Varia: Epistemology of Evidence Based Medicine

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PRZEGLĄD CHIRURGICZNY 10.2478/v10035-007-0024-8

2007, 79, 2, 150–160



Surgical Services, Mont-Godinne University Hospital in Belgium

The idea that clinical practice should be ri- In Greek legend, the robber Procruste mu-
gorously based on the best scientific evidence tilated his victims in order to make them fit
is not new (1). What has been new over the the length of one of his two beds. He forced the
past three decades is the ever increasing pres- tall travellers to lie down in the short bed and
sure to contain the inflationary growth of he- the small ones to lie down in the long bed. Then,
alth care costs. Until relatively recently, at- he cut the arms and legs of the tall travellers
tempts to restrain this growth had only mini- and he stretched the arms and legs of the small
mal or transient effects and the failure to con- travellers out. Ultimately, Theseus tortured
trol costs has led to the current climate – one Procruste in the same manner. Well, EBM can
that attempts to control unit price and question be somewhat compared to forcing clinicians
the effectiveness and/or the efficiency of care. into the Procrustean bed of “protocol driven
In such a climate, cost effectiveness, cost be- medicine”.
nefit, cost analysis, and Evidence Based Medi-
cine (EBM) are sometimes just buzzwords that History
disguise the slipperiness of key concepts that Let’s move up to the decade 1818-1827, a
bedevil clinical decision making. Indeed, the golden decade for Medicine, for Louis Pasteur,
key unanswered question is still: to what extent Joseph Lister and Ignac Semmelweis were born
is current clinical practice, taken as a whole, during this decade. Pasteur, who initiated the
actually supported by satisfactory scientific evi- concept of modern bacteriology, specified what
dence? can be considered as two basic principles of
This paper deals with the varieties, sources, EBM: (1) discovery by sheer chance happens
ethical ground, socio-economic context, and only to well prepared minds, and (2) our expe-
validity of EBM knowledge as well as with its rience is the sum of our errors.
application in daily clinical practice. This is At almost the same time, Lister introdu-
what epistemology of any science is all about. ced antisepsis at the Royal Infirmary of Glas-
gow where he treated the first compound frac-
IS EBM REALLY A NEW CONCEPT? ture with antiseptic surgical technique. Lister
delayed publishing his results until a total of
eleven patients had been managed by the an-
Mythology tiseptic technique. His study entitled “On a
When one brings forth a new concept or re- new method of treating compound fracture,
vives a rather old one – which is the case with abscesses with observations on the conditions
EBM- one should turn to ancient mythology of suppuration” was published in “The Lan-
because there is always a good metaphor to cet” in five successive issues from March 16
describe how we are, in fact, reinventing the to July 27, 1867. Those were happy times for
wheel. EBM experts who could get five papers publi-

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Epistemology of evidence based medicine 151

