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Formato 3 Plotting the script

Título del Cortometraje "Human activity, the worst threat of nature"

Participantes Lorena Ardila Cardona, ID: 594994

Angie Daniela Chávez, ID: 537278.
Yulidy Murillo Beltrán, ID: 597569
Jehraldy Osorio Osorio, ID: 610828
Dayana Rodríguez Valderrama, ID: 614772.

Formato Vídeo

Propósito The purpose of our short film is to make

people aware of the mismanagement that
they give to garbage or waste, to sensitize
them not to pollute the rivers any more

Descripción One morning you will find Jehraldin like

every day walking through a field eating a
delicious snack, while enjoying observing
the countryside I thought:

¡ My cookies are delicious, my potatoes

are delicious, that juice so tasty!, I'll eat
other cookies, but what do I do with this

Seeing Jehraldin a river that passed

through the field came and observed that
no one was looking, there decided to throw
the trash in the river thinking more that the
river would take the flow, without taking
into account that this would contaminate
the river.
On the other side of the field were Dayana
and Daniela two friends who went out
every morning to trot around those
surroundings and saw the bad deed that I
do Geraldine.
Dayana told Daniela:
As There can be people who throw
garbage to the rivers, do not realize the
consequences that this can bring in a few
years, besides that can harm thousands of
people including a whole population, water
is so vital to live and people
Contaminándola , for these actions there
should be a fine or sanction and if possible
there is a prison sentence, a lack of
Daniela as an environmental Engineer, he
replies to Dayana: 
This woman needs my help, somehow I
will make him aware so that it does not
continue contaminating this river, which
has a little love for nature, is the future of
humanity, water is important And we need
her to survive, it's our source of life.
On the other side of the city were two
friends who did not see many years ago,
Yulidy and Lorena who came to visit
because he was living in Spain, were so
happy to see, that Yulidy decided to make
an invitation to Lorraine.
Yulidy: Lore, what do you say we're going
to spend an afternoon in the country? 
Lorena as she loved nature gladly accepts,
and asks what place Iran, to which Yulidy
-Let'S Go to Piedras! Where the river Opia
flows, this place is very quiet and visited by
Embarked on the road to Stones and on
arriving, Lorena is very surprised to see the
state of the river, so deteriorated, so
Yulidy very sorry to her friend for the lack
of culture of the citizens, and the Little
awareness tells Lorraine:
-But as it has changed, I am surprised to
see how polluted the river, people do not
care for the little nature that we have, a few
years ago visit this place and is now very
deteriorated, you notice the pollution. 

-Meanwhile in the Jehraldy field, back

home he goes through the same river
called Opia where she threw the trash out
of his refreshment, and suddenly sees a
sign that before he was not there, he said:

-She feels very guilty about her acting and

thinks: It Is true, for my children and
grandchildren is the best inheritance I can
leave them, a healthy land and clean

-Daniela and Dayana who watched from

afar felt very satisfied to see that their work
had been a success

Guión Jerhaldin: My cookies are delicious, my

potatoes are delicious, that juice so tasty,
I'll eat other cookies, what do I do with this
crap?, I will not load garbage, this river
takes it, maybe nobody sees me.
Dayana: As There can be people who
throw garbage to the rivers, do not realize
the consequences that this can bring in a
few years, besides that can harm
thousands of people including a whole
population, water is so vital to live and
people Contaminándola, for these actions
there should be a fine or sanction or if
there is possibly a prison sentence,¡ a lack
of culture!
Daniela: That woman needs my help,
somehow I'll make her aware so that she
doesn't continue contaminating this river,
the Opia River is very important.
This river is the future of humanity, water is
important and we need it to stay alive, it is our
source of life.

Yulidy: Lore, what do you say we're going

to spend an afternoon in the country? 

-Lorraine: I think it's A good idea, where

are we going? 

-Yulidy: We go to Stones where the river

Opia flows, this place is very quiet and
visited by tourists
Lorena:Is this the place?
-Yulidy: Yes, but as it has changed, I am
surprised to see how polluted the river,
people do not care about the little nature
that we have, a few years ago visit this
place and is now very deteriorated, you
notice the pollution. 

-Jehraldin: Where did this notice come

Is True, for my children and grandchildren
is the best inheritance I can leave them, a
healthy land and clean water.

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