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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 1)
Self-Check Write a checkmark ✔ next to the language you know. Return to the unit in your
Student’s Book to find and study the language you are not yet sure of.


 Verb be: singular  banker  What do you do?
statements / Contractions  chef  I’m [an architect].
(page 4)
 doctor  And you?
 Articles a / an (page 5 )  Excuse me.
 engineer
 Singular and plural nouns  Are you [Marie]?
(page 6)
 flight attendant
 Be: plural statements  manager  No, I’m not.
(page 6)  musician  That’s [Marie].
 Subject pronouns (page 6)  photographer  Where?
 Be: yes/no questions and  pilot  Right over there.
short answers (page 7)  scientist  Thank you.
 Proper nouns and  singer  You’re welcome.
common nouns (page 8)  student  Hello.
 teacher  I’m [John Bello].
 writer  Excuse me?
VOCABULARY  How do you spell that?
Occupations The alphabet  B-E-L-L-O.
 actor  A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,  Thanks!
K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S,
 architect T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
 artist

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 1

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 1)
Practice Write a new sentence or a short conversation with each grammar point, word, or
expression you didn’t check.

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Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 1

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NAME: ___________________ DATE: _________

Top Notch Pop Song Activities

(Unit 1, “What Do You Do?”)

A. Listen to the song “What Do You Do?” Complete the lyrics with subject
pronouns and a form of be. Use contractions when possible.
What do you do?
What do you do?
(1.) _________________ a student.
(2.) _________________ a teacher.
(3.) _________________ a doctor.
(4.) _________________ a nurse.
What about you?
What do you do?
(5.) _________________ a florist.
(6.) _________________ a gardener.
(7.) _________________ a waiter.
(8.) _________________ a chef.
That’s what we do.

B. Listen to the song again. Complete the lyrics with the social language and
vocabulary you hear.
It’s (1.) _________________.
What’s (2.) _________________?
Can you (3.) _________________?
(4.) _________________.
(5.) _________________.
Yes, it’s (6.) _________________.
What (7.) _________________?
What (8.) _________________? We are (9.) _________________and (1.)

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 1

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(10.) _________________, and (11.) _________________

How about you?
What do you do?
We are (12.) _________________,
we are (13.) _________________,
(14.) _________________, and (15.) _________________.
That’s what we do.
Hi, (16.) _________________ Linda.
(17.) _________________ John?
No, he’s (18.) _________________.
Excuse me. (19.) _________________ very much.

ABOUT YOU. Answer the questions.

1. What’s your name?
2. What’s your teacher’s name?
3. What do you do?
4. Are you a student?

SPEAKING OPTION. Use the questions to interview a classmate.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 1

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 1, page 11)


Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.

Rose is an artist. NOT rose is an artist.
She is not a musician. NOT she is not a musician.
I’m Judy Miller. NOT i’m Judy Miller.
Use a period (.) at the end of a sentence.
Paul is a student. NOT Paul is a student
He is not a teacher. NOT He is not a teacher

Write each sentence correctly.
1. i’m a student ________________________________________________
2. she’s from Brussels __________________________________________
3. he’s not Orlando Bloom _________________________________________
4. they’re from Santiago ___________________________________________
5. i’m Sam Smith _______________________________________________
6. we’re not bankers ____________________________________________

Write affirmative and negative statements about the people in the picture on page 11
in your Student’s Book. Use a capital letter and a period.
For example:
Rose is an artist. She’s not an architect. ____________________________________

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 1

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________________

Extra Grammar Exercises

(Unit 3, page 21)

LESSON 1 Be: questions with Where / Subject pronoun it

1 Rewrite each statement. Change the noun to It’s.
1. The restaurant is across the street. It’s across the street.

2. The bookstore is around the corner.

3. The newsstand is on the right.
4. The school is next to the bank.
5. The pharmacy is on the left.
6. The bank is between the bookstore
and the newsstand.

