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Nexus History

(c) Copyright 1999-2016 by Jorge M.R.Coelho

Winstep Software Technologies

E-mail: support@winstep.net

WWW: http://www.winstep.net


Version 17.1 build 1081 - January 27, 2017 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated the Portuguese language file.

* Added new 'Next Desktop Background' internal command. Switches to the next
wallpaper when Windows is in slideshow mode.

* Added a toggle z-order option (Always On Top or Normal Z-Order) to the right
click context menu of a running application.

* Users no longer have to go through the Setup wizard When installing updates via
the Winstep Update Manager.

* Added 'WsMMPlay.exe' applet to isolate the main application from buggy 3rd party
software codecs and filters when playing MP3 files.

* Added two new options to the Alarms Weekly schedule: 'Beginning date' and 'repeat
every'. This allows creating alarms that only go off, for instance, every other

* WHen using the wallpaper hot-track colorization option, when the wallpaper
changes colors now make a smooth transition instead of an abrupt change.

* Added setting to prevent the ESC key from closing Alarm Reminders, instead
turning it into a snooze button. Useful for those who use clock alarms to wake up
and unconsciously press ESC before immediately going back to sleep.


* Issue that could cause some document thumbnail to be rendered with a black opaque
background instead of transparent.

* Changes made in the Email Checker module Settings Panel invoked via the right
click context menu were being discarded.

* The logo was not being painted correctly on the 'Version Information' dialog.

* Fixed critical bug in which using an animated mouseover effect on a tab with
thumbnail images (e.g; pictures, videos, folders, etc...) would result in a hard
crash and application termination if the user moused over a thumbnail while it was
still morphing from icon into thumbnail.

* The MSI installer fix in v16.2 broke Shortcut resolution when launching
applications, which in turn made it impossible to run shortcuts to 64 bit

* Icon labels in the dock were not being correctly positioned if the size of the
icons in the dock was larger than the magnification size.

* Fixed timing issue that could cause the Weather module to keep flashing forever.

* When using 12-hour time, any alarm set to 12:00-12:59 AM would reset itself to
12:00-12:59 PM.

* Performance Settings set via the Advanced dialog were being ignored.

* Fixed potential issue where the result of a WhoIs request in the Active
Connections panel could be reported without line breaks.

* Fixed a problem obtaining the thumbnails of some running applications, caused by

a method change in v16.12, which would render some thumbnails completely black. We
still manage to get thumbnails we previously couldn't with the original method.

* Fixed positioning issue that would freeze the application if a full screen alarm
popped up while a window alarm was still on-screen.

* Fixed module related issues where previous setting changes could become undone by
clicking Ok on a module's settings panel.

* If the 'Disable reflections when dock is vertical' setting was enabled, a

vertical dock rotated into horizontal would not display icons reflections, and a
vertical dock rotated from horizontal would keep the reflection bitmaps in memory
instead of destroying them.

* Alarms where not accepting dates in the dd.mm.yyyy format (i.e.; where the date
separator was a '.' character).

* Fixed issue that could cause icons to appear cropped at the top or bottom when
playing the Bounce, Squish and Push animations on a magnifying dock.

* Fixed potential issue where Nexus would crash with an Access Violation error when
changing languages if the dock held a module not supported by the free version of

* Trying to open Active Connections from Net Meter Settings, Battery Information
and Power Log from Battery Settings or the Alarm Manager from Clock Settings, would
make the application unresponsive to mouse clicks if those dialogs were already


Version 16.12 build 1073 - December 8, 2016 - Official Release

New Features:
* Replaced the Female and Male Clock and Email Checker Voices with new higher
quality versions.

* Added new 'Activate if hidden when an application in the dock requests attention'
setting to the Activation Settings dialog of the dock's Behavior tab. Enabled by
default, this setting controls whether the dock should pop up if hidden when an
application with an icon in the dock starts flashing to get your attention.

* The Email Checker module is now able to use speech to report more than 59 new
messages (up to 1 million).

* The Email Checker module now displays the number of new messages in the icon
itself by default. This can be prevented by disabling the 'Show number of messages
in the icon' setting in the Email Checker Settings dialog.

* The Email Checker now checks for new mail immediately after changing settings in
the Email Checker Settings dialog, unless automatic checking has been disabled.

* Apparently some Registry Cleanners would sometimes delete Winstep uninstall

information from the Windows Registry, which resulted in the user being unable to
uninstall the software normally and in him being unable to update normally (trying
to install an update via the Winstep Update Manager would result in an error
message being displayed instead). Before downloading an upgrade the Winstep Update
Manager now checks the Windows Registry for the existence of this critical
uninstall section and, if it has been deleted, downloads and installs the full
version instead of the smaller upgrade pack. Current settings, etc, are all
preserved regardless.

* Module previews in the Module settings dialogs of Preferences now instantly

reflect the proper background icons specified by the user via the 'Change Icon'
dialog. Previously the Module Settings dialogs were not reflecting changes made to
the background icons of modules until those changes were made effective either by
pressing the Apply or Ok button in Preferences.

* Improved what happens when the user makes changes to a module in Preferences and
then opens the Settings dialog for that module via the right click context menu
while Preferences is still open.

* The automatic scaling of the Net Meter module has been changed to progress from
10 Kbit to 100 Kbit, 1 Mbit, 10 Mbits, 100 Mbits, 1 Gbit, 10 Gbits, etc..

* Optimized the performance of updating the meter modules (CPU, Net, RAM) in gauge
style when smooth meters is enabled (which is by default).

* Extensive re-organization and fine-tuning of all module related code, both to

improve performance as well as to make it even easier to add new modules in the

* Made some cosmetic changes to the banner of the Alarm Manager dialog.

* Made some cosmetic changes to the Alarm Reminder in LCD Mode to better keep with
the LCD theme: removed the degrees character from the temperature, added automatic
replacement of foreign characters with western equivalent for the days of the week.

* Added 'Yearly' option to the clock Alarms - ideal to be reminded of birthdays and

* Yahoo changed the conditions of access to their Weather API, which caused the
Yahoo backup weather feed to stop working. Restored this feed by using an alternate

* The user can now define the units used to scale graphs manually in the Net Meter
modules as either Bytes, KB, MB, Kbits or Mbits.

* If the Weather Module Settings dialog is open and a weather check is performed in
the mean time, the information in the dialog is now updated too.

* METAR Weather information is now retrieved directly from a raw data NOAA server.

* Added 'From Now, On the Hour, Quarter Past, Half Past, Quarter Till' options to
the 'Every x hours' daily clock alarm schedule.

* Response to the user pressing WIN+D is now almost instantaneous (before, the dock
might momentarily flicker in and out of view).

* 'Restore Wallpaper' thumbnails now transition from wallpaper to wallpaper, when

the Windows wallpaper slide-show is active, without first reverting to the general

* WIN+D (Show Desktop) detection is now much more reliable. Microsoft deliberately
did not provide a method to know when WIN+D just became active. Knowing when this
happens is essential to prevent docks, etc, from hiding together with all other
windows. The previous work-around method to detect WIN+D could sometimes falsely
assume WIN+D was active if the user clicked on the desktop and no other windows
were visible at the time. The changes applied to deal with (the falsely detected)
WIN+D would then make docks set to always on top or always on bottom temporarily
lose their z-order status.

* Under Windows 7 and later, if Desktop Composition is enabled the iconic window
thumbnail extractor will use the DWM instead of PrintWindow to get a still
thumbnail. This achieves success in most cases where PrintWindow would fail.

* The 'Busy' animation is now more responsive when starting up, restoring and
backing up settings.

* The Weather and Email modules now refresh automatically immediately after
restoring old settings.

* The 'Get Weather' button in the weather Module Settings dialog now bypasses the
current weather information cache and stores a diagnostics 'Weather.log' file in
the Winstep user data folder.


* The clock module is now able to announce the time using the proper format for the
following languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese
Brazilian and German.

* The email module is now able to count incoming messages using the proper format
for the following languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French,
Portuguese Brazilian and German.

* Added new English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese Brazilian and
German voice packs with high quality voices and all the words required to properly
announce the time and count messages in these languages.

* The Winstep Update Manager is now able to look for and update voice packs as
well. By default the application only comes with English male and female voices,
but if other voices packs are available in the user's own language, the Winstep
Update Manager will notify the user and download them right after installation.

* When changing the currently selected language in Preferences, if a voice pack in

the selected language exists, it will be automatically selected as well.

* Added a 'Open Folder' button in the Sounds tab of Preferences to show the folder
containing the files for the currently selected Voice theme/pack.

* Dock icon labels now bounce up and down with the icon for effects such as jump,
bounce, etc...

* Changed the Bounce effect so it's a bit more similar to the original Mac OSX
bounce effect. Like the other effects, it now also has settings for fine-tuning
magnitude and duration.

* Added a 'Magnify Settings' button to the Effects tab in Preferences, which allows
changing settings for this effect directly when combined with other effects.

* Improved icon reflection rendering performance for themes such as KTEK-4D1 where
icon reflections are 'cropped' to the background tile.

* Modified the Performance Settings dialog so the 'basic' slider values now perform
a linear escalation as originally intended. The user can still 'pick and choose' in
the Advanced dialog.


* None of the settings in the Alarm Settings dialog (Initial Volume, Final Volume,
LCD Style color, etc...) were being saved between sessions.

* Clicking the Default button in the METAR Server Settings dialog of the Weather
module was restoring the previous, no longer working, NOAA weather link and search

* Because of the new aviationweather.gov METAR information page format, a non-

working METAR code (i.e.; invalid code or no METAR information for that code) was
not being recognized as such, and current weather conditions would be displayed as
N/A (Not Available).

* Changing a Windows color scheme or applying a new WindowBlinds theme was not
updating the background color of slider controls.

* The Wanda 'Hide/Show Systray Icon' right-click context menu option was not doing

* Fixed bug with the easeInExpo and easeInOutExpo easings which would return the
wrong value for t=0.

* In very specific circumstances the Weather module could display a moon icon
during the day.

* If the user opened a dialog via a Always On Top dock, the dialog could still
appear behind the dock even though the it was also set as 'always on top'.

* If the user opened a dialog via a Always On Top dock, any secondary dialogs would
appear behind the parent dialog.

* When resolving shortcuts, if the shortcut had never been used before a MSI dialog
would sometimes popup asking to install files. Normally letting MSI complete the
install would fix the problem, but not always. This issue has been fixed and the
MSI dialog should no longer pop up when resolving shortcuts.

* Minimized windows would lose their 'snap to edge' status when restored from the
Winstep application.

* Full screen Adobe Flash videos were triggering a WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message which
caused a reset of the reserved screen areas and subsequent screen flickering.

* The backup overwrite prompt appeared twice.

* Running indicators on the dock could take up to a second to refresh after

uncollapsing/un-hiding the dock.


* After downloading and installing an updated language file via the Winstep Update
Manager, the wrong language could be applied to the application.

* URLs and mail support addresses were still pointing to the old Proxma AG partner
website in the German language file.

* Fixed extremelly annoying z-order bug that normally would only happen if a dock
was at the bottom of the screen right above the taskbar. Conditions to trigger
were: the user would be working on window A and would move the mouse pointer down
to the taskbar, thus travelling across the dock, to give focus to window B. The
user would click the relevant button in the taskbar and window B got the focus. As
the user moved the mouse pointer to window B, it would travel across the dock again
which would then (wrongly) bring window A to the top of the z-order (thus above
window B).

* If the dock was docked to the top of the screen with the 'Do not flip background
for docks at the top of the screen' setting enabled, the distance between the top
screen edge and the top edge of the dock might not be enough to show some of the
effects without the icons becoming partially cropped at the top.

* Fixed issue that could cause the View Change Log parser to enter an infinite loop
and hang the application.


* Fixed some issues with the opacity of the icon reflection as icons in the dock
moved up and down.

* Fixed some cropping issues with icon reflections in the dock.

* The movement of the icon drop shadow in combination with the Bounce effect was
not correct.

* The Recycler style drag & drop animation was not activating.

* A change to the 'Do not display confirmation when deleting' setting in the Delete
Confirmation dialog itself might not be immediately reflected in the Recycler
Settings dialog.
* Changing the 'Cache animated icons using original resolution' setting in the
Performance Settings Advanced dialog was not causing a memory usage report to be


Version 16.9 build 1050 - September 29, 2016 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated Brazilian language file.

* Added a 'View Change Log' button to the Version Information dialog (which opens
when you click the version number in the top right corner of the About tab in
Preferences). Clicking the button opens another dialog which interfaces with the
history files and makes it easier to see the additions and bug fixes in each

* Added a 'Check Internet Connection' button to the Troubleshooting dialog in

Preferences, to help diagnose Internet communication problems.