shed in “The Lancet” with a series of eleven private letters about it to his friends, because
patients! as he said later: “My whole nature repulses
Already as a young student in Vienna, Sem- from any kind of paper warfare”. Finally, Sem-
melweis was deeply moved by the ravages of melweis published a full paper in German in
puerperal fever. In 1842, as much as 30% of all 1861 in Leipzig. This paper is a basic and tho-
parturients had died because of the so-called rough medical work, an exact statistical docu-
“child-bed fever” at the Allgemeines Kranken- ment with refined irony at the same time. But
haus in Vienna. However, the maternal death few things can result in anyone loosing his tem-
rate was significantly higher in the Students’ per more than the continual lack of compre-
ward (1st Clinic) compared with the Midwifes’ hension. Semmelweis’ tone became more and
ward (2nd Clinic). In April 1847, Semmelweis’ more sarcastic; this is demonstrated by an
friend Kolletschka, a professor of forensic me- excerpt of an 1861 letter: “In a new hospital
dicine, died. During an autopsy his finger had accommodated with the most modern furni-
been cut by a medical student’s knife. Semmel- shing and appliances, a good deal of homicide
weis studied the record made of Kolletschka’s can be committed, providing one has the indi-
post-mortem examination. He was shocked spensable talent to carry it out”. Such a state-
because he realised that the findings were iden- ment is still true in 2007, particularly for the
tical with the findings from those women who outbreak of nosocomial infection; so much for
had died of puerperal fever. Eventually, Sem- expertise and so-called expertness.
melweis concluded that the infectious material
which caused cadaver fever caused also puer- The sins of expertness and a proposal for
peral fever and that the causes were in both redemption
cases one and the same, i.e. “the cadaver par- About expertise and expertness, David Sac-
ticles were introduced into the blood-vascular kett (2), the founding father of modern EBM,
system”. The particles were taken over to the once wrote in a self deprecating article enti-
parturients by the examining physicians and tled “The sins of expertness and a proposal for
medical students who did post-mortem exami- redemption”: “There are still far more experts
nations and were constantly dealing with ca- (sometimes self appointed) around than is he-
davers. Consequently, Semmelweis made chlo- althy for the advancement of clinical science.
rinated lime hand-wash compulsory between The first sin committed by experts consists in
each examination. The routine execution of adding their prestige and their position to the-
chlorinated lime hand-wash resulted in a gre- ir opinions, which give the latter far greater
at reduction in the mortality rate in the 1st Cli- persuasive power than they deserve on scien-
nic; in March and August 1848, nobody died in tific grounds alone”. If we do not commit this
the Clinic. The Semmelweis doctrine was born: sin, then redemption is possible for us in the
he clearly defined the aetiology of the disease realm of Evidence Based Medicine! To do so, we
and the ways and means for its prevention, have to discuss the facts and fallacies about the
which is nothing more than asepsis, the pro- learning process which is fed more and more
phylaxis of infection. One should also recogni- (often undiscriminatingly) by EBM knowledge
se that Semmelweis’ doctrine was the starting while confusing often the varieties, sources, gro-
point of another collateral progress: the con- unds, and validity of this knowledge as well as
cept of nosocomial infection. The simple truth, its application in daily clinical practice.
however, proved for many not to be easily ac- Again, this is by definition what an episte-
cepted. Semmelweis was sharply attacked by mological analysis could help avoiding.
leading members of the profession, most nota-
bly Klein, director of the 1st Clinic of the Allge- The learning curve: another artifice?
meines Krankenhaus in Vienna, Simpson in A learning curve is a graphic representation
Edinburgh, Scanzoni in Würtzburg, Dubois in of the relationship between experience with a
Paris, Kiwish in Prague, Virchow and the new procedure or a new technique and an out-
French Academy of Medicine. At this time, so- come variable, e.g. operative time, complica-
und EBM was not easily integrated by the me- tion rate, hospital stay or mortality (fig. 1). The
dical profession. But Semmelweis made a fatal learning (performance) curve is steep in its ear-
mistake by omitting to rapidly publish his di- ly part. As experience accumulates, the curve
scovery in a full authentic text. He wrote only becomes flatter, with less marginal improve-

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152 L. A. Michel

one becomes aware of this innovation, one be-

comes conscious of the innovation but one is
still incompetent with it; one is then conscio-
usly incompetent. Then, experience accumu-
lates with practice and the individual becomes
progressively consciously competent. Later on,
with even more practice, mastery develops and
the individual becomes unconsciously compe-
tent because he is so well familiarised with the
new technique that using it is just a matter of
simple routine. In other words he is now…an
But the continuous development of new
Fig. 1. Learning curve data, new hypothesis and techniques make the
maintenance of competence a moving target.
The clinician who just became an expert in a
ment with each additional experience because specific technique may not sit down on his
expertise has been gained. However, the shape expertness while preferring static and secure
(steep or slow rising slope) of the learning cu- knowledge once and for all. In our preoccupa-
rve is, as would be expected, different accor- tion with innovation, we should not lose sight
ding to the learner and the task. Furthermore, of ideas and techniques which have proved the-
clinicians are hardly ever in full control of ir worth and stood the test of time. As a conse-
events, even if occasionally they are in a posi- quence, continuous learning must be seen as a
tion to deflect them to their advantage. This is routine part of daily practice. If not, from be-
more likely to happen if one has an updated ing initially unconsciously competent, the
knowledge of these “events”. On the contrary, expert will rapidly become unconsciously in-
clinicians who are in real trouble will demon- competent again (fig. 2).
strate a learning curve rising from left to right
instead of dropping from left to right (fig. 1). Changes of norms and standards: moral
skepticism in the current hospital and health
Cyclical pattern of adult learning care environment
Learning can not be restricted to the lear- The state of flux in modern medicine is not
ning curve paradigm. Learning is a process, not restricted to only innovative techniques and
an event. In other words, one does not become knowledge. The probabilistic (not quite sure)
competent once and for all. In fact, adult lear- atmosphere is also challenging and fascinating
ning follows a cyclical pattern (fig. 2). Before for the practitioner at the social, economical,
one is aware of the changes in knowledge or political, and moral level.
the apparition of an innovative technology, one Those who cherish values and hold fast to
is unconsciously incompetent about it. When moral norms and standards are not always re-

