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Tilapia (/tɪˈlɑːpiə/ tih-LAH-pee-ə) is the common name for nearly a hundred
species of cichlid fish from the coelotilapine, coptodonine, heterotilapine,
oreochromine, pelmatolapiine and tilapiine tribes (formerly all were in
Tilapiini), with the economically most important species placed in
Coptodonini and Oreochromini.[2] Tilapia are mainly freshwater fish
inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, and less commonly
found living in brackish water. Historically, they have been of major
importance in artisanal fishing in Africa, and they are of increasing
importance in aquaculture and aquaponics. Tilapia can become a problematic Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
invasive species in new warm-water habitats such as Australia,[3] whether
deliberately or accidentally introduced, but generally not in temperate
climates due to their inability to survive in cold water.

Tilapia is the fourth-most consumed fish in the United States dating back to
2002. The popularity of tilapia came about due to its low price, easy
preparation, and mild taste.[4]

Global harvest of tilapia in million tonnes

as reported by the FAO, 1950–2009[1]
Exotic and invasive species
Aquarium species
Commercial species
As food
Miscellaneous uses
See also
Further reading
External links

The aquaculture of Nile tilapia goes back to Ancient Egypt, where it was represented by the hieroglyph K1, of the
Gardiner list: 𓆛

Tilapia was a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian art, and was in addition associated with Hathor. It was also said to
accompany and protect the sun god on his daily journey across the sky. Tilapia painted on tomb walls, reminds us of
spell 15 of the Book of the Dead by which the deceased hopes to take his place in the sun boat: "You see the tilapia in its
[true] form at the turquoise pool", and "I behold the tilapia in its [true] nature guiding the speedy boat in its waters."[5] 1/10
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Tilapia were one of the three main types of fish caught in Talmudic times from the
Sea of Galilee, specifically the Galilean comb (Sarotherodon galilaeus). Today, in
Modern Hebrew, the fish species is called amnoon (probably a compound of am
"mother" and noon "fish"). In English, it is sometimes known by the name "St.
Peter's fish", which comes from the story in the Gospel of Matthew about the
apostle Peter catching a fish that carried a coin in its mouth, though the passage
does not name the fish.[6] While the name also applies to Zeus faber, a marine fish
not found in the area, a few tilapia species (Sarotherodon galilaeus, Oreochromis
aureus, Coptodon zillii and Tristramella) are found in the Sea of Galilee, where the
author of the Gospel of Matthew recounts the event took place. These species have
been the target of small-scale artisanal fisheries in the area for thousands of

The common name 'tilapia' is based on the name of the cichlid genus Tilapia, which
The Tomb of Nakht, from 1500 BC, is itself a latinization of thlapi, the Tswana word for "fish".[9] Scottish zoologist
contains a tilapia hieroglyph just
Andrew Smith named the genus in 1840.[10]
above the head of the central figure.

Tilapia typically have laterally compressed, deep bodies. Like other cichlids, their
lower pharyngeal bones are fused into a single tooth-bearing structure. A complex
set of muscles allows the upper and lower pharyngeal bones to be used as a second
set of jaws for processing food (cf. morays), allowing a division of labor between the
"true jaws" (mandibles) and the "pharyngeal jaws". This means they are efficient
feeders that can capture and process a wide variety of food items.[11] Their mouths
are protrusible, usually bordered with wide and often swollen lips. The jaws have
conical teeth. Typically, tilapia have a long dorsal fin, and a lateral line which often
breaks towards the end of the dorsal fin, and starts again two or three rows of scales Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
below. Some Nile tilapia can grow as long as 2.0 ft.[12]

Other than their temperature sensitivity, tilapia exist in or can adapt to a very wide range of conditions. An extreme
example is the Salton Sea, where tilapia introduced when the water was merely brackish now live in salt concentrations
so high that other marine fish cannot survive.[13]

Tilapia are also known to be a mouth-brooding species, which means they carry the fertilized eggs and young fish in
their mouths for several days after the yolk sac is absorbed.[12]