* After more than a decade, NOAA discontinued the web site from where METAR
information was retrieved. Updated URLs and parsing code so METAR information is
now successfuly retrieved from www.aviationweather.gov.


* Some applications (such as Firefox or UWP apps) were wrongly being identified as
full screen when maximized on monitors without a taskbar or with a auto-hide
taskbar. This caused screen edge bumps, etc, to be temporarily ignored (edge bumps
are disabled so they do not activate accidentally when the user is playing a full
screen game, for instance).

* The 'Hide for maximized applications' setting was also triggering the dock to
hide if you clicked on the Desktop.

* Changes to the default Weather feed source URLs were not being applied until
weather cache information became stale.

* The Email Checker failed on IMAP servers that sent a CAPABILITY response just
after login or didn't add OK to the STATUS command response.


Version 16.6 build 1043 - June 27, 2016 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added new 'Fast Boot' option to the General tab of Preferences. When enabled it
should help make the application boot faster forcing Windows to load it before most
other applications. Since it does this by adding an entry to the RunOnce key, some
security packages (such as WinPatrol) might start prompting the user.

* Normalized the time remaining shown when downloading updates so it didn't jump
all over the place.

* Running Universal/Metro applications in Windows 10 now display the proper app

icon instead of a general App icon.

* Running Universal/Metro applications can now be pinned to the dock.

* Multiple instances of running Universal/Metro applications can now be grouped


* Shortcuts to Universal/Metro applications pinned to the dock now behave like

other Win32 applications in terms of complying to the current 'Combine dock icons
with running applications' and 'Do not launch multiple sessions of the same
application' settings.

* When pinning a running application to the dock, the new shortcut now uses the
running application's customized icon (if any).

* All User Interface bitmaps are now stored internally as high-resolution bitmaps
so they always look good even on very high-DPI systems.

* User Interface is now 100% compatible with the current Windows system colors and
Stardock WindowBlinds themes.

* Effect bitmaps have been moved to an external resource DLL to cut the size of
updates by half.

* Moved some User Interface images to an external resource DLL.

* Text in the User Interface now uses Segoe UI instead of Tahoma on high DPI
systems with Cleartype enabled.

* Update Manager options are now grayed out if the user chooses not to check for
updates, to make it clear that those options only have an effect if Check for
updates is enabled.


* The Item Properties dialog was sometimes showing a blank icon when changing the
filename or icon path of an application.

* The 'Colorize with dominant color of desktop background' feature was sometimes
not working with the Windows 10 wallpaper slide-show feature.

* The 'Lookup IP Address' internal command was failing to get the correct user's
location if it only had latitude and longitude coordinates.

* Fixed huge GDI/memory leak introduced in v16.2 that could eventually crash the
application when icons on the left side of the dock representing running
applications showed the number of open windows for that application. The original
image/icon (without the overlapping number) was not getting destroyed as it should.

* Fixed many misc.issues on the UI related to high DPI settings.


Version 16.5 build 1036 - May 28, 2016 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated Russian language file.

* File format of screenshots taken by the 'Capture Desktop' internal command can
now be set as either JPG or PNG.

* Filled histogram colors used for the CPU, Net and RAM Meter icon modules are now
a bit transparent so the background of the icon can still be seen.

* URLs dragged from all browsers should now use the web page title for the item's
label instead of the actual URL domain address.

* The 'Most Active Programs' dialog now shows a button on the taskbar.

* Since it's global, also added the 'Do not launch multiple sessions of the same
application' setting to the More Options dialog in the General tab of Preferences.
Also renamed the dialog from 'Advanced Settings' to 'More Options' for consistency
with the button that invokes it.

* The Animation Speed slider in a dock Auto-Hide Settings dialog is now disabled if
the auto-hide animation is set to No Animation.

* Added new 'Auto Backup Settings' internal command. Intended to be used with the
built-in Alarm Manager to make automatic scheduled backups, it makes a backup of
the application's settings without prompting the user for a filename. It creates
the filename based on the current date and time and stores the backup in the last
used backup folder (or C:\Users\Public\Documents\WinStep\Backup\ by default).

* Added new alternative 'Hue Shift' colorization method which allows color
information to be preserved and whites to remain white.

* Changed the Hue shift colorization algorithm to one that is more accurate than
Microsoft's solution. This can affect colorization of the Wanda fish module.

* Removed the 'Edge Bump Settings' and 'Edge Swipe Settings' buttons from the
General tab of Preferences since they were also accessible in the Behavior tab.

* The 'Edge Swipe Settings' button in the Behavior tab of Preferences is now grayed
out if the user is using an edge bump instead of an edge swipe to activate the

* A theme validation is now performed when Restoring settings from a previous

backup, so the user doesn't end up with a blank theme if the theme used at the time
of the backup no longer exists.

* Added 'Most Active Programs' button to the CPU module settings dialog, to make
this feature more visible.

* The Colorize settings are now also directly available in the Themes tab by
sliding the UI with the arrow. This allows quick preview of colorization changes
without having to constantly open and close the Colorization Settings dialog.
* The Winstep Update Manager now uses the currently selected settings when you
click the 'Check for Updates' button in the Advanced tab of Preferences.

* Increased the interpolation quality used to render dock backgrounds.

* The 'Minimize to dock' and 'Combine dock icons with running applications'
settings are now only available when 'Show running applications in this dock' is

* Improved the color hot-track algorithm so it also takes into account the average
background color when it can't calculate a proper dominant color.

* A black or gray scale tint color now grayscales the bitmap for both the Tint and
Hue shift colorizing modes.

* Added 'Flip Dock Background' option to the Appearence sub-menu of the dock's
right-click context menu. Equivalent to toggling the 'Do not flip background for
docks at the top of the screen' setting but with immediate effect.

* Added 'Show Container' and 'Browse Container' options to the right-click context
menu of the 'Restore Wallpaper' internal command. Allows you to open or browse the
folder where the Windows wallpaper is stored.


* Fixed malformed request to GeoIP location server that caused GeoIP location to
stop working after 2016/03/17.

* The 'Lookup IP address' internal command would fail if the GeoIP information was
not already in the cache.

* The dock could crop the number of visible tray icons in grouped mode when
changing the iconsize of the dock.

* Pseudo-3D dock backgrounds like the Leopard theme no longer appear heavilly
distorted at certain icon/icon reflection sizes.

* The 'Capture Desktop Settings' dialog, when invoked from a right click context
menu, was not saving the settings to the proper location.

* Synchronization of the system clock with the Internet Time Servers failed if the
regional settings for the SYSTEM account (used by the Winstep Helper Service) used
a difference decimal point character than the user account under which the
application run (e.g.; "123,4" instead of "123.4" or vice-versa).

* Some routines were still using bilinear instead of bicubic transformations for
rescaling bitmaps, which caused the bitmaps to look blurrier than they should.

* Certain dock backgrounds could cause visual glitches when mousing over near the
position of a dock that was hidden into a screen edge.

* The dock set to hide/collapse automatically after launching an application would

fail to do so if the item being launched required admin privileges (i.e.; UAC

* An Always on Top dock set to auto-hide for maximized applications will now only
do so if it's not reserving screen space (maximized applications would not be
overlapped by the dock in that case anyway) and will only auto-hide for full screen

* Drag & Drop of URLs was not working with certain browsers (e.g.; Waterfox) that
did not supply the ANSI UniformResourceLocator format. ANSI and Unicode formats are
now correctly accepted.

* Changing units of the weather module from C to F or vice-versa only became

effective after the cached weather information became stale and the weather
information was refreshed.

* The 'Colorize animated fish style' and 'Hue' values for the Wanda module were not
being saved under the free version of Nexus and Nexus Ultimate.

* The 'Popup delay' slider in the Activation Settings dialog of the Dock Properties
Behavior tab appeared enabled even if 'Bring dock forward on mouseover' was not

* With very short auto-hide delays, or under certain circunstances when the dock
was set to auto-hide for maximized applications, the dock could auto-hide in the
middle of a resize/move animation, which would cause it to glitch.

* The Winstep Update Manager always failed to download updates with a 'file size
mimatch' error on East Asian systems.

* The dock would keep bouncing up and down if 'Auto hide for maximized
applications' was enabled and the user tried to drag a shortcut from a maximized
window into the dock.

* The 'Aero Glass' (non-Windows 10) balloon tooltip style was blurring the tooltip
window background on Windows 10 systems.

* Winstep applications should now display the high-resolution icon in Explorer on

high-DPI/large icon systems.

* The dock should now be a bit less 'jittery' when inserting items into it via drag
& drop.

* The 'Auto Hide at Startup' option could sometimes fail to hide the dock, leaving
it visible and in an unresponsive state until you activated it.

* It was very easy (and very annoying!) to accidentally activate a dock at the
bottom of the screen via an edge bump when going for the last option in a context
menu. This could make the dock cover the menu(s). Edge bumps are now ignored if the
mouse pointer is over a menu.

* Getting the current wallpaper to use as the background in certain dialogs with
result previews could sometimes fail under Windows 8.x and 10. This could cause
changes in previews to overwrite instead of replacing each other (Dock Icon Spacing
and Dock Transparency dialogs, for instance).

* The 'Colorize with dominant color of desktop background' feature could stop
working properly after going to the Themes tab in Preferences.

* 'Colorize with the dominant color of the desktop background' now works properly
with the Windows 7 wallpaper slideshow.

* Closing Preferences could interfere with the Windows wallpaper slideshow feature
if Windows changed the wallpaper while the Preferences window was still open.

* The application crashed if a context menu got repainted while a thumbnail preview
of a document in the menu was being shown.


Version 16.3 build 1030 - March 8, 2016 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated Spanish language file.

* 'Double caching of icons' performance setting is now enabled by default.


* The CD Control internal command was displaying an error message on some systems.

* Lauching items pointing to shortcuts (.lnk files) of a 64 bit application

resulted in a 'File not found' error.

* Dropping a shortcut file (.lnk file) into a folder item in the dock now
copies/moves the shortcut as it should instead of the target file.

* A dock brought to the foreground via an edge bump would auto-hide as soon as the
mouse pointer left it even if a sub-dock was currently open.

* Double clicking the icon of a running application on the dock would open a second
instance of that application.

* Mousing over the running application icon of a task that had just closed could
result in a 'Access Violation' error.

* An always-on-top dock set to hide automatically for maximized applications was

not hidding for full screen windows (e.g.; watching a video full screen on

* Wallpaper color-hot track is now correctly previewed when trying new themes and
wallpapers in the Themes tab.

* Fixed the 'Stop' image in the Troubleshooting dialog so it properly scales up on

high-DPI systems and displays a flat-image icon on Windows 10 systems.

* Decreased the luminance value of the smaller and thinner language identifier text
in the Language Bar icon so it's a bit more visible.

* The CD Control internal command was unable to eject media on computers that did
not support loading media via software.

* It is now possible to change an item's icon by drag & dropping an .ICO, .PNG
or .TIF file into the icon even if the dock is locked.

* The result of a drag & drop operation (i.e.; Copy, Move or Link) is now
accurately and immediately reflected even when the dock is locked. As before,
pressing the SHIFT key forces a move, and pressing the CTRL key forces a copy.
Locked docks do not allow items to be moved/re-arranged within the dock, but they
still allow a) customizing dock item icons via drag & drop of image files, b)
launching a document with a particular application by dropping that document into
the application's icon in the dock and c) copying and moving files into drive
folders in the dock.

* Locked docks were not accurately reflecting which item was being affected by the
file being dropped (i.e.; with unlocked docks, dropping an item before the middle
half of a dock icon would insert that item before the icon, dropping it after the
middle half would insert the item after the icon. Since locked docks do not allow
the insertion of items, this would not accurately reflect which dock item was being
targeted by the drag & drop operation).

* If the 'Enable double caching of icons' performance setting was enabled, non-
magnified icons on the dock could appear slightly blurred because they were being
drawn with the High Quality *Bilinear* interpolation mode instead of High Quality

* The systray icons of a handful of applications (such as KVirc and Agnitum Outpost
Pro) were not playing well with the system tray handling of Winstep applications
because they reported a pre-Vista notify icon structure to the system but actually
expected mouse click messages to be passed using the post NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4

* Text on Windows 7-style Balloon tooltips was not being correctly centered


Version 16.2 build 1026 - February 11 2016 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated the French language file.

* Updated Italian language file (incomplete).

* Updated Spanish language file.

* Updated Indonesian language file.

* Updated Portuguese (Brazil) language file.

* Greatly increased the odds of getting the user's correct location for the weather
module based on IP address.

* The current language is now automatically refreshed after a language pak update.

