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Work smarter,
not harder
At Intranet Connections’ we understand the issues
small to medium sized businesses face in the
healthcare industry. We ensure our out-of-the-box
intranet solution meets the needs, and alleviates
the pain points, experienced by the clients we
work with and the industry as a whole. We serve
over 300 clients in healthcare alone who have a
specific set of needs we cater to. From pre-building
online forms to customizing policy and document
management, we work hard to give the healthcare
industry a product that works hard for them.

Improve Staff Share Information Manage Policies

Communication Securely & Effectively & Documents

Increase Staff Streamline Automate Business2

Engagement Onboarding Processes
Table of Contents


Staff Communications Content Management E-Forms & Workflows
)) Staff Directory )) Document Management )) Online Forms
)) Staff Conversations )) Document Review )) Dynamic Forms
)) Staff Org Chart )) Document Versioning )) Mileage Calculation
)) Staff Recognition )) Document Read/Agree )) Embedded Spreadsheets
)) Live Chat )) Archiving & Clean-Up )) Form Administration/Security
)) Enterprise Networking )) Policy Management )) Automated Approval Workflows
)) Outlook Sync Calendars )) Policy Review )) Publishing Workflows
)) Help Desk Ticketing )) Policy Verisioning )) Workflow Approval History
)) Page Bookmarks )) KB Article Database )) Report Export to Excel
)) Event Sites )) Content Security )) Report Export to PDF
)) Message Boards )) Content Approval Workflows )) Incident Report Form
)) Follow Colleagues )) Content Publishing Delegation )) Home Care Release Form
)) Status Updates )) Content Tagging )) Absence & Overtime Form
)) Skills Tagging )) Commenting )) Cafeteria Order Form
)) Staff Profiles )) Content Rating
)) Staff Workspace )) Library Resources Intranet Design & Architecture
)) Employee Milestones )) Healthcare Mega Menus
)) Mobile Intranet Staff Engagement )) Simple HTML Editor
)) Alerts & Subscriptions )) Healthcare Event Calendar )) Simple Design Builder
)) Featured Staff Feed )) Blogging )) Advanced Design Editor
)) Company News )) Site Design Delegation
External Communications )) Discussion Forums )) Intranet Home Page
)) Patient Care Feedback )) Healthcare Fundraising )) Dynamic Menus
)) Extranet Portal )) Idea Share Exchange )) HTML Content Pages
)) Organizational Contacts )) Quick Poll )) Self-Updating Pages
)) Secure/Anonymous Access )) Online Store )) Intranet Application Builder
)) Automated Emails )) Job Openings )) Site Breadcrumbs
)) Online Photo Albums )) Page Hierarchy
Enterprise Search )) Buy & Sell Exchange )) Embedded Videos
)) Advanced Search )) Recipe Exchange
)) Auto Suggestion Intranet Management
)) Full-Text Indexing Staff Training )) Active Directory Synchronization
)) Display Cards )) Online Training Calendar )) Admin Role Delegation
)) Search Filters )) Healthcare Surveys & Quizzes )) Impersonate a Login
)) Search Security )) Online Surveys )) Intranet Security
)) Online Tests )) Site Ownership Delegation
Information Sharing )) Automated Test Scoring )) Application & Folder Delegation
)) Ward & Department Sites )) Randomized Question Banks )) Single Sign-On
)) Self-Services Branches )) Class Registration & Waitlists )) Site Statistics
)) Doctors On-Call Menu )) Multi-Session Course Scheduling )) User Permissions
)) RSS Feed )) Class Registration Reports
)) Blog Feed )) Interactive Tutorials About Intranet Connections
)) Weather Feed )) Staff Onboarding
)) What’s New Feed
)) Photo Album Feed
)) +15 Multi-Variable Feeds 3
Improve Staff
& Collaboration
Improving internal communication
is one of the primary reasons organi-
zations start looking for an intranet
software solution. When staff are dis-
engaged, dislocated and misinformed
it can lead to poor performance and
a less productive workforce that ulti-
mately impacts your bottom line.