Ryc. 2. Cykliczny model uczenia się

Fig. 2. Cyclical pattern of learning

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Epistemology of evidence based medicine 153

liable; we know that moral norms and stan- 2004 Tsunami. It is altogether a huge amount
dards can be changed overnight, and that all of money and rather pathetic when compared
that then will be left is the mere habit of hol- to the overall World Ground Product of 36 000
ding fast to something. Much more reliable will billions Euros. 100 billions US dollars have
be the doubters and skeptics, not because skep- been dedicated for the 2005 New Orleans disa-
ticism is good or doubting wholesome, but be- ster by the federal government. It is a good
cause they are used to examining things and move, but a tiny one when compared to the 11,
making up their own minds. Best of all will be 684 billion dollar US 2004 GNP. However, the
those who know only one thing for certain – that number seems really trivial when compared
whatever else happens, as long as we live we with the total US military spending for 2004 –
shall have to live together with ourselves. This 502 billion dollars! Indeed, we clearly have to
evidence fits pretty well with the description of relativize numbers. The real problem is the
physicians practising in the current hospital choice of society (and thus political choices) that
environment; an environment with its overni- should not be hidden behind selected numbers.
ght changes of norms and standards, its collap- The problem is the same for the health care
se of respectability, and its doubters and skep- industry when we are told over and over that
tics (either constructive or destructive); with we are spending too much for it. We can do
those people who do not care to live together better to fairly allocate the spending, but is the
with themselves and those people who wash overall cost of health care in modern societies
their hands of what is going on all around them. really too high?
In laconic phrasing, they represent hyperindi- In 1942, Lord William Beveridge wrote in
vidualism searching for instant gratification. his plan for Social Security: “A social security
system having respect for the value of liberty
The physician as the constant gardener of and in which each actor faces up his own re-
health care numbers and words sponsibility”. This was a three parameters equ-
If we are to enter an era of constant change ation; security (in front of the risk of diseases),
of norms and standards in the health care in- liberty (of choice) and responsibility (of the
dustry, we must comply with what could be health care providers and consumers). At the
considered as two other basic principles of EBM same time, Lord Anthony Eden wrote about
that have been illustrated in politics and more the Beveridge plan conclusions: “In time of cri-
recently by the US military involvement in sis, anybody could favour general restrictions.
Iraq. But at the same time each one of us would to-
1. An error does not become a mistake until lerate special spending when it is in his own
one has decided not to correct it (John Fit- favour”. Eden’s sentence can be rephrased in
zgerald Kennedy, 1962) 2006 as: “While we understand the need for
2. Discipline is doing what is right when no- belt-tightening, let’s start with the other guy
body is watching (Four Stars General Schu- first”.
macker, US Marine Corp – May 7, 2004 at This brings us back to the fact that discipli-
the US. Senate hearing about Army person- ne is doing what is right when nobody is wat-
nel misconduct in Iraq) ching. A sense of responsibility leading to ge-
Those two basic and simple principles are nuine discipline is the only way to find the ba-
particularly useful considering the undiscrimi- lance between «what to pay for» and «who will
nate use of words and numbers as far as he- pay for it». To skip parts of such a sensitive
alth care business is concerned (3, 4). In other issue will call into question the baseline of so-
words, the loose and variable use of terms and lidarity, which is actually the cornerstone of
numbers can interfere with discussion of the our health care system.
real issues.
Numbers Confusion and misuse of words are the so-
Numbers never make sense by themselves. urce of misunderstanding, mistrust, suspicion
To make sense, it takes at the very least num- and conflict of interests between the numero-
bers enlightened by a comparison. For instan- us actors – who ideally should be partners – of
ce, 10 billions Euros have been collected in the health care system (politicians, economi-
some weeks for the casualties of the December sts, doctors, nurses, paramedics). If we are to