* Updated the list of Internet Time Servers used by the clock module.

* The Update Manager can now hide an update by selecting 'Never (Hide this Update)'
from 'Remind me again in'. This enables the user to hide a particular update he is
not interested in without having to deactivate Update Notification altogether.
* Windows can now be minimized to and restored from the dock.

* Calculating the Aero Glass blur effect is now about 4 times faster with no
apparent loss of quality (Vista/7 only or 8/10 with AeroGlass installed).

* Added backup Yahoo Weather feed to make up for the fact that the Google Weather
feed is no longer available. Current available feeds are NOOA for current
conditions plus Weather.com, MSN Weather and Yahoo Weather for current/forecast

* Updated the Net Statistics dialog which still showed the old UI.

* Icon shifting to make room for new items being dragged into the dock is now a bit
smoother than before.

* Improved the smoothness of adding items to and re-arranging items in the dock.

* Changes to the dock's position now make it smoothly 'slide in' into the new
screen location instead of instantly jumping into place.

* Added 'Auto-Detect Location' to the right click context menu of the Weather
module, to update the user's current location based on his IP address.

* Clock settings panel now shows previews for both the analog and digital clock

* Added Alarms/Event Scheduling to the Clock Module. The free version of Nexus
supports a single Alarm. Alarms can be created to display pop-up reminders, wake
you up with music or run programs/internal commands at specific times, once or
periodically. Alarm events can optionally wake the computer up if Sleeping or
Hibernating. Users can build their own MP3/WMA playlists or use existing M3U
playlists for musical alarms, which also feature Snooze and Easy-Wake (sound volume
increases with time) abilities.

* Completely re-organized module's internal structures so it's much easier to add

new modules in the future.

* Changed the default 'Attention' effect from 'Flash' to 'Sonic Boom'.

* Average CpU usage is now monitored and an alert displayed if Nexus consistently
uses over 90% of one core for over 5 minutes.

* Weather information is now cached for an hour to prevent hammering the weather
servers unnecessarily.

* If one of the weather feeds being used provides sunrise and sunset times, the
weather module is now able to determine more accurately whether to display a Sun or
Moon icon.

* Icons of currently running applications on the left side of the dock now also
display the number of instances when the 'Combine dock icons with running
applications' and 'Group similar windows into a single icon' settings are both


* Added a 'Check for Updates' button to the About tab in Preferences, just below
the version number.
* Changed the 'Notify me of beta (test) versions' setting to be off by default. The
user must explicitily enable this option if he wishes to be notified of public beta

* Added new 'CD Control' internal command. Allows the user to know at a glance what
type of media is currently inserted into a CD-ROM type drive, and opens/closes the
CD tray when clicked on. Automatically replaces any existing 'Open CD-ROM' and
'Close CD-ROM' internal commands in use.

* Reorganized the Behavior tab of the Dock Properties panel and added 'Activation
Settings' and 'Auto-Hide Settings' panels.

* You can now drag & drop .ico, .png, .tif, .dll and .exe files directly into the
Icon Browser dialog as an alternative to browsing for a file.

* The Weather module information is now automatically updated immediately after

returning from Sleep or Hibernation.

* Renamed 'Fast User Switching' internal command to 'Lock Computer'.

* Added a 'Capture Desktop Settings' configuration panel to the right click menu of
the 'Capture Desktop' internal command.

* Moved the customized 'Explosion animation' settings to the Recycler Module

Settings panel.

* Re-organized the Advanced Settings panel (Preferences -> General -> More

* Added new 'Fade in' mouseover, launch and attention effect. All icons are semi-
transparent and fade-in to opaque when you mouse over them, then
fade out to semi-transparent as you mouse away. Initial transparency can be
modified by changing normal icon transparency, otherwise it's 50%.

* For security reasons the clock module now displays a warning dialog if the time
difference between the system clock and the Time Server is larger than 15 hours,
giving the user a choice to adjust the time anyway or otherwise cancelling the
operation. Cancelling opens the Date and Time Windows dialog (so the user can
manually change the date and time) as well as the Clock Module Settings Panel (so
the user can alternatively disable automatic time synchronization).

* Left clicking the dock's control icon now opens Nexus Preferences.

* 'Flash' and 'Jump' are now avaiable as Mouseover, Launch and Attention effects.

* Switched the names of the 'Bounce' and 'Jump' effects.

* Renamed the 'Fire' effect to 'Explode'.

* Effects can now be selected and configured from the new 'Effects Panel'. The new
panel allows you to visualize effects before applying them.

* The Mouseover, Launch and Attention items of the main right click context menu of
the dock now open the new Effects Panel instead of displaying a menu with the
effect names.

* Added new 'Shake' mouseover, launch and attention effect. Eight other effects -
Fire, Energize, Swirl, Ion Storm, Ignite, Bubble, Plasma and Wormhole - are also
shown in the Effects panel but are exclusive to Nexus Ultimate/Winstep Xtreme.
* When the icon of an item is changed (either automatically when rendering document
thumbnails or manually by the user via drag & drop or the Item Properties Editor)
the old version now smoothly fades out while the new version fades into place.

* Added new settings to the Performance vs. Memory Usage panel. The new settings
allow the user to control quality of the effects vs. speed vs. memory usage.

* To help troubleshooting, clicking the 'Test Voice' and 'Test Sounds' buttons in
the Sound tab in Preferences now displays a warning dialog if the application has
not detected a sound card in the system.

* Major re-organization of the Position and Behavior tabs in Preferences to fix a

common complaint that some related settings were scattered throughout the UI, which
made locating them and understanding their relation difficult. Related settings are
now grouped together, even though this means some of them will now appear more than
once at different places in the UI.

* If the Weather.com weather feed is down, the next resort is now the Yahoo feed,
since it has sunrise and sunset times which the MSN feed does not. The MSN feed is
now the last resort.

* Clicking the Net Meter module now opens the 'Active Connections' panel instead of
the Net Statistics panel.


* Added new 'Lookup IP Address' internal command. Returns the public IP address as
well as current location and latitude/longitude coordinates.

* Added 'Manage Alarms' button to the General tab of Preferences.

* Added new 'Enable double caching of icons (speed boost)' option to the
Performance Settings dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences. Disabled by
default, enable it to boost the rendering speed of magnifying docks by a factor of
2 or more, at the cost of a little bit more memory usage.

* Speeded up the initial construction of the semi-transparent blur regions by up to

4 times and cut their memory usage also by 4, without no noticeable visual
drawbacks (Vista/7 only).

* Dock icon labels are now also affected by the system's high-DPI settings.

* The 'Most Active Programs History' dialog (accessible by right clicking the CPU
Meter module) now also shows the second most active process and its CPU usage for
each second of the last 5 minutes. The list can also be made to refresh

* The 'Bring mouse forward when mouse pointer bumps screen edge' setting makes the
dock come on top of other windows when you bump the associated screen edge,
regardless of it being docked or free floating. To help with annoying accidental
activations, moving the mouse away from the dock after it comes forward now brings
the window that previously had the focus to the foreground.

* Icons now 'glow' when dragging an .ICO, .PNG or .TIF image over a dock shortcut
to give a visual cue to the user that dropping that image there will replace the
target's shortcut icon.

* Improved User Interface integration with Windows 10 when running under this
version of Windows.


* Live window preview thumbnails were not going away when the user moved the
pointer off the dock.

* The 'Disable reflections when dock is vertical' option would not retain a
disabled setting from session to session.

* Right clicking on a live preview thumbnail would show a context menu, but the
menu would close itself automatically almost immediately after.

* No file context menu would open if you right-clicked a file of a 'Browse

Container' or 'Browse' sub-menu.

* The Winstep Update Manager incorrectly listed 'Spanish' instead of 'Espa�ol' as

the localized name for the Spanish language file, which caused it to always display
the text in English for Spanish users and also made it impossible to automatically
update Spanish language files.

* Fixed bug that could cause the Net Meter module not to show all existing network

* The Item Properties Editor panel was not automatically changing the icon when
editing the path of Folder type items.

* Fixed several issues with the dock becoming wonky when dragging items over it.

* Menus displaying a list of voice and sound themes no longer display a question
mark thumbnail.

* Themes without a thumbnail now display a generic theme icon thumbnail instead of
a question mark icon.

* The attention effect was not activating for items pined to the dock when 'combine
dock icons with running applications' was enabled.

* The attention effect didn't affect the correct task icon when 'combine dock icons
with running applications' was enabled.

* On multi-monitor systems hiding or showing a dock would leave visible left-overs

on the other monitor if the dock was attached to a common screen edge.

* Native Nexus 'Tiles' skinning mode themes with the 'Zoom tiles when magnifying'
option were not being rendered properly when the dock magnified.

* The Winstep Update Manager was not able to distribute language packs for which
the Winstep Update Manager itself did not have a language file.

* Fixed problem preventing updates to the Portuguese (Brasil) and Spanish language
packs due to incorrect configuration names.

* The 'Always at the base of the icon' option for running indicators would not
retain a disabled setting from session to session.

* The clock module no longer syncs the time with the Internet Time Servers every
time the application starts regardless of the check interval.

* Changes made in the Clock Speech and Sound Settings dialog of the Clock Module
Settings panel would still be effective even if the user later pressed Cancel in
the Settings panel.

* Maximized Google Chrome windows were being interpreted as full screen windows,
which caused the application to automatically stop reacting to edge bumps
(necessary so edge bumps are not accidentally activated when playing a full screen
game, for instance).

* The 'Combine dock icons with running applications' setting always became enabled
after a restart of the application.

* The Weather module was not being reset properly when reseting settings to default
via Troubleshooting Options in Preferences.

* The 24 hour or AM/PM format was not being reset properly when reseting settings
to default via Troubleshooting Options in Preferences.

* The digital clock module was displaying '12 AM' when it should display '12 PM'.

* Search internal command was broken in Windows 8.x

* The contents of an open weather forecast sub-dock were not being updated when
weather information was refreshed.


* Clicking the Action Center icon twice with re-open the Action Center window
instead of closing it (Windows 10 only).

* Changes to the custom module icons were sometimes not being saved.

* The Silent Period combo boxes were showing '12 AM' as '0 AM' and '12 PM' as '12

* Fixed bug which would prevent some modules from using a customized bitmap without
restarting the application if the bitmap had been updated but the filename remained
the same.

* Running a link to a shortcut no longer automatically executes the target instead.

This allows the user to specifically run customized shortcuts.

* The icon browser dialog was not displaying icons for known document file types.

* The new 'smoothly move into place' feature, combined with the 'new item'
animation, was causing items added to the end of the dock to momentarily appear
outside the same.

* Re-arranging tasklist items in the dock via drag & drop was broken.

* Fixed some problems with the 'remove item from dock' animation if the mouse
pointer was at the end or begining of the dock and the dock was magnifying.

* Customizing the icon of a task item via drag & drop of an ICO or PNG image could
apply the new icon to the wrong item under certain circumstances.

* Fixed problem where the mouseover effect would 'stick' to an icon and keep
playing even though the mouse pointer was no longer over the dock.

* Removed limit of 99 entries for the number of task icons being customized, as
well as for the window thumbnail and task exclusion lists. Although no warning was
issued if the user went over this limit, the lists would become corrupted with some
entries missing and others overwritten.


* Weather module icon now flashes to give some feedback to the user even when the
weather information is retrieved from the cache.

* The Effect Settings buttons in the Dock Properties panel were configuring the
wrong effect in Beta 2.

* The Outline and Shadow text styles were not being scaled up properly on high-DPI

* Fixed a handful of high-DPI related glitches.

* Fixed bug in beta 2 that could cause the new CD Control internal command to block
or report an error.

* The 'Most Active Programs' list was logging an empty entry if all processes were
using less than 1% CPU.

* Fixed issue in which an item belonging to the same dock would not be deleted when
dropped into the recycler module if the insertion point was before the module.

* The clock module tooltip was using the current system settings to display the
time in 24 or 12 hour format. It now uses the setting specified for the clock

* The wrong icon could be displayed for a customized task items when selecting it
from a DLL.

* The attention effect would not play if an icon was currently displaying a
persistent mouseover effect.


* The icon labels of magnifying docks docked to the top where appearing at the
wrong vertical position if the 'Do not flip background for docks at the top of the
screen' setting was enabled.

* if the 'Do not flip background for docks at the top of the screen' setting was
enabled the top of the icons could go a bit beyond the top screen edge when
magnifying on certain dock backgrounds.

* Decreased the refresh time of smoothly moving a dock to a new position to allow
the Windows DWM to keep up, otherwise movement would appear jerky.


Version 15.9 build 1012 - October 1 2015 - Silent Update


* Geo IP location results are now cached.


