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Smoking And Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, or planning a baby, quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to safeguard your
own health as well as that of your baby. Smoking during pregnancy affects your baby’s health and your
own, before, during and after your baby is born. Nicotine, carbon monoxide and other toxic substances
that you inhale from a cigarette, reach your baby directly through your bloodstream, exposing your
unborn child to an increased risk of health problems that can affect them throughout their childhood and
into adulthood.

Pregnancy Complications Due To Smoking

Smoking can cause complications during your pregnancy such as:
 An increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and miscarriage
 An increased risk of hypertension, placental abnormalities and premature labour
 Lowered amount of oxygen available to you and your baby
 An increase in your baby’s heart rate
 Increased chances of your baby being born with low birth weight, developing respiratory
problems and having birth defects
 An increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Secondhand Smoke And Pregnancy

Regular exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of having a
stillbirth, low birth weight, birth defects and a host of other pregnancy complications. Babies with low
birth weight are more likely to have serious health problems than normal birth weight babies. What’s
more, babies and children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at a higher risk of developing
asthma, frequent lung and ear infections, allergies and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Quitting Smoking During Pregnancy

Remember that there is no “safe” level of smoking during pregnancy. Quitting smoking at any stage
during your pregnancy is the single best thing you can do for your baby. Even after just one day of not
smoking, your baby will get more oxygen. If this is your second baby, remember that even though you
may have smoked through your first pregnancy without any problems, it doesn’t mean that your second
pregnancy will be the same. Every time you smoke during pregnancy, you put your baby’s health at
Making the decision to quit smoking is the first step. Start by consulting your doctor or speak to a
trained counsellor who can guide you. Planning ahead and building a quitting strategy that will work for
you are the cornerstones to a successful quit journey. Make your home and car smoke-free zones and
get rid of your cigarettes, matches, lighters and ashtrays. Plan ahead on how you will deal with
your smoking triggers. Avoid people and situations that make you turn to smoking and spend time
instead with people who don’t smoke and in places where smoking is not allowed. Enlist the support of
your friends, family and loved ones to help you stay committed to quitting. You may have withdrawal
symptoms after you quit such as headaches, mood swings, appetite changes and cravings for

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cigarettes. Remember that these withdrawal symptoms are temporary; they are the strongest when you
first quit but they will subside within 10-14 days.

Relapse After The Baby’s Birth

If you quit smoking during pregnancy, there is a risk of postpartum relapse that you need to be aware
of. Life with a newborn baby can be stressful and you may be more vulnerable to relapsing during this
time. Reach out to your family and friends for help so you can stay smoke-free. Counselling is one of
the most effective ways to get support during this phase; seek out a trained counsellor who can help
you. Remember that smoking during breastfeeding exposes your baby to many toxic substances
through your breastmilk, as well as reduces your milk production. What’s more, smoking exposes your
child to several harmful health effects for years to come.
If you do relapse, don’t give up hope. Quitting smoking is not easy and most smokers have to try
multiple times before they can succeed. It’s perfectly alright to take some time to find the quit method
that works best for you. Don’t give up, every cigarette that you don’t smoke is helping you and your
baby be healthier.

Using Quit-Smoking Aids During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, quitting cold turkey may seem like your only option but there are other ways to quit.
Some people do consider using medication to help them quit, but the effect of using medication during
pregnancy has not been adequately researched. The use of nicotine replacement aids is safer than
smoking and this is an option offered by clinicians to pregnant women who want to quit smoking. There
are a lot of misperceptions about e-cigarettes, but one of the most dangerous of these is the false belief
that e-cigarettes are safe for pregnant women. The reality is that the toxic substances in e-cigarettes
are harmful to developing babies and pregnant women are strictly advised against vaping. Speak to
your doctor about your options to quit smoking, so you can decide on a course of action that’s best for
Quitting smoking during and after your pregnancy will help ensure that your baby h the best possible
start in life. Give your baby that chance and let your pregnancy be the beginning of a renewed, smoke-
free start for you and your family.

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