2 Complete each conversation. Write a question with Where. Use contractions.

1. A: Where’s the bank?
B: The bank? It’s across the street. Look!
2. A:
B: The newsstand is around the corner.
3. A:
B: The bookstore? It’s on the right.
4. A:
B: The pharmacy is between the school and the bank.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________________

Extra Grammar Exercises

(Unit 3, page 22)

LESSON 2 The imperative

1 Unscramble the directions.
1. restaurant. / bus / Take / the / to the / Take the bus to the restaurant.

2. a taxi / to / the school. / Take /

3. take / the bus. / Don’t /
4. walk / Don’t / restaurant. / to the /
5. take the train / bank. / to the / Don’t /

2 Change each negative imperative to an affirmative imperative.

1. Don’t walk. Walk.

2. Don’t take a taxi.

3. Don’t drive.

3 Change each affirmative imperative to a negative imperative.

1. Walk to the pharmacy. Don’t walk to the pharmacy.

2. Drive to the bookstore.

3. Walk to the newsstand.
4. Take the bus to the bank.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _________________________ DATE: ________________________

Extra Grammar Exercises

(Unit 3, page 24)

LESSON 3 By to express means

1 Look at each picture. Write directions.

1. I don’t go by car to work.

2. I go by bus to school.

3. to the restaurant.

4. to the pharmacy.

5. to the bank.

6. to the bookstore.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Pronunciation Activity
(Unit 3, page 21)


PAIR WORK. Take turns. Ask your partner questions with Where. Use falling
A: Excuse me. Where’s the bank?
B: The bank? It’s around the corner.

STUDENT A: Ask the questions.

1. A: Excuse me. _______?
B: The pharmacy? It’s down the street.

2. A: Excuse me. _____?

B: The bookstore? It’s across the street.

3. A: Excuse me. _____?

B: The school? It’s next to the bookstore.

STUDENT B: Ask the questions.

4. B: Excuse me. _____?
A: The newsstand? It’s between the school and the bank.

5. B: Excuse me? _____?

A: The restaurant? It’s around the corner.

6. B: Excuse me? _____?

A: The bank? It’s next to the pharmacy.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

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Page 1 of 2

NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Learning Strategy
(Unit 3, page 26, Reading)


Scan a reading only for specific information you need.


Answer the following questions for each person in the Reading. Complete the
chart. Look for the information in the Reading.

1 x’x Mark Jackson.

x’x xx architect.
xx xxxxxx xx down
the street xxxx xx
home. x xxx walk
to work. x’x xxxxx!

4 x’x Matt Carson, xxx xxxx

xx xx xxxxxxx, xx. xxxxx.
2 x’x x manager xx xxxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxx
xx x bank. xx xxx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxx,
xxxx xx Laura xx x walk to school xxxx
Blake. x go to xx xxxxxxx. xx walk home
work by car xxxx 3 x’x Min Park, xxx
x’x x doctor xxxx xxxxxxxx, too.
xx xxxxxxxx
xxxx xxxxxx xxx
xxxxx. x xx xx work 5 x’x Art Green. x’x xxxx’x
by train. x take the teacher. xxx x xxxx xx
xxxxxx, xxxx xxxx.
train home, xxx. xxxxxx? xx xxx! xx xxxx
xx’xx xxxxxxxxxx
xx xxx xxxx. xx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx
xxxx xxx xxxxxx. x take the
bus to and from school.

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Mark Jackson Laura Blake Min Park Matt Carson Art Green
What does the
person do?
How does the
person get to
work or
How does the
person get

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 3)
Self-Check Write a checkmark ✔ next to the language you know. Return to the unit in your
Student’s Book to find and study the language you are not yet sure of.

GRAMMAR Locations Destinations

 Be: questions with Where  across the street  go to work
(page 21)  down the street  go home
 Subject pronoun it (page  around the corner  go to school
 on the left
 The imperative (page 22)  on the right
 By to express means  next to the bank SOCIAL LANGUAGE
(page 24)  Where’s the [bank]?
 between the [bookstore]
and the [bank]  It’s [around the corner].
 Can I [walk] to the
VOCABULARY [bookstore]?
Ways to get places
Places in the
neighborhood  walk  Sure.
 bank  drive  And what about the
 take a taxi [school]?
 bookstore  OK. Thanks!
 newsstand  take the train
 take the bus  How do you go to
 pharmacy [school]?
 restaurant Means of transportation  What about you?
 school  bicycle  Me?
 car  Don’t [drive]. [Walk].
 moped
 motorcycle
 subway

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 3)
Practice Write a new sentence or a short conversation with each grammar point, word, or
expression you didn’t check.

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Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises

(Unit 3, page 26)

Look at the Reading. Write T for True or F for False.
1. Mark Jackson goes to work by bus.
2. Laura Blake goes to work by car.
3. Min Park drives to work.
4. Matt Carson walks to school with his friends.
5. Art Green doesn’t walk to school.
6. Min Park takes the train from work.
7. Art Green takes the bus home.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 3, page 27)


Use a question mark (?) at the end of a question.

