.

· Click the "Read Calib." button or press <F1> on the keyboard.

The calibration values are read out of the ECU and buffered in a temporary file.

The "Write Calib." function button is now active.

· Connect the control unit to which the calibration values are to be written.

· If necessary, select the HW interface and diagnosis protocol for the second control unit.

· Click the "Write Calib." button.

The calibration values are read out of the temporary file and written to the ECU.

A message confirming that the data has been successfully transferred is then displayed.

You close the submenu for calibration values either by clicking the "Done" button

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or by pressing function key <F8> on the keyboard.

The submenu for calibration values is closed and the Special function menu is displayed again.

Function: VS20/DS2 Mode

You start the function for selecting VS20/DS2 mode either by clicking the "VS20/DS2-Mode" button
in the Special function menu or by pressing function key <F4> on the keyboard.

When you activate this function, WinKFPT switches to the submenu for VS20/DS2 mode.

By activating "VS20 Mode" or "DS2 Mode" from this submenu, the control unit connected can be
switched to VS20 or DS2 mode by means of the PABD job VS20_MODE or D2 MODE.

This functionality is no longer supported by standard PABD jobs.

If you call "VS20 Mode" or "DS2 Mode" for control units with standard description files, the following
error message appears:

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Fig.: Error message displayed when you call "VS20 Mode" or "DS2 Mode"

Function: EWS Alignment

You start the function for EWS alignment either by clicking the "EWS Alignment" button in the
Special function menu or by pressing function key <F5> on the keyboard.

This functionality is no longer supported.

When you call "EWS Alignment", the following message appears:

Fig.: Message displayed when you call "EWS Alignment"

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Function: Done
You close the Special function menu either by clicking the "Done" button in the Special function menu

or by pressing function key <F8> on the keyboard.

When you activate this function, the Special function menu is closed and WinKFPT switches back to the
main menu or to the function phase of the operating mode from which the Special function menu was

Function: HDDownload
You start the function for HDDownload by clicking the "HDDownload" button in the Special function

The button “HDDownload” is available, when a PABD and a SGBD, which both support
HDDownload, were selected in Expert mode.

Function: HDD-Test
You start the function for HDD-Test by clicking the "HDD-Test" button in the Special function menu.

The button “HDD-Test” is available, when a PABD and a SGBD, which both support HDDownload,
were selected in Expert mode.

1.1 Diagnosis Functions

When you click the "Diagnosis" function button (or press <F4>) in Expert or Comfort mode, the
function menu with the function buttons for calling the diagnosis functions of WinKFPT is opened:

Fig.: Menu for the diagnosis functions

This menu contains buttons for activating the following functions:

· Displaying the ECU status

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· Reading the ECU identification

· Reading the ECU internal temperature

· Exiting the Diagnosis menu

Function: Displaying the ECU Status

You start the function for displaying the ECU status of a control unit either by clicking the "ECU
Status" button in the Diagnosis function menu or by pressing function key <F1> on the keyboard.

When you activate this function, the following data is read out of the control unit and displayed:

· Data reference

· Hardware reference

· Supplier info field (ZIF)

· Backup of the supplier info field

· Programming status (ECU status)

The data is read out of the control unit by the following PABD jobs:






The contents of the ECU status display dialog are written to the file REF_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT in
the \<root>\BIN directory.

The contents of the REF_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT file are overwritten every time "ECU Status" is

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The file name is displayed in the header of the ECU status display dialog.

Fig.: Display dialog for the ECU status

You close the ECU status display dialog by clicking "OK".

Function: Reading the ECU Identification

You start the function for displaying the identification of a control unit either by clicking the "ECU
Ident" button in the Diagnosis function menu or by pressing function key <F2> on the keyboard.

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When you activate this function, the identification data of the control unit is read out and displayed by
the following PABD jobs:



The contents of the ECU identification display dialog are written to the file
IDENT_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT in the \<root>\BIN directory.

The contents of the IDENT_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT file are overwritten every time "ECU Ident" is

The file name is displayed in the header of the ECU identification display dialog.

Fig.: Display dialog for the ECU identification

You close the ECU identification display dialog by clicking "OK".

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Function: Reading the ECU Internal Temperature

You start the function for displaying the internal temperature of a control unit either by clicking the
"ECU intern. Temp" button in the Diagnosis function menu or by pressing function key <F3> on the

When you activate this function, the internal temperature of the control unit is read out and displayed.

The following standard PABD job is executed to read the internal temperature out of a control unit:


The contents of the ECU internal temperature display dialog are written to the file
INNENTMP_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT in the \<root>\BIN directory.

The contents of the INNENTMP_<Interface>_<Unit>.OUT file are overwritten every time "ECU
intern. Temp" is activated.

The file name is displayed in the header of the ECU internal temperature display dialog.

Fig.: Display dialog for the ECU internal temperature

If the control unit does not support this function, the following message is displayed which you have to

<<ECU internal temperature not supported>>

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You close the ECU internal temperature display dialog by clicking "OK".

Function: Done
You close the Diagnosis function menu either by clicking the "Done" button in the Diagnosis function

or by pressing function key <F8> on the keyboard.

When you activate this function, the Diagnosis function menu is closed and WinKFPT switches back to
the main menu or to the function phase of the operating mode from which the Diagnosis function menu
was started.

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