Ey Covid 19 Corp Investment Bank Broch

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How COVID-19

will accelerate the

investment bank
Key factors shaping the new normal
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation

Section 1: Executive summary...............................................................................................................1

Section 2: Key factors shaping the new normal

01 Preparing a return to work strategy..............................................................................................3

02 The need for a proactive postmortem assessment.........................................................................5

03 Digital enablement of the workforce.............................................................................................7

04 Accelerated reshaping of business strategy ..................................................................................9

05 Data enabled risk management....................................................................................................12

06 Operations digital transformation.................................................................................................15

07 Enhanced elasticity of IT infrastructure.........................................................................................17

Section 3: A final word..........................................................................................................................19

Section 4: Contacts...............................................................................................................................21
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 1


Executive summary

The COVID-19 crisis is As the impacts of COVID-19 continue to offset the downturn in economic
unfold and the crisis progresses, lessons activity and to stabilize market
an unprecedented global can be learned from the events of 9/11, confidence. In the US, this has led
pandemic event, which the global financial crisis of 2008–09 to financial institutions preparing
has had dramatic impact and several recent natural disasters. to manage their business in a low
However, there is no precedent for the and potentially negative interest
on daily lives and the international nature and widespread rate environment, which had been
broader economy. In effect on the global economy and prevalent in other economies prior to
the global markets, the the financial sector, specifically. The the pandemic.
functioning of the investment banking
pandemic has brought (IB) divisions of financial institutions
Market volatility, volume spikes and
demand for services alone would
significant dislocation with has also been significantly disrupted
be challenging for IBs to navigate.
volatility and spikes in with the displacement of staff to a
The introduction of remote work
work-from-home environment, driving
trading volumes, creating significant operating, cultural and
has complicated the environment
further. Most firms have the vast
challenges in the primary, business challenges.
majority of IB staff working from
secondary, funding and The economic environment has home, including, notably, substantial
derivatives markets. severely impacted clients of the IBs. portions of their sales and trading
Corporate clients have faced significant front-office workforce. With what has
revenue and cost challenges, requiring been essentially an overnight and a
access to credit lines to maximize prolonged shift to work from home
cash on hand, and reduced capital (WFH), IBs have faced challenges
expenditure. Institutional investors also in provisioning equipment at scale,
have been affected by large surges in supervising remote staff, enabling
redemptions and falling asset values. collaboration and establishing
National governments have introduced business as usual (BAU) in this
fiscal and monetary stimulus to extraordinary environment.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 2

It should be acknowledged that IBs and the 5. Data enabled risk management: enhance
section broader market infrastructure (including financial financial and nonfinancial risk management
market utilities and third-party infrastructure with a focus on data enablement and real-time
providers) have demonstrated an impressive level monitoring of risk and exposure leveraging
of resiliency to date through the pandemic. The artificial intelligence (AI) to augment supervision
markets, overall, remain liquid, albeit volatile with and surveillance capabilities.
significant value fluctuations, and operational
6. Operations digital transformation: scale
processes have experienced a significant increase
operational functions through technology and
in volumes during this unprecedented time.
innovation, digital workflows and addressing
However, the pandemic has exposed certain
underlying root causes of inefficiency, considering
vulnerabilities and opportunities, which need
the end-to-end client management, process and
to be addressed to enable greater resiliency,
data journey.
sustainability and efficiency for the IB.
7. Enhanced elasticity of IT infrastructure:
With outlooks suggesting a prolonged impact to
implement flexible and secure technology
the markets and to daily life, the IB processes,
infrastructure that enables the digital and data
client proposition, technology and business mix
strategy of the enterprise.
across the front-to-back value chain may look
very different as we come through the pandemic The leaders of IBs must strengthen their
and emerge into what will be a new normal. Key organizations’ capabilities and resiliency by
factors that will shape this new normal include: learning from the challenges highlighted during
the pandemic and by focusing on the underlying
1. Preparing a return to work strategy: develop
root causes. Many of the challenges are not
and communicate a clear return to work strategy
new but have been further exposed through
covering triggers, timelines and precautions to
the pandemic. This provides organizations with
limit community spread in the workplace. The
an opportunity to reset and reprioritize their
plan should identify immediate actions required to
legacy transformation agenda, refocusing and
maintain the sustainability of remote working.
accelerating the digital transformation strategies
2. The need for a proactive postmortem that many firms have in play already today, with
assessment: proactive qualitative and added benefits of delivering cost efficiency and
quantitative review and assessment of enhanced client experience.
performance through the crisis to identify
vulnerabilities in business performance, resiliency
and control.

