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Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography, 2018

VOL. 73, NO. 1, 55–61

Notes on the genus Callitriche (Plantaginaceae, Callitricheae) in South America,

and an identification key for Brazil
Gustavo Hassemera  and Richard V. Lansdownb,c 
Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark; bArdeola Environmental Services, Stroud, Gloucestershire,
UK; cRoyal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK


Callitriche is a genus of small herbs, ranging from aquatic to amphibious and terrestrial, Received 10 December 2017
the taxonomy of the genus is complicated and still unresolved, and knowledge of species Accepted 19 February 2018
distribution is still deficient. The present work aims to contribute to the taxonomic and
geographical knowledge of Callitriche in South America by presenting the first records of C. Callitriche lechleri; Callitriche
terrestris subsp. subsessilis in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Sergipe, stagnalis; Callitriche terrestris
and by presenting evidence that C. lechleri and C. stagnalis, which have been reported for Brazil subsp. subsessilis; distribution
in taxonomic databases, do not occur in this country. We also lectotypify C. lechleri, and present extension; Lamiales; new
the first records of C. stagnalis in Chile and the Falkland Islands. Finally, we provide a key to the records; typification
identification of the four species of Callitriche that occur in Brazil.

Introduction published by Funez et al. (2017), and this species was

lectotypified by Lansdown et al. (2017).
Callitriche L. (Lamiales Bromhead, Plantaginaceae Juss.,
The present work aims to contribute to the taxonomic
Callitricheae Dumort.) is a cosmopolitan genus includ-
and geographical knowledge of Callitriche in South
ing c. 75 species concentrated in temperate regions
America by presenting the first records of C. terrestris
(Philbrick and Jansen 1991; Philbrick and Les 2000;
subsp. subsessilis (Fassett) Bacigalupo in the Brazilian
Miller 2001; Erbar and Leins 2004; Villani et al. 2004;
states of Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Sergipe, and
Bean 2007; García 2010). This genus, along with Hippuris
by presenting evidence that C. lechleri (Hegelm.) Fassett
L., Littorella P.J.Bergius and Plantago L. is notable among
and C. stagnalis Scop., which have been reported for
the Plantaginaceae for the much simplified morphology,
Brazil in taxonomic databases, do not occur in this coun-
particularly of the floral parts (Hegelmaier 1864; Miller
try. We also lectotypify C. lechleri, and present the first
2001; Lansdown 2006b, 2009). Pollination in Callitriche
records of C. stagnalis in Chile and the Falkland Islands.
has been shown to be particularly variable, with anemo-
Finally, we provide a key to the identification of the four
phily, epihydrophily and hypohydrophily having been
species of Callitriche that occur in Brazil.
reported (Philbrick and Anderson 1992; Osborn and
Philbrick 1994; Cooper et al. 2000; Philbrick and Les
2000). Material and methods
The taxonomy of Callitriche is still very problematic,
and a great percentage of herbarium materials are either We revised the Callitriche collections of ASE, BM, C,
only identified to genus or misidentified (Miller 2001; EAC, EFC, F, FI, FLOR, FT, FURB, G, GB, GH, HBR,
Lansdown 2006b, 2009). The phylogenetic relationships HRB, HURB, K, MA, MBM, MO, NMW, NY, P, PA,
within the genus also remain to be clarified (Philbrick STU, TEPB, TUB, UESC and US (acronyms according
and Jansen 1991; Philbrick and Les 2000; Prančl et al. to Thiers 2017+). The conservation status assessments
2014). Some regional works provide important infor- follows the International Union for Conservation of
mation on the taxonomy and distribution of this genus Nature (2012, 2017) criteria.
in South America (Hegelmaier 1875; Dawson 1965;
Bacigalupo 1979a, 1979b; Mereles and Degen 1993; Taxonomic treatment
Novara 1993; Bittrich 2002; Zuloaga et al. 2008; Souza
2010). In Brazil, two species were recorded by Souza 1. New records of Callitriche terrestris subsp. subsessilis
(2010); this number was later increased to six species in Callitriche terrestris subsp. subsessilis (Fassett)
Souza and Hassemer (2015). New distribution records Bacigalupo, Flora Ilustrada de Entre Ríos 5: 577–578.
for C. deflexa A.Braun ex Hegelm. in Brazil were recently 1979. Figure 1.

CONTACT  Gustavo Hassemer

© 2018 Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Firenze

Published online 29 Mar 2018


Figure 294(A–E) in Bacigalupo (1979a); figure 7(A–G)
in Bacigalupo (1979b); figure 2 in Mereles and Degen

Callitriche terrestris subsp. subsessilis is the terres-
trial Callitriche taxon most widely distributed in the
Americas: it occurs from central Mexico to central
Argentina (Fassett 1951; Bacigalupo 1979a, 1979b;
Bittrich 2002). In Brazil, this taxon had been hitherto
recorded in Bahia, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco and São
Paulo states (Fassett 1951; Bittrich 2002). Here we pres-
ent the first records of this taxon in Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Catarina and Sergipe states (Figure 2).

