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•Grind neem leaves to a paste, make a small-sized ball, dip it in honey and

swallow it every morning on an empty stomach. Avoid eating anything for

the next hour or so to let the neem pass through the system. This actually
works on any kind of allergy – skin, food, anything. This practice can be
continued for life, there is no harm in this. Neem has an extremely high
medicinal value. Using tender neem leaves could reduce the bitterness, but
otherwise any fresh and green leaf will do.
•Crush about 10 to 12 pepper corns roughly and soak them in a couple of
spoons of honey overnight (about 8 to 12 hours). In the morning you
consume this and just chew upon the pepper. Mixing some turmeric with the
honey should also work. If you avoid all dairy products, your phlegm will go
down naturally.
•Honey is extremely beneficial for asthmatics. It gives the necessary warmth
in the body and dissolves the phlegm in the respiratory tract.
•By drinking warm water mixed with pepper and honey one can delay the
onset of an attack by half an hour, giving ample time to get help and
medication. If done on a regular basis, it can also completely rid one of the
•Another tip to avoid spasms is to soak few tulsi leaves and pepper in honey
for 3-4 hours and then chew on it.
•It is best to avoid bananas, jackfruit, cooked beetroot (you can eat raw
beetroot), country beans and dairy products. Also avoid coconut, as it forms

Tulsi and Pepper: Grind a handful of Tulsi leaves along with about 10 black
peppercorns. Consume three times a day.
•Spanish Thyme and Pepper: Take about 7 leaves of Spanish
Thyme and 10 black peppercorns. Grind them together and consume three
times a day. Spanish Thyme is sometimes called Country Borage or Queen
of Herbs. In India it goes by the names Karpooravalli (Tamil).

•Ginger Concoction: Mix 4 teaspoons of ginger juice, 4 teaspoons

of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in three-quarters of a cup of water.

Heart care
•Take fresh juice of one pomegranate and add one tablespoon of honey in it.
•Consume every day in the morning on an empty stomach.
•Make holes in dates by piercing them with a needle. Soak in honey and
consume 2-4 dates twice a day.

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