Grammarway 4 Answers

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Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather Note: Type 1 and Type 2 Conditionals refer to the present or the future. The use of Type 2 Conditionals suggests that the situation is less probable, impossible, or imaginary. Compare the examples: 4. a) I! meet Brad Pit. ask him about his next film, (comment mace by a reporter who is going to Hollywood) WW! met Brad Pitt, | would ask for his autograph (comment made by a teenage fan) ) If! win the money, Il buy a new car. (comment ‘made by a contestant on a TV game show) 11 won the money, ! would buy a new car (comment made by a member of the audience) We use if to show that something might happen. We use when to show that something will detinitely happen. e.g, If Steve calls, tell him I'l be back in ten minutes. (Steve might call) When Stove calls, fel him Ill be back in ten mnutes: {itis certain that Steve wif! call.) We can form conditionals by using words/ expressions such as unless (Type 1 Conditionals), providing/provided that, so/as long as, on condition (that), what if, suppose/supposing, otherwise (= it rnot), but for, and, or (else), even if, In case ofiin the event of, etc. 2.9. a) Unless you help mo, | won't finish on time. it you don't help me, ..) b) Fil water the plants providingiprovided (that) I have time this afternoon, (.. if {have tine...) ©) So/as long as you pramise to be back by midnight, you can go to the pary. it you promise ..) d) He agreed to work Saturdays on condition that he was paid overtime (ithe was paid...) 9) I! take Dad's car tomorrow night.” What if he needs it?" (= What will you do it he needs if?) 1) Suppose/Supposing you were fred, what would you 60? (= If you wore fired, ..) ) We'd better leave now. Otherwise we'l miss ‘our tight (itwe don't leave now, we'll miss our ight) 1h) But for your advice, | wouldn't have been able 10 solve my problems. lityou hadn't advised me, ..) |) Do that again and I"! } (it you do that again...) punish you. |) Don't do that again or (eise) 1 punish you. i) Iwouldn't go to the party even if they invited me, 1 In case offi the event of a fire, sound the alarm (it there is a fre, ..) Tetiana Pibybiou, Flo) @ We do not normally use will, would or shoutd in an it-clause. However, we can use will or would atter if to make a polite request or express insistence or Uncertainty (usually with expressions such as / don't know, | doubt, | wonder, etc.) In this case, if means whether. We can also use should after if to talk about something which is possible, but not very likely to happen. e.g. a) If you will wait a minute, Mr Carrington wil be able to see you. (Wil you please wait... pote request) by If you will go on making so much noise. 1 send you out (if you insist on making ... - insistence) ) Ewonder if he'll call me tomorrow. (wonder whether ..- uncertainty) ) H Paul should turn up, tel hin to wait for me, (1 don't really expect Pau to turn up.) ‘@We can use were Instead of was for all persons in the it-clause of Type 2 conditionals, e.g. I Andrew wasiwere taller, he could be a basket bail player We use if | were you ... when we want to give advice. e.g. I were you. | wouldn't travel on my own @ We can omit if and use inversion in Type 1, 2 and 3 Conditionals. This structure is more common in formal English. €.9. a) Should he fail to be re-elected, it would be a {great disappointment for him. Were he more careiul. he would make fewer mistakes. Had she been asked. she would have gen her permission, 1. Fillin the gaps with itor when and a verb in P the present tense, as in the examples. 1. We might go for a walk tomorrow. iF me si... we wall take tne dog with us. 2. The quests will arrive soon... val get them atthe door : 7 3. lam going to phone Sam ina mine: ert. La) tim, Fant you to leave the 10 * 4 Imght wst Pamela tomorrow Lf Lt vigil er my are prec . 5 The bus comes at eign o'clock When stooge 5 eae eau tor pay LE she, irae 1 TM sa soon Nhe ESE cg 8 Mark may lend me some money. e5me money, | will buy that jacket. 