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When we encounter the word Church, what comes to mind is a structure or a building where people gather to

praise and worship the Lord, the Church means so much deeper than this. Thousands of years ago, the word

Church was derived from the Latin word ecclesia, a translation of the Greek word ekklesia which means

assembly. The English word Church kirche, in German, is a translation of the Latin word ecclesia. All of these

speak of the same thing. With these being said, more than a building, the Church means gathering of people

who intend to pray, to worship God, to listen to God’s word and to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. The purpose

of the Church is to continue the work and ministry of the saving act of Christ. The congregation has been

around for a very long time, despite the fact that it has endured mistreatments and difficulties, it will never be

put down for it has divine origin and it exists through God's will. The Church is holy because it traces its origin

from God. It stays to be the most respected and most dependable foundation despite its flaws, its history isn't

sufficient to support the difficulties and challenges that it experienced. This proves that the Congregation

which Jesus established is permanent, indefectible and perpetual, Jesus built up the Congregation to assemble

who accept and have confidence in him. The Life of the Church is the Life of Christ, The mission of the Church

is the mission of Christ. It was established by Jesus and sanctified by the Holy spirit. It is the body of Christ. It is

the family of God. It is the Church where we belong. This is the Church we love. It is our home.

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