* Nexus now cleans up and exits gracefully when closed by an external application.
Before this fix it would crash on some systems when told to close by the Winstep
Update Manager.

* The new feature that allowed launching 64 bit applications was also preventing
the user from opening shortcuts to folders on some 64 bit systems. Either nothing
would happen or the user would get a 'Class Not Registered' error.

* Winstep .xtreme theme files are now correctly associated to 'Winstep.exe' instead
of the old 'WinstepXtreme.exe'


Version 15.9 build 1010 - September 29 2015 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated the Portuguese language file.

* Updated the French language file.

* Updated the Indonesian language file.

* Added new 'Action Center' internal command (Windows 10 only)

* Added 'Show folder in a menu' setting to folder type items in the Item Properties
Editor, so shortcuts to folders can be browsed in a menu when clicked on an
individual base.

* The dock Auto-Hide delay has been extended from 100 ms to 5,000 ms in 100 ms

* The Dock no longer auto-hides while the mouse pointer remains at the edge bump

* Edge bump delay now ranges from 0 to 2,000ms in 100 ms intervals.

* Added new 'Smoke' mouseover effect.

* Changed the hue of the live preview thumbnail glass background, to better fit
with the Windows original.

* When installing a full setup version over an existing version, the user is no
longer prompted to overwrite the default theme files.

* Reduced the font size used to display the theme's author in the Theme Preview
* Pressing CTRL while left clicking a shortcut now cycles through all the windows
belonging to that same application when 'do not launch multiple sessions of the
same application' is enabled.

* Pressing CTRL+SHIFT while clicking a shortcut causes the application to launch

with Admin rights.

* Clicking the clock module now opens the Windows calendar instead of showing the
Regional Settings dialog.

* Increased the maximum width of menus by 100 pixels.

* Added 'Language Bar' internal command, which emulates the functionality of the
Windows Language Bar. It changes dynamically, showing the active keyboard layout in
the current foreground window, and allows switching to other keyboard layouts
through a menu displaying all available language and keyboard layouts.

* Double clicking a shortcut now launches a new session when 'Do not launch
multiple sessions of the same application' is enabled.

* Added 'Always at the base of the icon' setting to the running indicator offset
dialog. This forces the running indicator to always be shown below the icon
independently of the current dock orientation.

* By default the running indicator is now 'Always at the base of the icon' and the
indicator offset set to 30%.

* Renamed the 'WinstepXtreme.exe' multi-function helper application to

'Winstep.exe' to avoid confusing users of Nexus and Nexus Ultimate.

* Added an optional new style to some UI elements (windows live preview thumbnail
backgrounds, menu document thumbnail backgrounds, ballon tooltip background and
the 'working' splash screen) to better fit with the default Windows 8 and Windows
10 look. Enabled by default on Windows 10 and 8.

* Added option in the More Options dialog of the General Preferences tab to enable
the new Windows 10 style even when not running under Windows 10 or 8.

* Added 'Colorize with the dominant color of the desktop background'/'Wallpaper

hot-track' setting to the colorization options of the dock, which automatically
colorizes it to 'blend in' with the current desktop wallpaper.

* The Explosion animation displayed when items are deleted can now be customized in
the More Options dialog of General Preferences. User must specify a multi-frame PNG
or TIF animation strip (animated icon).

* Moved the icon reflection and icon drop shaddow context menu options from the
Effects menu to the Appearance and Sounds menu.

* Changed the appearance of the Aero style balloon tooltip.


* Improved the appearance of the Aero Style 'busy' splash screen.

* Added a 'Edge Bump Settings' button to the General tab of Preferences.

* Added ability to activate docks and the Shelf via 'edge swipes' instead of 'edge

* Added a new dialog to control edge swipe timings.

* Added a new setting to limit the distance the mouse pointer can travel during the
activation delay for screen edge bumps. If the pointer moves behind this threashold
while waiting to trigger an edge bump, the bump is discarded/ignored. This should
help reduce accidental edge bump activations.

* Docks are now moved up in the z-order when mousing over them (if 'pop up on
mouseover' is enabled) instead of removing focus from the currently active window.
This provides a smoother experience since the active window does not change state.

* Added a 'Edge Swipe Settings' button the the General tab of Preferences and Dock
Behavior panels.

* Dock icons can now be combined with running application icons in the dock so
there is no duplication of icons.

* By default clicking on a grouped running application icon now shows live window
preview thumbnails instead of the group menu.

* Added option to show the group menu when clicking on the icon of grouped running
applications instead of showing the live preview thumbnails.

* Added support for RK Launcher's Theme.conf skins.

* Themes tab in Preferences now opens immediately instead of waiting for theme
files to be retrieved.

* Animation speed in the General tab of Preferences can now be set in 50 ms


* Added a default running indicator bitmap.


* The Windows hidden notification icons window is now monitored when open and
automatically repositioned if it suddenly'jumps' to another location on the screen
(as happened if the mouse pointer hovered over an invalid notification icon).

* Added option not to show icon reflections on vertical docks.

* Added warning for Windows 8/10 users regarding the Glass Blur effect requiring
the AeroGlass 3rd party utility.

* Added full support for high-DPI displays.

* Added option to automatically scale menus up on high DPI displays or not.

* The Weather Module now automatically tries to retrieve the user's current
location based on IP address when running for the first time.

* Added 'Get My Location' button to the Weather Module Preferences screen, which
tries to get the user's current location (country, state, city, etc...) based on
his IP address.

* Google killed their weather API, but weather forecasts for locations that do not
have a Weather.com code (i.e.; only have a METAR code) can now be retrieved via MSN

* Changed defaults to: show running indicator on docks, running indicator offset at
30%, do not launch multiple instances and don't show icon reflections on vertical
docks. When running under Windows 10: dock icon label background, outline and
colorize according to dominant color of dock background are on, dock control icon
color is Black Metal, UI base color is gray.

* Size of the UI font is now automatically reduced from point 10 to point 9

whenever a language other than English is selected to try and make up for the fact
that translations from English are usually longer than the original text.

* Optimized the UI to try and prevent unchecked translations from over-running the
available space.


* With the 'Do not launch multiple sessions of the same application' setting on,
the dock was unable to restore minimized windows of applications running with
elevated privileges.

* The 'Search' internal command was not working on Windows 8/10

* 'Nexus Preferences' internal command was not working.

* A Check for Updates was always performed every time the application started even
if 'Notify me when new updates are available' was turned off.

* It was not possible to set the windows of folder type items to open maximized or

* With the 'Do not launch multiple sessions of the same application' setting on,
launching a new instance of the application required a SHIFT + left click. This
however caused the new window not to appear on the foreground because of Explorer
enforced restrictions. To work-around this the new instance of the application is
only launched when the user releases the Shift key.

* Fixed catastrophic bug that could cause multiple instances of WinstepXtreme.exe

to run at the same time, maxing out the CPU, if the SHQueryRecycleBin function
failed unexpectadly on a target system.

* Document thumbnails were sometimes not being displayed with the correct size
(IEIFLAG_QUALITY was not being specified and the requested size would be ignored if
the document had an embedded thumbnail).

* Thumbnails of PNG and TIF images did not maintain the original proportion when
displayed next to a menu.

* Fixed issue that would cause menus to close and open again on a second click
instead of simply closing if already open.


* Fixed bug that could cause the dock to become stuck in an endless loop when de-
* Stopped including the dock transparent areas in the calculations of the auto-
hide/expand slide animation, which makes the dock seem to react much faster now.

* Dock no longer needs to complete the hiding animation before responding to an

edge bump/slide.

* Fixed issue where tooltip of a single live preview thumbnail might not always be

* The 64 bit versions of equivalent 32 bit applications are now launched correctly
instead of always launching the 32 bit version.


* Fixed annoying issue where the first mouse click on Preferences was ignored if
Preferences wasn't the currently active window.

* Title of Wanda Settings window was 'Show cookie for' instead of 'Wanda Settings'

* It wasn't possible to set the secondary 'World' Email Checker style.

* The time in 24 hours format is now centered on the digital clock module.

* Fixed incorrect detection of 'Show Desktop' (WIN+D) being active when the user
clicked on the desktop, which could cause various occasional z-order problems.

* Corrected keyboard navigation tab order in the various UI configuration panels.

* Clicking the Start Menu Internal Command now properly closes the Start Menu if it
is currently open and opens it otherwise.

* Using Aero Peek from a live thumbnail preview in a minimized Windows 10 App
window caused that window to self-destruct.

* Minimized Metro App windows in Windows 10 disappearead from the tasklist.

* Fixed some issues with the description of Weather conditions being reported as
'N/A' in non-English languages.


Version 15.7 build 1003 - July 27 2015 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Romanian language file.

* On Windows 8/10 Glass Blur settings are now enabled to allow for 3rd party glass
blur applications but the blur feature itself is disabled by default.

* Added new internal command 'Task View' to invoke the Virtual Desktop Manager
(Windows 10 only)

* Windows 10 Metro Apps in the list of running applications now display a

customized icon instead of the default system icon.

* The size of mouseover window preview thumbnails can now range between 64 to 512

* Improved the way Nexus behaves when the user presses 'Show Desktop'.

* The Tip of the Day is no longer displayed when being run for the first time.

* Added a 'Show Tip of the Day' icon to the default dock.

* The Check for Updates dialog no longer pops up when being run for the first time,
and a check for updates is performed immediately in the background.

* Added new 'Restore Wallpaper' internal command to restore any Windows wallpaper
changed when switching to a Winstep theme.

* The balloon tooltip of dock items with thumbnails now also displays the

* Added new 'Busy' animation to replace the hourglass animation.

* Always on Bottom docks are no longer allowed to come forward on mouseover even if
'pop up dock on mouseover' is enabled.

* The Update Manager Window showing new versions available now appears in the
taskbar and can be minimized.

* The Theme Browser now displays the name of the theme author, where available.


* Enabling both the Rain Drop effect and the 'Hide Dock at Startup' setting would
cause several glitches until the dock was activated for the first time, such as the
rain drop audio immediately playing, animated icon reflections being visible and
dock activation animation not playing properly for the first time.

* The application would crash if the user answered No to any of the confirmation
dialogs in the Troubleshooting Options dialog.

* Updated the URL used for displaying 'Detailed Weather conditions' for
Weather.com, which was no longer correct.

* A hidden dock would pop up (but inactive) immediately after exiting a full screen
application when using the fade hide animation.

* On Windows 10 the Winstep service would silently crash when trying to install new
fonts and would become unavailable until the next reboot. This caused, among other
things, the application to hang for a couple of minutes when running for the first
time as it tried to install the default theme fonts.

* Under Windows 10 the tasklist no longer displays multiple windows for each Metro
app or for Metro apps that are no longer visible.

* Windows 10 apps would always display a black thumbnail in the list of running
applications, so we now display an icon instead.

* Under a clean Windows 10 installation the dock now tries to add a default
shortcut to Internet Explorer instead if the default browser is a Windows App.
* Removed 'Start Flip3D' internal command from Windows 8.x onward since it is no
longer available.

* Under Windows 8 and Windows 10 the Windows Start Button did nothing when clicked
on after restoring the visibility of the Windows taskbar.

* Image thumbnails no longer pop on and off when browsing a network folder on a
context menu.

* Fixed the 'Peek Desktop' internal command which wasn't working properly (Windows

* Thumbnails in Delete File Confirmation dialog are now displayed with the correct
aspect ratio.

* When pinning an application to the dock in which the executable does not have a
Version Info block, the executable filename is used instead.

* Auto-Complete was not working properly on several configuration dialogs.

* Icons of URL shortcuts were not being resolved properly.

* Tooltips of pictures or taskbar preview thumbnails appearing at the very top of

the screen would not be visible.

* A tooltip would not display for the first picture preview thumbnail on a menu.

* If a picture or taskbar preview thumbnail could not change position when

switching then the previous thumbnail was not being erased and the thumbnail
appeared instantly instead of fading in.

* The application would sometimes crash when executing certain shell functions
(such as 'Set as Desktop Background' for an image item) from a context menu.

* Fixed issue with the Winstep Update Manager which could cause it to mis-report
the size of the file download so far and even terminate with a 'Download may be
corrupt' error.


Version 14.11 build 999 - November 7, 2014 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added 3 new internal commands: "Cascade windows", "Show windows side by side" and
"Show windows stacked"

* Added setting to the 'Performance vs. Memory Usage' dialog to cache animated
icons in original resolution instead of capped at 128x128 per frame.

* Added 'Pin to Dock' option to the context menu of running applications showing in
a dock.

* Setting the dock auto-hide mode to None would not stick between restarts of

* Added Adobe Lightroom to the iconic thumbnail exclusion list, since this feature
seemed to crash the application whenever using Loupe view.