127 ie pet page, ishes - Had Better/Would Rather - Unreal Post atch the items in column A with thowe in In pales, ask and answer questions about 2 Column in order tomane corect Type © 4p what you would don gach ot the talowing anata! sontencen, av into orarpie ised, ean he als - ea you wa 2 er nk $A: What w 2 1 Wash woollen clothes, a They die in hot water 1... you / see / someone commiting a robber b It becomes ice ye ° y 2 Put food inthe tidge-f 2. you tind | lot of money 3 Don't water plants. a", \\¢ It gets rusty 3 afte / star / in your home 4 PuwatermthetteezerB \y they shrink 4. you nave / a headache 5 Leave metal outin the 5. you/ see | a stray dog outside your house ran € falls to the ground 6. your boss / shout / at you 2 Dinpeumahinges {It stays fresh for longer. 7 Throw @ pebble into 1 Vy = pice 4 You get areen. 5 hit sinks. _# sentence for each, as in the example. 8 Mix Due ana yotow 9 x~ eg. If the prisoner hadn't escaped, he woul. 1 iit ot your, wigobotesansco, Youmans: OE mene 3 ip. een ners belore: Whol ntomaton do you ge Peainers Fak maton te ore in oslo A es {ete ones in corn By thon make: sent Ts" naRo Work crocs, wot the exareple, Qrscarcp PRISONER aise THOUSANDS FOR OBS MANE cuarety @roormatien nows OF Actness IN CAR, WITH MANAGER AND ACCIDENT - BLMING QUITS TEAM DELAYED ° HEAVY RAINS CAUSE BRAVE TEENAGER Ne Ra om SAVES CHILD FROM pc OF DROWNING A 1 stay at afugsstar not 2 dino out 3 visita maceyin A Cipla 6 4 Underline tne correct form of the verb. 4 see a play 2 5 watch athletics events €- 6 see beautiul towers ae My brother Kown has always been a finess fanatic He 7 ceveunaee boloves that # you 1) look alterlooked after your body. val look ater you Whenever anyone ihe 2\@apwil say 8 goshopping ...C« ye v6 ° peng ‘it they had taken care of themselves. they 3) wouldn't get WOTTEA't have gatyl. And the same thing 4) happens Gwill, 8 FEBBEDIO me 15) didn't keep fit@on't keep til) | would a Princess Grace Rose Garden (open every day} ‘ten say to him. ‘| were you. Kevin, | 6¢WOUI would b the Oceanographic Museum (popular wih tours) hve ted siondowna te Bt You ml ea yous ot he Gastno Squsie (degra snobe] Last month, however. | went to the coctor’s and to a Reey pascsan roan eo metnat! was unit He said that 7) dont star@lint staré @ the Louis Il Stadium (international competitions) taking regular exercise, | BXWould B/would have been 7 f the Zoological Gardens (recently modernised) danger of becoming ill. started going to the gym wth Kevin gfe roel pata caput) and. ater a week said to him. | feel better aieady Wt 1 the For Antone Theatre (open air performances) 9) /neneGad rome oeczed it Woe 10) would stari@uld have starieyec's 290 128 DE Ff you put food in the fridge, it stays fresh, fer Dla) Hf you dow water plawts, they lie. ee Db) Tf gou pot water The zer, it Eeeormes lee , D (e) Fe you leave metel out m the ran, it ots neky, » OF gex top something , it falls te the pround, DATE you threw a vt the sea, tt Sinks, Dl Tf you mix ne yellow, Gou fet fn, E.@) db) if hi Le hes DO) Ef yor sweitt 2G cut, po to Andrés Keslayant , DOT pe ET pillar Gittcrade © Compre Dil Z went a bo the Pict Aybes Th ge wap te wes plone © Oe oie to uateh gthbt As, go to Dl) Te pt ae eT fernattonal compotion D f want tp ceo Keastrfiel flowers, po Ly oF git Saree bese Garek _ Zt 0s open cey chy D G Ww at M ae D OZE goupwced & ere pil enn gS an, (poet ej nee, Bh FF yp aoe Ki EOD po to tie Coste Go Ex, Trew Greene conmitting @ rkeyy , Le tf ecking Diy T found? a tot of reorgy, Tweulf bay oe pe . DP ¢ fre started in my home, T woul not ponte DIET bal a headache, T weelf tebe seme pill, D If Tow ediydeg outs my house, Puondy ty, 40 capture “af ontacn it wah ces eT eg ® tf ry bess shouted at me, T well ask him net fo cross the ne, FT Pie ohadink hadwt worked harcf, they , YY werke me woelhyst have vanced fleousaridle te? 2a Ne weeldnrt be gut Che len Df te ages hada Eeen ln 9 acecdent, the fiGatug wakdel have lan dye? teenager fra t saved floc chi Toft sot te have Crouned, oe 4% ct hadut ined heavi Creek Ve ODE CE Ned tY o Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct » tense. 