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Willy's expectations for Biff were high, he thought that because his son was popular and well-liked in

high school, so that will provide him with a good future. we can see that in the text when Biff was
playing with happy, and Willy came and heard how his son was liked to the degree that the coach let
him borrowed the school ball, though Biff actually stools the ball, Willy imagined high hopes and future
for Biff. But the fact was that Biff was different from his father. he couldn't pursue a career where he has
to work most of the year in order to have two weeks vacation. He couldn't live such a miserable reality.
we can see evidence of that when Biff confronts Happy of his failure and discuss his true desires with his
brother, how he wants to work on a farm and be his own boss. This indicates that Biff is not a loser nor a
lazy person, he just has a different view of his own future. he wants to find his true nature. he doesn't
want to trap himself in his father's fantasies. we can conclude from the way Biff is different from his
brother and father, that Biff wants to break free from his family's surroundings. This crisis he is having is
the path in which he has to go through in order to find his true identity.

The boys invite their father to a fancy dinner, but Willy comes drunk and angry because he just got fired.
Biff here is talking to one of the women who joined him and happy at the restaurant, he is praising his
father and defending him in front of her. Biff is partly drunk and that why we see him in this sentimental
stage. And even though eventually the boys took off with girls. The fact that this speech shows the
audience how much Biff thinks and maybe cares for his father, but because of what of the incident that
happened when Biff caught his father cheating, their relationship can't get any better and everything he
tries to do will just make the situation worse.

Willy is talking to Linda, he is blinded from the fact that Biff has academic problems. Here he is using
Bernard as an example of someone with no spirit nor personality. And he is warning Linda that he
doesn't want his son to grow up as someone like Bernard, who is not liked enough and not an athlete
with many potentials ahead of him. Willy is constantly trying to find excuses for his favorite son, Biff. he
is imagining a future for his son, like Ben's future. According to Willy, Ben represents the epitome of
success. Therefore, Willy always remembers Ben's journey and how he found wealth in Africa, and
because Willy regrets no going with Ben, he wants his sons to follow their uncle's path.

Willy was talking to Linda and suddenly he sees her mending stockings and he remembers the affair he
once had and how he used to give the woman new stockings as a present. So in a way, the stockings
represent his infidelity and betrayal towards his wife. And seeing his wife mending used stockings made
him angry because he has to provide her with new stockings so he can feel that he is financially able to
provide well for his family. We can understand from Willy's affair and his wife's behavior, that Linda is a
very faithful and loving wife. and she is living in a very difficult situation with her husband because of his
unstable mental condition, but she keeps protecting him and defending him. She is driven by her own
fear. She loves him to the degree that she accepts all his shortcomings and instability. We can see such
women in our reality. it is in the nature of every woman, to protect her husband and to stay with him in
his ups and downs. Just like Linda, lots of women from our families are doing everything they can to
prevent the family from collapsing. My mom, for example, she puts up with my father and all his anger
issues because she once loved him. she represses her own identity and her own being for his sake.

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