3. Digital enablement of the workforce:

reviewing the location strategy of the business
and deployment of new ways of working through
digital enablement to facilitate sustainable and
controlled remote working.

4. Accelerated reshaping of business strategy:

accelerate the execution of client, product
and regional strategy, with a likely increase in
business acquisition or exit expected. The IB value
proposition will increasingly shift to focus on data
and digital-driven client solutions.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 3


Key factors shaping the new normal

01 Preparing a return to work strategy

Prior to addressing the Firms should develop a multistage and 3. Population density in the offices
staggered return strategy with clearly and on trading floors, and the ability
strategic needs of the IB identifiable milestones and triggers. to appropriately distance staff,
arising from the pandemic, These plans need to include substantial including clear guidance on in-person
the transition from employee communication and broad meetings, travel and foot traffic flow
stakeholder awareness. through the office
response to recovery and
For most firms, the primary return to 4. Personal comfort levels of
the return strategy are key
work trigger will be government and employees and their respective
considerations. Return health authorities slowly reopening the vulnerability to infection
questions are focused economy. However, with the expectation
5. Provision of health screening and
of maintaining social distancing in
on timeline, triggers and other preventive health measures
the medium term, it is likely be a slow
precautions to limit the (i.e., personal protective equipment,
return to the office. When assessing the
sanitary supplies and strategic
risk of a second wave scheduling of the return, the IB should
cleaning cycles)
pandemic. 6. Opportunities to enhance the
1. Function criticality, risk and remote
connectivity and experience for
resiliency across the front, middle
the remaining remote workforce to
and back office, including remote
ensure sustainability and resiliency
working productivity and performance
of such an operating model
7. Updating the client management
2. Sustainability of heightened control
strategy to include an increased
and supervision framework in the
focus on remote and digital events
remote environment
and entertainment, as well as
relevant entertainment policy
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 4

For most firms, the primary
return to work trigger will
be government and health
authorities slowly reopening
the economy. However, with
the expectation of maintained
section social distancing in the
medium term, it is likely be a

slow return to the office.

8. Availability of critical infrastructure The longer-term expectation is to see impacts

(transportation, food, health care, etc.) and to location strategy and floor design to provide
pre-COVID-19 support systems, such as schools more space to people who are in the office and
and childcare that are critical for maximizing greater BAU dispersion of employees to multiple
employee utility locations, including WFH. As an example,
firms may reconsider whether locating the
Timelines for adoption of the return strategy
large majority of their front office employees
vary, although there is common consensus that
in single office buildings in the heart of major
the majority of the IB workforce will be working
metropolitan cities (New York City, London,
remotely for a prolonged period, with critical
Hong Kong, etc.) is appropriate.
function employees being the first to slowly
return. With such fluid events, firms should
ensure they have a return strategy playbook,
review both plans and timelines, and proactively
communicate to employees regarding triggers,
as well as what to expect when they do return.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 5


Key factors shaping the new normal

02 The need for a proactive postmortem
Firms should proactively While this review and associated action 2. Review technology infrastructure
plan are critical from a business and performance elasticity, including,
review and assess where operational planning perspective, but not limited to, virtual network
they had vulnerabilities in firms should also expect requests by capacity and stability, flexibility of
their business as a result regulatory supervisors and internal processing capacity and application
control functions to provide a detailed performance
of the pandemic. This review of the events, decisions made,
3. Review enterprise vendor
review should ultimately and impacts on the operational
management policies and third-
lead to an action plan to performance and control environment
party service providers’ response
of the business. This will be a key part
remediate key issues. of the annual and ongoing supervisory
and resiliency performance; assess
updates to service, control and risk
examination program. Firms should
management standards, viability
establish a cross-functional group
of relationships and any needs to
to coordinate a postmortem review
diversify vendors and geographies
to catalog and assess the following,
ensuring appropriate challenge and 4. Catalog and conduct risk
review from second-line control assessment of control and
functions: policy breaches that occurred,
documenting rationale for deviations
1. Document decisions made and
to support audit traceability and
actions taken across workforce,
regulatory review, including deep
operations, business, supervision, risk
dives into critical functions
management and facilities that diverge
from BAU, and existing resiliency plans;
identify lessons learned and update
business continuity plans accordingly
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 6