Intranet Connections’ Healthcare In-

tranet provides you with the right com-
munication tools that integrate with,
and engage, your staff so they can be
more informed and productive to in-
crease job efficiency for improved pa-
tient care and internal operations.

Staff Directory Staff Conversations
Feature doctors, nurses, orderlies, admin Connect the professionals supporting
staff, residents and even volunteers in patients with tools to facilitate staff
the Staff Directory with their contact in- conversations plus knowledge and
formation and a photo for easy look-up. content sharing. Crowdsource ideas to
improve patient care.

Staff Org Chart Staff Recognition

Quickly get a glimpse of a staff mem- Encourage staff to recognize each other
ber’s role, which department they are for a job well done, or provide positive
in and who they report to in the visual feedback, through staff nominations
Staff Org Chart. with Staff Recognition.

Live Chat Enterprise Networking

Rather than writing a lengthy email and Improve the day-to-day communications
waiting for an untimely response, get between staff with Enterprise Network-
instant answers to quick questions with ing tools built-in to your Healthcare
Live Chat. Intranet.

Outlook Sync Calendars Help Desk Ticketing

Export your Microsoft Outlook Exchange Keep track of your help desk ticketing
mailbox calendar to your Healthcare In- all in one central location, with easy
tranet and aggregate onto one calendar, access to technician assignment, ticket
or vice versa. status, history etc.

Page Bookmarks Event Sites

Staff can quickly and easily access their Plan and organize events on your in-
favorite pages, sites and resources on tranet, with event tracking, advertising
and off the intranet with personalized and more, to improve participation and
bookmarks. engagement.

Improve Staff
and Engage Your
5 Workforce 5
Message Boards Follow Colleagues
Allow staff to post questions, seek ad- Keep current on staff’s intranet activity
vice, share knowledge or have conversa- with Follow Colleagues, allowing staff
tions through Message Boards, accessed to follow team members, managers,
through the Staff Directory. intranet admins or other users.

Status Updates Skills Tagging

Allow staff to provide updates on what Using search, find staff based on a spe-
they may be working on, when they are cific skill, such as RN or First Aid Train-
in/out of office, return to office dates ing, with skills tagging. Alternatively, use
and pre-set future away dates. social tags such as, “willing to carpool”.

Staff Profiles Staff Workspace

Staff can create their own personal pro- Staff can create an individual workspace
file with information such as birthdays on the intranet that can be customized
or work anniversaries, alerts and sub- to each staff member’s preference and
scriptions, page bookmarks and more. only seen by them.

Employee Milestones Mobile Intranet

Celebrate and recognize staff members Allow access to the intranet from any-
by featuring important milestones, such where and give staff instant access to
as birthdays or work anniversaries, on the staff directory, quick intranet search
any page on the intranet. and mobile collaboration.

Alerts & Subscriptions Featured Staff Feed

Receive alerts via email for new con- Feature staff members on the home
tent published to areas of the intranet page or sub site of the intranet based
you’ve subscribed to, such as status on a specific criteria, such as an achieve-
updates, comments and more. ment or new hires.

Make sure staff are

on the same page
with smart staff
communication tools 6
Traditionally, one wouldn’t associ-
ate communication and collabora-
Patient Care Feedback
tion with external company contacts
Track, converse, collaborate and devise
through your intranet. However, with strategies to improve patient care with
the pre-built Patient Care Feedback tool.
a Healthcare Intranet from Intranet
Connections you have the ability to
leverage contact tracking and re- Extranet Portal
lationship building tools to utilize Grant external users access to a spe-
cific area of the intranet, for example a
your intranet for more than simply Board of Directors site, by creating an
Extranet Portal.
your staff.