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154 L. A. Michel

use the same words, such as quality, efficacy, described as the ratio between the input and
effectiveness, and efficiency, then it is worth the output. “Efficient health care” means gros-
giving them precise definition (3, 5-8). so modo effective care reached at the lowest
The quality of a health care intervention re- cost, for a minimal amount of spending.
flects its result in terms of health improvement;
not only physical improvement but also so- Economical rationality versus clinical
cial and psychical improvement, or to put it in rationality
other words, the improvement in terms of pre- Efficiency is an economical concept, effecti-
vention as well as treatment of diseases. vity is a clinical concept. However, according
A treatment will be defined as efficacious if to the physician and/or the patient’s viewpo-
its effects are demonstrated in the laboratory int it can be judicious to choose the more expen-
setting or, more widely, in an experimental sive treatment because it is more effective, de-
environment which includes the clinical rese- spite the fact that it is less efficient according
arch setting. Efficacy deals with the potential to the health care economist or manager view-
effects of a treatment. In a strictly controlled point.
research setting, efficacy allows one to demon- If economical efficiency can be considered
strate that a treatment produces a definite ef- as a tool for saving in an environment of limi-
fect, often on a intermediate parameter (e.g. ted resource allocation, efficiency sometimes
the volume decrease of a tumour in a mouse; leads to suboptimal care in an era where eco-
the normalisation of the blood pressure or gly- nomical rationality takes over clinical rationa-
cemia in a clinical research setting about a new lity. And as far as efficiency is concerned, the
drug). control of spending and cost in one sector of
Effectiveness and effectivity bring us a step health care often means displacement of cost
forward: a treatment is efficacious in a control- and spending toward another sector. This can
led research setting, but this treatment will be be summarised as “cost containment is often
declared effective only if its efficacy is confir- just cost displacement”, without even knowing
med when the patient receives it in a setting of what is happening to the quality of care provi-
daily clinical practice (and no more in a rese- ded to the patients. An economical rationality
arch environment). Therefore, an effective tre- that remains unaware of the clinical rationali-
atment (or an effective diagnostic tool) is the ty – and vice versa – leads to irrationality in
one that has demonstrated its effects outside both fields.
the strictly controlled research setting while The recent medical and surgical literature
reaching a practical clinical objective, eventu- provides several examples of studies showing
ally bringing an improvement in the quality of that innovative diagnostic testing or treatment
care. were efficacious in the clinical research setting
The difference between efficacy and effecti- but did not remain effective in daily clinical
veness is important, because it is rather easy practice. In addition, the use of those new tech-
to demonstrate that a new chemotherapy (ef- niques provided no effective benefit increases
ficacious in a controlled research setting on the total cost, hence the efficiency decreases.
mice) might well reduce the size of a tumour. The EBM tool is first of all a clinical tool. It
On the other hand, to prove that this treat- should not be manipulated as an economical
ment is effective in patients as far as increased and/or political tool. This risk of manipulation
survival is concerned will often demand a lar- will be illustrated in the next four paragraphs.
ge scale and long survey (5). Furthermore, in
these surveys, the final assessment criteria Relationship between cost and quality of
(end points) should also be qualitatively rele- care: positive or negative?
vant from the patient viewpoint (life expectan- Early attempts to control health care costs
cy, comfort and quality of survival). were unsuccessful, in large part, because it was
Such a treatment will be defined as efficient believed that the relationship between cost and
if it reaches its goal at the lowest financial cost. quality was strictly positive. In such a model,
Efficiency is the ratio between the allocated reducing health care expenditures would only
means (i.e. financial spending, technological reduce quality. Defining quality in health care
investments) and the clinical results obtained was (and still is), however, somewhat elusive.
(i.e. the effectivity). Efficiency can be somewhat Health care providers, including physicians and

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Epistemology of evidence based medicine 155

hospitals, claim high quality, yet similar cla- What is clear is that in both managerial and
ims are accompanied by significant variations clinical medicine, it is important to apply cost
in actual cost. Health care payers then reason containment choices, cost effectiveness analy-
that if the providers claim equal quality, they sis and the evidence based medicine approach
would simply practice good business by pur- to either clinical practice or health care policy
chasing quality from the least expensive pro- in order to avoid the twin pitfalls of hastily re-
viders. As a consequence, the current belief of jecting the unproven and of creating a straigh-
health care payers is that the relationship be- tjacket of protocol driven medicine, thus arre-
tween quality and cost can also have a negati- sting future progress. In the ultraliberal world
ve component and thus that quality and cost physicians live in, this kind of seemingly pro-
can move in opposite directions (5, 6, 7). Ho- tocol driven medicine, when applied to daily
wever, while the same health care payers proc- clinical practice, can be rather appropriately
laim that they are as motivated as physicians described by using market metaphors. Now, a
by their concern for patients, in asserting that good physician in the managed care paradigm
reduced cost is simply a by-product of good is no longer a physician who successfully per-
management efforts (6), their main goal often forms expensive and difficult tests or opera-
becomes cost containment, irrespective of the tions in high risk patients; a “good” physician
potential drawbacks for patients (7, 8). performs only profitable techniques, balancing
the budget of the health maintenance organi-
Cost effectiveness analysis, quality of care sation (HMO) to which he belongs. In other
and EBM words, from a managerial point of view, a good
In line with this current belief, the use of physician is one who is not spending the reso-
cost effectiveness analysis – a method for plot- urces of the HMO, whose primary goal in a
ting points on a curve and quantifying the di- market environment is reducing cost in order
rection of change in quality and cost that oc- to make a profit, or in a nationalised health
curs with new or alternative modes of diagno- care system (which in Europe is functioning
sis or treatment – has been a foundation for more and more as an HMO) is saving public
health care policy changes, too often ignoring money by reducing spending. Physicians may
two essential patient centred concerns: be resisting EBM because they feel it is often
1. What is best for this patient? guided by business tenets meant to manage
2. How should we distribute limited health costs, not care (6).
care resources fairly? Cost effectiveness analysis and EBM are
For the clinician, the method of making he- nevertheless here to stay, but their potential
alth care policy is overtly focused on patient to distort the doctor patient relationship is
care. The currently accepted method of eviden- another cause for concern and an additional
ce based medicine (9), defined as the integra- source of clinical risk. Historically, the physi-
tion of individual clinical expertise with the cian has been the advocate of the patient (i.e.
best available external evidence and patient’s the personalized approach). The physician’s top
values and expectations, has been accepted as priority is to act in the best interest of the pa-
a reasonable and rational way of making deci- tient, acknowledging fully the importance of
sions about the care of a specific patient. Al- the patient’s own values and perception of his
though this method seems straightforward, the or her health and decisions regarding it. Wi-
devil is in the details because for most medical thin this framework, EBM can be useful to the
decisions, a clear answer or guidance is not doctor and patient so long as it remains a tool
available, and the limited scope and ambigu- that helps inform their decision making with
ous nature of available evidence introduce ethi- only the patient’s health in mind. However,
cal concerns about the use of the evidence ba- when EBM is used only to evaluate decisions
sed framework for “decision making” in the qu- about resource allocation (i.e. the collective
ickly evolving art and science of medicine and approach), there is a risk of EBM becoming a
surgery. These concerns arise from the types potent force that transforms the physician into
of decisions to be made, the type of practice an agent of the health service and the patient
within which they are to be made, and the na- into a consumer (8). At such a system level,
ture of the evidence available and required for the physician becomes a double agent since
the decision making process. one person’s health care is another person’s