Gallery 2/10
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Men fishing for tilapia

Lake Naivasha, Kenya

Giant kingfisher with tilapia

Lake Naivasha

African fish eagle with tilapia

Lake Naivasha

Historically, all tilapia have been included in their namesake genus Tilapia.[2] In recent decades, some were moved into
a few other genera, notably Oreochromis,[14] and Sarotherodon.[15] Even with this modification, it was apparent that
Tilapia was strongly poly– or paraphyletic.[16] In 2013, a major taxonomic review resolved this by moving most former
Tilapia to several other genera. As a consequence, none of the species that are of major economic importance remain in
Tilapia, but are instead placed in Coptodon, Oreochormis and Sarotherodon.[2]

Exotic and invasive species

Tilapia have been used as biological controls for certain aquatic plant problems. They have a preference for a floating
aquatic plant, duckweed (Lemna sp.) but also consume some filamentous algae.[17] In Kenya, tilapia were introduced to
control mosquitoes, which were causing malaria, because they consume mosquito larvae, consequently reducing the 3/10
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numbers of adult female mosquitoes, the vector of the disease.[18] These benefits are, however, frequently outweighed
by the negative aspects of tilapia as an invasive species.[19]

Tilapia are unable to survive in temperate climates because they require warm water. The pure strain of the blue tilapia,
Oreochromis aureus, has the greatest cold tolerance and dies at 45 °F (7 °C), while all other species of tilapia die at a
range of 52 to 62 °F (11 to 17 °C). As a result, they cannot invade temperate habitats and disrupt native ecologies in
temperate zones; however, they have spread widely beyond their points of introduction in many fresh and brackish
tropical and subtropical habitats, often disrupting native species significantly.[20] Because of this, tilapia are on the
IUCN's 100 of the World's Worst Alien Invasive Species list.[21] In the United States, tilapia are found in much of the
south, especially Florida and Texas, and as far north as Idaho, where they survive in power-plant discharge zones.[22]
Tilapia are also currently stocked in the Phoenix, Arizona canal system as an algal growth-control measure. Many state
fish and wildlife agencies in the United States, Australia, South Africa, and elsewhere consider them to be invasive

Aquarium species

Larger tilapia species are generally poor community aquarium fish because they eat plants, dig up the bottom, and race
with other fish. However, the larger species are often raised as a food source, because they grow rapidly and tolerate
high stocking densities and poor water quality.

Smaller West African species, such as Coelotilapia joka and species from the crater lakes of Cameroon, are more
popular. In specialised cichlid aquaria, tilapia can be mixed successfully with nonterritorial cichlids, armored catfish,
tinfoil barbs, garpike, and other robust fish. Some species, including Heterotilapia buttikoferi, Coptodon rendalli,
Pelmatolapia mariae, C. joka and the brackish-water Sarotherodon melanotheron, have attractive patterns and are
quite decorative.[24]

Commercial species

Tilapia were originally farmed in their native Africa and Levant. Fast-growing, tolerant of stocking density, and
adaptable, tilapia have been introduced to and are farmed extensively in many parts of Asia and are increasingly
common aquaculture targets elsewhere.

Principal commercial tilapia species

Common Scientific Maximum Common Maximum Maximum Trophic Fish IUCN
name name length length weight age level Base status
Nile tilapia niloticus 60 cm cm 4.324 kg 9 years 2.0 [25] [26][27] [28] Not assessed
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Blue tilapia aureus 45.7 cm 16 cm 2.010 kg years 2.1 [29] [30] Not assessed

Nile tilapia + blue tilapia hybrid cm cm kg years

Oreochromis Near
Mozambique [31] [32] [33]
mossambicus 39 cm 35 cm 1.130 kg 11 years 2.0
(Peters, 1852) threatened[34]


Farmed tilapia production in 2002 worldwide was about 1.5 million tonnes (1.5 million long tons; 1.7 million short tons)
annually, with an estimated value of US$1.8 billion,[36] about equal to those of salmon and trout.

