Movie Breakdown For PS I Love You

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Movie breakdown for PS I Love You

The year is 2007, the date the movie was released. During this time, I was probably running around in a
yard living the life of a carefree child without knowledge of having something as weird as this be
released to the public eye. So fast forward to 2020 and with the changing norms of society, this movie
would tank…more than it already tanked in the past.

Welcome to the first episode of a movie breakdown where I tore down everybody or nobody’s favorite
movie for the sake of views/ and although its completely unnecessary to nitpick all the illogical and
irrational things in a movie because it’s a movie afterall…I’d still do it to stretch this entire video for the
ads, if there are any.

So, shall we enter now?

Its not a common trope. Its not really. that the first few minutes of the movie, we get a glimpse of what
we are dealing with. In this case, we see a couple fighting. The girl Holly played by the is she hot or is she
attractive topic of debate in the office, Hillary Swank, was internally mad and wont say whats the matter
(insert: women problems? You either get us or not) about this guy, Gerry, played by my old crush,
Gerard Butler, who has incredible patience and a huge amount of optimism to continue question his
wife (insert: oh, they are in fact, married) what’s wrong. They get Into a fight and… make out. (insert
song: Kiss and make-up. Ki-kiss and make-up, kiss and ma--). Then opening credits.

We are taken into the setting of a local pub and we see a picture of Holly. But the picture was just a
distraction for we learned that Gerry has died of brain tumor and his funeral is here. His remains are
cremated and stuff into this beautifully decorated box full of ornaments and sequence and is taken into
this local pub as perhaps requested by Gerry. We see friends of Holly arriving, a priest and a grieving
Holly accompanied by her mother played by Kathy Bates (insert: Misery picture) They drank shots and
played Gerry’s favorite song which the mother find it to be distasteful by the look of her reaction.

The camera pans to this bartender who is eyeing the grieving widow in the hopes that she might be a
potential mate at least that’s what the movie is suggesting.

The party starts and we see Denise, Holly’s friend, straightforward picksup guys with hard-hitting
questions (insert: Lisa Kudrow is funny in this movie). Oh this is Holly’s sister who I obviously don’t care.

We skipped to the shot of their apartment and we see Holly carrying her husband’s urn slash box and is
trying to call him through his cell to maybe hear his voice. Days past and we can see Holly is still grieving
all alone in her apartment. We do see flashbacks of the moments they were together and we see her
singing to a song from the movie to force some happiness in her life. Her friends and mother to
celebrate her 30th birthday.

Then a cake is delivered to Holly which came from her husband as evident on the lettering on that cake.
Holly thinks this is not funny. Then a tape recorder is handed down to her containing the voice of Gerry
saying that he planned this on his own and there are many surprises left to unpack. He then instructs her
friends to take Holly into a gay bar. They party. They then go back to Holly’s local pub which they own by
the way and Holly is seen in this tiny nook where we see the bartender who has been eyeing her from
the beginning enter unto the nook.
We learned that his name is Daniel who has a syndrome for being too honest (without a filter) which
may come out as rude. They talk hinting that this guy would be the next Gerry.

The next day, Holly receives another letter from Gerry instructing her to buy a bedside lamp, a disco diva
outfit and quit her job. Holly is doing just that. Then we see this guy delivering another letter. The outfit
Gerry instructs leads to this scene where Gerry, Holly and friends used to sing Karaoke. A flashback of
the scene shows Holly doing this while singing a song and ultimately hits her face because she’s so
caught up in the moment.

We are now at the present where Holly sings to the crowd and somehow felt Gerry is there to watch
her. And also Daniel is there to support.

After that we see Denise trying her luck on this man and what do you know she finds her match. Then
Daniel comes to the isolated Holly to talk about how she is a terrible singer.

Then the next day I guess, Holly receives another letter to declutter her and Gerry’s wardrobe. Holly and
Daniel meet to this place to talk more and invites Daniel to her apartment to help her declutter. We see
yet another flashback of one of their intimate moments together.

Then we see Holly anxiously or eagerly waiting for another letter from Gerry and goes to this place
where this woman welcomes her and has been waiting for her to hand her down a trip to Gerry’s home
town Ireland. Along with her friends they travel and arrive to this bar. Holly’s friends convince her to hit
on this musician who looked like a younger version of Penelope cruz’s husband.

