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Introduction to Religion


This module focuses on introducing religion and serves as an introduction for the entire course.
Defining religion is given emphasis especially the views of some scholars and expert in the field of religion.
The topic on belief systems or worldviews of major religions is highlighted as well as the foundation and
effects of religion and the relationship between spirituality and religion.

At the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
a. define religion,
b. compare and contrast the belief systems of different
religion, c. demonstrate the foundation of religion,
d. justify the effects of religion in a society.


Faith and Communion


John 10:10
Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly — a complete life full of purpose."

There is no absolute or universal formal or official definition that can be attributed to religion because
1) not all religion share the same beliefs, rituals, and doctrinal teachings; and 2) the use of the term
“religion” in the English language presents a problem when its sense is applied to a different set of belief
systems and practices.

But to understand better what religion really is, defining it is important. By etymology, the word
religion comes from Latin variants: relegere (constantly return to), religari (to be tied into), and re-eligere
(to choose again).

Here are some definitions by some respected experts from various disciplines whose views of
religion are helpful in understanding its concept:

Friedrich Schleiermacher (1778-1834) the feeling of absolute dependence

Rudolf Otto (1869-1937) that which grows out of, and gives expression to, experience of the
holy in its various aspects
Paul Tillich (1886-1965) ultimate concern for the ground of Being
William James (1842-1910) feelings, acts, and experiences of individual people in their solitude
as they stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine
Victor Frankl (1905-1997) function of the spiritual unconsciousness, which is the source of the
will to meaning
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things
which unite into one single moral community all those who adhere
to them
The definitions given by various scholars and experts in the field of religion can be categorized into
three: substantive, functional, and family resemblance definitions.

Religion defined as substantive simply talks about beliefs, institutions, and practices. It tries to look
into the essential characteristics of religion.

Functional definition accommodates other important ideas such as creeds and principles. It does not
specify necessary content or elements but focuses instead on how religion functions in the lives of the believers.

All religions belong to a family of resemblance, according Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept: The use
of the word “game” has no common essence because each game has a character: some are solitary while
others are team and competitive; other games depend on chance while some on skill; some games are for
amusement only while others require winning or losing. Still, we use the word “game” to refer to such
activities because each is similar in important aspects.

Please answer activity 1 before you proceed to the next topic.

Activity 1
Which among the three approaches in defining religion is the most useful? Why? Make also your
own definition of religion.

Substantive, because all religion comes from one who truly believed its beliefs and what he
puts in mind of what their God could be. Religion helps in creating principles and also a regulator for
values in day to day life. I also believed on this part being the most useful because we all resemble
and act on what we belief on our religion that could be such as their practices which makes us find
ourselves into being more meaningful and understanding. Faith is substantive because if your
doubting about anything, your faith will be your motivation on facing those problems and having
faith means you trust Gods plan. We people believe some things because of the evidence of our
senses for example today is raining, the floor is clean, there are other animals in the zoo and its
because of what we see and hear. When we truly believe something it profoundly influences our
actions. These actions can then exert a powerful influence on the beliefs of others. Some religion has
different view of their beliefs and others also have their differences however those differences
doesn’t make each religion bad because those things make them respect each other. With those
respects, everyone can be united regardless of what religion they are. Unity takes place when
everybody has something to hold such us their God.
A peaceful world can be settled for all because every religion is beautiful if you always look
at the bright side. We don’t think our God will love us because we are good but our God makes us
good because he loves us. We have religion because we have faith. Religious culture is that set of
beliefs and symbols pertaining to a distinction between an empirical and a super empirical,
transcendent reality, the affairs of the empirical being subordinated in significance to the non-
empirical which is substantial. We may have different perspective of religions apart from this is what
make us closer to what we seek in life and may also enlighten us on our purpose in life. Religions is
what makes us who we are and who we want to be, aside from our beliefs and this is what makes it

Belief systems also known as worldviews is what we call “perspective” in layman’s term. In order
to understand it better, let us take as an example the Filipino worldview. Filipinos are known to be
optimistic and resilient and can still manage to smile despite any hardships. This could be a religious
disposition and religion might have influenced and affected the way Filipinos see the world and the events
of their lives. The virtues of hope, charity, and faith taught by the Church may have greatly affected their
perspective. Belief systems of your religion can influence your perspective or viewpoint about the world of
today and the events that is presently happening.
World religions have different worldviews or belief systems. Let us take a look at the example of the
belief systems of major world religions.