1 She would have come to dinner if we. had Invited (vate) ner. 2 youd phe ne coo. rw bugis woullol have. 9 (wovgey-p 3 Were |'You, | ..Weus pretinspst on) some warmer 4 5 10 " 2 5 clothes, ; sean weld $e, able b0 toe abit) come o fhe arty ane wasnt working one ny none tial have ou immediate , Pat ML, PEE a i) his shi he cis that es, Mark. }aegQ/Atef oe) younger. he could jon the army, had busin She would have stayed at home if she (know) there would be so much traffic, snout ne gO. gets ab he wb ale toasts owt. you P< (0. your keys in your pocket you wouldn't have lost them, ‘She will be here at eight unless she Woe) nar wy init pe LSE, IW were you. (novo) out in this realdet hay ened. Mane Tom Crise you .. ALL L208 tye wenn dave WILL. Ge... 0 name at ok provided he catches the five o'clock bus 8 4 Underline the correct word or expression. a 8 10 ” Hi lend you the money on condition thatiuntess you pay it back soon. Even if/But for her help, 'd be in trouble now. Unless/Provided it stops raining, we wont be {going to the park, couldn't lend them the money even if/or | wanted to. Try 10 be here on time, and/otherwise we'll miss the beginning of the film. Il wear Mum's necklace for the party. ‘What if/Otherwise you lose it? ‘Supposing/Providing we went to London ~ what Tould we do there? Be late again providediand you'll have to see the manager ~ In case of In condition that an emergency, call “his number You can go 16 the party in case ofas long as you are home before 11 pm. Don't shout orjwhat if you'll wake the baby. tense. oy +r tyro sein will you Bary {youlbuy) some bread. please? Yes. of course. How much do you need? Did you invte Tim to the party? Herbig gpeelh ons am oa LE Gavi ete te Maj go Ut now: Elnge? Yes. prowded you. PEAR. LC (40) your homework very ayy (otter! to nelp ner Mum seems Hury up. or else we AC pusSeiss) the wan Were | you. | Trow Tim being as ug as | ean Unies (vet. work hard, you miele fai (aie exam Inow. ve been studying every evening orgt to ask Simon for hs phone number WE (see) him today. | {ask hen for you A: Peter won't hap mah my pomework mage ne, tbe ROG. tap you tne (have he ime tel fim what happened mone (find out) on his own? ngibuy) thal otery eke The Seighhh al vs money Henow Ist aman! Unlegayeu yy. BO il fe Tknow. Fm gong Umeda orang ope Wet) tind) any tte shop ete. (buy) some for you. (Can nave sornechocolale cake Well. as ong as you... €at/1 Gimer. you can have some chocolate cake A: hate going nfo town B: Sodol, Whenever! CO. B 24 8 o> ‘oment Porar 6 7 ere 2 Im not going, What i ne Wt dah! 1 Med, ROP 10 oe 1" (go) to bed now. you (0@) tired in the morning ere A 8 “ (go) into town | 6 (never'speak) to you again B. Youre right | wil Choose the correct answer. 10, 1 Lean’ find my wallet IH were you, |..A.. in my jacket pocket A would look B willlook am looking 2 Whereis my bank book? you {ack inthe awe. yout ind ‘A had looked (B 100k © looked ntl ask Rigeaten ‘ack... (come back) with aheagache se Yovabeterapoogso ohermse ne Mate ALUET peop. 129 3 ei ct up on ime, we wil catch the train | wil set my alarm clock A Supposing () Providing © Unless 4 ‘Gan go anqpiy fopbal. lease, Mum? ityou lal FBP omework. you can 90 and play A finished —B_ had finished (have finished 5 ‘Dad shouted at my Wel you, Agate Udon, be wouldnt have aheded fy A ian break) hadn't broken © don't break 6 Why isthe baby crying? Udua1. babies are tired or hungry. they cry. @wmen— B Providng —C Supposing 7 ‘When ice mets, t 42m water Everyone knows that! @ vecomes 8 wilbecome © would become 8 "Tr going toa panty tonight Homan, | eel Cou A come B willcome (€) would come a Sipps we ins bs, wa otc? @5scepsee 8 Proving Chen sail FSund the world 10 ih were ric. Pernaps you wil one day Awilsal B cansai —(G) could sat 114. ‘Have you seen Daniel recently? ‘No. If | have time, 1 +¢9 him tomorrow. A would vist (B) might vist visit 12. Paul lost his watch ‘Well, if he had looked after it, he yee in't we A wouldn't lose B won't lose (E wouldn't have lost 13 Unless, you hurry, you will be late for school” Tm near ready now @ivhiess 8 Proving 14 ‘iyouhadn'twatched that film, you You're night (B woursnt nave had B won'thave © don't have nightmares, Were | you, «11 go £0 the iti nadn't met her Fives Only if you work hard. . {Yeer..0&4 Aleve It tney had been more cayetul sel re ef if won alot of money. Uniess trains. of well 4 / pgidcahe I would have told you wy But for your suagestion Should Annie phone ‘& Nypunnaired hedere@ a, : GO Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather- Unreal Past Mined Condetitenels We can form mixed conditionals, if the context permits it, by combining an if - clause trom one type with a main clause from another. = clause Main clause Type 2 Type 1 I she got back late last she won't come to work ight today. Type2 Type 3 you were more you wouldn't have sensible, ‘spoken io your boss ike that Type 3 Type 2 she hadn't missed the she would be here now bus. Rewrite the following as mixed conditional 12 sentences. 