The musician performs on stage on a song that Gerry used to sing and he remembers her husband. She
walks out. They go out in a boat trip and somehow got stuck in the middle of the lake because their oars
were accidentally thrown in the ocean. (insert: why would they not swim it). They talk and open up deep
things to past the time and her friend who I don’t know the name up to this point. (insert credits rolling:
oh its Sharon) Sharon opened up being pregnant and is expecting a baby while Denise is about to get
married. This puts Holly on edge as she see her friends getting happy while she is still sad. They got
rescued by this guy, the guy he met on the pub who happens to be a boat man. (insert: the
circumstances on this are purely coincidental)

They are back at their hotel or inn and invites this man to stay. His name is William. After dinner their
friends leave leaving Holly to check out his butt. Then they make out. (insert: whhhhatttt abouttt
Daniiiiiii?????) after the session, we find out that this guy is Gerry’s old band mate. (insert: uhmmm
okay) and she’s sleeping with him.

Holly went to Gerry’s home where he grew up and met up his parents. Gerry’s mother received a letter
from Gerry and instructs Holly to go his fort which is actually just a stone wall. Gerry’s mother handed
her down this envelope labelled Galway Girl. While Holly is there at the fort, she reads the letter from
the envelope which contain their first meeting and this irks me. A lot. (insert: a random guy meeting a
random girl, its not that its cliché but this just straight out creepy. This would be an example of how Ted
Bundy picked up those girls by looking all too charming)

So holly was lost and Gerry helps her find her way. They talk along the way and along the way Gerry
gives his leather jacket to Holly but you don’t see it in the film as it is already worn by her. Suddenly, a
dog is running towards them which makes Holly fearing for her life (insert: like a damsel in distress) and
her putting in this awkward position to a guy he just met. (insert elsa making the statement: you can’t
marry a guy you just met) the sexual undertones is there and Holly kinda likes being held like this. So
Holly and Greg kissed when its just their first time meeting and Holly leaves without returning his jacket
for she knows he would have to find her to get the jacket back (insert: classic manipulation)

We return to the present moment and while Holly is reading the letter, she feels Gerry is near and that
the letter is a reminder to find her dream job.

Holly has returned to her apartment and goes back to this isolation phase where she just ignores every
call because she is busy creating something she loves, designing shoes. (insert the movie line: this is like
shoe art).

So as if nothing happened in Ireland, Holly meets up with Danny and catch up. Holly tells Daniel what a
real friend he is and accidentally mistakes him for Gerry and Daniel corrects this. Daniel is pissed and is
showing his pissed and leaves the table never to return to the table. (insert: he never dine and dash, he
just dash)

Holly goes on a heart to heart talk with her mom, Patricia because apparently, Patricia are not in good
terms with Gerry because she reminds him of his former husband. Her mom hands her out the last

Daniel calls Holly that he’s sorry for being pissed and they meet at the new Yankees stadium and they
kissed. And the end..

Nope. Dani pulled out a “this isn’t going to work out” and Holly feels the same too. They remain friends
and it turns Dani was just a friend all along. so they parted ways and Holly goes to Ireland to meet her
one night stand guy, William and probably they might end together because the movie just ends with
the view of a farm.

Conclusion: that was one movie I wasn’t expecting to watch since its 2 hours long and Im not really a fan
of romcom dramas but without contradicting to my initial statement of its weird, I still find it weird how
fast-paced the love story of Holly and Gerry. (insert: it’s a movie so skip all those boring scenes)

My ending statement:

The movie’s take on grief and what’s life after having lost someone you love is the central point to the
film. Although the circumstances surrounding Holly are more than coincidental albeit almost unrealistic,
it does sends a message of walking ahead (insert Patricia saying walking ahead) or moving forwards after
a devastating turn of events.

You work with what you have and Holly’s realization that Gerry is not coming back is what makes her
character bounded to our reality. You could still live life. If we keep wanting the things that’s already
gone, we will be living in a loop where you are reliving the past and might never find happiness on the
things that are present and are in your hands.

Would I recommend it to you? Yes

Watch this if you are somehow let down by life. It does offer tear jerkers and if you are crying in one of
the scenes is not that bad in a sense that you are releasing tension and possibly clear your head out of
the moment.

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