Unlike carnivorous fish, tilapia can feed on algae or any plant-based food. This reduces the cost of tilapia farming,
reduces fishing pressure on prey species, avoids concentrating toxins that accumulate at higher levels of the food chain,
and makes tilapia the preferred "aquatic chickens" of the trade.[37] 4/10
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Because of their large size, rapid

Global harvest of tilapia species in million tonnes
growth, and palatability, tilapia
as reported by the FAO, 1950–2009 [35]
cichlids are the focus of major
farming efforts, specifically
various species of Oreochromis,
Sarotherodon, and Coptodon (all
were formerly in the namesake
genus Tilapia).[2] Like other large
fish, they are a good source of
protein and popular among
artisanal and commercial
↑ Wild capture fisheries. Most such fisheries were
originally found in Africa, but
outdoor fish farms in tropical
countries, such as Papua New
Guinea, the Philippines, and
Indonesia, are underway in Red nile tilapia under
freshwater lakes.[38] In temperate experimentation in CLSU,
zone localities, tilapiine farming Philippines
operations require energy to warm
the water to tropical
↑ Aquaculture production
temperatures. One method uses waste heat from factories and power

At 1.3 million tonnes per annum, China is the largest tilapia producer
in the world, followed by Egypt with 0.5 million.[40] The US, by comparison, produces 10 thousand tonnes against a
consumption of 2.5 million.[35]

In modern aquaculture, wild-type Nile tilapia are not too often seen, as the dark color of their flesh is not much desired
by many customers, and because it has a bit of a reputation of being a rough fish associated with poverty.[41] However,
they are fast-growing and give good fillets; leucistic ("red") breeds which have lighter meat have been developed and are
very popular.

Hybrid stock is also used in aquaculture; Nile × blue tilapia hybrids are usually rather dark, but a light-colored hybrid
breed known as "Rocky Mountain White" tilapia is often grown due to its very light flesh and tolerance of low

Commercially grown tilapia are almost exclusively male. This is typically done by adding male sex hormone in the food
to the tilapia fry, causing any potential female tilapia to change sex to male.[27][42] It can also be achieved through
hybridization of certain tilapia species or the use of so-called "supermales" that have homozygous male sex
chromosomes (resulting in all their offspring receiving a male sex chromosome and thus becoming males).[42][43] Males
are preferred because they grow much faster than females.[27] Additionally, because tilapia are prolific breeders, the
presence of female tilapia results in rapidly increasing populations of small fish, rather than a stable population of
harvest-size animals.[44]

Other methods of tilapia population control are polyculture, with predators farmed alongside tilapia or hybridization
with other species.[45]

As food
Whole tilapia fish can be processed[46] into skinless, boneless (pin-bone out) fillets: the yield is from 30 to 37%,
depending on fillet size and final trim.[47][48] In some of the commercial strains, the yield has been reported up to 47%
at harvest weight.[49][50]

Tilapia is one of several commercially important aquaculture species (including trout, barramundi and channel catfish)
susceptible to off flavors. These 'muddy' or 'musty' flavors are normally caused by geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol,
organic products of ubiquitous cyanobacteria that are often present or bloom sporadically in water bodies and soil.[51] 5/10
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These flavors are no indication of freshness or safety of the fish, but they make the
product unattractive to consumers. Simple quality control procedures are known to
be effective in ensuring the quality of fish entering the market.