* All background blur settings and functions are now disabled under Windows 8.

* Weather.com weather feed stopped working because of an URL change. Updated to new
URL, Weather.com feed is now working again.

* Fixed bug on Weather.com feed which could cause the current weather icon to be
Windy and rainning.

* MSN Weather feed stopped working because of an URL and API change. Updated to new
URL, updated API parsing, MSN backup feed is now working again.


Version 12.2 build 995 - March 28, 2012 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated German language file.

* Updated Dutch language file.

* Updated Italian language file.

* Updated Russian language file.

* Updated Portuguese (Brazil) language file.

* Updated Portuguese language file.

* Added 'Launch Effect' and 'Attention Effect' sub-menus to the right click context
menu of the Nexus control icon.

* Changed the display of 'Dock Tiles' in the Themes tab of Nexus Preferences so
more tiles are visible at one time.

* Added ability to scroll the list of dock tiles using the mouse wheel.

* Improved the icon rendering algorithm for mouseover dock effects, as icons with
very high refresh rates would still occasionaly crop part of the effect on neighbor

* Added color hot-tracking to dock particle animation effects.

* Also added 'Hide Windows Taskbar' setting to the Tasks tab in Preference.

* Restored the Weather.com feed by using the XML feed instead of the XOAP feed.

* Added a 'Default' button to the Fluid Surface and Fluid Reflection setting
dialogs, which resets the settings to default.
* Magnification effect can now span a single icon.

* Magnification Effect Settings dialog has been updated.

* Fine tuned the icon reflection effect so it always starts at least 50%
transparent regardless of the reflection size and increased the quality of the
reflection itself.

* Added optional icon drop shadows.

* The labels of icons in the dock can now have an optional balloon background,
which can be colorized by the user or set to colorize automatically based on the
dominant color of the current dock background.

* The dock background colorization setting, previously found in the Themes tab, now
also appears in the Appearances tab for convenience and logical organization.

* Improved the drawing performance by using PixelFormat32bppPARGB instead of

PixelFormat32bppARGB. (Pre-multiplied ARGB is faster than ARGB.)


* The tooltip of the Weather module now displays the source of the information
(NOOA, Weather Channel, MSN, Google).

* Added final bounce effect to the animation of a dock sliding from the screen

* The Launch effect animation now still plays even if the dock is set to hide
automatically on launch.

* When inserting an item into a tiled dock via drag & drop, the insertion point no
longer is a blank tile.

* Added 'raise' effect which plays when an item is added to the dock.

* The image of the 'animated fish' style of the Wanda module can now be colorized.

* Different images can now be used to customize the 'Animated fish' and 'Fortune
cookie' styles of the Wanda module.

* Added new 'Edge Bump Settings' button and dialog to the Behavior tab of

* The user can now set the distance from a screen edge that will still trigger an
edge bump. This setting should be very helpful when using a touch screen.

* Top screen edge bumps can now be optionally ignored if within the button area of
a maximized window. Useful to minimize triggering an accidental edge bump when
closing, restoring or minimizing a maximized window.

* The auto-hide delay slider now displays the current delay in milliseconds.

* The 'Always open folders as menus' setting has been moved to the Advanced
Behavior settings dialog.

* If the user specifies a edge bump as the activation method for the dock, this
activation method overrides the default one, i.e.; a hidden dock attached to the
top edge of the screen is usually made visible by bumping the top screen edge. If
the user specifies another screen edge as the activation method, bumping the top
screen edge will now do nothing.

* Added 'Activation acts as a toggle (shows if hidden, hides if visible)' setting

to the Behavior tab of Nexus Preferences.

* Renamed 'Activate dock when the mouse pointer bumps screen edge' setting to
'Popup dock when the mouse pointer bumps screen edge' and moved it to the Advanced
Behavior dialog.


* The bounce effect at the end of the dock slide animation now automatically
adjusts itself to make up for slow systems.

* Added 'Auto-Hide for maximized applications' setting to the Position tab of Nexus
Preferences. When enabled, a dock set to always on top will automatically hide when
a window is maximized.

* Added alternative 'Fade Out','Fly Out','Burn', 'Flair' and 'Implode' dock

collapse and uncollapse animations o the Behavior tab of Nexus Preferences.

* Added option to disable the uncollapse/unhide 'boing' effect.

* Added a 'zoom out' effect to the deleted icon when you delete a dock item.

* Moving items around the dock is now smoother.

* The dock clock module tooltip now also displays the time.

* The dock weather module tooltip now also displays current sky and weather

* Backgrounds of dock icon labels can now be outlined.

* Added alternative 'Fade In','Fly Out','Burn', 'Flair' and 'Expand' sub-dock

opening animations.

* Clicking the weather module icon now opens the weather forecast in a sub-dock.

* Added three new weather icons for Windy, Freezing and Hot.


* Added 'Burn' mouseover, launch and attention effect.

* The Grayscale effect can now also be used as the Launch and Attention effects.

* Magic, Teleport and Water effects are now persistent on mouseover, i.e.; the
effect keeps playing while the mouse pointer is over the icon.

* Improved weather descriptions of the MSN Weather feed.

* Added new weather icons to complete the standard weather icon set.

* Added 'reserve screen space' support to all monitors in a multi-monitor system.

* Added new 'Fireworks' mouseover/launch/attention effect.

* Added RainDrops effect. Based on the existing Water Ripple effect, RainDrops
turns the dock into a liquid surface where rain drops fall continuously, with
matching audio. The frequency of the rain can be set in the 'Water Ripple Settings'
dialog and the audio can be turned on or off.

* The fish style of the Wanda module can now be customized with an animated icon.

* The Email Checker module now supports Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo accounts again,
i.e; any email account requiring a SSL encrypted connection.

* Replaced the text boxes with sliders in the Wanda Settings panel.

* Particle mouseover effects now render about 3 times faster.


* Improved rendering speed on docks when combining the magnify effect with
mouseover effects that extend beyond each icon (such as the particle effects,
Swing, etc...)

* Configuration settings for modules on a dock now appear always on top if the dock
is also always on top.

* The Update Manager can now install updated Language Packs when there is an update
to the language file of the user's currently selected language. * If a Wanda
cookie is set to display automatically after a certain amount of time, the cookie
will now pop up next to a Wanda module in the dock (if any).

* Modules can now be customized like other icons by dropping an .ICO, .PNG or .TIF
file directly into then. Exceptions are the Recycler and Weather modules, and the
fish style of Wanda is the only module that accepts an animated icon (PNG strip).

* Memory usage is now monitored and a red warning dialog displayed if a memory leak
is detected.

* Nexus now remains visible under Windows 7's Aeropeek if 'Keep visible when
pressing WIN+D (Show Desktop)' is enabled.


* The label of the Email Checker in the dock now displays the number of messages.


* Colorization feature can now be used to gray scale backgrounds.


* For locations in the United States, the Weather module now passes <city>,<state>
to the Google feed instead of <city>,<country>.

* Fixed an incompatibility with some ObjectDock v2 themes.

* The dock was not properly re-sizing automatically when using proportional tiled
themes and the dock was too big to fit on the allocated screen space.
* The INI configuration files of 3rd party dock themes are now validated before
being put on the list of available themes.

* Fixed problem with certain 3rd party RocketDock themes where the authors had no
idea what they were doing with the offsets. RocketDock was more forgiving, we
weren't and this resulted in a dock displaying two overlapping backgrounds.

* The label of a task button/icon did not revert to a window caption under grouped
mode when only a single instance of that task was running.

* Fixed major issue that broke sub-classing and caused Nexus to malfunction on
systems with hybrid Intel/nVidia video cards.

* Bounce effect was squishing the icon on the last bounce.

* Fixed issue that could cause a dock Launch or Attention effect to become cropped.

* Custom Email Checker animations were no longer working.

* Dock icon reflections could extend beyond the dock with the bounce mouse over

* The application should no longer hang when forcing itself into the foreground if
the current foreground window is hung.

* When dropping an item into a dock using a dock mouseover effect combined with the
Magnify effect, the dock would first shift the icons and only magnify afterwards.

* The disable and enable time announcements option in the clock module's context
menu was only being applied after a restart of the application or after going to
Preferences and clicking Ok.

* The Flat Magnify effect was scrambling icons.


* Context menus of icons were not respecting the 'open sub-menus on mouseover'

* Changes on the shift keys pressed (CTRL or SHIFT) were not being reflected on
drag & drop images until the image was moved.

* Fixed bug in last beta which could result in half size icons being displayed.

* Fixed bug in last beta which could result in dock icon labels failing to display.

* Icon reflections on docks were not rendering properly when combining the Rock or
Swing mouse over effects with the Magnify effect and the dock theme masked
reflections to fit the tile (such as the KTEK-4D1 to KTEK-4D5 themes).


* A dock set to collapse immediately on Startup with animations disabled would

appear on the screen as an inactive dock.

* When deleting an item on an Always On Top dock by dropping it into a Recycle Bin
module, the confirmation dialog could appear behind the dock.

* Fixed sudden icon size 'jolt' when moving an icon in a magnified dock to the
right of the original position.

* Flat Magnify was broken with some themes and worked fine with others.

* When the new 'toggle activation' setting is enabled, the dock will only toggle
collapse if it is already the foreground dock, otherwise it comes to the foreground


* It was not possible to hide a dock while a running task was flashing/asking for
attention, as the dock would immediately pop up again. The dock now only
uncollapses automatically if a new window asks for attention.

* Fixed reserve screen space problem with setting 'prevent maximized windows from
overlaping the dock' and NOT setting 'Respect space reserved by other docks,

* Some of the particle dock mouseover effects could appear cropped if the attention
effect was not set to 'Jump'.

* Locking or Unlocking the Position of a floating dock from the Nexus context menu
was not doing what it was supposed to do.


* Fixed icon reflection not being cropped properly on the dock with Push effect.

* Fixed several positioning issues related to games or applications that change the
screen resolution.

* "Safely Remove Hardware" Internal Command is no longer available on 64 bit

systems, as it only works on 32 bit systems.

* When dragging an item in a dock with a persistent mouseover effect, the mouseover
effect would keep playing while the item was being dragged.

* Sometimes a persitent mouseover effect on the dock would keep playing after
launching an item.

* Fixed dock rendering problems with mouseover effects combined with magnify when
there was a large difference in size between a non-magnified and a fully magnified

* Fixed overlay 'leftovers' problem that could happen when using a theme such as
Nx-Lawn on a dock with magnify + other combo as the mouse over effect.

* The 'Disable animations for this module' and 'disable sounds for this module'
settings were not doing anything.

* Some of the settings set via a module settings panel invoked by right clicking on
a module in the dock were not being applied immediately.

* Fixed problem with Show Desktop (WIN+D) which could cause the Windows taskbar to
disappear when the Desktop was being shown and the user clicked on the dock and
then on the desktop.

* A change in the Z-order of the dock made via Preferences was not being applied

* Mouseover animations did not play on a collapsed dock.

* Fixed rendering issue with the Expand dock open animation and docks with

* Fixed dock label shape when displaying a solid color background for multi-line

* System tray items in the dock no longer display a meaningless balloon infotip.


* Dropping items into the recycler in the dock would not work properly if the
recycler appeared after the blank insertion point.

* Mousing over groupped tray system tray icons with the Zoom mouse over effect was
not working properly.

* It was not possible to customize the system tray expand button on the dock by
dropping an .ICO, .TIF or .PNG image into it.

* Returning from hibernation could show mistakenly show an unresponsive dock on the
screen if the dock was previously hidden.

* Non-grouped tasklist icons in a dock would change size every time the title of
the window changed.

* Multi-threading is no longer used to monitor the recycle bin.

* The application could crash if running applications were toggled NOT to show in
the dock and one or more of the running applications were playing the attention

* Fixed memory leak that would occur if an item had a blank filename and blank icon


Version 11.10 build 969 - November 18, 2011 - Official release.

New Features:

* Updated Polish language file.

* Updated Farsi language file.

* Vista/Windows 7: Added new 'Start Flip3D' internal command.

* Added customizable 'Launch' and 'Attention' effects to the dock.

* The Weather module now automatically falls back to the Google weather feed if the
Weather.com feed fails.
* Added a secondary MSN Weather feed as backup.


* The 'Hide Dock Control Icon' setting in the dock Contents tab wasn't doing

* If the dock popup delay on mouseover was set to 0 ms it was almost impossible to
get to the Windows Start Menu after clicking the 'Show Start Menu' internal command
icon, as the Start Menu would immediately lose focus and disappear.