Religion Founder Sacred Text(s) Doctrine(s) Transcendental

Judaism Abraham/Moses Torah, Poetry, Ten Monotheistic
Prophets, Talmud, Commandments, Yahweh/Jehovah
Mishnah 618 Rules

Christianity Jesus Christ Bible Trinity, Trinitarian (Father,

Resurrection, Last Son, and Holy
Judgment Spirit)

Islam Prophet Qur án and Hadith Five Pillars of Monotheistic

Muhammad Faith Allah

Hinduism Aryans Vedas, Upanishads Dharma, Kama, Polytheistic

and Bhagavada- Artha, Brahman, 33 million gods
Gita Atman, Yoga and goddess

Theravada Siddharta Gautama Tripitaka Four Noble Truths, Non-theistic (no

Buddhism Eight-fold Path god)

Mahayana Siddharta Gautama Sutras Four Noble Truths, Non-theistic (no

Buddism Eight-fold Path, god)
Six Perfections

Confucianism Confucius Confucian Classics Nirvana, Human Nirvana

(Analects) Nature, Five
Cardinal Virtues

Western religions are all theistic while the majority of East Asian religions are non-theistic.

There are at least three main temperaments or dispositions when talking about the belief in God. 1.
Theism is the belief in the existence of God or gods. Common variants of theism are monotheism (belief in one
god), polytheism (belief in many gods), deism (belief in a powerful or higher being who created the universe and
who do not intervenes in human affairs), pantheism (belief that everything is god) and panentheism (belief that
everything is in god). 2. Atheism denies the existence of a god or gods; that there is no sufficient basis or
evidence to prove the existence of a god or gods. 3. Agnosticism tells that one cannot prove nor disprove the
existence of a higher being named god or gods. Agnostics use unconvinced arguments to defend this position.
Among the three temperaments, agnosticism is absent among major religions.

This is the second activity. Work on it before you proceed to the next topic.
Activity 2

Which temperaments or dispositions does your own belief belong? Express it through art in a long
bond paper. Draw a symbol that would describe your own disposition on the belief of God.
The next table shows an example of the similarity of worldviews of major religions. Let us take as an
example on how different religions phrase the Golden Rule:
Religion Belief System on the Golden Rule
It is a rule of altruistic reciprocity stated positively in a
well-known Torah (first five books in the Old Testament)
verse “ You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge
against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbour as yourself: I
am the LORD.” (Leviticus 19:18). This Torah verse
represents one of several versions of the Golden Rule,
which itself appears in various forms, positive and
negative. It is the earliest written version of that concept
in a positive form.

The "Golden Rule" of Leviticus 19:18 was quoted

by Jesus of Nazareth (Mt 7:12 and Luke 6:31) and
CHRISTIANITY described by him as the second great commandment. The
common English phrasing is "Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you".
Similar examples of the golden rule are found in the
hadith of the prophet Muhammad. The hadith recount
what the prophet is believed to have said and done, and
traditionally Muslims regard the hadith as second to only
the Qur'an as a guide to correct belief and action. Prophet
ISLAM Muhammad said: "As you would have people do to you,
do to them; and what you dislike to be done to you, don't
do to them. Now let the stirrup go!" [This maxim is
enough for you; go and act in accordance with it!]" (Kitab
al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 146)

If the entire Dharma can be said in a few words, then it

is—that which is unfavorable to us, do not do that to
others. (Padmapuraana, shrushti 19/357–358)

Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, c. 623–543 BC) made this

principle one of the cornerstones of his ethics in the 6th
BUDDHISM century BC. It occurs in many places and in many forms
throughout the Tripitaka.

Zi gong (a disciple of Confucius) asked: "Is there any one

word that could guide a person throughout life?" The
Master replied: "How about 'shu' [reciprocity]: never
CONFUCIANISM impose on others what you would not choose for
yourself?" (Confucius, Analects XV.24, tr. David Hinton
(another translation is in the online Chinese Text Project)

Religion is also related to the concepts and disciplines of theology, philosophy of religion, and
spirituality. They all help in understanding better the phenomenon of religion.