1. She didn’t study hard. She won't pass the exams He me up reine ie ra wa pate Zap ae ar CREE Base had Hue pica on espa, wee pe ni nga Np: se Chie é ies ls pee fe, ase arpa eae a it They'te lost now guneeaia bone prepa i inecuanenar, oat Be br ped a wre | pureurans ee yo Frat Seg serpents, erat bee | Medes Ex ZS) DM u lat “ an Tf GOR lon pack tlie, 3%) T wish sae would then te *Y tn the cheers a tee. Gigud Mend 2 DOL only the customers weal & more poole’ sags the ¢ i DY Lr wtih campers weelda'l Gpeet fires in Me pel Saye the. carnpsite eure ~ Ye , If on vats nell Jake ter medicatin foe lays th, sa ~ DUT wish badters wuld follew the vefely rggeelartions *, Says fee Life guark, 4 We use the verb wish and the expression if only to express a wish. If only is more emphatic than / wish. wishif only + past simple/past continuous This structure is used when we want to say that we fone Would like something to “be diferent in the present. ‘ep. 5 t Twishitt ‘only | did't have to 1 BES tate the train to work y Gee every day # i a © wishit only + past perfect This structure is used to express ret that something happened or did not happen in the past. | wish tf ‘only | hadn't stolen, © wishiit only + would ‘This structure is used: a) for a polite imperative. b) to express our desire for a change in a situa- tion or someone's be- x haviour. : “Fash MOD. woud ay moe wishat ‘only he wouldn't give me so much @ \help) with the housework 80? 2e 6 (arrange) to Look at the pictures and I should have brought my umbrella, wish I had brought my umbrella. (not | be / so wet) Hf thad brought my umbrella, | wouldn't be $0 wet now. | should have booked a room. iwsh Led backed «fear ors agra, 1 shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate. wish Z. had ten. much rot 09) poi Padi xclen nyeholelle sete a peel <0 | shouldn't have touched the iron. t wien Zhadtl tac heb the sen (my han eons ere in) eels it eclee eV, Mash Tau erage up earior. SS | wish had’ gel oar PY ote et have ie eel ue Distress si ishes - Had Better/Would Rather - Unreal Past 16, fils the gene wi an aporopriate auailiary 1 dont know many people, but | wish | He cent ave, but he wsnes he excell We dant move house butwe wish we LAA, Fm not very wealthy, but | wish | bv She probably won't help me, but I wish she aulef He hasn't got any pels, but he wishes he Tey don't go out very alten, but they wish they tip 8 He wont listen to my advice, but I wish he Read the text and complete the sentences below using Type 3 Conditionals, as in the ‘example. 1Ty “The “Titanic” was British luxury passenger liner which sink during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in 1912. On H4th April the “Titanic” hit an iceberg in the AMlantic als were sent 10 the Californian’ a ship 20, niles aay, but thet radio operator was off duty and the signals were not received, Some of the passengers got into lifeboats, bul although the “Titanic” was lunurious, it didnot have enough Vifeboats fr all the passengers on ta. AS a real. the los ot {ple was great, Many peuple ied because the soa was very cold ‘Luckily another ship, the “Carputhia’, rescued some of the passengers. Asi result of this disaster, now rules were made t0| es would be safer in future. Iti new nk so quickly because it was 10 1 Hthe ship had not hit an iceberg, would’ have sun Aeligcatonge ya eg eey pm BBY a ay 2 PR Sen OH a 4 ieee peipl Pee Gel, . 5 ne os capa ies ta, ft foal 6 tte eee (mela ae mip WP IRNee pa hat pag Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather - lee Betiet Weel Rother + Had better + bare Infinitive (= should/ought) ‘This structure is used to give advice or to say what the best thing to do in a particular situation is, ‘8.9. You hadi'd better book your fight early Vd better not take out a loan; | won't be able 10 pay it back. Had better is more emphatic than should/ought to, but its not as emphatic as must. 9. You must see a lawyer. (strong advice) You had better see 2 lawyer (less emphatic than must) You shouldjought to see a lawyer. (less en phatic than had better) # Would rather (= would prefer to) expresses preference, When the subject of would rather Is also the subject of the following verb, we use the following constructions: 8) would rather + present bare infinitive (presentituture) 9. I'd rather do my shopping tomorrow. »b) would rather + perfect bare infinitive (past) 9. 