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Destruction and The Many Fires Worship

Purification of Kossuth
The role of fire in the world is
a complex one which is part of
Worshipers of Kossuth can bring forth
many and varied fires from Kossuth’s
every aspect of existence. Two
of the greatest aspects as
The Burning Fire Lord of
destruction and purification. Most well known is the fire that burns
with ferocious heat to aid the faithful.
The destructive power of fire is The Illuminating Fire
known to all and should be
equally feared and respected. This fire not only can drive back darkness
but also guide a safe path, banish trickery
and defeat the inveigler.
The counterpoint to this
destruction is the purification The Healing Fire
the flames can bring. Ore is Even the simple man knows that fire can
melted, food cooked, even water stop a wound from bleeding and festering
surrenders before fire to accept but Kossuth’s fire can cure all wounds,
poisons and ills.
fires purity.
The Spiritual Fire
And at life’s end only cremation
The fire of the soul can bring courage
can ensure the spiritual purity and solace to any who embrace its
to arrive in safely in Kossuth’s spiritual warmth.
Who is Kossuth? Importance of Fire Fair and Proper
Kossuth, Lord of Flames, The Heat Behaviour
Firelord is the greatest of all
the heat brought to this world All worshipers of the Lord of Fire are required
gods and primordial ruler of the Without
from Kossuth arms we would freeze in the to behave in accordance to His supreme
element of fire, the most winter and eat nought but raw meat and ordinance.
powerful of all elements. cold gruel. Living one day without
Respect your Betters
warmth can be deadly.
Those who have risen to a higher station than
Light you by just and proper means are due your respect
and obedience.
Be it the night, caves or basements it is
the guiding light brought forth by fire Pay a Fair Price
that grants us the power to go forth
wherever we take our Lord’s gift with us. Your coin will leave your purse when you
require another for provide a good or service.
Living one day with no light can be
Yet you will shame those who extort of inflate
deadly. their prices.

Demand a Fair Price

Anything you provide, be it a good or service,
All the enemies of Kossuth fear his fire should be met with satisfactory recompense.
because everyone knows you can defeat Charity merely breeds laziness and complacency.
any opponent if you just have a fire hot
enough. No castle can stand against it, Coin over Barter
Unlike the other lesser elemental pretenders all wild creatures fear it, the liar cannot
Coin is the prefered manner of payment but
to deific power Kossuth is a proactive God who deceive in its presence. Living one day
often even the devout can lack ready funds. In
guides and aids his devout followers at every defenceless can be deadly.
this case it is permitted to engage in the lesser
form of exchange known as barter.
No truly devout follower of Kossuth will ever
lack for his warmth.

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