5. Perform a look back on controls, supervision

and surveillance capabilities and risk assess their
performance and suitability going forward, with
specific focus on front office controls

6. Identify geographical and jurisdictional

differences in terms of degree of impact to inform
broader remediation and scenario planning

7. Engage clients to identify frictions and

challenges that they experienced across the
section relationship and identify opportunities for
enhancement and competitive advantage

8. Review impacts to current regulatory and
strategic initiatives, including deliverable
timelines and risks, to identify where to
request relief and/or prioritize investments in a
coordinated manner

9. Build a prioritized remediation road map for

updates to enterprise infrastructure, policies,
procedures and controls from lessons learned;
reprioritize change the bank budgets as

Firms should use this analysis to also develop a

detailed view on lessons learned. This analysis
should consider multiple scenarios to stress test
the identified opportunities and weaknesses to
build a more robust remediation plan. Business
continuity plans and resiliency protocols will need
to be updated to reflect such learnings and evolve
to the “new normal” operating environment,
including second order resiliency risk arising
from prolonged working from home, and which
surveillance standards need to be enhanced to
maintain the appropriate control environment.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 7


Key factors shaping the new normal

03 Digital enablement of the workforce

The IB workforce across all Albeit with initial challenges, the 1. Enable a virtual and digital
infrastructure is now broadly in place workforce. Firms should review
functions is traditionally and employees are set up for remote the tools offered to their teams to
office based, particularly working. While still too early to broadly facilitate a more flexible and remote
as it relates to front office assess, it has been a more seamless workforce. Traders will need to be
experience to date than many expected. digitally enabled with virtual turrets,
sales and trading. The collaboration tools and more flexible
Some of the key challenges that firms
COVID-19 crisis has connectivity to systems, potentially
had to overcome include the provision
triggered a significant of technology hardware to enable
creating mobile application solutions
for core platforms. Front to back
displacement of the remote working (particularly for sales
processes will need to be increasingly
and trading staff), the need to record
workforce requiring the embedded into digital workflow tools
client conversations, and the ability to
vast majority of personnel appropriately supervise and engage the
to facilitate monitoring and virtual
handoffs. Firms should also review
across the industry to work workforce in a remote environment.
second order business continuity
remotely. There are several broader plans such as a localized power or
considerations impacting the ability to Wi-Fi outages impacting remote
sustainably work from home. While we workers.
do not advocate a full work from home
2. Supervision considerations.
setup as a standard across the IB, given
Firms need to risk assess which
the broadly positive experience to date
functions they are willing to allow to
there is a potential opportunity for
be facilitated remotely, any risks this
greater flexibility for remote working.
may create, and how remote workers
and processes can be effectively
supervised. This is especially
important for high frequency, low
latency and high volatility products
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 8

and platforms. Supervision broadly will need to There will be additional benefits for firms that can
become more data driven and AI enabled and demonstrate the ability to adapt to a more flexible
less reliant on physical proximity; this will also operating model and sustain effective operations
strengthen the IB’s broader control environment. with a more remote workforce. Added flexibility
potentially opens the career path to previously
3. Cultural considerations. Firms will need to
unavailable high-quality labor, a potential
ensure they provide opportunities for the flexible
reduction in occupancy needs in high-cost campus
workforce to foster a team environment and
locations, and added resiliency to the firm from
ensure the firm’s culture of high performance
a more flexible and dispersed workforce. Firms
and collaboration is maintained and fostered.
should consider how they can build an advantage
Engagement with the workforce throughout will
from providing more flexible work arrangements
section also be critical to build trust and ensure its voice
in a controlled manner.
is heard in adjusting to the new normal.

