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Currently the whole world is going through one of the most difficult situations a

pandemic called covi19 or coronavirus, it came to change the world, this virus does
not care if it affects poor or rich, black or white, children or old it, it attacks all
people equally, economic activities had to close their doors fleeing the virus that is
killing so many people in the world.
Today my story in this article related to covi19, while all companies were closing
their doors, the world of the internet was giving me an opportunity to work
I will tell you a little more about my project, my work begins on social networks very
early in the morning, I start doing my work activities through internet platforms and
sharing the information that I already have about learning about the project thanks
to the range that I have to share to other people the project
Thanks to this project I am generating income of approximately $ 250 per week,
working through social networks, while companies are currently closing their doors
and many people were fired from their jobs
The covi19 pandemic leaves me learning that if it is possible to carry out a social
media project and earn money through this means, I was one of the most skeptical
people to believe it and if it can be done.
With my partner we decided to take up this issue since we did not know of any
case of a person who has had to reinvent himself in this time of coronavirus



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