Where’s the school?
Can I walk to the bookstore?
BUT REMEMBER: Use a period (.) at the end of statements.
The school is down the street.
Don’t walk. Drive.
I don’t walk to school.

Write a question mark or a period.
1. Where’s the restaurant
2. Don’t walk to the pharmacy
3. What’s her name
4. Is he an artist
5. I’m a student

Write five questions and answers about locations for the people at the bus stop in the
picture on page 27 in your Student’s Book. Remember to use question marks and periods
For example:
Where’s the restaurant? It’s across the street. _______________________________________

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 3

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 4)
Self-Check Write a checkmark ✔ next to the language you know. Return to the unit in your
Student’s Book to find and study the language you are not yet sure of.

GRAMMAR  husband  forty

 Be: questions with Who  sister  fifty
(page 29)  brother  sixty
 Be with adjectives (page  seventy
30) Adjectives to describe  eighty
 Adverbs very and so people
(page 30)
 ninety
 pretty  one hundred
 Verb have / has:  handsome
affirmative statements  one hundred one
(page 32)  good-looking
 Be: questions with How  cute Other language
old (page 33)  short  dad
 tall  mom
 old
Family relationships SOCIAL LANGUAGE
 grandparents Numbers 21–101  Who’s that?
 grandmother  twenty-one  That’s my [father].
 grandfather  twenty-two  Tell me about your
 parents  twenty-three [father].
 mother  twenty-four  Well, [he’s] a [doctor].
 father  twenty-five  And [he’s] very [tall].
 children  twenty-six  And how about your
 daughter [mother]?
 twenty-seven
 son  twenty-eight  I have one [brother] and
two [sisters].
 grandchildren  twenty-nine  Really?
 grandson  thirty  How old is your [brother]?
 granddaughter  thirty-one
 wife  thirty-two

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 4)
Practice Write a new sentence or a short conversation with each grammar point, word, or
expression you didn’t check.

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Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Page 1 of 2

NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises

(Unit 4, page 34)

A. Circle the letter of the correct person for each item.
1. She has one sister.
a. Hannah Quinlivan
b. Dakota Fanning
c. Patricia Bernal
2. His parents are actors.
a. Gael García Bernal
b. Steven Fanning
c. Jay Chou
3. He is a singer.
a. Gael García Bernal
b. Diego Luna
c. Jay Chou
4. He is from Mexico.
a. Gael García Bernal
b. Steven Fanning
c. Jay Chou
5. Her sister is an actor.
a. Hannah Quinlivan
b. Elle Fanning
c. Heather Joy Fanning
6. His parents are teachers.
a. Gael García Bernal
b. Steven Fanning
c. Jay Chou

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B. Answer these questions. Answer in complete sentences.
1. How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Chou have?
2. Who is Hannah Quinlivan’s boyfriend?
3. Who are Gael García Bernal's parents?

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 4

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NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 4, page 35)


A sentence has a subject and a verb.

subject verb
Mike has two children.
Pia is his daughter.
My grandparents are very good-looking.
Paul and Lisa aren’t very tall.

1. Circle the subjects in the sentences below. Then underline the verbs.
a. I have one brother and two sisters.
b. My son is very handsome.
c. They are my parents.
d. My neighbors have two children.
e. Mr. Park is a teacher.
f. Actors are so good-looking.

2. On a separate piece of paper, correct the sentences. Add verbs.

a. She my sister.
b. My mother and father chefs.
c. I two brothers.
d. My parents teachers.
e. Danielle three brothers.
f. Mr. and Mrs. Yu my neighbors.

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Choose two of your relatives. Write sentences about them.

For example:
My sister is 24 years old. She’s short and good-looking. She’s an architect. Her name is...

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright ©2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: _______________________ DATE: _________________

Supplementary Pronunciation Lessons

(Unit 4)


The stressed syllables in a word are long and strong.

For example:
PARents CHILdren DAUGHter
___ . ____ . _____ .

In compound nouns, the first word has a stronger stress.

For example:
GRANDparents GRANDchildren GRANDdaughter
____ . . ___ . . ___ . .

2:02 Listen to the Vocabulary on page 28 and repeat in the pauses.

1. GRANDparents 9. SON
2. GRANDmother 10. GRANDchildren
3. GRANDfather 11. GRANDson
4. PARents 12. GRANDdaughter
5. MOTHer 13. WIFE
6. FATHer 14. HUSband
7. CHILdren 15. SISter
8. DAUGHter 16. BROTHer

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition Unit 4

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted for classroom use.

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