'd rather not have gone to the dinner party last right ¢) would rather + bare infinitive + + bare Infinitive) e.g. I'd rather watch a comedy than (watch) a thle. than When the subject of would rather is different from the subject of the following verb, we use the {following constructions: 2) would rather + past tense (presentfuture) e.g. 'd rather Kate stayed with us tonight 'b) would rather + past perfect (past) eg. 1'd rather Sam hadn't taken his father’s car yesterday, We can also use prefer in the following constructions to express preference: 2) prefer ang form + to + ng form (general preference) eg. I prefer playing tennis to playing squash. ») preter+ full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (general preference) e.g I preter to eat fish rather than (eat) meat. @) profer+ noun to + noun (general preference) 2g. He prefers basketball to football ) would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bara Infinitive (specific preference) 2g. a) 'd prefer to walk home rather than take the bus a prefer to have juice rather than (have) Coko. 18» 1 Answer the { would rather ideas. wing questions using because and your own Your parents have otfered to take you to Rome on) holiday and your best friend has. invited you to join him/her in Majorca. Where would you preter to go” eg 2 toM. del ha tesa tao Waker CaTAIOP A REN breve ara oreo poh cone. neh ou, yourainer gowwrd # rather see Fe a este nie petpa, WORE (obs heis al el a Taney tk: ga cava every month? ‘Tid rethor Strand soe naan way Jere bysng aap an Pd earaht aD me dees pore ee eae nde Taek ou Atta bye tog yhoo Fa paola Peer De weber” have Set new oli We fais alls Sah rk Go vis Dav yur anc pout Uy be any Wolld yu rae xy youl a new watch and pretend nag hae De rather py parents Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 19» form. 4A: tm going outin'a minute B: So am |, so you'd better ..c.2ke.. lake) your Keys. with you 2. &: Do you watch much television? B: No. | preter Zaidi lgread) books to WA: (watch telewsion. 3. A: I didn't enjoy the concert much B. Nor did woud eather hoy ed POM Sy) more moder music. 4: Shall we go to that new restaurant this evening? B. Good idea. We nad better {ook} a tabi 5 A: Shall tey your for you? B rarareryou et Spotay i 1 ater & & Sha we go fora wal fig atorocon? B No. I would preter. ¥© SHY (stay) here and read book ps Ac My brother preters Plasiiy (play) computer games to ... Leifyg. (do) his Homework B: So does mine 8A: Did you enjoy he play fast night? 8: No. rather igo) to the cnema 8A te rater you ibid oktnotncke) so ncn noise B: Sony. Ii try to be quiet 10 A: You had better ... KOU: (work) hard at your new od | will, want to make a good impression era et ervce nappened, ore you: parents he ut? fe BLE: pa Fro truth, Leause Tm tale 3 Pn Sone Tila apregt Pats a ee eri might bes expe “ 12 5 Soreeor tone 889 yal 8 You but! woud ranor we Led #4 Say a te longer 13. A. Shaline spend the evening together? B Well, actually. 'd preter $.8p#Ha (spend) some time alone Zafer 14 A: That mea was ember vaner. nee: at at ‘sm Ro very espera 0 15 A: It's the company's office Barly omer B. Yes. To be honest. Id rather ne £2. (notiao. Uniecl Present Post : the ene ‘The past simple can be used to reter to the present (unreal present) when we talk about imaginary, unreal ‘or improbable situations which are contrary to facts in the present. ‘The past perfect can be used to refer to imaginary, unreal or improbable situations which are contrary to facts in the past (unreal past). The past simple Is used with: Type 2 Conditionals eg. It he had the money. he would buy a new car. ‘© suppose/supposing e.g. Suppose/Supposing he stood you up, what would you do? © wish only e.g. | wishilf only | had a better job. + would rather (present) e.g, I'd rather Nick drove me to the station as if/as though 2g, Mary taks as if/as though she knew everything ‘= it's (abouthhigh) time 2.9, It's (about/high) time you went to bed. ‘The past perfect is used with: * Type 3 Conditionals e.g. Ifshe hadn't fallen down the stairs, she wouldn't have broken her arm, * suppose/supposing e.g. Suppose/Supposing you had been invited. would you have gone? © wishiit only e.g. | wishilf only | hadn't argued with him, © would rather (past) 9. 