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Letter of Transmittal

A special debt is due to our respected faculty and course instructor Afnan Ashfaque for giving
us such opportunity and providing valuable guidance, suggesting us about accumulating the
preparation of this report. We would also like to thank her for assigning with an exclusive topic
that has helped to develop information knowledge in truly unique way.

Moreover, we have benefited from the help of many people who have gleesomely supplied
insightful comments, suggestions and contribution all, which have progressively enhanced this
report. The selection of this specific organization is vital for our successful study.

I am particularly beholden to the employees of Kid Track . Without their support it would have
not possible on our past to complete the report.

Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal ------------------------------------------------------ 3

Acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------------- 4
Table of Content -------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Executive summary ---------------------------------------------------------- 6,7
Company Background -------------------------------------------------------8,9,10
Management Team ----------------------------------------------------------11,12,13
Service Description ----------------------------------------------------------14,15
Industry Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------16,17,18,19
Marketing Plan ----------------------------------------------------------------,20,21,22

Financing the Business -----------------------------------------------------23,24,25,26,27
Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------28,29
Referencing ---------------------------------------------------------------------30


Executive Summary

Kids TRACK is a children transport system in Bangladesh. We give services to those children
who goes to schoolmarm-school and after school courses. Nowadays usually we can see dual
parent working so this service will help those parents to have a secure transport for their
children. We provide the best service in the entire country and have all the facilities that a
children need .

Kids TRACK is based in industrial stock sector. The company is predicted to reach 50% profit
on a very short time.
Kids TRACK mission is to offer premium service, name ,brand image ,so that they can have a
reputation. The company’s mission is to provide safety moving / traveling service for school
going kids in the city and the vision is to eradicate moving/traveling hazard and make it safe
In order to create brand image and brand loyalty, we will provide discounts to the customers.
Kids TRACK goal is to keep a goodwill with their customers and build a long- term business



Kids TRACK creates a bridge between parents and their children. The concept is to provide their
kids with a safety transportation when they are going and coming back from school,day care and
after school activities . Kids TRACK will have numerous facilities to their customers.

Unlike other taxi or bus services, Kids TRACK will only operate for children ,our drivers will
have a background check and will have a proper driving license. We will not compromise
anything when it comes to our fellow children. We will provide another employee along with the
driver who can genuinely take care of the children.


Below are some simple steps parents need to follow in order to register their children on Kids

Step 1 : Download our app Kids TRACK .
Step 2 : Insert your phone number or email address to log in
Step 3 : Click Register and fill out the form (you may need to provide with
School identity card of the children)
Step 4 : Fix your child schedules
Step 5 : Pay the registration fee

If you face difficulty in registration over the app,then you can simply visit our customer service
for help over the phone or in person. You have to pay a registration fee of 1000tk in order to start
the service ,other such as monthly or yearly fees can be payed according to the number of days
you will be registering for .


*Low price compared to Taxi *Idea can be easily copied

*Uniqueness *Service is only available in limited number

of location in Bangladesh
*High security and safety
*Small start up
*Innovative service
*Highly dependent on Internet and

*Traffic can be reduced *Competitor entry risk
*Increasing internet user *Only for urban areas
*Huge Profit *Legal factor
*Brand Awareness *Socio-political threat



CEO of Kids TRACK. Iqra has done her MBA from Oxford University, with a great vision she
started this business and her hard work and risk taking abilities has paid her up all the way here.
She has very good communication skills and that helps her to keep good relation with all the
department heads. Her ambition towards her work encourages every departments to work hard
since this makes their job interesting.

*COO the COO of Kid TRACK. She was appointed as the COO when she founded Kids
TRACK. completed her MBA from University of Alberta ,Canada. Anika’s vision and planning
has always kept Kids TRACK from facing any problems. She oversees the company’s day to day
operation ,daily communication with the CEO ,creating operating strategies ,communicating
with the employees and keeping company goal.

the CMO of Kids TRACK. She has completed her BBA from York University. Farida makes a
good marketing mix before launching any new idea or facility. She has always worked hard on
keeping the marketing expenses low but effective. She has successfully managed to make Kids
TRACK a brand transportation it is today. Her marketing skills helps the business in every
possible way.