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156 L. A. Michel

health cost; a double agent keeping his left (which has to deal with political choices and
eye on patient’s needs and his right eye on economical feasibility) and microeconomics
the health care cost containment indicators. (which is confronted at the grass roots level
Furthermore, when the EBM approach is blin- with the ethical and deontological obligations
dly linked to cost effective/benefit analysis it of the clinician). Again, part of those difficul-
can lead to the routine rejection of the unpro- ties are illustrated by the unconscious, but so-
ven and in the current market driven climate, metimes deliberate, confusion (3, 7) of the con-
lead to cost containment to the detriment of cept of efficiency (which is an economical con-
the patients. cept) with the concept of effectiveness (which
However, the tool of EBM can lead also to a is a clinical concept).
more “rational” provision of diagnostic and Nevertheless, we should neither put all the
therapeutic services since it provides a focu- blame on incoherence between the micro- and
sed and more efficient approach to the inter- macroeconomics of health care resource allo-
pretation of research findings and translates cations, nor confuse deliberately the semantics
them into clinical options. Consequently, EBM of buzzwords coined by and for the health care
can provide the physician with a valuable tool complex. We have to resort to sound medical
for managing the knowledge base of medicine mystique, which does not mean an atmosphe-
or surgery. This EBM approach focuses, never- re of mystery and veneration investing the art
theless, on averages and mean effects and ra- of medicine and surgery or any professional
rely provides clear-cut guidance to help the skill designed to mystify and impress the lay
physician tailor care and surgical intervention person. Rather, a mystique whose main featu-
to the individual patient. Even more rarely does re is honest self criticism about the way clini-
EBM provide guidance about how to respond cal results are evaluated, the way innovations
to an individual patient’s values, priorities, and are introduced and validated, and about the
cultural needs. The potential role of EBM in way clinical and ethical principles are applied
resource allocation and health service mana- more or less strictly to some people or situ-
gement must be recognised by the physician ations than to others, is exactly how double
as that of a tool which can enlighten their de- standards arise.
cisions and show reasonable trends for health
care cost containment. It should not be seen as Political responsibility versus clinical
a standard by which decisions about the allo- responsibility: the “cog-theory”
cation of health service resources and the cra- Hannah Arent (10) once made a concession
fting of clinical research agendas and priori- to the reproach of irresponsibility levelled aga-
ties are to be made. In other words, physicians inst the people who washed their hands of what
should not become so bemused by analytical was going on all around them, when she wro-
and statistical techniques applied to large amo- te: “I think we shall have to admit that there
unts of data and patients – for the purposes of exist extreme situations in which responsibili-
EBM – that sight of a simple rule is lost: each ty for the world, which is primarily political,
patient should always be assessed and treated cannot be assumed because political responsi-
individually. bility always presupposes at least a minimum
of political power. Impotence or complete po-
Border between macroeconomics and werlessness is, I think, a valid excuse” (10).
microeconomics: clinical effectiveness versus Here, physicians can share the analogy with
economical efficiency Arendt’s thoughts because, in the current he-
To put it bluntly: even if there is no ratio- alth care world, they often have to assume per-
nal incompatibility between the components sonal responsibilities heavier than ever while
of the trilogy resulting from the fair and effi- they are more and more powerless at the poli-
cient containment of costs in health care, the tical front. Furthermore, too often personal re-
evidence based medicine approach and the ef- sponsibility is confused with political respon-
fective care of patients, it is obvious that the sibility. Personal responsibility must be under-
interconnection between these three issues is stood in contrast to political responsibility
hedged about with the difficulties of defining which every government assumes for its deeds
with transparency and coherence, what is the and misdeeds as well as for those of its prede-
reasonable border between macroeconomics cessors.