'd rather you had kept ita secret © as it/as though eg. He had never been abroad, but he spoke about New York as itas though he had been there many times. G4 20, 10 " rr 13 14 18 ishes - Had Better/Would Rather- Unreal Post Underline the correct tense. Ii rather you did/had done your homework before you go ou Supposing you had heard;had been heard seling re what would have happened? He acted as it he ownslowned the house. wish | wentih 2 To the Tbrary yesterday would have made a cake it |know/had known you were coming 1s about time we employedinad employed some new statt W she had woniwon the competion. she would have had a party, Vo rather you didn't interruptihadn't interrupted me ‘when 'm talking Suppose you saw/had seen a crime being committed ‘what would you do? W only you told/had told me. | would have understcod He would have sent a card the realisedihad realised ‘twas your bithday. — if you metihad met John now. you wouldn't recognise him. I's high time you learntihad learnt how to dave I'dratner you hadnt misbehaved/didn’t misbehave at the party lastnight They spoke as thay knew/had known each othe for years. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 21 10 " 2 |p form. tout you rater amy atpomg? py tony! vase conf ed (roucontice) in ner row everybody knows ny prions. Amy says she woud raner “CrpetsHZ oganse) the event hers Varather you .. 2. {get a fltime job than a partie jo. a Sper ray i pany, UES ga accept? ENT gy Twn Puael asked? cask) my parents for some actos baton | maa oy ic Suppose you .ME what would you say? She dt uygersjand ihe qypston. but she oked 3s ough ane bead oadereeect .uncestane Ci cha aes aru, ang rasan a8 we faire hee rece (study) History Iiyash Alan AQ eb. ne.tmeebnovmove) away. 25 | Mazes asi se aed forte tee ap the meeting wo] Hyouraan let eaty. you welll haute, (come) shopping with me (meet) a fim star Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better/Would Rather | IN OTHER WORDS | ‘Study these examples. The second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 1 don't thinks a good idea tole to your parents about what happened. were I |were you, | wouldn't le to my parents about what happened. 2 Ityou sit next tothe freplace, you'll get too hot else Don't sit next to the fireplace or else you'll get too hot 3. trained heauly all day. so they didn't go out for But for the heavy rain, they would have gone out 4 Ifyou don't act quickly, you may find yourself in trouble. unless You may find yourself in trouble unless you act quickly. 5 Samran out of ime; that's why he didn't go shopping, would If Sam hadn't run out of time, ne would have gone shopping. 6 It Helen gets a grant. she will be able to continue her studies provided Helen will be able 1o continue her studies provided she gets a grant 7 Tony wants to buy a new car. but he hasn't got ‘enough money. wishes Tony wishes he had enough money to buy a new car 8 Jack wouls prefer to learn Halian rather than learn| German rather Jack would rather learn Italian than German 9 Mary regrets not studying hard for ner exams. wishes Mary wishes she had studied hard for her 10. You should join a gym. better You had better join a gym. 111. Why don't you make an effort 1o improve your life? would | wish you would make an effort to improve your life 12. I's a pity I missed your graduation. wish | wish I hadn't missed your graduation 22 .ch sentence with two to five “J words, Including the word in bold. 1. You will be late for school unless you leave now. it You will be late for school ..if you don't leave... now. 2. Wtyou touch the on, you wil burn your agers, flge Dont touch the ron, 0+ 208€., yous Md burn your fingers 3. | don't think t's a good idea to buy tet jacket were if Dower, (et wouldnt buy that jacket. 