Report Title:: Talk About Your Self

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talk about your self


Department: ‫الهندسة الميكانيكة‬

Student Name: Your Name
‫حسين‬ ‫سجى قاسم صكر‬
Stage: ‫الثالث‬
Study: ‫صباحي‬
College of Engineering
Class: ‫عام‬
Mustansiriyah University
Course Name: English
‫قسم الهندسة‬ ‫كلية الهندسة – الجامعة المستنرصية‬
: ‫ الشعبة‬/ : ‫الرمحلة‬ : ‫االسم‬
‫ثالثة‬ ‫سجى قاسم صكر حسين‬

My name is Saja Qasim, I am twenty one years old. I

study at Al.mustansiriya University, college of
Engineering, Department of Mechanics. Now I in third
stage, major in general. My Favorite drink is coffee, I
drink coffee everyday with my family or with my
friends or when I read, coffee is something I really
enjoy. My Mother is my love, I love my mother and I
feel that she is everything in my life, she is my role
model in life and she teaches me many valuable
lessons, I can't imagine my life without her and I pray
that Allah saves her. There are many things I enjoy in
my free time, In my free time I love to draw, When I
touch the paintbrush I feel that I am drawing my
futureThis feeling does not leave me and I enjoy it. I
love I like to read books and cultural novels. I like
cooking and I enjoy my time while preparing a meal,
cooking is something I am very good at because I
learned it a long time ago ,many people complement
my cooking style and say that I can be better. I like to
be an engineer, when I was young was always
dreaming of becoming an engineer. I like to be an
engineer like my friend , he is so successful and I
want to be like him. I also like to fix things and enjoy
watching the process of building a towers and

‫قسم الهندسة‬ ‫كلية الهندسة – الجامعة المستنرصية‬
: ‫ الشعبة‬/ : ‫الرمحلة‬ : ‫االسم‬
‫ثالثة‬ ‫سجى قاسم صكر حسين‬

bridges. I watch documentary movies about the

design of building and the safety of building. this is
what I like to do in my life. One of the most important
professions that society requires is also the
profession of the engineer, and if we want to set a
definition for the profession of the engineer, then we
can say that the engineer is the person who is
familiar with and aware of applied sciences and that
relates to various building matters and designs and
is the person who is able to find a solution To the
different environmental problems and to make life
easier through what it does from the constructions
and designs. an engineer job is such a very nice and
hard job, Engineers help to build buildings and
bridges, they also make the roads and build hospitals
and schools. Many people think the job of the
engineer is an easy job but it is actually they do a
complicated and hard work. an engineer spends
hours working on one things to avoid all the
mistakes. the engineer works on projects that can
take months to finish. They do a very hard work to
provide us with new things such as technology,
buildings, hospitals, and My hopes for the future is to
live a life full of happiness and with no issues. I hope
‫قسم الهندسة‬ ‫كلية الهندسة – الجامعة المستنرصية‬
: ‫ الشعبة‬/ : ‫الرمحلة‬ : ‫االسم‬
‫ثالثة‬ ‫سجى قاسم صكر حسين‬

to finish my school with a good GPA so that I can

continue my education to a higher level. I also hope
to learn new skills and be creative in many field.

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