How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 9


Key factors shaping the new normal

04 Accelerated reshaping of business
Prior to the COVID-19 In contrast, other IBs looked to rightsize consider required investments
by exiting less profitable clients, regions to upgrade the infrastructure for
crisis, many IBs were and products, as well as divesting entire efficiency, resilience and scale to
focused on strategically business lines. ensure sustainable profitability.
reviewing and reshaping The pandemic has impacted revenues Firms should refresh their strategic
their businesses. Firms and demand for businesses across business plans, define their strategic
the IB, with shifts across products, positioning and size accordingly.
with excess balance sheet
geographies and asset classes. As Over the longer term, there is the
and capital reviewed their firms adjust to the new normal, a potential for a smaller set of global
growth strategy, with some more proactive approach to M&A and universal banks, with an increase in
business exit is expected to reshape regionally and product focused firms,
looking at acquisitions
their business mix and reallocate capital a trend that may be accelerated by
while others focused on to strategic opportunities. the crisis.
organic expansion. Some businesses previously earmarked
for rightsizing or exit could see outsized Data enabled salesforce
revenue opportunities; others may be
subject to regulatory action, impacting
and client strategy
their long-term viability. Some IBs will The crisis has transformed client
look to industrial partnerships across coverage, service and connectivity
front, middle and back office to enable overnight. Firms with a data driven
scale and improve margins as they approach to client coverage that can
reshape their business. When making provide deep, personalized insights
these key decisions, metrics should to clients are well placed to maintain
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 10

and grow relationships and have had the least The current environment presents an opportunity
disruption to their client relationships. Firms to look at how data and analytics can be used
can also use such data to dynamically allocate to target and automate client interactions and
resources to meet clients’ needs for credit and coverage, helping firms provide enhanced service
liquidity across businesses, strengthening their and potentially achieve objectives of enhanced
relationships. cross-selling and revenue growth.

Digital and data enablement. Sales

teams historically are product focused and Acceleration of digital strategy
institutionalizing their understanding of clients
across products can create significant value.
and electronic enablement
section The data driven approach enables sales and Pre-pandemic, market participants had been
coverage teams to stay relevant to clients in a broadening the adoption of electronic trading,
remote environment. The data also enhances with single dealer, multi-dealer and peer-to-peer

management’s ability to measure sales trading venues growing in all asset classes and
performance; track interactions; and better geographies. The crisis has highlighted challenges
understand, drive and forecast performance. with high-touch channels, such as voice and
To achieve this, firms should upgrade their data, e-messaging, in high-volume and high-volatility
analytics and client relationship management markets. We expect these frictions to accelerate
(CRM) capabilities to analyze client commentary, the adoption and product expansion of electronic
financials, transaction data, pricing requests, trading mechanisms, presenting opportunities
market data and operational service insights. and challenges to the IB.

Client coverage and prioritization. Appointing a Electronic pricing and risk management. Firms
cross-asset-class account executive can assist in need to enhance their infrastructure to support
the prioritization of resource allocation and brings electronic trading in broader and more complex
the power of the firm to the client. Data should be asset classes (credit, securitized, etc), with a
leveraged to identify gaps in coverage, segment less observable market price, and larger notional
underperformance, cross-selling opportunities where firms limit e-trading size today. To be
and pricing assessment. Firms adopting a competitive in pricing and dynamically manage
client-centric, solution-oriented sales approach risk exposure, firms need to enhance their data
will succeed. management capabilities and leverage algorithms
to price real-time risk. Such capabilities need to
Virtual events and digital content. This can
be resilient to highly volatile and high-volume
enable client interactions from business, cultural
markets; several firms’ tools struggled with this
and social perspectives. It is important that
through the pandemic. However, electronification
firms look at how to meet these needs from
can commoditize markets with dealer-agnostic
clients at a time of isolation for most. Longer
execution and lower barriers to provide market
term, this may become a more cost-effective and
environmentally sustainable approach, although
firms should personalize the approach so as not Algorithmic trading. Enabling electronic
to overwhelm clients with content. execution opens a broader marketplace for
buy-side and institutional investors for algorithmic
Hosting virtual meetings, conferences and
trading solutions and introduces index and
road shows makes events accessible to a wider
exchange-traded fund products across broader
investor base and can deepen client relationships.
asset classes. This presents opportunities to
Providing commentary, market insight and
provide digital toolkits for market access and risk
speaker series with business and cultural leaders
management. Such toolkits can create significant
will provide insight and stimulation for clients and
client demand and enable platform businesses to
broader stakeholders. We have also seen firms
attract greater flow, capturing more market data
hosting virtual happy hours with clients to sustain
and creating a virtuous circle for firms with the
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 11

strongest platform and data offering. However,

firms need to upgrade their risk management
capability to support such exposure, embedding
automated circuit breakers and controls.