Organizational Contacts
Intranet Connections’ Healthcare
Provide detailed information regarding
Intranet delivers the tools to create your external contacts on your Health-
care Intranet to allow staff to find the
and maintain your External Con- contact information they need.

nections on your intranet with the

ability to create an Extranet Portal, Secure/Anonymous Access
track External Contacts, provide Se- Provide secure access to the intranet
without the hassle of creating a login to
cure/Anonymous Access and send seasonal or volunteer staff who may not
need a login.
Automated Emails to hospital con-
tacts as required.
Automated Emails
Automate emails to company contacts
for annual reminders, quarterly updates,
invoice notification and other routine

Intranet Search that
Delivers Results
Accurate search functionality can mean the differ-
ence between a positive, or negative, user experi-
ences on your intranet. Providing your staff
with the internal tools and information
to make their jobs easier is the goal
of every intranet. Intranet Connec-
tions provides powerful enterprise
search capabilities that delivers
accurate search results to get
staff the information they require.

Through visual Display Cards, Full-

Text Indexing, one-click Category Fil-
tering, Quick Search capabilities and ad-
vanced search tools, each staff member is able to
find exactly what they are looking the moment they
need it. Control and secure search results through
intranet administration, permitting only authorized
users to see certain search results.

Advanced Search Auto Suggestion Full-Text Indexing
Use Meta data for your intranet search Auto Suggestion accurately returns a list With Full-Text Indexing, search will
to gain granularity with your search of search term matches using predictive extract every keyword or key phrase on
requests and to refine search results to search term completion that learns the the intranet so no term will go unseen
every detail. medical jargon on your intranet. in search results.

Display Cards Search Filters Search Security

Display Cards provide a visual preview One-click Search Filters allow staff to As an intranet administrator, decide
of what is contained in the search narrow down search results based on which search results you’d like public
result, from documents to contacts to pre-determined criteria for a faster, and which ones you’d like hidden for se-
images and more. more accurate search result. curity reasons with Search Security.

Search that
Empowers Your
9 Employees 9
Make Information
Sharing Second
Information Sharing is the cornerstone of every
intranet, and essential in the healthcare indus-
try. Having to manually feed and update every
page on your intranet is a tedious task, often
given to your IT Team, which can quickly be-
come more than a full-time job. Intranet Con-
nections’ Healthcare Intranet makes keeping
your intranet updated simple, quick and even

Discover Multi-Variable Automated

Feeds to keep your intranet fresh
and relevant. Ward Site administra-
tion can easily be delegated to depart-
ment owners to alleviate the burden on your
IT Team and put your intranet in the hands of those
that use it most. With the simplicity and use-of-ease
built into our Healthcare Intranet, there is no coding
or deep technical knowledge required, making the
role of Intranet Manager a task in which all staff can

Easily Keep Your Intranet
Fresh & Relevant

Ward & Department Sites Staff Self-Services

Create specific sites dedicated to depart- Group popular staff tasks or reminders
ments or hospital wards, such as Neurol- into one menu to provide easy access to
ogy, Maternity, Pediatrics and more. items such as the cafeteria meal order
form, timesheets, documents, policies
and more.

Doctors On-Call Menu RSS Feed

Provide a quick, at-a-glance reference Pull in a feed of your favorite external
of which doctors are on call and where links, such as news sites or blogs, to any
with the Doctors On-Call Menu ac- area of your Healthcare Intranet with
cessed through mega menus. RSS Feeds.

Blog Feed Weather Feed

Create an internal blog for one-way Display the weather in real-time
communication from executives, or anywhere on your Healthcare Intranet
open it up for all staff to share info, post specific to your location, or pull in the
news, and discuss topics and more. weather from around the world.

What’s New Feed Photo Album Feed

Share important information right on Photo Albums lend to the company
the intranet home page with the What’s culture by sharing event photos, team-
New Feed so critical information isn’t building activities, embedded videos,
missed. project images and more.

Site Tags Feed Top Tags Feed

Site Tags Feed displays a tag cloud of Top Tags Feed displays the most popu-
all the tags used through that specific lar, widely-used tags across the entire
site for easy, one-click access to tags. intranet so staff can quickly access the
most useful tags in one area.

