Ecology and Economics For Pandemic Prevention

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about $1 billion supported land-use zoning,

P OLICY FORUM market and credit restrictions, and state-

of-the-science satellite monitoring. Brazil’s
ECOLOGY AND ECONOMICS: COVID-19 program reduced forest fragmentation and
edge at a lower cost than could have been

Ecology and economics for achieved by carbon-pricing approaches (9).

Several estimates of the effectiveness and
cost of strategies to reduce tropical defor-

pandemic prevention estation are available (8, 9). At an annual

cost of $9.6 billion, direct forest-protection
payments to outcompete deforestation eco-
Investments to prevent tropical deforestation and to limit nomically could achieve a 40% reduction in
wildlife trade will protect against future zoonosis outbreaks areas at highest risk for virus spillover [see
supplementary materials (SM)]. Multiple
payment-for-ecosystem-services programs
By Andrew P. Dobson1, Stuart L. Pimm2, Lee to contact wildlife when more than 25% demonstrate the effectiveness of this ap-
Hannah3, Les Kaufman4, Jorge A. Ahumada3, of the original forest cover is lost (4), and proach. At the low end, widespread adop-
Amy W. Ando5, Aaron Bernstein6, Jonah Busch7, such contacts determine the risk of disease tion of the earlier Brazil policy model could
Peter Daszak8, Jens Engelmann9, Margaret F. transmission. Pathogen transmission de- achieve the same reduction for only $1.5
Kinnaird10, Binbin V. Li11, Ted Loch-Temzelides12, pends on the contact rate, the abundance billion annually by removing subsidies that

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Thomas Lovejoy13, Katarzyna Nowak14, of susceptible humans and livestock, and favor deforestation, restricting private land
Patrick R. Roehrdanz3, Mariana M. Vale15 the abundance of infected wild hosts. Con- clearing, and supporting territorial rights
tact rates vary with the perimeter (the of indigenous peoples. All require national

or a century, two new viruses per year length of the forest edge) between forest motivation and political will. Strong public
have spilled from their natural hosts and nonforest. Deforestation tends to cre- support for similar deforestation-preven-
into humans (1). The MERS, SARS, ate checkerboards, whereupon we see a tion policies may emerge in other countries
and 2009 H1N1 epidemics, and the maximum perimeter at a 50% level of for- recovering from COVID-19’s devastation.
HIV and coronavirus disease 2019 est conversion. Thereafter, the abundance
(COVID-19) pandemics, testify to of domestic animals and humans rapidly WILDLIFE TRADE SPILLOVER
their damage. Zoonotic viruses infect peo- exceeds that of wild animals, so although Global demand for wildlife causes people
ple directly most often when they handle we expect transmission to decline, the to enter forests to collect wildlife for sale in
live primates, bats, and other wildlife (or magnitude of any resultant outbreak is markets in urban and rural areas. In cities,
their meat) or indirectly from farm ani- higher (4). Habitat fragmentation compli- where people have diverse options for pro-
mals such as chickens and pigs. The risks cates this because it increases the length of tein, bushmeat is a luxury bought to show
are higher than ever (2, 3) as increasingly the perimeter. Roadbuilding, mining and status, and occasionally for cultural reasons.
intimate associations between humans logging camps, expansion of urban cen- COVID-19 is the huge price society now pays
and wildlife disease reservoirs accelerate ters and settlements, migration and war, for such encounters with wild species.
the potential for viruses to spread glob- and livestock and crop monocultures have Wildlife markets and the legal and ille-
ally. Here, we assess the cost of monitoring led to increasing virus spillovers. Hunting, gal wildlife trade bring live and dead wild
and preventing disease spillover driven by transport, farming, and trade of wildlife animals into contact with hunters, traders,
the unprecedented loss and fragmentation for food, pets, and traditional medicine consumers, and all those involved in this
of tropical forests and by the burgeoning compound these routes of transmission commerce. Trade follows global consumer
wildlife trade. Currently, we invest rela- and closely track deforestation. For ex- demand. The United States is one of the big-
tively little toward preventing deforestation ample, bats are the probable reservoirs of gest global importers of wildlife, including
and regulating wildlife trade, despite well- Ebola, Nipah, SARS, and the virus behind for the massive exotic pet industry (10). The
researched plans that demonstrate a high COVID-19. Fruit bats (Pteropodidae in the transit conditions, lack of health screen-
return on their investment in limiting zoo- Old World, the genus Artibeus in the New ing at import, and warehouses that store
noses and conferring many other benefits. World) are more likely to feed near human animals before and after import are simi-
As public funding in response to COVID-19 settlements when their forest habitats are lar to live animal markets, all conducive to
continues to rise, our analysis suggests that disturbed; this has been a key factor in spreading diseases.
the associated costs of these preventive ef- viral emergence in West Africa, Malaysia, Some countries have wildlife farming
forts would be substantially less than the Bangladesh, and Australia (5–7). industries intended to prevent overhunt-
economic and mortality costs of responding The clear link between deforestation ing of wild species while meeting market
to these pathogens once they have emerged. and virus emergence suggests that a major demands for protein and appealing to cul-
effort to retain intact forest cover would tural traditions. In China, wildlife farming
REDUCING DEFORESTATION have a large return on investment even if its is a ~$20 billion industry employing some
Tropical forest edges are a major launch- only benefit was to reduce virus emergence 15 million people (11). With the February
pad for novel human viruses. Edges arise events. The largest-scale example of directed 2020 announcement by the Standing
as humans build roads or clear forests for deforestation reduction comes from Brazil Committee of the National People’s
timber production and agriculture. Hu- between 2005 and 2012. Deforestation in Congress of a ban on wildlife consump-
mans and their livestock are more likely the Amazon dropped by 70%, yet produc- tion for food and related trade in China,
tion of the region’s dominant soy crop still there are ongoing discussions on phasing
See supplementary materials for authors’ affiliations. increased (8). International contributions, out this industry. The justification is that
Email:, complemented by an Amazon Fund, of it creates risks for disease emergence and