Digital platform solutions. Solution-oriented

cross-asset-class platforms will emerge to serve
clients across the transaction life cycle, beyond
the traditional market access role of such
offerings. To be truly differentiating for clients, an
aggressive ecosystem partnership strategy will be
section required, potentially with firms previously seen
as competitors, to offer a best-in-class
solution-oriented service. For example, firms can

offer portfolio construction, risk analytics,
cross-asset margin compression, market data
and data-driven insights via a digital platform
distribution strategy, enabling stickier and deeper
client relationships.

There is a potential for digital platforms to be

offered as “white-label” services, under broader
industrial partnerships, enabling smaller players
to focus on their core capability while still
providing their clients with comprehensive market
access. A digital-first business model for some IBs
is likely to emerge.

As electronification accelerates and digital

solutions become the new battleground for IBs,
the gap to market leaders will widen. Firms will
need to transition to selling solution-oriented
platforms over transactions and to a
cross-asset-class client-centric service model.
Firms also have opportunities from a broader
open market to access clients electronically
that have not previously been on platform.
Investments in digital services and expanding
both single dealer and multi-dealer platform
connectivity and capability will deliver outsized
client flow and stickiness. The focus on data and
analytics delivering personalized insight to clients
and managing real-time risk and pricing will
further separate firms.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 12


Key factors shaping the new normal

05 Data enabled risk management

IBs have long focused The crisis has exposed inefficiencies and trading activities in a remote
across risk and control processes, and environment through a volatile
on effectively managing while some processes have performed market across asset classes.
financial and nonfinancial well, others have required tactical Challenges have ranged from how
risks, with responsibilities, adjustments to enable more effective sales and trading staff communicate
risk management and reporting. internally and externally to a lack
capabilities and controls of surveillance capabilities off the
As firms settle into the current model of
sitting across both the trading floor, as well as resource
primarily remote working, sustainability
first and second lines and comprehensiveness for managing
capacity constraints due to a spike
in surveillance alerts triggered by
of defense. existing and emerging risks are factors
extreme market volatility. Firms
that need to be considered. As various
have tactically implemented ad hoc
fluid events unfold in the coming
solutions to best replicate their
months, firms need to be working on
BAU processes and maintain their
go-forward planning and adapting
their stressed operating models and
capabilities. 1. Technology needs to be
deployed rapidly to surveil WFH
sales and trading staff, including
Supervision, surveillance trading activity, voice and written
and related control communications, and personal
environment account activity, by deploying
computer hardware, enhanced
For nonfinancial risk management, network access technology, hardwire
supervision and surveillance have been phone lines and cell phone recording
at the forefront, given the challenges software, as examples.
of monitoring and reporting sales
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 13

2. Higher frequency intraday control checks Real-time financial risk

and additional supervisory reviews must take
place, e.g., remote population confirmation,
monitoring and management
trade review reminders, and risk and P&L and Several financial institutions have long-term
communications reviews. programs in place to address analytical and
data-related shortcomings. The pandemic
3. Additional attestations should be performed
has magnified the need to accelerate
to account for any new potential conflicts of
efforts, especially in context of financial risk
interests arising in a WFH environment and
ensuring WFH staff is aware of expectations.
IBs with fragmented technology and data
4. Policies, procedures and business risk
section registers need to be updated and communicated
architecture have struggled to consolidate a
global view of intraday and end-of-day risk in
frequently to reflect the necessary changes with
this volatile period, undermining management’s