Grows on humid soil, especially close to water bod-
ies, in shaded spots and in areas prone to occasional

Conservation status
Figure 1.  Herbarium specimen of Callitriche terrestris subsp. Least concern (LC). This subspecies has a broad distri-
subsessilis (G. Viana 626, ASE-2736) collected in Riachão bution, from southern North America to central South
do Dantas, Sergipe state, north-eastern Brazil. Copyright: America, and does not appear to be threatened.
Universidade Federal de Sergipe.

Type: Colombia, Norte de Santander, east of Bata, val- Notes

ley of Rio Chitagá, south-west of Pamplona, alt. 6500 This is the only subspecies of C. terrestris Raf. known to
ft, 13 October 1944, N.C. Fassett 25932 (holotype, occur in Brazil.
MO-1607122!; isotypes, GH-00048930!, NY-00248743!,
US-1989482, barcode 00095624!, US-2166226, barcode
Additional material examined
(≡) C. deflexa var. subsessilis Fassett, Rhodora 53: 150. S.l., s.d., A.F.M. Glaziou 8077 (C). Argentina, Corrientes,
1951. Empedrado, Estancia La Yela, 7 October 1980, T.M.
Pedersen 12938 (C); Mburucuyá, Estancia Santa
Teresa, 25 November 1959, T.M. Pedersen 5298 (C);
Formosa, August 1919, Gonzalez 3240 (GH-01147956
Small terrestrial herbs. Sparsely distributed, rather [paratype]); Jujuy, Zapla a San Salvador de Jujuy, 9
inconspicuous peltate scales present on stems and leaves. November 1974, A. Burkart et al. 30556 (P-04214914);
Leaves isomorphic, obovate to spathulate, slightly fused Salta, San Martín, Laguna La Yuntada, 20 km al NW de
at their bases, 2.0–4.0 × 0.5–2.0 mm, entire, apex obtuse. Tartagal, c. 700 m, 13 September 1983, L.J. Novara 3705
Bracts absent. One staminate and one pistillate flower (MO-3787435); Tucumán, Leales, 300 m, October 1919,
borne in the same leaf axil, or more rarely flowers iso- S. Venturi 482 (GH-01147935 [specimen B]); Capital,
late. Staminate flowers with a pedicel, c. 0.5 mm long; Parque 9 de Julio, 450 m, August 1923, S. Venturi 2052
anthers 0.10–0.15 mm long, yellow, more or less reni- (MA-788035). Bolivia, s.d., G. Mandon 1456 (GH-
form. Pistillate flowers and fruits with an inconspicu- 01147936, MO-1913778); Tarija, July–August 1846,
ous pedicel, growing to 0.1–0.4 mm long. Mature fruits M.H.A. Weddell 4038 (P-04214848). Brazil, s.d., A.
wider than long, 0.5–0.8 × 0.7–1.0 mm (including wing), Regnell III-1762 (P-04214852); 1844, M.H.A. Weddell
compressed, not thickened or flared at the base, brown, 1007 (P-04214893); locis humidis hortensibus, 900 m,
surface reticulate, faces plane; wing narrow (<10% width 2 October 1914, P.K.H. Dusén s.n. (GH); Bahia, s.d.,
of mericarp), conspicuous with magnification, evenly P. Salzmann (MO-1913775 [paratype]); Minas Gerais,
surrounding the mericarps. Caldas, 22 September 1867, A. Regnell III-1578

Figure 2. Recorded distribution of Callitriche terrestris subsp. subsessilis in Brazil. Green dots and areas shaded in green (in the case
of lack of more precise geographical information) indicate the previously-known distribution, whereas red diamonds indicate the
new records.

