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Report from the meeting on Monday

As a member of UP's board of directors, I have a task to inform you about decision reached at
the UP board meeting .

We talked about three things from agenda: new drug for River Blindness, test results for the
PX200 (heart problems) and also about animal testing for a dieting product.

The main problem was: priciples or profit and the most of discussion was about that. I will
start with the first thema. We decide to withdrew all products from the market because our
customers have complaind of side effects. We also decided to test everything again and to
find a reason for the problems. For the second thema, a conclusion is not to public the result,
but to make it again in new and improved laboratory, to find out what is the problem. In that
period of time, that will be quite short, the product will be withdrawn. The last one is about
testing on animals. We cannot find better solution for this problem, so the testing will
continue, but the new is, we'll try to find new animals for that and Mark has already got a task
to do it.

I hope you will be able to contact me soon, so we could talk about details.

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