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In the last two-three years, because of the MasterChef cuture, social media and interest in restaurants, there is a
big change in the level of preparedness in students. They are more aware of modern cooking techniques,” says
Priyanandan Reddy, CEO of Bengaluru-based AIMS Institutes (that has a hospitality management school with a
culinary arts diploma). Starting their own restaurants, cafes or catering businesses is what most of these
millennials are aspiring to do, he adds.

Entreprenuership aside, it is the booming standalone segment that is drawing wannabe chefs from many of these
schools. While most Indian hotel companies continue to have affiliations with older established hospitality schools
in the country, it’s an open secret how affluent millennials, drawn by the glamour of being head chefs as soon as
they pass out, don’t want to go through the rigorous grind of jobs in hotel kitchens, where it may take up to two
decades to rise to the top. “At a standalone,  ..

Culinary education within India itself leaves much to be desired. “In India, there are fewer culinary schools. Our
schools are lagging behind in terms of equipment, infrastructure and faculty. There is an urgent need to develop
world-class schools with global chefs as trainers,” says Dr Suborno Bose, one of the hospitality educators in the
country who has helmed International Institute of Hotel Management across India since the mid-1990s. While the
US has about 580 accredited cooking schools tha ..

hef Manu Chandra who studied at the CIA’s New York campus in the early 2000s, says that culinary schools are
not just about cooking. Instead, the competitive environment, exposure to multiculturalism and to top
professionals is important because chefs these days are managers too. “India has a few challenges by way of
infrastructure and the talent that teaches. You need to hire from the industry and pay them well,” Chandra points


Studying in India provides exposure to a variety of regional influences that can only
be appreciated by immersion in the diverse food palate of the country's culinary
You could make a lifetime excursion into Indian gastronomy, and only scratch the
surface of the unique practices and dishes that comprise it. Each region puts forth
flavors and nuances that are distinguishing characteristics of local fare. 

For culinary students, there is a wealth of knowledge to be tapped in India.


Culinary Art is a rapidly growing and vibrant form of art that has changed
the face of the food industry. It is a unique blend of culture, food,
modernization, and innovation. Culinary art involves the skills of cooking,
preparing, designing, innovating and presenting food. Passion for food and
cooking are the basic driving forces for culinary artists. Cooking skills are
acquired by practicing, having an in-depth knowledge of ingredients, tastes,
raw materials and also the art to innovate.
Formal education is required that provides information about recipes,
nutritional values, nature and benefits of ingredients, hygiene, health,
planning and productivity of the food prepared. Education is needed for
handling food and most importantly the manner in which it is presented.
Culinarians have made food products rise above its materialistic value and
established a brilliant culture that is dominated by the freedom to explore
different dimensions in every inch of edible food.
It has resulted in an increased number of professional institutes that offer a
wide range of courses in culinary art and provide a financially secure and
socially reputed career.
Globalization has changed the face of the Food & Beverage industry.
Cross-cultural influences, hybridity, and innovations have widened the
scope of this industry. Food has evolved from being a means to survive to
an incredible art form. The regional, national and international food and
cultural festivals have given recognition and opportunities to culinary artists.
In the coming years, the industry has been estimated to grow in qualitative
and quantitative dimensions. Thus a career in culinary arts could be the
best choice for anyone who is passionate and determined.



In each culinary program you will learn similar skills, however the Culinary Arts
Degree will further delve into the importance of management skills, and other
opportunities in the field. However, both programs will give you a solid
foundation in cooking and culinary skills.
The degree will educate you on management skills, industry trends, business
ethics and principles, and even food costs. As a student studying to be an
executive chef, you will be required to come up with a distinctive menu,
purchase the food, and oversee the kitchen. Therefore, a degree would be better
suited for a student aspiring to be a head/executive chef or restaurant manager.


Learn to appreciate different cultures: Food is closely intertwined with culture. Think about
all the different foods that are available from all over the world and how people
often pass down family recipes from one person to another. By studying culinary
arts, you'll learn how different cultures prepared different types of foods. This will
give you a much greater appreciation for different cultures, which in turn helps to
build empathy for people in general. You can share your knowledge of different
cultures with your customers by implementing various ingredients or cooking
techniques used by different cultures in your dishes, thereby helping to spread an
appreciation for different styles of cooking. This is an incredibly effective way to get
people to open up to new things, especially if they haven't been exposed to different
Because in a degree course, because in a degree course, you are subjected to
working in environments hat professional chefs do and it prepares you overall to
gain experience in cooking art as well as managemnets etc

Indian Culinary Institute (ICI) is to institutionalize a mechanism to support efforts intended to preserve,
document, promote and disseminate Indian Cuisine, meet the sectoral requirement of specialists specific to
Indian Cuisine, as also of promoting Cuisine as a Niche Tourism product.

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