(F [isoparatype], P-04214854 [isoparatype], P-04214858 (MO-3189994). Ecuador, lièux humìdes des forêts,
[isoparatype]); Ouro Preto, 1894, M. Gomes 26804 (F); entre Guayanda et Bodegas, November 1856, Remy s.n.
Pernambuco, moist sand, among rocks by nearly dry (P-04214867, P-04214869); Cotopaxi, Tenefuerste, Río
streamlet through dry scrub (caatinga), Bello Jardim, Pilalo, km 52–53, Quevado, Latacunga, 750–1300 m,
Serra do Genipapo, 625 m, 14–15 November 1924, A. 21 February 1982, C.H. Dodson and A.H. Gentry 12767
Chase 7710 (US); Rio de Janeiro, 1816–1821, A.F.C.P. (MO-2944171). Mexico, 1841–1843, F.E. Liebmann
de Saint-Hilaire 486 (P-04214916); Petrópolis, Sto. 1088 (C); México, Temascaltepec, Nanchititla, cliff,
Antonio, 24 September 1875, A.F.M. Glaziou 8077 10 November 1933, G.B. Hinton 4988 (GH-01147937
(P-04214894); Rio de Janeiro, weed in garden, Quinta [paratype], P-04214895 [isoparatype]); Veracruz,
de Boa Vista, 11 July 1967, F.R. Fosberg 48526 (US); Jalapa, s.d., C.G. Pringle 7817 (GH-01147934).
Santa Catarina, s.d., J.F.T. Müller 413 (K); Tubarão, Paraguay, s.d., P. Jörgensen 4509 (MO-971747 [para-
no terreno humido de Conconhaz perto de Tubarão, type]); s.d., C. Osten s.n. (MO-5599203); June 1915,
September 1889, E. Ule 1257 (P-04214851, STU); T. Rojas 1255 (MO-5599204); Luque, sur la terre
Sergipe, Riachão do Dantas, mata de Riachão, em humìde, 7 June 1874, B. Balansa 2352a (P-04214847);
caatinga hipoxerófila, 27 August 1982, G. Viana 626 L’assomption, sur le bord des mares, September 1875, B.
(ASE-2736; see Figure 1). Colombia, Cundinamarca, Balansa 2352 (P-04214846, P-05109233); L’assomption,
Bogotá, Campos de la Universidad Nacional de sur le bord des mares, December 1876, B. Balansa 2353
Colombia, 2600  m, 10 April 1986, J.L. Fernández (P-04214845). Peru, Cajamarca, Contumazá, Yetón
A. 7798 (MA-508417); Santander, Vélez, in patio of (San Benito-Guzmango), 1800  m, 12 June 1983, A.
Hotel Santander, 7120 ft, 17 April 1944, N.C. Fassett Sagástegui 10554 (MO-5171459, MO-5182435).
25071 (MO-1607112 [paratype], US-2166143, barcode
2. Notes on Callitriche stagnalis in South America
00609859 [isoparatype]); Valle del Cauca, Bosque
de San Antonio, west of Cali, near television tower, Callitriche stagnalis Scop., Fl. Carniol., 2nd ed. 2: 251.
1950–2050  m, 15 July 1984, A. Gentry et al. 48173 1772

Type: UK, Ceredigion, Aberleri Fields, Borth, UK (J. Cordeiro and E. Barboza 794, C!, MBM!; see Figure
Ordnance Survey grid 22/61209160, 20 July 1998, A.O. 3). However, careful examination of these specimens has
Chater s.n. (neotype NMW!; designated by Lansdown revealed that they belong instead to C. rimosa Fassett.
2006a, p. 108). Since there is no other record of C. stagnalis in Brazil,
and this species is not recorded in neighbouring coun-
Illustrations tries, we believe that it does not occur in this country,
and therefore we propose its removal from the flora of
Figures on p. 81 and 83 in Lansdown (2008). Brazil.
With our revisions of herbarium collections we dis-
Distribution covered the first records of C. stagnalis in Chile (T.G.
Lammers et al. 7503, F-2068478!; see Figure 4) and the
Callitriche stagnalis is native to Europe, from the Azores Falkland Islands (R. Lewis s.n., K-000299348!). In both
to Iceland and east to the western side of the Ural cases there is clear indication that the species occurs in
Mountains in Russia (Lansdown 2008). It also occurs anthropic environments, i.e. areas under strong influ-
as an alien (naturalised) in North America (Philbrick ence of human activities. These are the first verified
et al. 1998), Australia (Orchard 1980), New Caledonia records of C. stagnalis in South America; based on what
and New Zealand (Mason 1959). happened in North America and Australasia, we believe
that this species will probably expand its distribution in
Conservation status temperate areas of South America.
Least concern (LC). This species has a broad distribution
and does not appear to be threatened. New records
Chile, Biobío, Concepción province, Concepción, Estero
Notes Lenga, 2.5 km west of Avda. Gran Bretaña on Avda. Los
Golondrinas, just beyond the Petrox refinery, submersed
Callitriche stagnalis has been reported to occur in Brazil
(Kaehler 2014; Souza and Hassemer 2015) based on one
collection from Curitiba, Paraná state, southern Brazil

Figure 3. Herbarium specimen of Callitriche rimosa (J. Cordeiro Figure 4.  Herbarium specimen of Callitriche stagnalis (T.G.
and E. Barboza 794, C) collected in Curitiba, Paraná state, Lammers et al. 7503, F-2068478) collected in Concepción
southern Brazil. Copyright: Københavns Universitet. province, Chile. Copyright: Field Museum of Natural History.