Daily Tips Feed +15 Multi-Variable Feeds

Randomly rotate through pre-selected Utilize multi-variable feeds on your
tips, or other information, with the Daily Healthcare Intranet to build your home
Tips Feed, displaying a different tip page, sites, content pages and mega
each day right to the home page. menus.
Flexible Content
Management that
Content Management is a top priority for every
healthcare organization, it is also a common pain
point. Organizing online and offline resources while
providing your staff the most up-to-date documents
and policies can be a time consuming tasks, not to
mention tracking changes in accordance to regula-
tions which can be audited.

The goal of any successful Con-

tent Management Software is to
deliver content when, and how, you
need it with the ability to easily
update as content evolves. Intranet
Connections’ Healthcare Intranet
takes it a step further with not only
robust Document Management
and Policy Management, but also
detailed tracking and Document
Review/Policy Review. In addition,
you also have Automated Archiving
and Offline Library Resource Orga-
nization with the ability to locate
all of this content with Enterprise

Document Management Document Review Document Versioning
Easily upload and maintain all of your Enable scheduled review processes Refer to only the most recent, up-to-
important healthcare documents in one that will automatically contact authors, date version of documents or policies
central location, with full-text docu- alerting each author to review and with Document Version Control, ensur-
ment indexing and nesting document update files as scheduled. ing old policies aren’t used.
folder structures.

Document Read/Agree Archiving & Clean-Up Policy Management

Get read/agree confirmation from Ensure all intranet content is fresh and Make sure important policies and pro-
staff for important documents, such as free of clutter by setting scheduled cedures aren’t missed with read confir-
changes in procedure, and track who content clean-ups with automated mation checkboxes and policy reminder
has and hasn’t read it. archiving dates. alerts for staff who have not read it.

Policy Review Policy Versioning KB Article Database

Maintain a scheduled policy review To ensure staff are using the most cur- Create a central area where staff can
process with smart delegation to notify rent version of a policy, policy managers access resources, such as best prac-
review managers via email when poli- can check-in and check-out policies for tices and training information, with an
cies need to be checked and updated. updates. intranet knowledgebase. 13
Content Security Content Approval Workflows Publishing Delegation
Control who can find, access and edit Streamline Content Approval with Allow individual users or groups to
content by setting content security Workflows that redirect content editing publish intranet content by giving them
permissions based on role, group or and approvals from author, to editors, to Publishing Delegation Rights to take
individual users. reviewers automatically. the onus off of IT.

Content Tagging Commenting Content Rating

Refine search results using Content Tag- Enable commenting on various upload- Gain quick feedback on content with a
ging, allowing staff to tag content using ed resources to promote collaboration simple rating system that shows thumbs
the organizations own native language and measure engagement with direct up for “liked” content and thumbs down
and terminology. feedback. for “disliked” content.

Organize and
Library Resources
Manage and control your paper-based
Resources with
documents by moving it online with
library content categories and include a
check-in/check-out function.
14 Management 14
Improve Staff
Engagement with
Collaborative Features
Implementing social intranet features promotes
staff engagement by offering tools that foster peer-
to-peer collaboration and staff participation on the
intranet. This can help to enhance and support cul-
ture, corporate values, mission statements and an-
nual company goals. Our collaborative
tools create an engaging intranet
software that drives team-oriented
workspaces where executives, man-
agement and company leaders have
a presence, and provide mentorship to
staff, ultimately improving patient care.

The collaborative elements of your Healthcare In-

tranet are designed to feature social enterprise net-
working where it pertains to healthcare organization’s
needs. We offer two-way communication channels
like Live Chat, Blogging, Idea Share Exchange and
Discussion Forums. You can build community and
conversations with our social intranet software that
may not exist in your physical environment and bring
together peers from various locations.