*Community Manager
the community manager who manages Kids TRACK on social networking sites. He completed
his BBA from NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH. He make sure to advertise
Kids TRACKER in all social sites. He created own social persona and actively go out within
the online community to connect with potential customers and advocate accordingly.

* Human Resource department

Abir Hassan is human resource manager of Kids TRACK.Abir has completed his BBA from
University of Oklahama. has great communication skills and understands emotional intelligence.
This has always helped to keep the workers motivated. He was appointed by ,after he arrival the
company witnessed more energetic workers, worker absenteeism rate going down and also less
interference of workers union. and his team has always added more efficiency in the business.

* Finance department
was appointed as the finance department manager when Iqra formed this company.
completed his MBA from university of Atlanta. His vision and planning has always kept Kids
TRACK far away from facing liquidity problems. He makes budgets for the business and this has
always helped to keep every department motivated.





Kids TRACK will provide is safe responsible transportation exclusively for children. We will be
transporting children to and from after school activities, day care, preschool etc. Our mission is
to provide safely moving service to school going children and to eradicate moving hazard.

We will begin with 3 van that can accommodate 6childrens each at a time. To best utilize these
vans, we have established peak transportation periods. These periods are early morning (7-8),
midafternoon (11-12), and late afternoon (3-5). We will establish routes with maximum
passengers and close destinations. During non-peak periods we will be taking children to
appointments or making emergency pick-ups (when a child needs to leave school due to illness)

To provide numerous facilities to the customer, we will open up an app where parents can get all
information about their children, where they are and when they are dropped at their destination.
We will also provide food facilities to the kids for which parents need to pay extra fees. The app
will also have texting facilities so that if any parents needs to know any details they can text
through the app and out online department will always be there to help our customer. Customers
can also visit our customer care department for further emergency if they need. We will also
keep contact with the local police for security purpose.


Businesses may not be in a
position to satisfy all of their
customers, every time. It may
difficult to meet the exact
requirements of each
individual customer.
Businesses may not be in a
position to satisfy all of their
customers, every time. It may
difficult to meet the exact
requirements of each
individual customer.
Businesses may not be in a
position to satisfy all of their
customers, every time. It may
difficult to meet the exact
requirements of each
individual customer.
Businesses may not be in a
position to satisfy all of their

customers, every time. It may
difficult to meet the exact
requirements of each
individual customer.
Businesses may not be in a
position to satisfy all of their
customers, every time. It may
difficult to meet the exact
requirements of each
individual customer.
Business may not be able to satisfy all of their customer every time. In recent years traffic
congestion has increased massively in Bangladesh due to so much traffic at any time of the day.
The use of too many vehicles is creating a chaos in road as a result people are getting late for
work and other purposes. Nowadays we get to see working mom as well and its very difficult for
them to drop their children for school and again take them back home or for preschool activities.
Our goal is to help these people out there and to reduce the traffic as well. If 10 students are
going for school in their individual car it will create more traffic but if those 10 students can go
buy one van than the roads will not face that much traffic and students won’t be late for their
school as well. Moreover, our price is reasonable so that every class people can enjoy our

Projected Market

The project market will be focused on all class, single and dual working parents. This group is
very active and so are their children with sports, daycare and other activities. A project like this
will help their children to go to school and other after school activities safely.
A value proposition tells prospects why they should do business with you rather than your
competitors and makes the benefits of your products or services crystal clear from the outset. Our
project will have its value proposition strong. We expertly highlight everything that is not
provided by any other transportation company. Customers can use our service with ease. You
just have to register once and you will get the daily service without any more hazard or booking
for taxy every day. If you want to contact us, it’s more easy ,just go to our app and tap the
message option or call option. We will make things more convenient for our users.

Bangladesh currently has a population of approximately 160.9 million with a density of 1,034
people in every square kilometer. Average Bangladeshis have a lifespan of 71/73 years at birth
(as of 2015) which is 46% higher from 1970. The birth rate currently stands at 2.16% while the
death rate is 46 children in every 1000. An efficient transportation system is essential to facilitate
economic growth in Bangladesh. The country’s economy needs to grow at a sustained 8 percent
per year to achieve the first goal of the SDGs: that of halving the proportion of people living
under a dollar a day by 2015. To achieve this growth, the transport sector will need to reduce
costs and allocate resources among different modes of transport in a more balanced manner.
There is a growing popularity of young entrepreneurship profession in Bangladesh. Albeit that
trend, the country remains undeveloped in terms of road and traffic. Roads carry over 80 percent
of national passenger traffic, providing the backbone of the transport sector in this country of

approximately 160 million people. Bangladesh today has an extensive road network (2.4 lac
kilometers) surpassing other South Asian countries in total road density.