* Because some Windows services may *potentially* block the Winstep service for up
to 30 seconds (and thus freeze the Winstep application relying on it), no calls are
now made to the Winstep service for the first minute after Windows startup, to give
the system time to 'settle down'.

* Collapsing a floating dock would stop the Nexus control icon animation.

* Animation settings for the Nexus control icon were not being used or saved.

* A maximized Chrome window acted as a full screen window when appearing on a

secondary monitor or if the taskbar was hidden. This would automatically and
temporarily disable all edge bump activation methods, a feature implemented to
prevent users from being accidentaly dumped into the desktop when playing full
screen games.


Version 11.6 build 968 - July 6, 2011 - Official Maintenance Release

New Features:

* Updated Korean language file.

* Updated German language file.

* Updated Hungarian language file.

* Updated Polish language file.

* Added 'Show this dock when the mouse pointer bumps screen edge' setting to the
Behavior tab of Preferences. When this setting is on, the dock will come forward
when the associated edge is bumped but focus will be automatically given back to
the window that previously had it if the user mouses away without clicking on it.

* Dock resizing and drag & drop of items into and from the dock is now much

* Cleaned up unused bitmaps in the resource file.

* Icons were first appearing blank if they took too long to render.

* It was not possible to select an individual tray icon in grouped mode using the
Zoom effect.

* The option in the General tab of Preferences to hide desktop icons wasn't doing

* Dock no longer 'lazy renders' icons (i.e.; display generic icons if the dock
icons took too long to render)

* Very large strips of animated icons no longer appear blank in the dock on 32 bit

* The Water mouseover effect could appear a little bit cropped at the bottom for
top docks.

* Fixed label overlapping dock icons for non-magnifying docks at the top of the
screen when the 'Do not flip background...' setting was enabled.

* Fixed error that could *potentially* crash the application if a file belonging to
the group of files that display thumbnails no longer existed.

* Fixed potential problem when dropping files into an empty dock with the 'Lock
Icons' setting enabled.

* It was not possible to duplicate a dock item via drag & drop if dropping the item
right next to the source item.

* If the dock popup delay on mouseover was set to 0 ms it was almost impossible to
get to the System Tray hidden icons dialog after clicking the system tray expand

* Added fail safe code to prevent situations where mouse click actions on running
application items were all set to 'None'.


Version 11.5 build 962 - June 22, 2011 - Silent Maintenance Update

New Features:

* Improved animated icon handling.

* Animated icon settings are now reset to default (50 ms, etc...) when you change
the icon.

* Animated icons are now globally cached in memory, there is no longer a

performance penalty loading the icon strip when the dock flushes it's icon cache.


* File system re-direction problem for icons stored in the Program Files folder in
x64 systems.

* Bug that could cause the dock to stop accepting dropped items when using animated

* Changing the Weather location in Preferences was not immediately updating the
Weather information.


Version 11.5 build 957 - June 20, 2011 - Official Release

New Features:

* Updated the German language file.

* Updated Polish language file.

* Updated Korean language file.

* Updated Italian language file.

* Updated Farsi language file.

* Removed 'dead' bitmaps from resource file.

* Most dock mouse over effects can now be combined with the magnify effect.

* Split the Position & Behavior tab in Preferences into two tabs.

* Re-arranged the Effects tab in Preferences.

* Added a new 'Contents' tab to Preferences.

* Moved 'Indicator Offset from Icon Reflection' to its own dialog box with preview.

* Icon Spacing in the dock now has independent vertical and horizontal settings and
was moved to its own dialog box with preview.

* Dock transparency now has independent settings for icons and background and was
moved to its own dialog box with preview.

* Re-organized some settings in Preferences for a more logical layout.

* Improved the bounce animation that occurs when launching an icon from the dock.

* Docks now un-hide or un-collapse automatically if displaying a list of running

tasks and one or more of the tasks start flashing to call attention.

* Removed '@ Sign' Email Checker style, replaced it with default 'Envelope' style.

* Removed Cartoon Fish style, replaced it with 'Fortune Cookie' style.

* Removed the online cookie section from Wanda, since the only available fortune
cookie server at the University of Upsala has been down for nearly two years and
isn't likely to come back online again.

* Removed the SSL option from the Email Checker settings since servers no longer
support SSL v2.

* Internal Commands in the Insert New Item menu are now shown categorized into
Application, Desktop, Media, Disk, Misc, System and Shutdown sub-menus.

* Added new 'Push' mouse over effect.

* Groupped system tray icons in magnifying docks are now as sharp as the original
icons when the dock item is not being magnified.

* Replaced 'Bar Graph' Net, RAM and CPU meter styles with 'Gauge' style featuring a
'smooth meter' setting in the Performance Settings dialog.

* Added setting to increase the system tray refresh rate from once per second to 16
times per second to the Performance Settings dialog in the Advanced tab of

* Added new 'Teleport' mouse over effect.

* Re-organized the UI in order to place settings where they logically belong.

* The Update Manager now displays a 'What's New' link whenever such information is

* Added new high resolution images for the digital clock module and the NeXT style

* Only document files can now be dragged into a shortcut in order to open it with
the associated executable.

* Applications are no longer 'ignored' if dragged straight into an icon, now being
instead added to the dock. Previously the effect would be the same as launching the
target shortcut with that application as an argument (which would simply result in
launching the target shortcut), like it happens when you drop a document into a
shortcut in the dock in order to open that document in that application.


* The balloon tooltip can now be specified to appear in the following cases: Never,
Always, Only for Modules, Only for Modules and Documents.

* Decreased the size of the Wind mouseover effect, which was too big.

* Monitors in multiple monitor systems are now sorted left to right (i.e.; first
monitor is the leftmost monitor and the last monitor the rightmost). The primary
monitor also has '(Primary Monitor)' added to the description.


* Added new 'Safely Remove Hardware' internal command.

* Added new 'Show physical network adapters only' setting to the Network Meter
module, which is now enabled by default.

* Re-organized Net Metter Settings panel.

* Added built-in support for animated icons (i.e.; single PNG strips holding all
the frames of an animation). Animated icons are recognized automatically and
animation delay settings, etc, can be set in the Dock Entry Properties dialog.


* The Weather system tray icon is now a full 128x128 image.


* Font size in UI command buttons is now automatically reduce if the localized text
does not fit.


* Icon in the Version Information dialog had a dark gray background.

* Opening native Winstep theme files from FireFox failed with an error.

* Icon reflections for the Zoom mouseover effect where not being cropped properly.

* The 'Keep this dock visible when pressing WIN+D' setting would always be checked
after a re-start.


* After beta 1 a magnifying dock with the persistent Flare/Afterglow mouseover

effects could appear partially on screen after auto-hidding into the screen edge.

* A magnifying dock could suddenly appear garbled if you quickly moved the mouse
pointer back and forth over it.

* Fixed automatic icon size problem that could sometimes occur when the dock was
too large to fit on screen.

* Single .ICO files displayed in the Icon Browser dialog appeared jagged.

* Dock item separators were wrongly assuming the opacity of the dock background.

* Fixed bug in beta 1 that prevented icons from flashing to call attention in the

* There wasn't enough padding for the dock Zoom effect, which would cause the icon
to appear cropped when using a large magnitude for the effect.

* It was possible to accidentaly drag a shortcut to itself instead of launching it,

which would launch the shortcut but also cause it to disappear from a dock.


* Fixed the date localization used for the clock and 'Lack Checked:" strings.

* 3rd party dock themes were not being applied properly when loaded from the right
click menu.

* The dock was sometimes leaving icon 'leftovers' at the left or top when de-

* Fixed re-positioning issue after dragging a floating dock.

* Fixed dock tooltip positioning.

* Fixed problem with the dock displaing the wrong right-click context menu with the
zoom mouse over effect unless the icon was clicked dead center.


* Setting a clock background image manually would lock the clock hand colors to red
and black.

* Selecting the first NIC Adapter from the 'Interface to Monitor' right click menu
of the Net module was not working.


Version 11.2 build 938 - March 14, 2011 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Finnish language file.

* Added Indonesian language file.

* Updated Polish language file.

* Updated French language file.

* Updated Farsi language file.

* Updated German language file.

* Updated Croatian language file.

* Added support for the Y'z Dock format.

* Non-square icon images and document thumbnails are now displayed with the proper
aspect ratio.

* Added an automatic retry after 30 seconds if Weather.com returns an 'unknown

error' when polling weather data.

* URL files (such as shortcuts to Steam games) now show the correct icons.

* The 'Delete Item' explosion animation is now smoother and twice as fast.

* Glass blur for semi-transparent backgrounds on Vista and 7 is now enabled by


* Moved dock's 'Lock Position' Nexus menu setting to the 'Screen Position' sub-
* Changed UI background color so buttons no longer have ugly white border under

* Added support for the new NOOA Weather module METAR URL

* Besides the already existing right-click option, you can now also customize the
image displayed by a system tray expand icon by dropping an .ICO, .PNG or .TIF file
into it.

* Languages in the About tab of Preferences are now sorted in Alphabetical order.

+++ Beta 2

* Set the Tab order of all dialogs.

* It's now possible to 'Browse', via the right click context menu, the contents of
virtual folders in Internal Commands (e.g.; My Computer).

* Added support for the new Help system.

+++ Release

* You can now drag files over taskbar window thumbnails - after half a second the
associated window is restored and brought to the foreground.

* Added support for RocketDock skins with negative margin coordinates.

* Re-organized the Advanced dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences.

* Added a 'Thumbnail File Types' button to the Advanced Settings dialog from where
you can set which document, video and image files generate thumbnails.

* Changed the default clock and recycler module images so they are no longer NeXT

* Improved usability of task window thumbnails in the dock.

* Added troubleshoot warning that pops up if Comctl32.ocx is not installed


* Optimized handling of RocketDock backgrounds with negative coordinates.

* Theme wallpapers that are not set to tile are now automatically set to stretch.


* Task grouping is now turned on by default.

* Edge bump activation when the dock is visible is now turned off by default.


* Nexus would corrupt memory and crash if it failed to retrieve the configuration
settings of a 3rd party dock theme.

* It was impossible to use system tray popups if the dock popup delay was set to 0

* The dock clock label displayed the date with the month and day reversed.

* A hidden taskbar was being restored with the auto-hide status on.

* The grouped tasks menu was sometimes displaying the wrong icon for running

* The 'Exit' button in Preferences was not being translated when switching

* If the dock was set to 100% transparent with opaque icons and the dock background
skin was already semi-transparent, mouse movement over the dock and drag & drop
operations could become erratic.

* Selecting the first monitor in the Monitors right-click menu was not docking a
dock to the selected monitor but instead toggled the dock position lock.

* Application was not being high DPI virtualized on Vista/7 with high DPI (150%)
when starting up.

* Fixed crash when mousing over a module if the current mouse over effect was
'Sonic boom' and the modules icon cache had been disabled in Performance Settings.

* Customized system tray expand buttons images were not being shown unless the dock
was also set to display the currently running applications.

* Fixed some major issues with high DPI virtualization on 7 and Vista.

+++ Beta 2

* The Effect 'Settings' button was sometimes enabled when it should not be.

* Editing a virtual shell folder with the Item Properties dialog would break the
ability to browse it's contents via the context menu.

+++ Release

* Under XP non-square image and document thumbnails displayed white borders.

* Hotkeys were being activated even if the Shift key combination wasn't an exact
match (for instance, CTRL+1 would also activate if the user pressed CTRL+SHIFT+1)

* When moving a dock from one quadrant of the screen to another, so that the
background would flip or mirror, under Vista/7 the 'glass' region wouldn't always
update to overlap the new background.

* Added missing icon to Weather.com's icon set.

* Fixed some minor issues with the size and position of the 'number of instances'
text that overlaps the icons of running applications in groupped mode.

* Windows preview thumbnails sometimes lost their 'Always on top' status just
before Aero Peek, which could cause windows to overlap the thumbnails.

* Groupped task icons could sometimes not display the number of running instances.

* Fixed ugly system tray icon.

* Since beta 1, Nexus was crashing after displaying the uninstall survey.

* Fixed an issue that could cause Nexus to stall for a while after installing a new
font if another application was not responding to broadcasted messages.

* Fixed bug that could cause icons on vertical magnifying docks to appear cropped.


Version 10.9 build 921 - October 8, 2010 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Hungarian language file.

* Added Bulgarian language file.

* Added Chinese Simplified language file.

* Added Korean language file.

* Updated Dutch language file.

* Updated Spanish language file.

* Updated Norwegian language file.

* Added an Exit button to Preferences.

* The Windows taskbar no longer reserves screen space when hidden.

* You can now right-click drag & drop in the dock to get the copy/move/create
shortcut context menu.