15 15
Healthcare Event Calendar Blogging
Simply set up your healthcare calendar Keep staff informed with blogging from
equipped with conflict checking, custom upper management and executives dis-
alerts and the ability to add events to played on any page within your Health-
Outlook. care Intranet.

Company News Discussion Forums

Ensure staff are all on the same page Create discussion forums surround-
by posting important Company News ing topics of interest and allow staff to
straight to the intranet home page so it subscribe, set alert notifications, search
doesn’t get missed. and thread conversations.

Healthcare Fundraising Idea Share Exchange

Give back to the community by par- Encourage staff to participate and con-
ticipating in local charities, organized tribute to the growth of your business
all through Fundraiser Sites on your through the submission of ideas with
Healthcare Intranet. the Ideas Share/Exchange.

Quick Polls Online Store

Create a quick one question survey, Create an Online Store on your Health-
which can be displayed on any page to care Intranet for medical supplies,
allow staff to weigh in on issues and branded clothing or other items, or use
questions with one-click. it for inventory tracking.

Job Openings Online Photo Albums

Easily post and organize job postings Boost your organization’s culture by
on the intranet, giving staff advanced sharing event photos, team-building
notice about internal opportunities to activities, embedded videos, project im-
review and apply. ages and more.

Buy & Sell Exchange Recipe Exchange

Post personal items, such as furniture or The Recipe Exchange is the ultimate
electronics, up for sale in the Buy & Sell engagement application, allowing staff
Exchange on your Healthcare Intranet. to share recipes with prep time, ingredi-
ents, directions, photos and more.

Better engage staff to improve

staff connections, boost
16 morale and elevate culture16
Faster Staff Training
Powerful staff training provides you the ability to
easily keep your staff informed and up-to-date on
the latest policies and procedures without always re-
printing the staff handbook or holding time consum-
ing in-person town halls. With simple onboarding on
our Healthcare Intranet from Intranet Connections,
you can streamline new staff through Staff Onboard-
ing in a consistent process that will enable them to
get up-to-speed and more productive faster.

Through our user-friendly Online Training Calendar

you are able to quickly organize training courses,
workshops and seminars, as well as track, manage-
ment and report on Registrations and Waitlists. Not
to mention, with staff training you can train, test, sur-
vey and evaluate staff online all through your Health-
care Intranet.

17 17
Online Training Calendar Surveys & Quizzes
Set-up and share training courses al- Easily build a test to check policy un-
lowing staff to register for any courses, derstanding, test knowledge and quiz
seminars, training sessions and more based on required reading material with
all through the robust Online Training multiple choice questions.

Online Surveys Automated Test Scoring

Quickly create a simple form survey to Automatically score tests immediately
measure staff satisfaction, gauge inter- after a test is taken based on desig-
est levels or collect data with drag and nated weighting for each question and
drop functionality. assigning a pass/fail score.

Question Banks Class Registration & Waitlists

Create questions and answers for each Organize and manage class registration
test and the questions will randomly and waitlists through the Online Train-
display each time a test is taken to ing Calendar in a simple, interactive
avoid having the same test twice. calendar view.

Multi-Session Course Scheduling Class Registration Reports

Manage multiple course sessions within Run reports on whether certain staff
the Online Training Calendar where have completed required courses or run
staff can sign-up for multi-session course reports for registered, waitlisted
courses with a single form. or course statistics.

Interactive Tutorials Staff Onboarding

Get staff familiarized with your intranet Deliver comprehensive employee
by creating intranet tutorials that walk onboarding on the intranet with online
users through tasks step-by-step as they forms, online tests, online training &
perform them. registration and employee recognition.