Tilapia have very low levels of mercury,[52] as they are fast-growing, lean, and
short-lived, with a primarily vegetarian diet, so do not accumulate mercury found
in prey.[53] Tilapia are low in saturated fat, calories, carbohydrates, and sodium,
and are a good protein source. They also contain the micronutrients phosphorus,
niacin, selenium, vitamin B12, and potassium.[54]
Escabeche fresh tilapia
Some research has found that tilapia may be a less nutritious fish than generally
believed. The Wake Forest University School of Medicine released a report in 2008
showing that the fish's omega-3 fatty acid content is often far lower than that of
other commonly eaten fish species. The same study also showed that their omega-6
fatty acid levels were unusually high. Multiple studies have evaluated the effects of
adding flaxseed derivatives (a vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids) to the feed of
farmed tilapia. These studies have found both the more common omega-3 fatty acid
found in the flax, ALA and the two types almost unique to animal sources (DHA
and EPA), increased in the fish fed this diet.[55][56] Guided by these findings, tilapia
farming techniques could be adjusted to address the nutritional criticisms directed
at the fish while retaining its advantage as an omnivore capable of feeding on
economically and environmentally inexpensive vegetable protein. Adequate diets Redbelly tilapia, Tilapia zillii ("St.
for salmon and other carnivorous fish can alternatively be formulated from protein Peter's fish") from the Sea of Galilee
sources such as soybean, although soy-based diets may also change in the balance served in a Tiberias restaurant
between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.[57]

Miscellaneous uses
Tilapia serve as a natural, biological control for most aquatic plant problems.
Tilapia consume floating aquatic plants, such as duckweed watermeal (Lemna sp.),
most "undesirable" submerged plants, and most forms of algae.[58] In the United
States and countries such as Thailand, they are becoming the plant-control method
of choice, reducing or eliminating the use of toxic chemicals and heavy metal-based

Tilapia rarely compete with other "pond" fish for food. Instead, because they
consume plants and nutrients unused by other fish species and substantially reduce
oxygen-depleting detritus, adding tilapia often increases the population, size, and Tilapia, young and mature, of Tamil
health of other fish. They are used for zoo ponds as a source of food for birds. Nadu

Tilapia can be farmed together with shrimp in a symbiotic manner, positively

enhancing the productive output of both.

Arkansas stocks many public ponds and lakes to help with vegetation control, favoring tilapia as a robust forage species
and for anglers.

In Kenya, tilapia help control mosquitoes which carry malaria parasites. They consume mosquito larvae, which reduces
the numbers of adult females, the disease's vector.[18]

In Brazil, tilapia fish skin applied as a bandage is being used in a new clinical trial to treat burn injuries.[59] In the
United States, tilapia skin has been used to successfully treat third-degree wounds to the paws of two black bears caught
in California's Thomas wildfire,[60][61] and also to treat burns on the paws of a black bear from California's Carr

Parasites 6/10
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As with most fish, tilapia harbor a variety of parasites. For the monogeneans, these especially include species of the
megadiverse genus Cichlidogyrus, which are gill parasites. Species of Enterogyrus are parasites in the digestive system.
Tilapia, as important aquaculture fishes, have been introduced widely all over the world, and often carried their
monogenean parasites with them. In South China, a 2019 study has shown that nine species of monogeneans were
carried by introduced tilapia.[63]

See also
Tilapia in aquaculture

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63. Zhang, Shuai; Zhi, Tingting; Xu, Xiangli; Zheng, Yingying; Bilong Bilong, Charles Félix; Pariselle, Antoine; Yang,
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Further reading
Logan, Cheryl A.; Alter, S. Elizabeth; Haupt, Alison J.; Tomalty, Katharine; Palumbi, Stephen R. (2008). "An
impediment to consumer choice: Overfished species are sold as Pacific red snapper". Biological Conservation. 141
(6): 1591–1599. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.04.007 ( ISSN 0006-
3207 (
FAO Fishery Information, Data & Statistics Service (1993). "Aquaculture production (1985-1991)". FAO Fisheries
Circular. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 815: 20–21.
Trewavas, Ethelwynn (1983). Tilapiine fish of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia. London: British
Museum (Natural History). ISBN 0-565-00878-1.
McCrary, Jeffrey K; Castro, Mark; McKaye, Kenneth R. (2005). "Mercury in Fish From Two Nicarguan Lakes: A
Recommendation for Increased Monitoring of Fish for International Commerce" (
03195646/ (PDF). Environmental Pollution. pp. 513–
518. Archived from the original ( (PDF) on 2011-10-03.

External links
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