Term End Assignment 360 Hours

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Term End Assignment 360 Hours

Question No 1.

Create a visual presentation (it can be Question 1 graph/chart/ power point/table

etc) elaborating the following points a. intrinsic motivating techniques you would
use to motivate yourself as a trainer (Please include ways that would motivate you
personally and also mention the benefit of using those techniques) AND b.
extrinsic motivating techniques that you would use to motivate your trainees.
Address both point (a) and (b) in your presentation.

And. Refer to attached PowerPoint presentation- term end assignment.pptx

Question No 2.

The first minutes of a training session are the most important ones. It is during that
time when the basis for the future learning as well as for the success of the whole
training, is laid. Design an introductory session of 20-30 minutes for the following
group of trainees. However, you must use a power point presentation as an aid to
make the session effective. You have been provided with the following
information about your trainees, which will help you in making the power point
presentation of the introductory session-

1. This will be their first time to a training session.

2. Introducing the trainer and trainees.

3. The group contains participants of various backgrounds and they hail from 8
different countries. Hence breaking the ice (ice-breaker) becomes essential.

4. Keep the power point presentation to 4-6 slides as this is just an introductory
session and not an entire training session.

Introduction Session

Sequence Criteria: Course Introduction (40mins)

Agenda: Explaining the trainees about business communication


Introduce Yourself: Introduction done via the ppt. make a rapport with the

Purpose: Business English speaking and communication skills are

important in today’s world as we all are globally
connected and work in global market. Thus a need for
globally used second language “English” learning is
necessary so as we do not get caught in communication

Objective: Mater the art of communication so as to grow and

develop professionally as well makes your organization
grow with your success.

Process: There will be three sessions per week of two hours.

Variety of courses will be designed to make you more
familiar with communication skills. You will see how it’s
applied. You will be provided ample of study material
and practical work to get fluent in this.

Experience: Ask them-

1. When did you first realize English communication is necessary?

2. How did you get to learn about English language first?
3. What language do you converse in with your family and friends?
4. Are you comfortable to talk in English with your family and
Applications: Ask them –

1. What do you expect to be equipped with at end of this course?

2. I believe you can do it. Do you believe?
3. I want you to write down how would you initiate a conversation
for next session with the person sitting next to you (Group of two

Reference ppt: Welcome to the course.pptx

Course Agenda

Start Time End Time Subject Comments

10.00am 10.05am Introduce myself.
10.05am 10.15am Let them Introduce
10.15am 10.20am Ask them what
they understand by
word business
10.20am 10.30am Highlight
significance of
10.30am 10.40am Ask them to write Assignment/practical
a conversation. work.
Question No 3.

Design a needs analysis questionnaire that the following candidates must fill up so
that you can frame an appropriate Business English Curriculum for them.
Candidate information:

• Fresh engineering graduates

• Inadequate Communication skills

• Hailing from small suburban towns

• To join Marketing and Sales team of a Multinational company


Name: ___________________________
Department: _______________________
Name of the college: _________________________
Date: _____________________________
Please put a tick mark in the column to answer the questions.
Communication Skills:
In the course of study, how 1 2 3 4 5
often are you expected to use (Weak) (Average) (Strong)
the following skills?



How often does the following 1 2 3 4 5
happen to you? (Weak) (Average) (Strong)

Have trouble wording what you

want to say quickly enough

Have trouble wording what you

want to say quickly enough
Not knowing how to say
something in English

Have difficulty with the

pronunciation of words
Find it difficult to join in

General Business Skills 1 2 3 4 5

(Weak) (Average) (Strong)
Meeting note taking


Communicating effectively
with groups or collaborative
Giving Presentations

Analyzing reports, contracts, etc

Interest in personal
Skill in using the phone systems

Able to execute managerial

1 2 3 4 5
Target Skills (Weak) (Average) (Strong)
Presentation /
Demonstration skills 

Discovering business

Negotiating skills 

Building trust

Adopting strategic

Customer buying
Customer relationship
Ability to work in a group
Knowledge on marketing
Exposure to the field
during the course of study

Thank you.

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