Employees with
E-Learning &
18 OnBoarding 18
Intuitive eForms &
Our Healthcare Intranet offers a single entry point
to manage your staff and business resources, effec-
tively streamlining and automating operations, pro-
cesses and communication. These tools help in the
management of your business resources and offers
an intuitive and easy-to-use intranet experience for
staff that promotes participation, collaboration and

With Intranet Connections, we provide the ability to

build sites, applications, pages, Online Forms, Work-
flows and utilities to effectively build upon, and
manage, your Healthcare Intranet. All of our admin-
istrative and end-user interfaces are simple, interac-
tive and intuitive, so even your front-line staff and
hospital receptionists can use it. We make it simple
from implementation, to limited maintenance and
management, to maximum usability for your staff.

19 19
Online Forms Dynamic Forms
Easily build forms, or save time by copy- Dynamic Forms present alternate fields
ing existing forms, to create surveys, or questions based on previous answers
staff assessments, patient feedback, to prompt for more information when
mileage calculations and more. necessary.

Mileage Calculation Embedded Spreadsheets

Use built-in GPS mapping technology Collect repeated occurrences of the
to simply log staff travel, and mileage same data without completing and
reimbursement calculations will auto- submitting multiple forms with simple
matically be computed. embedded spreadsheets.

Form Admin/Security Automated Approval Workflows

Set security levels for Online Forms Streamline workflows by setting auto-
for who can and can’t access them by mated approval stages, complete with
administering security settings at the approval managers, secondary approval
folder level of the form. managers and escalated approvals.

Publishing Workflows Workflow Approval History

Set up an automated approval process A history of all submitted forms, includ-
for any published content to ensure it ing the workflow, is available to the
meets company guidelines before being user, manager, approval managers or
posted on the intranet. administrators.

Report Export to Excel Report Export to PDF

Export all form responses to a Micro- Easily view, report on and track data
soft Excel spreadsheet for simple data from all form responses by exporting
reporting, tracking and viewing. the responses to an Adobe PDF.

Incident Report Form Home Care Release Form

Instantly report on any incidents Ensure all patients requiring home care
within your healthcare facility with the after being discharged are assigned to
Incident Report Form for easy incident members of the home care team with
tracking. the Home Care Release Form.

Absence & Overtime Form Cafeteria Order Form

Easily keep track of staff who have taken Enable staff to pre-order their lunch
time-off or worked overtime with the through the intranet using the Cafeteria
Absence and Overtime Form, ensuring Order Form, and picking it up from the
shifts are always covered. cafeteria later. 20
Intranet Designs &
Architecture Made
When you think about intranet design and architec-
ture, a common assumption about many intranet
solutions is that you need to edit the CSS
stylesheets to make changes to the theme
and design options for your intranet.

With Intranet Connections, every

component of our Healthcare In-
tranet software is built-in for you, with-
out any need to work within code or CSS.
Our Simple Theme Builder is point-and-click
and has the built-in intelligence to read the colors
used in your uploaded company logo, offering those
colors as a palette along with complementary colors.

For those with more advanced design skills, we also

offers an Advanced Design Editor that gives you gran-
ular control over the intranet theme and design, but
still in a point-and-click interface – no coding knowl-
edge required. Add to this Intranet Connections’ pow-
erful Healthcare Mega Menus, Dynamic Menus and
Intranet Application Builder and you have intranet
design and architecture tools out-of-the-box and
built-in with maximum ease-of-use.

21 21
Healthcare Mega Menus Simple HTML Editor
Save space on your intranet by creating Enable all staff to create engaging
engaging and interactive Mega Menus HTML pages on your intranet with ease
Navigation, featuring images, applica- using the Simple HTML Editor, giving
tion feeds, widgets and more. you total design flexibility.

Simple Design Builder Advanced Design Builder

Quickly and easily edit the overall in- Administer granular control over in-
tranet design, such as logo, site header, tranet design including site-wide icons,
background, font, menu colors and more, breadcrumb navigation, global site
with no graphic design experience layout, home site theme and more.

Site Design Delegation Intranet Home Page

Determine which individuals can makes Create an engaging Intranet Home Page
changes to the overall site design by by pulling content feeds, adding Mega
administering Site Design Delegation Menus, including image boxes, message
rights. boxes and more.