4 10 " 2 2 4 18 16 7 18 19 20 ‘want to have a party. but my llapsnit big enough wish meth, 0%¢f es, big enough for me to have a pay You shouldn't go out tonight you have fo go to schoo! Sener vou hak. ether, net ge better tonight: you have to go to schoo! tomorrow Jon wou petro ey plza ag on crs out rather dah veil Fea than cis, Tareas pending name on go vahen dane wished SAS. by Seo ail that money on new clothes. It's a pty I didn't make it to your wedding wish | wt it to your wedding, Colin wishes he hadn't missed the bus: now he «slate trissed Colin hash raised, missed he wouldn't be late for work IW the weather gets better, we'll go on a sailing inp the bus, tomorrow, Provided, Well go o meses provielest thes, wee ‘better tomorrow. ‘You should write a lettest i onfie - better You on Rese Hee mend, Samanta wants o be am env wishes Samantha .. Wil ek. si x eelley to be a model Why don't you wipe your fet when you come back from ne pan? wou Thigh, you woul. whe... out when you come back om the park ifyou dont stop being naughty. | wl othe headmaster cise the headimaster Sam would preter to 99 rather Sam Wee foe atore Its. pity Iaidnt go tat agy eh Ee Mad pone. te that party | iknow your address: that's why | etdnt sen you panies would copes an rH ‘gone had. you a postcard, He wouldn't have finished his report you hadn't helped him for But (OU. he wouldn't nave finished report iyo exceed the sped nt, you ave pay we. Sent eces stew Dre (yout, HACE naveto pay aine syou dor practise diy you wi never lear ly tne piano nie “outpost uns, Oe JAE pane dally neg ping ravgny, 7 C80. Tull elf ngs iron yu aga weal 5 136 23, Fill in the gaps with the correct form of fe the words in brackets. 1 She masios git ye, ream aig 2 Duotone Laval © oa up propery. ne made a tg peta. tes aocen Deak (7) a} a tds vwth what you are saying. In ac isnot fe acl opeat exon a: satan ae cay arco easmans. Gearon 5 Thorman inves in ls of acts. Duthe poles can prove arhing att moment (eae) 6 Amistake in this chemical formula could be alls ‘casi ; ee) race, (responsible) 8 Tomig very QamBcOA’S and works hard o achieve his goals. (ambition) y 9. The projects thpreclea. ‘Thove is no way we can make t work. fractcal) 10, He dogg speak very good French, whic is why he Imistendertieed’ me nopan's qygsion rdersare) 11 MrWebb is a very int sce ‘man in the business ora inbyege 12 i's Haabedpinat ine plan wil go ahead, since there 's very litle Money ayajable athe moment. (Key) 13 lamotien .. SUA p1C/OLCS . of the water in foreign ‘countries. (suspicion) weallly eam 14 It must be wongertul jo be, 15 His good a background néfped him to Get the job. (education) 16 We found his gallection of madern paintings quite He even possessed a genuine Pnpressive Picasso! (impress) 24, Fill in the ‘the words in A Tom made thet), geciaion...\decide) to have a party He sent 2) aie F265 (invite) to twenty of his trends and all of them came, wath the 3) Seapheh excep) Of Daud no had ateacy mace 4) 2roungc nents (arrange) for that evening Aison stended a joo irewvew jst week and the a erence hor avery 1) @LtecPee, (aac!) otfer. She has just written a letter of 2) eee (accept) to the 3) mae PC.... (manade),o! the company and she hopes 10 receve,4) Satan anes) Sepleynate emaly) 90% © myaumeotecss 1» elu Gl wove) painings. ‘sa rater a) €YPCHSIUC expense) hodby:but she considers each Picture she buys 1 (invest). I she ever soid her 4) LOL E MA cole) would maken) MneCeee Able unpbeeve) amount of money. out 7 don't want him to babysit for me. He's too érresponalle CoufiCmarticr on) eves love 5 ishes Had Better/Would Rather - Unreal Past Commen istic KES ‘© If you will finish early. give me a call x I you finish early. give me a call. ‘© Unless we don't pay the bill, the phone wil be cut ot. x Unless we pay the bil, the phone will be cut of = wish we would buy a bigger house. x wish we could buy a bigger house ¥ ‘+ We'd better to cut down on our expenses ¥ We'd better cut down on our expenses. / ‘+ You'd not better talk to him about ‘You'd better not talk to him about it 7 * We would better leave now. x We had better leave now. ‘© Id rather Greg goes to medical school. x 'd rather Geeg went to medical schoo! ‘© I's high time you redecorate your flat x It's high time you redecorated your fat. 7 25 y Correct the mistakes. wt Youlgagroenbvbe late fr your nterew weet wm bette op 360 I's ngh time yous ele bedtoom We'd beterie cote washingup Teraor ne guests SO cig o'clock Unless