notification to applicable stakeholders.
ability to nimbly manage and monitor risk. The
Firms generally have achieved a high level of cross-business impact of the current market
resiliency and continuity through the crisis, environment makes the ability to aggregate
navigating the initial surge of disruption. Now risk exposures to manage the institution-wide
firms need to pivot their attention to enhancing activity at geographic, sector and product specific
systemic controls, including: concentrations critical to operate within firms’ risk
1. Sustainability of tactical controls. Firms appetite limits.
should look to enhance their supervision and Organizations have developed tactical off-cycle
control programs to ensure they are able to analytics to accurately measure intraday exposure
sustain the heightened supervision standards metrics where enterprise analytics could not
more systemically for the expected ongoing capture the near-real-time picture, as firms
remote activity; this is likely to include agile balanced speed with accuracy of information used
technology development. in decision-making. While useful, firms should
2. Digital enablement of surveillance and consider strengthening these tactical fixes into
insight capabilities to leverage advanced longer-term, strategic solutions.
technologies. It is now clear that leading firms
will look to incorporate best practice resiliency
Enabling real-time counterparty
into ongoing business in an agile operating
model for people process, technology and exposure monitoring
location strategies. Leading firms will use this Counterparty exposure and concentration
opportunity as a catalytic moment to accelerate monitoring for many firms’ counterparties exist
the incorporation of better data and analytics into across asset classes and lines of business or fall
their surveillance programs. This will allow new under the same parent counterparty tree. It is
insights into their people, their risks, client and critical to have an accurate firmwide picture of
service provider behavior, and the market overall. counterparty risk and assess the need to quickly
Firms may not be able to predict every future adjust their limits based on dynamic market
event or scenario but can embed deeper learning events. Monitoring real-time consumption of
and continuous insights into ongoing operations limits intraday and identifying concentration of
to mitigate emerging risks. exposures for counterparties is a critical gap in
capabilities for many.

While most firms enhanced capabilities for

intraday exposure monitoring after the global
financial crisis, several remaining vulnerabilities
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 14

IBs with fragmented technology
and data architecture have
struggled to consolidate a global
view of intraday and end-of-
day risk in this volatile period,
undermining management’s
section ability to nimbly manage and
monitor risk.


have been exposed through the pandemic, and Accelerated credit approvals. Credit officers
we expect to see firms revisit their strategic are challenged with supporting ad hoc processes
capability in this space. More specifically, for accelerated credit approvals amid incomplete
counterparty watch list and default management data, drawdown of existing lines and a market
protocols need to be refreshed and automated to environment that has negatively impacted overall
further enhance monitoring capabilities. counterparty stability, ratings and downgrade
triggers in certain industry sectors, particularly
Proactive loan portfolio reviews. Firms have
hospitality, entertainment and transportation.
recognized the need to be more proactive in
reviewing their current loan portfolios to identify Overall, the market volatility has resulted in
troubled credits, particularly for more vulnerable breaches of existing market concentration and
industries and segments, and begin mitigation counterparty limits and has put a heightened
activities earlier in the cycle. The challenge focus on the need for a more granular and
has been that many loan review and credit frequent market and counterparty risk monitoring
functions are not staffed at levels necessary framework, including intraday risk monitoring
to undertake these reviews at scale. Firms are capabilities.
exploring alternative and more innovative ways of
performing such reviews that may be leveraged
into these functions on a go-forward basis.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 15


Key factors shaping the new normal

06 Operations digital transformation

IB operations have Teams have struggled to clear • Data visualization and optimization
backlogs, match capacity with demand, tools can be implemented to close
demonstrated a high level effectively interface with clients and gaps in current operational risk
of resiliency during the provide accurate point-in-time views of and performance management
COVID-19 pandemic, operational risk.

though not without issues, The challenges arising from the • The adoption of industry-wide
pandemic are symptoms of underlying interoperability solutions can
as significant market accelerate exception resolutions
issues in processes and technology
volatility and volume that firms have not prioritized, due to between firms.
spikes have challenged complexity, business case or perceived We believe that in response to
potential for success. This is most COVID-19, firms need to accelerate
operations groups.
prevalent in the gap between the efforts to strategically break the
scalability of front-office technology linear relationship between market
and the lack of scale of operational and processing volumes, moving
processes. from processing to managing, and
While firms must address challenges eliminating exceptions. We expect
strategically, there are several near- to see a focus on the following four
term solutions that could be rapidly areas as firms begin to address the
deployed to provide immediate relief strategic challenges highlighted by
and close capability gaps until strategic COVID-19.
solutions are available. 1. Access to real-time operational
• Low-code/no-code technology allows data. Few firms have a trusted,
firms to rapidly workflow enable real-time repository of operational
volume-sensitive processes to data (volumes, events, fails, breaks,
enhance the monitoring, control and etc.) to leverage for point-in-time
process handoffs.
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 16

