Heidi Schweitzers Resume

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Heidi Schweitzer

36 Bellemont RD, Belle Mead NJ, 08502, (609)-751-2730, Email: schweih1@tcnj.edu

Seeking an elementary education incorporating strengths gained from history such as, but not
limited to, communication and fact-based learning.

The College of New Jersey, ​Ewing, NJ
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and History, ​May 2021
Cumulative GPA 3.112/4.0

Teaching Experience:
Practicum Experience,​Lawrenceville Intermediate School,​Lawrence Township, NJ, Fall 2018
·​ O​ bserved and assisted in a 5​ grade classroom with 24 students.

·​ ​Performed a read aloud in regard to inferencing and gave an accompanying lesson.

·​ ​Analyzed a student and their work to help understand where student should be placed.
Practicum Experience, ​Dutch Neck Elementary, ​West Windsor, NJ, Fall 2019
·​ ​Observed and assisted in a 3​rd​grade classroom with 22 students.
·​ ​Created a math lesson plan and game to wrap up single digit multiplication unit.
·​ ​Created a science lesson plan to teach and introduce students to climate and different types of
·​ ​Lead a science read aloud about weather, specifically hurricanes, and asked though provoking

Job Experience:
·​ ​Rec-N-Crew, ​Montgomery NJ, 2015-2017
o​ ​Counselor in training​: with students from 1​st​to 3​rd​grade
o​ ​Counselor​: with students from 3​rd​to 5​th​grade
o​ ​Worked to create games for students and fun activities as well as supervised field
o​ ​Helped children resolve problems with friends in effective ways and create new
o​ ​Worked to create and fun and safe environment for children to enjoy their summer.
·​ ​Montgomery Gymnastics Camp​,​Montgomery NJ, 2016-2017
o​ ​Gymnastics Coach
o​ ​Worked with children from kindergarten to 8​th​grade interested in gymnastics.
o​ ​Worked on physical skills and self confidence not only in the sport but in everyday
o​ ​Resolved friendship troubles.
·​ ​Kickside Martial Arts,​Hillsborough NJ, 2017
o​ ​Front Desk Assistant
o​ ​Helped to start class for preschool students to get their focus ready for class.
o​ ​Assisted parents with questions and relayed information regarding timing of classes,
tournament dates or basic information about their child.
o​ ​Created eye grabbing flyers regarding important events and dates.
·​ ​Scrap U and Artistry too,​Hillsborough NJ, 2018
o​ ​Camp counselor and art coordinator
o​ ​Created multiple art lesson plans for 25 students ranging from 5 to 13 years old.
o​ ​Differentiated lesson plans for students based off of age and art ability.
o​ ​Communicated with parents about student’s art abilities and next steps for their

o​ ​Girl Scout
o​ ​Achieving bronze, silver, and gold award.
o​ W​ orked with younger scouts on trips and during service missions.

o​ ​Held events for younger troops to attend.

o​ ​Proficient in Microsoft, Excel, and PowerPoint.
o​ ​Proficient in all Google systems.

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