SCIENCE 24 JULY 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6502 379

Published by AAAS

that the health and safety regu- Summary of prevention costs, benefits, EARLY DETECTION
lations associated with farming AND CONTROL
wild animals are often insuffi-
and break-even probability change There is substantial underre-
cient. Laws to ban the national ITEM VALUES (2020 $) porting of exposure to zoonotic
and international trade of high- diseases. Correcting this would
risk disease reservoir species, Expenditures on preventive measures provide major opportunities for
and the will to sustain their Annual funding for monitoring wildlife trade (CITES+) $250–$750 M prevention. Nipah virus was dis-
enforcement, are necessary and Annual cost of programs to reduce spillovers $120–$340 M covered in 1998, originating in
precautionary steps to prevent fruit bats, and caused a massive
Annual cost of programs for early detection and control $217–$279 M
zoonotic disease. Regulations outbreak of respiratory illness in
must keep primates, bats, pan- Annual cost of programs to reduce spillover via livestock $476–$852 M pigs and lethal encephalitis in
golins, civets, and rodents out Annual cost of reducing deforestation by half $1.53–$9.59 B people in Malaysia (6). Sentinel
of markets. surveillance in Bangladesh hospi-
Annual cost of ending wild meat trade in China $19.4 B
International conventions such tals revealed multiple annual case
as the Convention on International TOTAL GROSS PREVENTION COSTS (C) $22.0–$31.2 B clusters and outbreaks with an
Trade in Endangered Species of average case fatality rate of 70%.
Fauna and Flora (CITES) deal with Ancillary beneft of prevention Similarly, SARS and COVID-19
only a part of the problem. They, emerged as outbreaks of respi-
Social cost of carbon $36.5/tonne
regional networks, and national ratory disease in Guangdong
agencies monitoring wildlife trade Annual CO emissions reduced from 50% less deforestation 118 Mt and Wuhan, China, respectively.