risk management, performance analysis and common processes and technology tools to
regulatory compliance. This gap has created manage streetwide interactions. Client access
a challenge responding to the crisis, where to standardized processing data sets should
regulators and management expect a real-time dramatically reduce the resources aligned to
view of operating risk. exception management. Traditional utilities
and FinTech providers should be pushed to
Strategically, this gap limits the ability to
close capability gaps, with a goal of minimizing
accurately assess operational performance across
duplicative processes across organizations. Firms
the trade life cycle, understand needed changes
can develop deeper relationships and potentially
to client and desk behavior, and forecast and
partnerships to collaborate across the industry
measure the impacts of process and technology
ecosystem to maximize the potential for success
section change. Firms should focus on developing an
driving efficiency.
operational data strategy, investing in technology
and training their teams in the methods needed to 4. Focus on process optimization and

manage data as a strategic asset. digitization. With the three prior areas as a
baseline, firms will be much better positioned to
2. Acceleration of moves to common processes,
determine where investment is needed in process
shared services and agile operations. The
optimization and digitization. Better data will
pandemic has impacted the ability to leverage
lead to stronger outcomes in digitization efforts
a global resource pool, creating imbalances of
and drive the shift from work management
demand and capacity across operations. Product,
to work elimination. Common internal and
technology and regional silos are unable to flex as
external operating models allow for solutions to
needed to respond to challenges like COVID-19.
be developed once to satisfy the needs across
Previous efforts to develop shared services
different products, regulations, geographies and
have often resulted in common management
of different processes running on disparate
technology in different regions. These challenges are not fundamentally new, and
firms have been able to work through the recent
Firms can leverage a true shared service
capacity and processing challenges. What the
strategy to addresses these challenges. This
COVID-19 response has exposed is the inability
allows firms to address performance variability
for firms to be able to meet these challenges
holistically, leverage best-of-breed technology and
strategically. A paradigm shift will be required
process, and support continual load balancing.
to scale processes through technology to meet
Agile operating models can further increase
expectations of clients, business partners and
organizational flexibility by breaking down
regulators, and will be a priority as firms return to
barriers between processing, subject matter and
what will become the new normal.
change resources.

3. Development of industry operating

standards. Processing backlogs have occurred
in functions where industry utility tooling is
available, but take-up is not universal. The
effective use of industry capabilities in areas
such as allocations, margin management and
trade confirmations can no longer be treated as

Firm-specific self-service tools need to leverage

industry communication standards (SWIFT,
ISDA CDM, etc.) to allow the buy side to develop
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 17


Key factors shaping the new normal

07 Enhanced elasticity of IT infrastructure

IB technology 1. Flexible capacity to provide an which limits their ability to throttle

elastic supply of processing power and manage their own workloads.
infrastructure has at peak times for critical functions to Firms should consider their broad
come under strain manage the workload and performance. data center and cloud strategy in
with significant market Firms should catalog processes and context of their size, processes,
applications, identify criticality, and functions, geographies and demand
volatility and volume understand the critical path and peak management needs.
impacting performance, times through performance stress
3. System modernization is a
reliability and resiliency. modeling, enabling prioritization of
high-priority item coming out of
processing power to critical functions.
The key lessons learned Bandwidth and remote access stability
the pandemic with performance
challenges being primarily focused
from the COVID-19 should also be reviewed to support
on legacy mainframe applications
crisis include the need more scalability in remote working with
and code bases that limit the
multiple virtual private network access
for flexible capacity, options made available.
organization’s ability to flexibly
adjust capacity needs and fix bugs
modernization of
2. Cloud vs. captive processing and bottlenecks as demand spikes.
applications and scaled power for firms is a factor of relative Firms should look to assess their
remote working. size and required control. Large firms legacy platforms and build out an
tend to have excess capacity in their upgrade and replacement strategy
own infrastructure to support load for these functions to enable a more
management and can control and dynamic capability. Such upgrades
switch off noncritical processes at peak need to be handled in a robust and
usage. In a vendor cloud environment, controlled manner given the critical
while there is unlimited processing importance of many of these legacy
power and storage, firms are competing platforms and applications.
for space with other organizations,
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 18