in shallow pools in grazed salt marsh, 22 October 1990, Conservation status

T.G. Lammers et al. 7503 (F-2068478; see Figure 4). UK,
Least concern (LC). This species has a relatively broad
Falkland Islands, East Falkland, Stanley, ditches/drain-
distribution in southern South America and does not
age, 2 March 2009, R. Lewis s.n. (K-000299348).
appear to be threatened.
3. Lectotypification of Callitriche lechleri and its removal
from the flora of Brazil Notes
The protologue of C. marginata var. lechleri (Hegelmaier
Callitriche lechleri (Hegelm.) Fassett, Rhodora 53: 191–
1867, p. 12–13) provided the following information
194, Tab. 1174(18). 1951
on the type: ‘Chile (Santiago, Philippi, K. K. W. H.
Type: Chile, O’Higgins, Rancagua, May–June 1828,
[Kaiserlich-königliches Wiener Herbarium (= W herbar-
C.L.G. Bertero 142 (lectotype designated here,
ium)]; Valdivia, Lechl. pl. chil. N. 260; Quillota, Bertero,
GH-00048932!; isolectotypes, BM!, MO-1913783!,
Hb. Rich.; Runcagua, Bert. N. 142, Herb. Steud.) und
NY-00248745!, P-04214934!). Figure 5.
Peru (Ayapata, Lechl. pl. Peruv.)’. Later, Fassett (1951,
(≡) C. marginata var. lechleri Hegelm., Verh. Bot. Vereins
p. 192) indicated the gathering C.L.G. Bertero 142 as
Prov. Brandenburg 9: 12–13. 1867.
the type for this name, listing specimens kept at three
herbaria as co-types: ‘Chile: Rancagua, May, June, 1828,
Illustrations Bertero 142 (MO, GH, NY – Cotypes)’. Because of the
Tab. 1174(18) in Fassett (1951); figure 296 in Bacigalupo importance of Fassett’s work on Callitriche, and aiming at
(1979a); figure 4 in Bacigalupo (1979b). conserving the current application of Callitriche names
as much as possible, we decided to select a lectotype for
C. marginata var. lechleri among specimens kept at these
Distribution three herbaria cited by Fassett (1951). Following this cri-
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (Fassett 1951; Bacigalupo terion, we were able to locate the following original spec-
1979a, 1979b; Zuloaga et al. 2008). imens: GH-00048932, MO-1913783 and NY-00248745.
We designate here the specimen GH-00048932 (Figure
5), which is the best among these three syntypes, as the
lectotype of C. marginata var. lechleri.
Callitriche lechleri has been reported to occur in
Brazil (Souza and Hassemer 2015) based on one collec-
tion from Bom Retiro, Santa Catarina state, southern
Brazil (L.B. Smith and R.M. Klein 7854, P-04214910!; see
Figure 6). This specimen was originally identified as C.
oblongicarpa Fassett (a synonym of C. lechleri, according
to Bacigalupo (1979a, 1979b) and Zuloaga et al. (2008))
by Lyman Bradford Smith. However, careful examina-
tion of this specimen has revealed that it belongs instead
to C. rimosa. Since this was the only record of C. lechleri
in Brazil, we believe that this species does not occur in
this country, and therefore we propose its removal from
the flora of Brazil.

Key to the identification of Callitriche in Brazil

Note: state-level distributions are presented inside brack-
ets. State abbreviations: BA: Bahia; MG: Minas Gerais;
PE: Pernambuco; PR: Paraná; RJ: Rio de Janeiro; RS:
Rio Grande do Sul; SC: Santa Catarina; SE: Sergipe; SP:
São Paulo.
1. Mature fruit black, up to 1 mm wide ...................... 2
Mature fruit brown, 0.8–1.5 mm wide [PR; RS; SC; SP]
................................................................ C. rimosa Fassett
2. Bracts absent. Fruit winged ........................................ 3
Figure 5. Lectotype of Callitriche marginata var. lechleri (C.L.G. Bracts present at least subtending flowers but caduceus.
Bertero 142, GH-00048932). Copyright: Harvard University. Fruit unwinged [RS] ..................... C. heterophylla Pursh

This work was supported by SYNTHESYS Project [grant
number GB-TAF-5317, ES-TAF-6610 and FR-TAF-6529].

Gustavo Hassemer
Richard V. Lansdown

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Federal de Sergipe) for supporting this study; to the curators International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2012. IUCN
and staff of all the herbaria cited in Material and Methods red list categories and criteria. version 3.1. 2nd ed. Gland:
for receiving us during our studies, for the loan of herbarium IUCN.
specimens, for providing images of herbarium specimens International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2017.
and for providing important information to this study; and to Guidelines for using the IUCN red list categories and
anonymous reviewers for contributing to improve this paper. criteria. version 13. Gland: IUCN.
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