* Added option to disable the Explosion Animation, shown when you delete an item,
to the Misc.Advanced dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences.

* Balloon tooltip now also displays thumbnails of document files.

* Alignment of docks attached to screen edges (docked) can now also be set by
dragging the dock horizontally or vertically.

* Added 'Do Not Launch Multiple Sessions' setting to the Misc.Advanced dialog so
clicking on a shortcut to an already running application brings that application
forward instead of launching a new instance. To force launch a new instance, press
SHIFT while left-clicking.

* Added support for 3rd party dock themes with negative content offsets.

* Added Squish, Spin, Sonic Boom, Heal, Fire, Magic, Flare, Wind and Water
mouseover effects.

* Effect settings specified in the Effects tab of Preferences are now specific to
each effect.
* The new particle effect animations (Heal, Fire, Magic, Flare, Wind and Water) can
be colorized in the Effect Settings panel for that effect.

* Added setting to change the color of the dock mouseover label to the Appearance
tab of Nexus Preferences.

* Added 'Disable edge activation' setting to the Position & Behavior tab of Nexus
Preferences. When enabled, bumping the screen edge a dock is attached to does not
bring the dock forward.

* Moved thumbnail exclusion list in the Tasks tab to the Advanced dialog.

* Added 'Show window previews (thumbnails) on mouseover' setting to the Advanced

dialog of the Tasks tab in Preferences. This makes window thumbnails with peek
ability pop up when mousing over task icons and brings Windows 7 "superbar"
functionality to Nexus.

* Users can specify the size of the window previews.

* Added option to disable 'AeroPeek' in window previews.

* Added 'Wallpaper' setting to the Themes tab, which, when enabled, allows any
existing theme wallpaper to be applied as well as the new theme.

* Added 'Keep this dock visible when pressing Win+D (Show Desktop)' setting to the
Advanced Behavior dialog of the dock.

* Icons can no longer be dropped into a dock when the 'Lock Icons' setting is

* Added 'Lock/Unlock Position' to the dock's main context menu and the synonimous
'Prevent dock from being moved by dragging with the mouse pointer' setting to the
dock's Advanced Behavior dialog.


* Increased the default range of the bounce mouseover animation.

* The bounce mouseover animation no longer 'holds' the icon at the top while the
pointer is over it.

* Moved the dock 'Z-Order' and 'Monitor' right-click sub-menus to 'Screen



* Empty balloon tooltip was appearing when mousing over an empty dock.

* Dropping files into a shortcut to a folder in the dock as always copying the
source file to the target folder, even if SHIFT was pressed.

* Double clicking the first icon of a floating icon without the Nexus control icon
was causing the dock to collapse.

* Nothing would happen if the user dropped an ICO, PNG or TIFF file into an empty

* Size of the application icon overlayed to the thumbnail of running applications

is now always half the size of the icon, independent of dock magnification size.

* Application icons overlayed to the thumbnail of running applications now also use
the application icon (instead of the window icon) for sizes over 32x32 pixels, so
they don't appear too blurred.

* The magnification size slider no longer allows you to chose values lower than
current dock icon size.

* Assigning huge PNG or TIF files as shortcut images no longer slows down
magnifying animations.

* The 'Prevent maximized windows from overlaping the dock' setting is now disabled
if 'Auto-hide the dock' is enabled, as in that case no screen space is reserved.

* Fixed bug that preventing re-organizing icons in the tasklist section of a dock
via drag & drop.

* Sometimes restoring a maximized window that was minimized would make it lose the
maximized status.

* A hidden/collapsed dock would stop magnifying and auto-hidding when changing to a

new theme until Preferences was opened and closed again.


Version 10.6 build 911 - July 13, 2010 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Serbian language file.

* Added Slovak language file.


* Moved the 'Show dock control icon' item from the main Nexus menu to the 'Insert
New Dock Item' sub-menu.


* The dock was not displaying running application thumbnails when the dock was set
to display running applications via the context menu.

* Fixed issue in which Nexus could freeze for up to a minute after resuming
hibernate due to 3rd party services being busy and blocking.
* The Zoom dock effect could sometimes cause currently zooming icons to be cropped
when sitting next to icons that updated frequently (like the clock).

* Fixed other visual glitches with special dock effects and icons getting cropped.

* Fixed item positioning problems when hovering a magnifying dock and shortcuts
were added, removed or had their running status changed.

* Setting a dock with a semi-transparent background to be 100% transparent with

opaque icons prevented the dock from working properly.


Version 10.4 build 906 - May 22, 2010 - Bug Fix Release

New Features:

* Added option to disable the 'Initializing' splash-screen at startup to the

'Misc.Advanced Settings' dialog in the Advanced tab of Preferences.


* The dock's 'No Background Flip' setting was not being saved properly.

* A drag & drop move of the first icon on a dock with no control icon would corrupt
the dragged item and would not allow the item to be copied.


Version 10.4 build 905 - April 27, 2010 - Official Release

New Features:

* Windows thumbnails of grouped tasklist menus now pop up immediately.

* Dock expansion when magnifying is now 3 to 5 times faster.

* Moved the enumeration of items in the recycle bin to a background thread. This
prevents Nexus from freezing or taking a long time to initialize on systems with
very slow hard drives and very full recycle bins.

* Delayed the initial enumeration of Recycle Bin items for 30 seconds. This should
give Windows enough time to finish booting before Nexus engages in a concurrent and
potentially very disk intensive enumeration if the recycle bin has many items on

* Blurring of semi-transparent dock backgrounds is now 25% faster.

* Insertion of items into the dock by drag & drop is now a bit smoother.

* Screen edge bumps now only activate the dock when the pointer bumps the area
where the dock is. This should help prevent accidental dock activations.

* Functionality specific to specific modules is no longer active if the module is

not being used on the dock.

* Added negative Edge Offsets up to -16 pixels.

* Inserting a new item via the Item Properties Editor now shifts the icons in the
dock to make room for the new item.

* The icon of the System Tray Expand Button can now be customized by right clicking
the item and selecting 'Dock Item Properties'.

* Nexus is now also compatible with specific 3rd party dock themes that use huge
dock backgrounds (Eclipse, Scepter, etc...).

* Added 'Disable Magnify Effect Buffer' setting to the Performance vs. Memory
dialog in the Advanced tab of Nexus Preferences. Enabling this setting will reduce
memory footprint but also significantly lower performance of the expansion and
contraction phases of the magnify effect for non-tiled dock backgrounds.


* Improved time required for Nexus initialization even further.


* Moved the dock activation shortcut to the Advanced Behavior dialog and the
'Respect space...' and 'Do not flip background...' settings to the Position &
Behavior tab in Preferences.


* The dock no longer 'flashes' when changing sizes or being repositioned between
different screen quadrants.

* The Running Application indicators were not working anymore unless you added a
CPU Meter module to the dock or enabled the CPU Meter systray icon.

* With large effect magnitudes for the bounce and zoom effects, icons of docks
docked at the top of the screen could extend beyond the screen edge.

* Under 64 bit systems some programs in the dock might not be flagged as running if
the 32 bit version was running when the dock expected the 64 bit or vice-versa.

* Nexus could freeze for a long period of time when returning from hibernate or

* Eliminated the dark 'shadow' that seemed to expand around the dock when the icons

* Corrected rounding errors in the magnification algorithm which could cause a dock
being magnified to 'shake' slightly.
* Fixed 'This Array is Fixed or Locked' crash that could occur on Vista systems
when mousing over one of the Vista system tray icons.

* Fixed potential memory leak.

* The Language Manager no longer uses the English language file to perform an
unnecessary English to English translation when the currently selected language is

* Fixed some issues that could cause Nexus to crash on exit if certain dialog
windows were open when exiting.

* Fixed bug in the Task Exclusion and Task Customization lists which prevented
properly editing and removing items in them.

* Applying a 'Tile' dock background after using a theme with overlays would not
dismiss the previous overlay.

* Some tiled 3rd party dock themes had graphic glitches on magnifying docks.

* The Email Checker module balloon tooltip was not reporting the number of messages
found on the servers.

* The Task Icon Customization, Task Exclusion and Snapshot Exclusion list dialogs
were not enabling the Remove and Edit buttons even though the first item was
selected when opening the dialog.

* The system tray expand button would disappear from the dock if all system tray
icons were set to be hidden in Windows.

* It was possible to initiate a dock uncollapse operation while the dock was still
playing the collapse animation and vice-versa.

* Clicking on the icon reflection is now the same as clicking on the icon itself
for launching and right-click context menu operations.

* Enabling running indicators when the dock was already displaying the system tray
could result in Nexus crashing with an Access Violation error.

* The dock could disappear or become unresponsive after running a full screen
DirectX game.

* Values could under certain conditions be reported as 0 KB, 0 MB or 0 GB.

* Fixed issue in which the docks could stop responding after running a full screen


* Recycle Bin enumeration was still potentialy taking a long time at startup.

* Fixed problem where Nexus could delete the contents of the Nexus Ultimate Shelf.


Version 10.3 build 882 - March 29, 2010 - Bug Fix Release

* The separator between regular dock icons and the system tray wasn't always there.

* The new default separator bitmap was being used even on tiled dock backgrounds.

* It wasn't possible to access individual tray icons in groupped mode when not
using the magnify effect.

* The dock wasn't immediately displaying all the groupped tray icons when it

* When using the AfterGlow effect, the currently selected dock icon would keep
flashing after opening a context menu even when the mouse moved away from the dock.

* Nexus was still performing actions specific to some modules even if those modules
were not placed on the dock.

* Nexus might not repaint properly after exiting Hibernate.

* If a system tray or tasklist icon updated while dragging a floating dock on the
screen, the dock could switch orientation in mid-drag, which caused it to jump to
another position.

* Groupped systray icons were too blurred when magnified.

* The troubleshoot option 'Reset Dock Content' was also reseting the dock settings
to their default values.


Version 10.3 build 881 - March 27, 2010 - Official Release

New Features:

* The clock, Weather and Email Checker modules now glow while connecting to the
internet (behavior can be disabled in the settings dialog of each module).

* The WinAmp Internal Commands have been renamed to 'Media...' and are now able to
control the Windows Media Player as well.

* Added 'Enable/Disable Background Blur Effect' to the Effects sub-menu of the dock
context menu.

* Added 'Show/Hide System tray' and 'Show/Hide Running Programs' to the Insert
context menu.

* Removed the blank separator between normal and system tray icons in the dock when
the system tray expand button is also visible.

* Added 'Group Tray Icons' setting. A grid of 16x16 tray icons can now be groupped
together into a single dock icon.

* Nexus now uses a default separator bitmap if the dock skin does not have one.

* The 'Check Weather' button in the Weather Settings dialog could use the wrong
difference between location and UTC times (UTC Bias) when getting the weather for
locations in the US.

* Thumbnails of some files were showing up blank (transparent).

* Long dock icon labels no longer extend beyond the monitor edge.

* Fixed issue auto-installing themes, which could end up being installed at the
wrong location.

* The voice and sound schemes were being installed into the wrong location.

* The wrong icon was being displayed for unknown themes.


Version 10.3 build 878 - March 22, 2010 - Silent Update

New Features:

* You can now Browse, via right-click menus, shortcuts placed in the dock to
Virtual Shell Items such as My Computer.


* Fixed some issues with resolving certain icons and Internal Command icons.


Version 10.3 build 873 - March 18, 2010 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Japanese language file (incomplete).

* Added UAC Warning at startup if Nexus is running with elevated privileges.

* The Update Manager can now notify the user of, and install, new Language files.

* Added option to display the Windows system tray in Nexus to the Effects tab.


* Added option to always display all tray icons to the Effects tab.

* The Icon Browser dialog now displays a large 128x128 icon image when dealing with
a single icon file.
* The icons of modules/widgets such as the clock, recycler, etc..., can now be
directly specified by the user via the module's right-click context menu.

* Improved performance of displaying the system tray on a dock.

* Added option to select the Dock control icon color, replace it with a user
defined icon, or hide it altogether to the Appearance tab of the Dock Properties

* Added 'Dock Entry Properties' option to the right-click context menu of the
control icon, which allows the user to change the image of the dock control icon,
rename the dock and set the dock's activation hot key.

* Added 'Rename' option, to name the dock, to the right-click context menu of the
control icon.

* The image used for the Nexus control icon can also be set by dragging & dropping
an image file directly over the control icon.

* Reorganized right-click context menus in order to be more consistent between

different item types.

* Module and Internal Command names are now sorted alphabetically in the Item
Properties Editor dialog box regardless of the currently selected language.

* The 'Add New Item' context menu option now opens a sub-menu from where you can
quickly select the item type (or add via the Item Properties Editor as before).


* Added 'Lock/Unlock Icons' to the dock's control context menu.