4. Cybersecurity events have spiked through

the pandemic with a remote workforce more
vulnerable to attacks; firms should focus on
enhancing the monitoring and investigative
capabilities across their infrastructure. Firms
should also continue to heighten awareness
among staff through education and increased

Broader technology considerations include the

need to develop and deliver a data strategy
section that enables greater consistency and timeliness
of data availability across the enterprise.
Technology solutions should leverage the

latest methodologies to maximize flexibility
and ease adoption with emerging technology
tools and micro-service design embedded in
the architectural principles of the organization.
With increased remote working expected to
become the norm, firms should review their
change management methodologies to further
enable agile change management and review
the development operations toolkits enabling
streamlined quality assurance and control over
the code development, testing and deployment.

Technology and data capabilities have never

been more important to the IB with emerging
technologies and techniques transforming the
speed and scale at which firms can implement
enhancements to infrastructure. By taking an
enterprise view of the organization’s technology
needs and managing data holistically, firms can
position themselves to deliver cost, capability
and client service transformation, fixing the
root cause of current inefficiency and business

Firms should strategically review the technology

plans as part of the proactive postmortem
review of lessons learned through the pandemic
and reprioritize transformation road maps as
appropriate to address the challenges identified
and focus on critical issues in a prioritized
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 19


A final word

With significant and long- Firms have shown an encouraging 5. Integrate front-to-back risk
level of resilience and continuity at a analytics and limit monitoring,
lasting impacts expected time of high volume, volatility, demand connected in real time to trading
for the IB, it is critical and emotional strain on employees. platforms
that firms learn from the There are, however, several lessons
6. Promote a flexible and secure
learned and strategic initiatives that
COVID-19 crisis. should be accelerated or initiated to
technology infrastructure to
sustainably support volume and
further enhance operational efficiency
remote working
and client experience and remediate
vulnerabilities that were exposed. IBs broadly have demonstrated
resiliency and played a key role
1. Support prolonged, sustainable
in sustaining an orderly market,
remote working on scale, providing
supporting the economy, and
greater location flexibility and process
ensuring market liquidity and
efficiency through digital enablement
business continuity. However,
2. Transform the client value they should use this as a learning
proposition and experience through experience to further enhance
digital solutions and a data driven their capabilities and address the
personalized approach challenges observed to enhance
further their own and the market’s
3. Enhance digital, data and analytics
capability for commercial and risk
management benefits Firms should take two immediate
actions. First, firms need to develop
4. Augment supervision and
a detailed multistage and staggered
surveillance capabilities with data driven
cross-functional return to work
and AI-enabled solutions
strategy playbook. Second, firms
should initiate the execution of a
holistic and proactive postmortem
review, developing prioritized
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 20

remediation action plans. We expect both to form to direct strategic investment. IBs with focused
a central part of audit and horizontal supervisory digital transformation strategies upgrading their
reviews over the coming months. data, technology and front-to-back infrastructure
will be far more strongly positioned for growth
From a strategic perspective, it is imperative
and profitability in the new normal.
section that firms refine their transformation objectives
considering lessons learned to date through the
pandemic and also review their broader strategic
agenda. We expect the most proactive firms in
assessing their vulnerabilities to be best placed
How COVID-19 will accelerate the investment bank transformation 21


Brian Boyle Mark Nichols
US Capital Markets Advisory Leader US Capital Markets Advisory
Ernst & Young LLP Ernst & Young LLP
brian.boyle@ey.com mark.nichols@ey.com

Kellen Maia de Sa Lisa Choi

US Financial Services COVID Response Leader US Banking & Capital Markets Resiliency Leader
Ernst & Young LLP Ernst & Young LLP
kellen.maiadesa@ey.com lisa.choi@ey.com

Sumit Malik Pete McEvoy

US Capital Markets Risk Advisory Banking & Capital Markets Technology and Data Advisory
Ernst & Young LLP Ernst & Young LLP
sumit.malik@ey.com pete.mcevoy@ey.com

Dai Bedford Pierre Pourquery

EY Global Banking & Capital Markets Advisory Leader UK Capital Markets Advisory Leader
Ernst & Young LLP Ernst & Young LLP
dbedford@uk.ey.com ppourquery@uk.ey.com
EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

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