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and enforcing regulations are se- Ancillary benefts from reduction in CO2 emissions $4.31 B Serological surveys of people in
verely underfunded. Regional rural Yunnan province showed
wildlife enforcement networks that 3% had antibodies to simi-
(WENs) could be strengthened to lar virus species from their prin-
form part of an effective response Damages from COVID-19 cipal reservoir, horseshoe bats
frontier to future pandemic pre- Lost GDP in world from COVID-19 $5.6 T (Rhinolophus spp.) (12).
vention. The annual budget of one Value of a statistical life (V) adjusted for COVID-19 $5.34 M or $10.0 M To quantify and reduce the risk
WEN, hosted by the Association mortality structure of spillover of pathogens requires
for Southeast Asian Nations, is Total COVID-19 world mortality (QD) forecast 590,643
viral discovery in wildlife and
$30,000 (see SM). CITES’s an- by 28 July 2020, 50th percentile with 95% error bounds [473,209, 1,019,078] testing of human and livestock
nual budget is a mere $6 mil- populations in regions of high dis-
Value of deaths in world from COVID-19 = QD × V
lion. Its secretariat has recently ease emergence risk. For example,
Lowest ($5.34 M × 2.5th percentile mortality forecast) $2.5 T
stated that zoonotic diseases are the Wellcome Trust VIZIONS pro-
outside of CITES’s mandate; they Middle ($10 M × 50th percentile mortality forecast) $5.9 T gram tested wildlife, humans, and
are certainly outside its current Highest ($10 M × 97.5th percentile mortality forecast) $10.2 T livestock for known pathogens in
budget. Helping to prevent the rural Vietnam. The U.S. Agency
next outbreak might include rais- for International Development
ing WENs’ budgets for regional Lowest ($5.34 M × 2.5th percentile mortality forecast) $8.1 T (USAID) PREDICT project ana-
responses while at the same time Middle ($10 M × 50th percentile mortality forecast) $11.5 T lyzed the spillover of viruses in
developing globally coordinated people with high wildlife con-
Highest ($10 M × 97.5th percentile mortality forecast) $15.8 T
protocols to increase the WENs’ tact in 31 countries. PREDICT
capacity in wildlife health screen- included community education
ing. Although there is no global The break-even change in annual probability of pandemic satisfies C = DP × D, programs to raise awareness of
where P0 = benchmark probability of pandemic; P1 = probability of pandemic with
agency with a remit to conduct zoonotic risk and reduce con-
prevention efforts in place; DP = P0 – P1; and %DP = (DP/P0) × 100.
surveillance on the wildlife trade, tact with wildlife. It worked to
If P0 = 0.01, C = $30.7 B, and D = $11.5 T (most likely scenario, ignoring ancillary benefits
we estimated the costs of such an of CO2 reductions), prevention results in net benefits if it decreases P by 26.7% to prevent spillover through iden-
effort by considering the annual P1 = 0.00733. Using other values of C, D, and P results in %DP ranging from 11.8% to tification of high-risk behaviors
operating budget of the World 75.7%; only one scenario has a %DP exceeding 50%. See supplementary materials. and used serology surveys to ex-
Organization for Animal Health amine seasonal patterns of risk.
(OIE), which has a remit to assess disease risk ing wildlife. These are food security issues Interventions included use of bamboo skirts
in livestock trade without conducting testing. that governments and development agen- to reduce Nipah virus contamination of palm
We then added costs of large-scale disease cies should confront. Where needed, they sap, increased biosecurity at livestock farms
surveillance in wildlife, scaled to the global must include education and awareness on to reduce wildlife-livestock-human contact,
volume of wildlife trade (see SM). animal handling, sanitation, and disease promotion of handwashing, and wearing of
Restricting access to wildlife for food transmission as well as sustainable wildlife personal protective equipment when in close
and other uses must consider indigenous management and support to develop vil- contact with wildlife. It reduced the capacity
peoples and those in remote communities lage-level alternative foods. Legal hunting of wildlife to shed virus at interfaces by clos-
for whom wildlife provides essential pro- and marketing of wildlife that meets basic ing high-risk bat caves.
tein. In some parts of the world, reliance nutritional requirements sustainably can Costs of measures to prevent spillover
on migratory wildlife such as caribou and be regulated to reduce the risk of emerg- vary. USAID PREDICT spent $200 million
salmon motivates stewardship of large ex- ing pandemics. Over time, culturally sen- over 10 years. This cost compares favorably
panses of habitat. Although the right to sitive measures could ensure indigenous with the $1.2 billion for the Global Virome
traditional diets should be upheld, people people’s access to healthy diets and reduce Project, a 10-year project designed to iden-
can nonetheless be at risk from harvest- pandemic risks. tify 70% of the unknown potentially zoo-