Political Factors:
• Political condition of Bangladesh is not stable which might cause problems in operating a
• Government does not encourage entrepreneurship.
• Bad Governance and corruption

Economic Factors:
• Limited access to finance
• High Interest rates on Bank loans
• Tax is quite high and it discourages the entrance of new companies

Social Factors:
• People are becoming more safety conscious
• The population of the young people is increasing. This opens a new market for serving
the people of young age.
• A trend of getting access to a lot of things using a mobile application or a website is

Technological Factors:
• Bangladesh currently has around 87 million internet subscribers and it is increasing
• Due to the emergence of bkash transaction became easier.

Environmental Factors:
• Kids TRACK do not cause any damage to the environment.

• Kids TRACK is very reliable and user- friendly.
• Implementation of dark and light themes introduced to mobile apps interfaces to cater for
a strong light condition
• Straightforward screen navigator.

Legal Factors:
• Kid TRACK have a trade license, clearance, policy agreements and all the documents to
serve people legally.
• IP Trademark Protection to protect the name and logo we can register the


The primary revenue centre for the business will come from the sale of cars. Our price will be
70tk per seat. Management has already begun to work with renowned schools and guardians so
that the business can acquire in demand from the onset of operations which will ensure that the
business can reach profitability very quickly.

Introduction Letter
This is our first mass mailing. The letter contains a formal introduction, explanation of our
services and a request to respond if interested. This will be sent to different schools so that they
can reach the hands of those working parents.

Our brochure will contain all the operational information needed for our customers. It will
include hours, rates, rules and regulations, a mission statement and features and benefits of using
our service. The brochure will be available at various locations including schools, day cares,
etc.So that many people can reach us easily.

Care Support
This is another important thing. Once a month customers from different area will meet .They
discuss how to make things better for children in the county. It is also a great way to network
with these members and help our service to run better.We will try to know what things can be
better for our customers and whats things needs to be improved.

Digital Marketing
Since almost everyone in Bangladesh uses Facebook, we will take this opportunity for
advertising our service. We will have our own Facebook page ,where everything will be updated
regarding Kids TRACK and also a Facebook group where our users can share their experience
with us .

We will also engage ourselves in newspaper through articles so that people can know about us
and then contact us if they want to take our service.


We will give discounts to customer who will register for one year .They will be getting a 10%
discount on the registration fee.

We will have an offer of 2 for 1 if two siblings are registered together than they only need to pay
only one registration fee and the other one will be free.


Allocation of fund :

 Bank loan
 Personal savings
 Sell of personal assets
 Loan from other individuals

BANK LOAN 25,000,00
GRAND TOTAL 30,000,00

The cost allocation agenda for given investment are given below
-Labor salary:1,30,000
-Office rent:4,20,000
-Electricity and water:1,50,000
-Furniture and other necessities :3,50,000
-APP development:1,50,000


TK- 30,000,00-TK-29,000,00=TK- 1,000,00



1st year 2nd year


Service fees 10,100,000 20,000,000

Sales Coupon 200,000 400,000

Car commission 719530 907124

Registration fees 300000 405000

-Service Discount (371875) (424625)

Gross profit

-Operating expense:

Salaries 9,80,000 16,20,000

Advertisement 8,40,000 654,000

Electricity Bill 200,000 200,000

Office expense 900,000 1,100,000

App development 70,000 90,000

Maintenance 200,000 200,000

Miscellaneous 300,000 300,000

Net income before taxes 7,457,655 16,973,499

Tax expense 211,219 456,907

Net income after taxes 7,246,436 16,516,592


*There will be 0 profit for the first two years.

*Revenue will be used to pay off bank loans.

*Plan on expanding the business when we earn profit


Kids TRACK is a transport company of Bangladesh. The name of Kids TRACK will achieve
such a position in the customer’s mind that whenever they heard the name of the company they
will clearly have a vision of safety and security of their child.

We promise to ensure every customer to have the best service from us for their valuable
children.Safety Matters The Most !!




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