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Drug Enforcement Administration

Diversion Control Division

Drug & Chemical Evaluation Section

(Trade Names: Opana®, Opana ER®; Street Names: Blue Heaven, Blues, Mrs. O, New Blues, Octagons, Oranges,
Orgasna IR, OM, Pink, Pink Heaven, Pink Lady, Pink O, Stop Signs, and The O Bomb)
July 2019

Introduction: tolerance. Abrupt discontinuation after prolonged use can

Oxymorphone (14-hyroxydihydromorphinone) is a cause signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
potent Schedule II opioid analgesic drug with an abuse
liability similar to morphine and other schedule II opioids. Acute overdose of oxymorphone, similar to other pure
Recently, there has been an increase in the abuse of opioid agonists, can produce severe respiratory depression,
oxymorphone. It was first marketed in the United States for somnolence (drowsiness) progressing to stupor or coma,
medical use in 1959 as injectable and rectal suppository skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy skin, constricted
forms. In June 2006, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pupils, and reduction in blood pressure and heart rate. In
approved immediate-release (IR) and extended-release some cases acute overdose may result in apnea, circulatory
(ER) oxymorphone oral tablets under brand names Opana® collapse, cardiac arrest, and death. Opioid receptor
and Opana ER®. Recently generic oxymorphone antagonist such as naloxone is a specific antidote against
formulations were approved by FDA. respiratory depression resulting from overdose or unusual
sensitivity to oxymorphone. Oxymorphone related deaths
Licit Uses: have been reported in various states.
Oxymorphone is indicated for the relief of moderate to
severe pain. It is currently marketed both as immediate Illicit Uses:
release tablets containing 5 mg and 10 mg and as extended Oxymorphone products, similar to other schedule II
release tablets containing 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 opioids, have high abuse and dependence potential, produce
mg, 30 mg, and 40 mg oxymorphone hydrochloride. It is tolerance, and are abused for their euphoric effects. Snorting,
also available as 1 mg/mL injectable formulation. oral ingestion, and injection are some reported routes of
According to IMS Health™, total prescriptions administration. Demographics of oxymorphone abuser
dispensed for oxymorphone increased from 268,000 in 2007 population are similar to those of other opioid analgesics and
to 1.2 million in 2012; and, remained fairly stable over the mainly include young Caucasian adults. The American
next four years with relatively the same amount (i.e., 1.2 Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) reported 387
million) dispensed in 2016. In 2017, during the height of the total oxymorphone exposures, 164 single exposures, and zero
opioid crisis and establishment of the 2016 Centers for deaths in 2017, a decrease from 508 total case exposures
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guideline for (single exposures of 220) and two deaths in 2016.
Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, 902,525 oxymorphone Oxymorphone products are illicitly available under a
prescriptions were dispensed and roughly 214,000 were variety of street names (see above) in numerous states.
dispensed in the first half of 2018. Street prices of oxymorphone products, though vary, generally
retail for one dollar per milligram of oxymorphone. Similar to
Chemistry/Pharmacology: other opioid pharmaceuticals, methods of diversion of
Chemically, oxymorphone is 4,5α-epoxy-3,14- oxymorphone products include fraudulent and forged
dihydroxy-17-methylmorphinan-6-one, commonly used as its prescriptions, robberies, thefts, and polydrug trafficking
hydrochloride salt - a white or slightly off-white, odorless organizations. According to DEA’s National Forensic
powder, which is sparingly soluble in alcohol and ether, but Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) and the System to
freely soluble in water. Pharmacological and toxic effects Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence
and abuse and dependence liabilities of oxymorphone are (STRIDE)/STARLiMS databases, analyzed substances
essentially similar to other schedule II opioid analgesics, identified as oxymorphone by federal, state, and local forensic
such as morphine and oxycodone. laboratories decreased from 2,264 in 2016 to 1728 in 2017.
Oxymorphone is a pure opioid agonist relatively During the first half of 2018, 683 items were identified as
selective for the mu opioid receptors. However, at higher oxymorphone.
doses, it can interact with other opioid receptors. The precise
mechanism of analgesic action of oxymorphone is unknown. Control Status:
Similar to pure opioid agonist analgesics, with increasing Oxymorphone is controlled in Schedule II of the federal
doses of oxymorphone there is increasing analgesia. There Controlled Substances Act.
is no defined maximum dose; the ceiling to analgesic
effectiveness is imposed only by serious side effects.
In addition to analgesia, other pharmacological effects of
opioid agonists include anxiolysis, euphoria, feelings of
relaxation, respiratory depression, constipation, miosis
(contraction of pupils), and cough suppression. Use of Comments and additional information are welcomed by the
oxymorphone, similar to other schedule II opioid analgesics, Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section, Fax 202-353-1263,
carries the risk of addiction, physical dependence and /or telephone 202-307-7183, or E-mail

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