THEOLOGY is the study about god or gods. It functions as a method in forming a reasoned
expression of faith. Its objective is to critically examine and understand the content of faith. One cannot have
a strong belief of faith on something one cannot fully understand. For instance, a Christian believes that
Christ is the Son of God. This belief must be supplied with sound rational justification guided by a proper
theology. Therefore, a critical knowledge of faith is required in theology.
PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION is a branch of philosophy that deals with the philosophical analysis,
reflection, and examination of the central issues, themes, topics, and problems about religion. Its function is
to provide illuminating insights on some religious concepts, beliefs, arguments, and religious practices.
Philosophy of religion examines the nature and other intricate issues of religion in a philosophical point of
view, whereas religion provides the material or object of study to philosophy.

SPIRITUALITY and religion are considered by some to be either the same or strongly linked because
spirituality, as a meaningful human activity centers on one’s quest for meaning and purpose, is touch on by
religion. However, many argue that religion and spirituality are two distinct subjects and activities.
Before you proceed to the next part of the module, please do the first activity.

Activity 3
Ask at least three (3) members of the family about their thoughts on the Golden Rule.

Name Relationship Golden Rule is…

1. Jaafar Tuti Father We believed when you do good to others, something

good in return will come back to us. Do not do harm to
anyone if you do want them to harm you.

2. Anwar Tuti Brother In Islam, we learn to respect ourselves first then do it to

others which is a golden rule for us to follow.

3. Aliya Tuti Sister Every golden rule has is purpose, it doesn’t matter what
religion we are, we still need to follow what is rights in
behalf on what we believed.

Spirituality and Religion: Notion of “Spiritual but Not Religious”

“Being spiritual but nor religious” (SBNR) arose as an disapproval to religion in the late 20 century
with the increase of secularization – the process in which religion loses its social and cultural significance
brought about by the gradual abandonment of people’s belief in God. I order words, SBNR are those people
who identifies themselves as atheist, agnostic, and unaffiliated (people who do not belong to any religion
but do not consider themselves as either atheist or agnostic). A survey says that religiosity is higher among
poor countries like Nigeria and Ghana, West Africa compared to rich countries like China and Japan.
Therefore, economic conditions can affect why people think of themselves as religious.

Hinduism and Christianity have highest percentage of adherents who claim to be religious and
lowest percentage of adherents who claim to be nonreligious among the Western religions. However,
Judaism has the highest percentage of adherents who claim to be nonreligious. Very interesting to know also
is that they have more adherents who claim to be nonreligious than the adherents who claim to be religious.

There are many approaches to understand the effects of religion:

1. Psychological – how religion affects or influence human behaviour
2. Anthropological – the evolution of religion and its central influence on man as a being
3. Historical – origins of religion
4. Geographical – the environment, dispersion, and diffusion of religion affect universalization of religion
There are at least two principles that should be considered when talking about geography of religion
in order to understand how religion began, how it developed, and how it evolved:
1. Principle of environmental determinism – states that human activities are controlled and determined by
the environment
2. Synergistic principle – states that there is an active interplay between environment and culture that helps
explain the origin and initial development of religions
One of the most important determining factor of culture is religion. For example, Filipino’s conservatism
is influenced by the religious traditions and beliefs that extremely shape their moral and/or ethical life. In other
words, religion stands as a great binding force that directs and sets standards in the society.