380 24 JULY 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6502 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
notic viruses in wildlife globally. Although billions of dollars, proposals dealing with the direction of making it hard to find that
we have proof of concept for the discovery livestock’s roles in pandemics are among prevention is likely to be worthwhile—and
of disease with potential for emergence, for the most advanced and ambitious of yet that is our finding. Future studies could
the identification of active spillover, and those being seriously considered. We have narrow uncertainties in the costs and ef-
for programs that reduce risk, research is known about these risks longer (e.g., in- ficacy of those strategies and pinpoint the
needed to quantify the return on invest- fluenza) and can control farm biosecurity most cost-effective suite of actions. A full
ment for these programs. Pilot programs more easily than wildlife contact in trade cost-benefit analysis of pandemic preven-
should prioritize indicators that allow bet- or at forest edges. tion could track the flows of prevention
ter assessment of the costs and benefits of costs over time, allow for intertemporal
risk reduction (see SM). CONCLUSIONS dependences, and model the pandemics
After spillover, a second critical window The actions we outline can help to prevent prevented as products of a distribution of
of opportunity is the prevention of larger future zoonotic pandemics before they disease events that are not all as severe as
outbreaks (2). Early cases of HIV/AIDS, start. Monitoring alone would realize sub- COVID-19. Our findings make clear that this
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Nipah vi- stantial cost savings, even in the context of research effort is warranted, because the
rus, SARS, and COVID-19 went undetected pandemic outbreaks much less severe than net benefits of stopping pandemics before
for weeks, months, or years (HIV) before COVID-19 (14). The gross estimated costs of they start could be enormous.
pathogen identification. Lags in identifi- the actions we propose total $22 to $31 bil- We recognize that as the world emerges
cation have decreased, but this varies geo- lion per year (see the table). Reduced defor- from the COVID-19 pandemic, economic
graphically. In lower-income countries, estation has the ancillary benefit of around priorities may shift to deal with soaring
large outbreaks with substantial mortality $4 billion per year in social benefits from demands from unemployment, chronic dis-