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Epistemology of evidence based medicine 157

We would also agree that “the validity of the lity depends on freedom of choice, there is fre-
excuse of powerlessness is all the stronger as edom of choice for a person at the cog level and
it seems to require a certain moral quality even his personal responsibility is involved. And in
to recognise powerlessness, the good will and case there is power and freedom of choice for a
good faith to face realities and not to live in person at the leadership level, his personal and
illusions”. And we can continue to share the political responsibility is involved. Thus, phy-
analogy with her thoughts that “those, who not sicians should not forget that “in a courtroom
only participate willy-nilly on whatever level there is no system on trial, but a person, and
and in whatever capacity in an organisation if the defendant happens to be a functionary,
(e.g. an health care organisation) as it is but he stands accused precisely because even a
who think it is their duty to do whatever is or- functionary is still a human being, and it is in
dered, are thereby implicitly denying the hu- this capacity that he stands trial”. We know
man faculty of judgement […]. All govern- also that the small cogs, the first line soldiers
ments, even the most autocratic ones, rest on (as the physicians are on the health care bat-
consent, and the fallacy lies in the equation of tlefield) can actually commit the most obvio-
consent with obedience. An adult consents us crimes and would indeed become the sca-
where a child obeys; if an adult is said to obey, pegoat. Why? Because “in every bureaucratic
he actually supports the organisation or the system the shifting of responsibilities is a
authority or the law that claims obedience. […]. matter of daily routine, and if one wishes to
Any organisation, any body politic (i.e. corps define bureaucracy in terms of political scien-
social) is constituted of rulers and ruled, and ces, that is, the rules of offices, as contrasted
that the former give commands and the latter to the rule of men, of one man, or of the few,
obey orders”. Max Weber once wrote that to or of the many.” Bureaucracy unhappily is the
save the chances for his orders to be executed, rule of nobody and for this very reason per-
the man who is supposed to exercise authority haps the least human and most cruel form of
in a rational system of legal domination will rulership. But in the courtroom, these defini-
“normally” need and administrative structure tions are of no avail. For to the answer: “Not
: a bureaucracy (11, 12). However, in a strictly I but the system did it in which I was a simple
bureaucratic organisation with its fixed hierar- cog”, the court immediately raises the next
chical order, it would make much more sense question: “And why, if you please, did you be-
to look upon the functioning of the cogs and come a cog or continue to be a cog under such
wheels in terms of overall support for a com- circumstances?”. If the defendant wishes to
mon enterprise than to look in our usual terms shift responsibilities, he must again implica-
of obedience to superiors. Arendt called this the te other persons, he must name names, and
“cog-theory” (10)”when we describe a system these persons appear then as possible co-de-
– how it works, the relations between the va- fendants because they also do not appear as
rious branches, how the huge bureaucratic ma- the embodiment of bureaucracy. This shift of
chineries function of which the channels of responsibilities is probably the most threate-
command are part and different forces are in- ning aspect of the health care system evolu-
terconnected, to mention only outstanding cha- tion, particularly for the medical profession. We
racteristics – it is inevitable that we speak of must face an evidence that if we, as physicians,
all persons used by the system in terms of cogs obey without thinking all the somewhat con-
and wheels that keep the administration run- fused rules of the rapidly evolving health care
ning. Each cog, that is, each person must be system, we actually support its bureaucracy
expendable (disposable) without changing the blindly. On the contrary, if we withdraw our
system, an assumption underlying all bureau- tacit consent, if we refuse our support by shun-
cracies, all civil services, and all functions pro- ning those places of “responsibility” where such
perly speaking”. If we evaluate the system in support, under the name of blind obedience, is
its frame of reference, we can speak of good required, then in fact we disobey the rules of
and bad systems. “Our criteria are the freedom, the system […]. This is nothing new because
or the happiness or the degree of participation „the potential in civil disobedience has been
of the citizens, but the question of the perso- discovered during the XXth century, and it ta-
nal responsibility of those who run the whole kes only a moment to imagine how effective a
affair is a marginal issue”. However, as mora- weapon this could be” (10). In certain circum-