Each religion has its origin. Culture has been already in the civilizations where religion were born.
And when it came in the civilization, it influenced the cultural life of the people. Religion then creates its
own culture and imposes its cultural practices. It is based on the triadic model: absorption, transformation,
and rejection.
For example, the Philippines underwent a lot of absorption, transformation, and rejection of the
indigenous cultural and religious practices during the Spanish period. The Spaniards had successfully
imposed the culture of their religion, and the indigents systematically rejected many animistic practices.
Many religions develop a set of moral norms and prohibitions through their religious culture. These
religious practices can affect their livelihood and lifestyle. Religion can truly shape the destiny of the
society. It may impose standards of what one ought to do or not to do. In other words, morality is
constrained by one’s religious beliefs.
However, some social theorists and philosophers observed the loosening and weakening of religious
power to influence the highly materialist and consumerist society of today; and that religion poses a problem
in inspiring the society to help in alleviating human sufferings and difficulties.
Religion, as discussed, did not come from nothing. Its origin is characterized by factors: human
interest (to know the purpose and role of his or her existence) and environment (environmental attitudes
such as climate conditions and the area influence the behaviour and conduct of its inhabitants).
Geography helps people relate religion as a human activity and as influenced by the existence of a
being of transcendent nature. Looking at world, the idea of a creator of the most complex creation like the
mountains, ocean, and etcetera had been realized. And when human beings look for the purpose and
meaning of his or her life, he or she may also ask what the purpose of the world is, why some region are
deprived of a good weather or climate, or why are there places that seldom they find the soil wet.
Studying religion using geographical approach is not new. But the serious study began in the
Renaissance period where the study is centered on theology and the spread of Christianity. It is called
ecclesiastical geography – entirely a mission-centered study of Christianity. Another geographical practice
that emerged was biblical or scriptural geography – centered on identifying and locating places and names
found in the biblical text.
Another feature that links geography to religion is natural theology which requires understanding
geographical phenomena to provide strong support to theological views and arguments about God.
Another thing that we need to know about the foundation of religions is its diffusion and dispersion.
The spread of religion makes us understand how migration (the movement of people) affects the cultural and
social lifestyle in a particular place. Major religions of the world are associated to the culture, racial groups,
socio-political systems and lifestyle, and even to the economic development. It is hard to imagine now of the
Philippines without Christianity, or India without Hinduism, or China without Confucianism. The
distribution of major religions has always something to do with the place of origin and the processes
employed in their diffusion and dispersion. Each religion differ in the way they were spread out.
There are two chief principles of diffusion: principle of religious movement (speed, processes, and
dynamics of religious movement) and principle of intensity of movement (members are diffused to various places
to spread their beliefs and invite people, and to refuse to be converted to other religion). Some religions promote
(carrier) diffusion while others refused (barrier) it. For example, there were time when Japan prohibited other
religions to perform any public worship. This is an example of a barriers of diffusion. Carriers of diffusion allow
other religions to perform and it is seen in most democratic countries like the Philippines.

Can we say that all religions are Asiatic? The labels ‘’Western’’ religion and ‘’Eastern’’ religion
may be void when considering the geographical context. Most of the major religions came from Asia.
It is said that all religious beliefs, systems, practices and worldviews are shaped by surroundings and
environment. They vary according to physical atmosphere. The mosques of Islam, churches of Christianity,
synagogues of Judaism, and temples of Hinduism reflect the places of origin for each of these religions.
The place of foundation where major religions started are divided into two sections: Indus-Ganges
heart (began in India like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism) and Semitic heart (birthplace of three major
Western religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Many of the major religions today have spread in many places and were able establish stronger bases
in other lands compared to its original homeland. How did this happen? Universal religions have edge when
it comes to adaptability to local cultures compared to indigenous religions such as Hinduism. They try to
acclimate the cultures of the local inhabitants and integrate the cultures within their own religious systems.
This is the reason why universal religions are also called missionary religions.

Work on the fourth activity before you proceed to the next topic.

Activity 4

Write an essay about your religion using the guide question: Why do you think religiosity is
higher among the poor countries than among rich countries?

Everything is related to the people for example a rich person who works his whole life to be
successful doesn’t pray anymore because he already has everything he wants while a poor person prays a lot
more than a day for its wishes to come true. Countries that are rich is blessed and Countries that are poor is
also blessed that why life is fair because all countries weather rich or poor has something to be proud and be
fortunate about. Some people are born to be rich; some also are born to be poor. They may differ from what
country they we raised but people only get devoted when there is willingness from itself and its nots about
the riches you have or what you become in life. I believe religiosity comes with the person and it not based
on what financial status a country has. A country doesn’t only have one religion to believed with, each
country has tons of it and this religion has their own beliefs and standards.
A first world country can pray all the want but it doesn’t mean they are religious for example during
this pandemic USA is one of those riches country and also have a riches record of covid19 cases which
mean being rich can’t be related to their religiosity of a rich country and a poor country can secretly pray on
what will happen to its country with the help of its leader but still can’t result to anything related to their
devotion to is religions. Being religious is a choice to be made by the people itself and will never be based
on countries economy status.
Effects of Religion

Why do we need to know the positive and negative effects of religions? We need to know the effects
of religion so that we will be enlightened on how it affects the way people live their lives, on the reasons
why people are attracted to their religion, whether it plays or does not play a role in the never ending tension
between peace and violence in society and whether it unites or divides people and society.