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often go undiagnosed, particularly when reduced greenhouse gas emissions, so net eases, bankruptcies, and severe financial
symptoms mimic those of other known dis- prevention costs range from $18 to $27 bil- hardship of public institutions. Nonetheless,
eases. Pilot projects are under way in clin- lion per year. In comparison, COVID-19 has there is substantial evidence that the rate of
ics in many rural regions to identify the shown us the immense potential cost of a emergence of novel diseases is increasing
etiology of cases with similar symptoms pandemic. The world may lose at least $5 (2, 3) and that their economic impacts are
(syndromic surveillance). For example, a trillion in GDP in 2020, and the willingness also increasing. Postponing a global strat-
pilot project costing $200,000 per year for to pay for the lives lost constitutes many egy to reduce pandemic risk would lead to
syndromic surveillance for Nipah virus in additional trillions (see SM). These costs continued soaring costs. Given the barrage
Bangladesh hospitals resulted in a factor exclude the rising tally of morbidity, deaths of costly emerging diseases in the past 20
of 3 increase in the detection of spillover from other causes due to disrupted medical years, we urge that stimulus and other re-
events (13). The U.S. National Institute of systems, and the loss to society of foregone covery funding include the strategies we
Allergy and Infectious Diseases is launching activities due to social distancing. have laid out to reduce pandemic risk. Soci-
a series of Centers for Research in Emerging To justify the costs of prevention, a year’s ety must strive to avoid some of the impacts
Infectious Diseases. Contracts for this work worth of these preventive strategies would of future pandemics. j
are expected at $1.5 million per year, focus- only need to reduce the likelihood of an-
ing on specific high-risk viral zoonoses in other pandemic like COVID-19 in the next
1. M. Woolhouse, F. Scott, Z. Hudson, R. Howey, M. Chase-
emerging disease hotspots. Detection and year by about 27% below baseline prob- Topping, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B 367, 2864 (2012).
control programs targeting outbreaks in ability in the most likely scenario, even ig- 2. J. O. Lloyd-Smith et al., Science 326, 1362 (2009).
their early stages would result in consid- noring the ancillary benefits of carbon se- 3. K. E. Jones et al., Nature 451, 990 (2008).
erable savings by reducing morbidity and questration. We explored eight alternative 4. C. L. Faust et al., Ecol. Lett. 21, 471 (2018).
5. J. Olivero et al., Sci. Rep. 7, 14291 (2017).
mortality. A priority is to identify indicators scenarios with varied assumptions drawn 6. J. R. C. Pulliam et al., J. R. Soc. Interface 9, 89 (2012).
of risk reduction as pilot programs roll out from the highest and lowest values of both 7. R. K. Plowright et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 278, 3703 (2011).
and to calculate the costs, cost savings, and prevention costs and pandemic damages, 8. D. Nepstad et al., Science 344, 1118 (2014).
benefits of expanding them. and assuming that extreme pandemics oc- 9. J. Busch, J. Engelmann, Environ. Res. Lett. 13, 015001
cur either once every 100 years or once
10. K. F. Smith et al., Science 324, 594 (2009).
FARMED ANIMAL SPILLOVER every 200 years. In all scenarios but one, 11. Report on Sustainable Development Strategy of China’s
Livestock are critical reservoirs and links prevention need only reduce the probabil- Wildlife Farming Industry (Consulting Research Project
in emergent diseases. H5N1 influenza ity of a pandemic by less than half, and in of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2017) [in Chinese].
12. N. Wang et al., Virol. Sin. 33, 104 (2018).
came across the human-wildlife interface one case the break-even percent probabil-
13. B. Nikolay et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 380, 1804 (2019).
(wild bird poultry human transmis- ity reduction is as low as 12% (see SM). We 14. E. H. Chan et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 21701
sion chain), as did H1N1 influenza (bird estimate the present value of prevention (2010).
pig human). Many livestock-linked out- costs for 10 years to be only about 2% of
breaks have reached the cusp of pandemic the costs of the COVID-19 pandemic.
P.D. acknowledges funding to EcoHealth Alliance from USAID
emergence, such as Nipah virus (fruit bat We recognize that we have provided no PREDICT and Johnson & Johnson. P.D. is a member of the
pig human) and swine acute diar- more than a sketch of the key components board, secretary, and treasurer of the Global Virome Project.
rhea syndrome coronavirus (bat pig) of an economically feasible set of ecologi- A.A. acknowledges funding from USDA-NIFA Multistate Hatch
W4133 grant ILLU-470-363 through a grant to Resources for
(14). These links are well recognized and cal pandemic prevention strategies. Limits the Future. M.M.V. is supported by CNPq grant 304309/2018-4.
are the focus of pandemic prevention pack- on the availability of information limit our We thank M. Bridges for help translating Chinese texts. L.S.K.
ages proposed by the U.S. Congress (H.R. ability to conduct a more exhaustive analy- acknowledges the provocation of P. Kauffman in catalyzing
this working group.
3771). There are well-researched veterinary sis. Instead, we tally readily available infor-
health plans such as the World Bank’s One mation to evaluate how likely it is that an SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
World One Health farm biosecurity inter- investment of the costs of pandemic preven-
vention program, designed to reduce H5N1 tion would yield positive net benefits to the
influenza risk. With costs in the tens of world. Our calculations are conservative in 10.1126/science.abc3189

SCIENCE 24 JULY 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6502 381

Published by AAAS
Ecology and economics for pandemic prevention
Andrew P. Dobson, Stuart L. Pimm, Lee Hannah, Les Kaufman, Jorge A. Ahumada, Amy W. Ando, Aaron Bernstein, Jonah
Busch, Peter Daszak, Jens Engelmann, Margaret F. Kinnaird, Binbin V. Li, Ted Loch-Temzelides, Thomas Lovejoy, Katarzyna
Nowak, Patrick R. Roehrdanz and Mariana M. Vale

Science 369 (6502), 379-381.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abc3189

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