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158 L. A. Michel

stances, some degree of disobedience which is

The socioeconomic aspect of the EBM
akin to constructive activism, can be necessa-
ry to allow physicians to practise their job fa-
irly while remaining the patient’s advocate. Let us develop this criticism by focusing on
Then, constructive activism is the legitimate an example about surgical practice.
expression of the professionalism of physicians From a clinician’s point of view, laparosco-
assuming their personal and political respon- pic cholecystectomy has rapidly appeared to be
sibility; it is far from being radical corpora- the best way to treat patients with gallstones.
tism. This technique has, however, also produced a
shift in health care resources. In a 1994 study
Crossroads of personal and political from Maryland (13), patients undergoing la-
responsibilities paroscopic cholecystectomy tended to be youn-
Health care is a human good, not an eco- ger and white, to present with less serious pro-
nomical commodity. The point where some de- blems, and to have private health insurance or
gree of disobedience and of constructive acti- belong to an HMO (p<0.001). The very same
vism is required from physicians has now been kind of shift in health care resource allocation
reached if physicians are to continue imposing has been found in the countries of Western
on them the obligation to do what ought to be Europe since the beginning of the blitz of lapa-
done: to provide this human good and not to roscopic surgery in the early 1990s. This exam-
become the supply side of an economical com- ple is a clear illustration of the latent conflict
modity. In 2007, physicians have to face more that can arise between the macroeconomics of
and more ethical issues at the bedside despite health care resource availability, with is rela-
the fact that the environment of privately or ted political willingness towards efficient and
publicly managed care is said to be morally fair allocation, and the microeconomics of ef-
neutral. Generically, managed health care re- fective care delivered by first line practitioners
fers simply to any system that aims at con- fearing for their professional autonomy.
straints on the clinician’s management of care The same type of results have been demon-
to achieve some stated purpose. That purpose strated in Belgium by the National Survey on
may take many forms: the quality of care pro- Cholecystectomy Related Bile Duct Injury (14,
vided to an individual patient, the personal 15). This type of study clearly shows that the
wellbeing of the patient, the containment of EBM tool has a rational political and economi-
costs, the welfare of society, or the making of cal impact that would be used more and more
profit. Some of these objectives are morally by health care payers if physicians did not wipe
sound; some are morally reprehensible. Ulti- themselves at their doorstep.
mately, the moral status of any system of he-
Innovation, patient vulnerability and Ethics
alth care will depend upon the purpose, the
means employed to attain that purpose, and The problem is not only a semantic or a phi-
the priorities between and among purposes or losophical one where innovation in medicine
means when they conflict with each other. The and surgery is concerned. Innovation should
ethics of medicine is derived from the philo- also invoke morally troublesome issues for the
sophy of medicine, which is derived from the medical or surgical innovator, even though a
practice of medicine, which is derived from the certain level of innovation is expected in our
reality of medicine. In other words, ethical daily surgical practice when we encounter
issues at the bedside are at the crossroads of unanticipated findings, such as “We couldn’t
personal and political responsibilities. In or- remove the obstructing tumour, but we were
der to go safely through these crossroads, we able to bypass it”. Innovation is highly valued
need personal judgement while facing ethical in our societies, but innovation in medicine or
conflicts and while choosing the best compro- surgery can lead to unforeseen complications
mises between the caring dimensions of the and raises three moral issues (7, 16).
patient-physician relationship. But as physi- First, there is the profound trust that vul-
cians are not practising in a desert, they must nerable patients feel toward their physician.
also be supported by the sensible and wise po- Even when the physician innovates, the patient
litical judgement of people in charge of a de- expects the physician to be his advocate for
mocracy. optimal care, not an advocate for innovative

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Epistemology of evidence based medicine 159