How religion affects the way people live their lives? According to some scholars, we people are considered
religious humanity. Religion plays a big role in human development.

One of the main goals of religion is to help people live a moral life for it is necessary for human
development. This is the reason why religions set guiding principles for actions or moral standards and rules.
Religions can greatly affect the moral behavior and character of a person. Positively, religions teach us how
to conduct ourselves properly in order to become a person of moral and virtuous character. Negatively, when
members failed to understand fully the moral teachings, religion then becomes oppressive and controlling.
Division, destruction, strictness, and even anger will be formed.

Religions teach us to appreciate life, beauty, nature and others. They teaches us to live a good life which
points toward living a beautiful life. They teaches us to have a positive outlook on life in order for us to live
life meaningfully. The negative effect lies in the idea that some principles of religion only gives false hopes.
The negative view of life may be acquire also when sufferings move into our lives.

Religions play an important role in history as part of the social life of the people. The success of People
Power revolution for example, where religions helped liberate people from oppression can be considered as
positive account. On a negative note, religions may also cause social differentiation and isolation because of
different belief systems and practices.

Religions have plays an important role in shaping and conditioning people’s behavior. What is not good
about it is when people only comply on what their religion dictates them and not doing it wholeheartedly and

Religions, especially Western religions, was able to connect us to what we thought we are not capable of
knowing because of its divinity or being supernatural. Religions teach humans how to transcend to another
dimension. This dimension or realm must be yearned and desired while humans are still alive despite its
This activity will be the last for this module. Answer it before you proceed.

Activity 5

Reflect on how your own religion affects the five aspects in your life.


Moral It is true our behaviors and principle are affected by our religion; we do what’s
right based on what we learn on our culture and beliefs. Every religion has is
it’s different and we don’t want to be criticize. Wrong doing is always going
to put blame on our religion so we just have to follow what is right.
Aesthetic We are also teaching to live a life without regrets which mean to have a life
without doing sins for yourself. Be happy and be grateful on what you have,
never be ashamed for doing what is right and never get jealous of others on
what the have in life because life is fair. We get serve what we deserve

Social Each religion has different culture and roles; we may differ from others but
from generation to generation those what we believed may change and will be
created something new to follow.

Psychological Yes, it is bad to do things not willingly and for our religion it is really a
burden because in Islam we need to be whole hearted and don’t need to
be fake of what your belief. We don’t need to act good, just to be praise.

Transcendental Our religion makes us belief that when we trust Allah, we don’t need to be
Afraid of falling behind because life is not a race.

Like Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, our revered Foundress, who was born in a Christian
community with a Catholic and religious parents, she was able to ponder on what she believed in about God.
For her, God is a great provider. She was able to leave her comfort zone because she strongly believed that
God will be the one to provide everything. That faith led her to commit herself to God, to be in union with
her Divine Majesty.

Religion plays a big part in the formation of our faith. It makes our faith develop day by day and
become stronger and better through our experiences with our religion. It can greatly influence on how are
we going to live our lives and how are we going to relate with other people.


Religion is characterized by belief systems, which help people find their purpose in life. Spirituality
is also important to religion. Being spiritual helps one see things with positive viewpoint or perspective
because a spiritual person can clearly see connections among objects and things despite their complexities.
A spiritual person ponders and considers that everything or anything has a purpose or happened for a
purpose. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
We have to have that care for others as a reflection of our faith, as a reflection of whom we believed in.

Pope Francis said in one of his general audience address, “Whoever says they believe in God but not in
the Church, has a direct relation with Christ outside of her, falls into an absurd dichotomy. God has confided his
saving message to human persons, to witnesses, and it is known to us through our brothers and sisters.”


Online quiz through Google Classroom


Interview at least three (3) Christians and take note how they are living their Christian life.


Atim, B. C. (2016). Introduction to World Religions. Diwa Learning System, Inc.

New American Bible

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Dmerrill. (2001, November 21). Golden Rule.,of%20the%20wor ld's

Glatz, C. (2019, April 3). Pope Francis: Don’t be afraid that God has allowed different religions in the

Libreria Editrice Vaticana. (2019, February 4). A DOCUMENT ON HUMAN FRATERNITY


Catholic Productions. (2019, August 22). Spiritual but Not Religious: True Religion in James 1
[Videos]. YouTube.

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