Dynamic Menus HTML Content Pages

Display menus dynamically with col- Add unlimited content pages to your
lapsible menu options and show menu Healthcare Intranet with easy-to-use
items securely to user groups with set HTML Content Pages and the Simple
permissions to view secure sites, etc. HTML Editor.

Self-Updating Pages Application Builder

Feed content dynamically on the Choose from several pre-built applica-
intranet by including content feeds on tions, or build your own from scratch
intranet site pages to keep intranet with the intuitive build interface – no
content fresh, relevant and timely. coding experience required.

Site Breadcrumbs Page Hierarchy

Leave a trail of breadcrumbs for users Quickly establish Page Hierarchy with
to navigate with on your Healthcare drag and drop functionality to arrange
Intranet by enabling Site Breadcrumbs page levels and page priority within
on each page. each site on the intranet.

Embedded Videos
Intranet Design &
Make your Healthcare Intranet aestheti-
cally pleasing by including Embedded Architecture Built Into Your
Videos on any page, or use Embedded
Videos for training purposes. Healthcare Intranet Software22
Simplify Your Intranet
Management and
Save Time
Intranet Managers have a lot on their plate, and most
of our intranet champions do not manage the intranet
full-time, or even part-time. The majority
of our intranet Administrators/ Manag-
ers only require a few hours a week
to manage their Intranet Con-
nections’ intranet. Our Health-
care Intranet provides a variety of
Intranet Management tools that en-
able Admin Role Delegation to help staff,
and departments, manage the intranet.

Intranet Connections Intranet Management tools

are the ticket to streamline and delegate your site
ad¬ministration, making managing an intranet feasi-
ble for all departments and wards, or any other con-
tributing parties. At Intranet Connections, we strive
to make your life easier including smart delegation
to hand-off sub-site administration and ongoing
management of your intranet. With seamless access
to your Healthcare Intranet Site Statistics & Analyt-
ics you can also make informed decisions about con-
tent, architecture and application decisions on-the-
go without hours of data mining and reports.

23 23
Active Directory Sync Admin Role Delegation Impersonate a Login
Automate onboarding new users to your Determine who your intranet adminis- Impersonate any user’s login to see
Healthcare Intranet with Microsoft Ac- trators are and give them Admin Role how the intranet appears to each user,
tive Directory Synchronization. Delegation rights to break up intranet as well as to troubleshoot any errors
management among various groups. experienced by individuals.

Intranet Security Site Owner Delegation App & Folder Delegation

Set Intranet Security Permissions to Make intranet management easier by Easily delegate administration of an
secure certain areas of your Healthcare delegating site ownership to various us- application, or a folder within an appli-
Intranet that contain sensitive data. ers, such as making the HR Manager the cation, to streamline intranet manage-
HR site owner. ment.

Single Sign-On Site Statistics User Permissions

Save time with automatic Single Sign- Using Site Statistics, determine which Set User Permissions on the intranet
On, enabling staff to access the intranet areas of the intranet are most popular for who can and can’t access certain
without having to type in their user- and which areas of the intranet aren’t content by the user level, group level,
name and password every time. being used. site level and more.
About Intranet Connections
Intranet Connections is a leading provider of simple
intranet software that helps you connect, collaborate
& create to improve productivity, streamline employee
communications and facilitate seamless collaboration
yielding significant time-cost savings.

We have thrived in the competitive industry of intranet

software for more than 15 years because of the core
principles our company was founded upon: simplicity,
positivity, integrity, creativity and empathy. We strive to
embody these values in every avenue of our customer’s

Established in 1999, Intranet Connections has a rich history

in the intranet software industry. With more than 1,600
clients worldwide, we have intranet software that serves
a variety of industries. Discover an intranet that was made
for you with our Corporate Intranet, Financial Intranet or
Healthcare Intranet. Visit the Intranet Connections website
( to discover our simply
powerful intranets or contact us at for more information.

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