yousdgpe study, you wort pate te exams (wish we SEED ford ac ityovwikneed yelp ut cal me 26 cross out the unnecessary word. You'd betters apply to a university n your country As long as you ~wit book early. you won't have 3 problem finding a seat | wish+tsomeone would do something about John would rather his sister-had made less noise every time she comes back from a party 5 It's time Paul Rae-stopped acting like a chile 6 They wont let you in unless youswtwear a sut and te 7 a Unless you-netask him, he won't come Even it he offered to lend me the! wouldn take i | preter playing cards4hem to playing board games 10 Hadstwe been there, we would Nave oftered to nelp 11. Emma would rather 4 study Medicine than Chemistry 12. I they-wit practise hard, they may win the maich Conditionals - Wishes -Had Better/Would Rather - U Phrasal Verbs pay back: (7 1} retun money owed, 2) get revenge on sb pay tor: (tf receive punishment for a wrongdoing pull down: (tr) demolish a structure pull in: {int (of trains, etc) arrive, draw in (opp pull out) pull through: (int) survive pull up: lint) stow down and stop put aside: (t) save; put by put away: put sb into prison or mental hospital put back: Ite) cause to be delayed put down; (tr) 1) make a note: write down. 2) pay fa deposit for sth put down to: (tr) attribute sth to sth else put off: (t) 1) postpone, 2) discourage sb trom liking sth put oni (tr) 1) dress oneself in, 2) increase (in weight), 3) switch on, 4) pretend, 5) Ccause to take place (show/perlormance) put out (te) 1) extinguish (fre, ete). 2) cause inconvenience ta sb (t8) 1) connect by telephone, 2) make sb undergo or suffer sth put through: put up: (tr) 1) offer stn for sale 2) (of prices) increase, 3) offer hospitality (put sb up) put up with: tolerate: bear 27 p Fill in the correct partict 1. The train pulled "at the station and hundreds of people got oft 2 The tax pulled ....L4P. the driver and got out outside my house. | paid 4: Tupuryou -threnph.1 to comet depart rer sha Oh your gloves I's very cold ouside & Waters parent td io puttin of Becoming marist 7 She puthertedness eth 40... me tact tnat she hat been working very hard 1 pore damed, He's cot Telly i hw’s fat pug it oh, ®. That shop has put Up ts prices again 10. Kellys tying to put asic [By some money every tweek for her summer holays 11 The tkemen put the fre O47. very quickly. 12. Youlljust have to put up With. the noise until the repas are finshed, |r afais 13. Thg snawstorm caused the teams expedition 1 be put Bake atew cos 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28, 2 13 14 15 16 7 18 Sack Gordon vowed to pay Steve hhad done tg nim. We put Off busy at work The drama group are putting performance next month. going on holiday because | was very Alice said to Jane. ‘You'll pay The young solaiers were put orn, bu training in the frst few weeks His house was put. forsale after he lst is joo. He put a depostt of £100 when he booked the holiday. He borrowed £20 from me but he stil hasn't paic it £6, up. 1 put you ahotel Nt yas a serious operation. but the patient pulled for what he there frst this one day strict for the night it you can't ting Ht you dont stop eating sweets, you'l put... 4 went I don't want to put you . kd for me tonight, please? Al hg old buildings in this area are going to be pulles iste Put the telensi0n on OMe. WyoUre bores ‘Te puble called forte eximinal 0 be put foralong ime but could you babysit Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition from the list. Some prepositions can be used more than once. at. by, for. in, on, out of. off. under. to. with She wrote the report by wasn't working Youlook wored. Whats... 0¢L=... your ming? fo... Tim's surprise. his boss gave him a bonus Passengers must check in . G/t-arrval al the airport He's saving money .i1#h... a view to buying a car Don't wary. Ive got everything 1:44 contol He was act gf breath ater running for ten minutes {think ithave & sancwich second thoughts Ni have a salad sph us aca. all costs, hand, as the computer ‘Steve has not been ...t #1. dames is ....L#-— ‘a bad rhood today Medicine should be kept CZ? of. reach of chilaren ‘This hotel is the cheapest on the island ... 6% far. I don't believe in love... @%... first sight G7

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