research or for some minimalist standard. The patients, we are denying the basic principles
risk is that the physician will cease to be the of medical ethics and we have a recipe for cli-
conservative guardian given to using traditio- nical disaster.
nal techniques that have been validated by
years of experience. This trait is expressed da- CONCLUSIONS
ily in the operating room in many ritualised
routines. Members of the operating room team Clinically relevant attitudes and/or guideli-
constitute a moral community with strong im- nes issued by a rational EBM approach are atti-
plicit standards to protect the patient and the tudes and guidelines that integrate individual
surgeon from danger, including dangerous in- clinical expertise with the best available exter-
novations (8, 16, 17). nal clinical evidence from systematic research
Secondly, there is the unbalancing effect of and patient’s values and expectations (9). The-
new procedures on traditional safeguards of se guidelines should aim to provide an unbia-
medical and surgical competence. The term “in- sed summary of the evidence in order to respond
novation” has a seductive connotation of ad- to a clinical or health policy question, to identi-
ded value in our market society. There is even fy gaps in the existing clinical research, and to
a class of patients who are psychologically di- improve the quality of new research (7, 18).
sposed to seek innovative treatment because Sir Miles Irving, director of the British NHS
it is the latest and, by sometimes erroneous Health Technology Programme, proposed at
inference, the best that is available. In medi- the annual meeting of the European Society of
cal and surgical practice, however, the patient’s Surgery in Berlin (7, 18) in December 1999,
preference is not the final word, even though the following list of priorities – the sequence of
patients behave themselves more and more like which is important to consider – that have to
consumers. This is the reason why instead of be met for a guideline to be considered as “cli-
using the word innovative we should use the nically relevant” : validity, reliability, charity
term “non-validated” to describe the status of and compassion, clinical applicability, patient
newly introduced procedures (8, 16, 17). The and user involvement, linked to audit, repro-
word non-validated accurately captures the ducibility, clinical flexibility, scheduled review
sense of moral hazard that should be attached date, meticulous documentation, and cost ef-
to the use of newly introduced procedures in fectiveness.
vulnerable and trusting patients. “Non-valida- This list of priorities could be useful in trans-
ted” also implies that the expert medical and forming the actual reality of medical double
surgical community still has policies ensuring standards. Furthermore, it is somewhat rele-
honesty and fidelity to trust, and that these vant – and reassuring – to note that charity
apply to newly introduced procedures before and compassion are in third position and cost
they are widely accepted and validated. effectiveness in last position. In the world of
Thirdly, there is an imperative need for a managed care, physicians need to develop a
systematic approach to the evaluation of new health policy agenda that emphasises patient
surgical procedures and to the accreditation care issues (i.e. availability, freedom of choice,
process of training. Under pressure from pa- and the patient’s best interests) above provi-
tients, equipment manufacturers, public me- der’s or payer’s interests. Nevertheless, they
dia, and insurers – all of which have penetra- are also required to enhance their education
ted the sanctuary of the operating room, by- programmes and the continuing objective as-
passing the strong implicit standards of the sessment of the way medicine and surgery are
moral community represented by the operating performed and transformed. They should also
room team – surgeons may believe they are assume an increased leadership role in develo-
required to introduce non-validated procedu- ping critical evaluation of non-validated tech-
res they have learned in less than ideal forums, niques by favouring the development of sound
such as weekend courses or workshops spon- clinical trials and by considering EBM not as a
sored by the industry. Often, accreditation of weapon turned against, or targeted at, the
such training and the certification of the skills medical profession, but as a valuable tool that
acquired are problematic. When innovative may provide some answers to chronically unre-
physicians return with uncertified skills to in- solved questions which persist in the art of
troduce non-validated treatments in trusting medicine and surgery (19).

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160 L. A. Michel

EBM is not “cook book medicine”, but can tion and sound efficient choices in terms of re-
provide guidelines and check lists for optimal source allocation (3, 4, 7, 8, 17).
patient care. For evidence based medicine to If mystique is the atmosphere of mystery and
become also consensus based medicine, seve- veneration investing some doctrines, arts, pro-
ral steps have to be followed: formulating a fession or people, it can also denote any profes-
precise and answerable clinical questions, se- sional skill or technique designed or able to my-
arching the literature for current best eviden- stify and impress the lay person. Hence the se-
ce, assessing the validity, impact, and applica- quence of the priorities proposed by Miles Irving
bility of the information obtained, and sitting (18) could be helpful firstly to stop mystifying
down and discussing in order to confirm that the lay patient, and secondly to reverse the cur-
evidence based medicine is really consensus rent trivial socio-economic trends in the health
based medicine, which introduces more than a care business in which the name of the game is
simple nuance between rational and reasona- sometimes to avoid caring for sick people by en-
ble medical practice. However, following this rolling a disproportionate number of relatively
process in order to make choices more cohe- healthy patients, i.e “creaming”, or by reducing
rent will require not only energy and creativi- the contingent of very sick and high risk patients,
ty but also time. And as time is money, the he- i.e. “dumping” (19). Above all, such a sequence
alth authorities should finally consider the ef- of priorities could help keep alive the enlighte-
ficient funding of clinical research, which in ning mystique of the art and profession of medi-
return could prove to be an effective invest- cine and surgery, for “The secret of patient care
ment in terms of health care for the popula- is in caring for the patient” (20).


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Received: 13.07.2006 r.
Adress correspondence: Surgical Services Mont-Godinne University Hospital
B-5530 Yvoir, Belgium

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