* When the icons are locked a floating dock can now be dragged around the screen by
left clicking anywhere on the dock and dragging.

* Added option to 'Hide Windows taskbar at startup' to the General tab in


* Added option to open sub-menus on mouseover to the Advanced Settings dialog of

the Advanced tab in Preferences.

* Added new set of Weather icons made by Mark Gisis (aka. Teknofrik).

* You can now add multiple themes/skins in bulk via the AutoInstall feature.


* Re-arranged the Effects tab.

* Moved the 'Show running applications' setting from the Appearance tab to the
Effects tab.

* Re-arranged the Appearance tab

* Moved the "Launch applications with a single click...' setting to the Advanced
Settings dialog of the Advanced tab in Preferences.

* Re-arranged the Advanced Settings dialog.


* Dock was not repainting when magnified, with the cursor at the same position, and
a tasklist or system tray icon was updated.

* Nexus system tray icons now only signal a change when necessary, which prevents
the system tray from having to repaint every second.

* Should have fixed some problems with Nexus not starting at Windows startup.

* Showing or Hidding Desktop icons wasn't working properly under Windows 7 after
applying a theme in the Windows Personalize dialog, and the wallpaper could become


* The dock could stop magnifying when the mouse was over an icon and the dock
contents updated for some reason.

* Memory was being leaked every time a shortcut pointing to Windows Installer was

* The system tray was not reacting fast enough when expanding or collapsing it.

* Fixed potential bug which could cause icons in a dock to overlap if the dock
content was changed while magnifying.

* The Alignment sub-menu of the Control Icon was not aligning the dock correctly
because of changes in the previous version.

* A hung or non-responsive application could hang Nexus when changing wallpapers.


Version 10.1 build 856

- Feb 11, 2010 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Chinese (Traditional) language file.

* Added Czech language file.

* Added Danish language file.

* Added Russian language file.

* Native Nexus themes and 3rd party dock backgrounds are now listed under the same
'Themes' heading.
* When Importing, Nexus will automatically distinguish between native Winstep
themes and 3rd party dock themes. Only if there is a conflict will it ask for

* The user can now specify the folder used to save screenshots taken by the
'Capture Desktop' internal command in the Advanced Settings dialog of the Advanced
Preferences tab.

* Dock alignment is now by percentage and set via a slider.

* Made some minor improvements to the Icon Browser dialog.

* Improved the display of some system icons which appeared 'fuzzy' when using large
icon sizes.

* Added setting to the Advanced Behavior dialog not to flip the dock background for
docks at the top of the screen. This makes it possible to have a Leopard style dock
at the top of the screen looking like it does at the bottom.

* Added a warning to Nexus startup: if the number of items in the Recycle Bin take
10 or more seconds to enumerate, a warning pops up saying that the Recycle Bin is
too full and that it is causing Nexus to take a long time to start. If also asks
the user if he wants to empty the Recycle Bin and empties it if the answer is

* The Themes sub-menu in the Appearance & Sounds context menu now also lists 3rd
party dock themes.

* The Themes Manager in Preferences now automatically saves thumbnails of the theme
previews, which are later displayed when browsing themes in menus and dialogs.

* Added a 'Restore File Associations' button to the Troubleshoot dialog to restore

Winstep theme and license key file associations.


* Resized the Item Properties Editor dialog in order to show a larger icon.


* Fixed a few Internal Command icons that were not displaying properly under Vista.

* The 'New Folder' dialog still used the old UI and the text in it was not being

* The folder browser dialog popped up pointing to the wrong folder.

* Fixed icon remanining on screen when performing a drag & drop operation that
resulted in a prompt requiring user input to complete the operation.


* The icons of some shortcuts were not being resolved properly when dropped into

* Thumbnails of folders in Vista and above no longer appear as jagged icons.

* Thumbnails with alpha channels should now be displayed properly.

* Even after removing all instances of a particular module from the dock, like the
clock, for instance, it was still possible to have events related to that module
activating (such as the time being announced).

* Settings in the Advanced dialog of the Dock Position Preferences tab were not
being properly set or retrieved.

* Fixed Spanish translation that translated 'Settings' as 'Clock Settings'.

* Under Windows 7 the 'Show Windows Start Menu' internal command is now able to
keep the menu in the same screen position when using Search or All Programs,
although with a lot of flicker as the Start Menu tries to reposition itself back to
its original position. Functional but not pretty.

* RAM usage values in the system tray icon were all being reported as 0.


Version 9.12 build 850

- Dec 1, 2009 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added support for 3rd party tiled dock themes.

* Added support for multiple 3rd party dock backgrounds (i.e. single folder with
multiple backgrounds in it).

* Added support for nested 3rd party dock backgrounds (i.e. folders within folders,
which can happen when importing 3rd party dock backgrounds).

* Added support for separators of 3D 3rd party dock backgrounds.

* Where supported, background names of 3rd party themes are extracted from the
configuration files themselves instead of folder names.

* Added complete Dutch language file.

* Added item separator bitmap to the Leopard theme.


* Icon reflections were not being properly adjusted to the background tile if a
bitmap reflection mask was provided and the icon image had a size mismatch with the
maximum magnification size. The K-TEK4D1 to K-TEK4D5 tiles are examples of Nexus
themes were icon reflections are not allowed to show outside the tile background


Version 9.11 build 847 - Nov 26, 2009 - Emergency Update


* The Cancel button in Preferences was not working unless the user Applied the
changes first.


Version 9.11 build 846 - Nov 23, 2009 - Official Release

New Features:

* Added Hibernate and Sleep options to the Exit sub-menu.

* Shortcuts to virtual file system objects dropped onto the dock are now resolved
instead of stored as pointers to the shortcuts themselves.

* Added 'Change Icon' setting to the right-click context menu of dock items.

* Added a new theme setting, 'Maximized Offset', to prevent certain Nexus themes,
like Leopard, from reserving too much screen space when the dock is attached to a
screen edge and the 'Prevent Maximized Windows from overlapping the dock' setting
is set.

* Added Italian male and female voices.

* Added partial Italian and Dutch language files.


* Added a setting in the Misc.Advanced Settings panel that controls if the dock
pops up on mouseover or not and the popup delay (from 0 ms to 1000 ms).

* The appropriate user language (if available) is now selected by default when
running for the first time.


* Added missing functionality to the Save As and Delete buttons in the Sounds tab
in Preferences.

* Added Catalan language file.


* It is now possible to perform drag & drop operations on 'Browse Container' menus.


* Running indicators are now offset from the icons by a few pixels more.

* Adjusted the UI to make room for larger foreign text strings.


* It was possible to delete the dock by dragging the Nexus control icon into the
recycle bin. The control icon can no longer be dragged.

* Fixed problem where certain context menu options (such as My Computer's Manage)
resulted in an error under 64 bit windows.

* Shortcuts to 64 bit applications were not being resolved properly.

* Logitech's Setpoint software was causing painting problems on menus, docks,

etc..., on 64 bit systems.

* Changed the included Leopard Nexus theme to prevent it from reserving too much
screen space when the dock is attached to a screen edge and the 'Prevent Maximized
Windows from overlapping the dock' setting is set.

* Some settings were not being properly applied when exiting Preferences after a
Restore or Troubleshoot.


* Some settings were not being properly initialized on first run.


* Fixed problems with desktop icons losing focus when being selected after raising
the desktop with WIN+D.


* Fixed annoying flicker that happened when the mouse pointer exited the dock after
the desktop being raised (WIN+D).

* Setting some of the Sounds to <None> was not sticking.

* Fixed 64 bit redirection issues with 64 bit applications in the

\Windows\System32\ folder.


* Context menu options on file items of 'Browse Container' menus now work properly.


Version 9.8 build 836 - September 16, 2009 - Public Beta 3

New Features:

* Added German help file.

* Added Portuguese (Brazil) language file.


* Fixed a MAJOR bug where Nexus would stop responding to clicks on the
configuration tab headers after 35 days.


Version 9.7 build 834 - August 3, 2009 - Silent Update


* Changes to the Magnification Effect settings were not being applied.


Version 9.7 build 832 - August 2, 2009 - Silent Update


* The 'Always Open Folder in a Menu' setting was not working.


Version 9.7 build 831 - July 30, 2009 - Public Beta 2

New Features:

* Added dock icon spacing setting to the Appearance tab in Preferences.

* Added ability to lock icons and prevent them from being dragged.

* Added setting to prevent the auto-hide function from only kicking-in when another
window has the focus.

* Added setting to make the righ-click context menu of file and folder items in the
dock display all the options that would be displayed by Explorer.

* Added 'Browse Container' item to the right-click context menus of file items,
allowing you to browse the container folder in a menu.

* Added <Current Wallpaper> to the list of wallpapers available.

* You can now rename modules/docklets.

* Updated Weather.com's XML request string to work with the new requirements.

* The user can now specify Weather.com's source URL and XML request string in the
advanced dialog of the Weather Module settings. If Weather.com changes the format
of the request string again a new release should no longer be necessary to fix the
* Started using Interpolation Mode HighQualityBicubic instead of
HighQualityBilinear which improves the 'sharpness' of icons a little bit.

* Added 'Running' indicators for dock shortcuts to applications that are currently

* The Theme Preview in the Themes tab in Preferences now also displays the correct
skin for the clock and recycler modules.

* Customizable Left, middle and right click actions for running programs.


* Added 'Display confirmation dialog before deleting' setting to the Advanced

Settings dialog and to the Delete Confirmation dialog itself.

* Blank separator items no longer show a background when using a tiled theme.

* Added Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Farsi and Spanish languages.


* Moved the 'Hide Dock Control Icon' option from the Appearance and Settings sub-
menu into the main Nexus menu.

* Switched the 'Sounds' tab in Preferences with the 'Tasks' tab.


* Reduced a bit the font size used for the title of windows in the list of
currently running applications so more of long titles can fit.

* Improved the timing adjustment of the dock's sliding animation so it adjusts

itself to where it should be at a certain point in time.

* Icon reflections in vertical docks now take into account icon spacing, which
prevents the reflections from being horizontally cropped too soon with most themes.


* Removed 'Make Shelf from Folder' item that appeared on the context menu of folder
shortcuts in the dock.

* Renamed the 'Browse with NextSTART' item that appeared on the context menu of
folder shortcuts in the dock to 'Browse'and added the missing functionality.

* Fixed the broken click and hold feature which opens the contents of a folder
shortcut in the dock on a menu.

* The Net Out module was showing exactly the same values as 'Net In'.

* A dock set to an effect other than magnify could leave parts of it behind when
hiding into a screen edge.
* The 'Show Nexus icon in the system tray' option had no effect until Nexus was


* Blank METAR codes would always be replaced with the default NY METAR code on

* Fixed an issue in which the dock background would disappear when magnifying if it
was set to be semi-transparent.

* Fixed an issue in which a tiled dock background set to be semi-transparent would

display the magnified half of the tile fully opaque when magnifying.

* Right clicking on the dock's running applications separator did not pop up a
context menu.

* Running indicators were only appearing on shortcuts to applications that appeared

on the tasklist.

* The 'Run As Admin' in the Item Properties dialog and all the settings in the
Performance dialog always appeared cleared.


Version 9.5 build 823 - June 14, 2009 - Silent Update


* Fixed bug that could crash Nexus on startup when unzipping the default themes.


Version 9.5 build 821 - June 12, 2009 - Nexus 9.5 Public Beta 1

* Initial Nexus Release.


Multi-dock system (Winstep Xtreme version only).

Multi-level docks (Winstep Xtreme version only).
Skinnable context menus (Winstep Xtreme version only).
Live icon reflections.
Item magnification and other mouse over effects.
Multiple special effects.
Automatic semi-transparent background blur (Vista and Windows 7 only).
Auto-hide and auto-collapse.
In-dock modules/widgets.
Internal commands.
Full multi-monitor support.
Ability to reserve screen space.
Ability to respect screen space reserved by other applications.
Supports virtual file system objects.
Document thumbnails.
Completely customizable.
Full Drag & Drop support.
Extremely easy to use with intuitive interface.
Configuration backup and restore.
Multi language support.
Includes Update Manager to look for, download, and automatically install new
Quality and performance tested.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/ME/SE/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7.
500 Mhz or faster processor.
256 MB of RAM or more.
30 MB of free hard disk space or more.
Screen resolution of 800x600 or higher.
h intuitive interface.
Configuration backup and restore.
Multi language support.
Includes Update Manager to look for, download, and automatically install new
Quality and performance tested.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/ME/SE/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7.
500 Mhz or faster processor.
256 MB of RAM or more.
30 MB of free hard disk space or more.
Screen resolution of 800x600 or higher.

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