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1. A salesman sold twice as much pears in the afternoon than in the morning.

If he sold 360 kilograms of pears that day, how many kilograms

did he sell in the morning and how many in the afternoon?

2. Mary, Peter, and Lucy were picking chestnuts. Mary picked twice as much chestnuts than Peter. Lucy picked 2 kg more than Peter.
Together the three of them picked 26 kg of chestnuts. How many kilograms did each of them pick?

3. Sophia finished 2/3 of a book. She calculated that she finished 90 more pages than she has yet to read. How long is her book?

A farming field can be ploughed by 6 tractors in 4 days. When 6 tractors work together, each of them ploughs 120 hectares a day. If two of
the tractors were moved to another field, then the remaining 4 tractors could plough the same field in 5 days. How many hectares a day
would one tractor plough then? 

5. A student chose a number, multiplied it by 2, then subtracted 138 from the result and got 102. What was the number he chose? 

6. I chose a number and divide it by 5. Then I subtracted 154 from the result and got 6. What was the number I chose?

The distance between two towns is 380 km. At the same moment, a passenger car and a truck start moving towards each other from
different towns. They meet 4 hours later. If the car drives 5 km/hr faster than the truck, what are their speeds?

One side of a rectangle is 3 cm shorter than the other side. If we increase the length of each side by 1 cm, then the area of the rectangle will
increase by 18 cm2. Find the lengths of all sides.

The first year, two cows produced 8100 litres of milk. The second year their production increased by 15% and 10% respectively, and the
total amount of milk increased to 9100 litres a year. How many litres were milked from each cow each year?

The distance between stations A and B is 148 km. An express train left station A towards station B with the speed of 80 km/hr. At the same
time, a freight train left station B towards station A with the speed of 36 km/hr. They met at station C at 12 pm, and by that time the express
train stopped at at intermediate station for 10 min and the freight train stopped for 5 min. Find:
a) The distance between stations C and B.
b) The time when the freight train left station B.

Susan drives from city A to city B. After two hours of driving she noticed that she covered 80 km and calculated that, if she continued driving
at the same speed, she would end up been 15 minutes late. So she increased her speed by 10 km/hr and she arrived at city B 36 minutes
earlier than she planned.
Find the distance between cities A and B.

To deliver an order on time, a company has to make 25 parts a day. After making 25 parts per day for 3 days, the company started to
produce 5 more parts per day, and by the last day of work 100 more parts than planned were produced. Find how many parts the company
made and how many days this took.

There are 24 students in a seventh grade class. They decided to plant birches and roses at the school's backyard. While each girl planted 3
roses, every three boys planted 1 birch. By the end of the day they planted \displaystyle 2424 plants. How many birches and roses were

A car left town A towards town B driving at a speed of V = 32 km/hr. After 3 hours on the road the driver stopped for 15 min in town C.
Because of a closed road he had to change his route, making the trip 28 km longer. He increased his speed to V = 40 km/hr but still he was
30 min late. Find:
a) The distance the car has covered.
b) The time that took it to get from C to B.

If a farmer wants to plough a farm field on time, he must plough 120 hectares a day. For technical reasons he ploughed only 85 hectares a
day, hence he had to plough 2 more days than he planned and he still has 40 hectares left. What is the area of the farm field and how many
days the farmer planned to work initially?

A woodworker normally makes a certain number of parts in 24 days. But he was able to increase his productivity by 5 parts per day, and so
he not only finished the job in only 22 days but also he made 80 extra parts. How many parts does the woodworker normally makes per day
and how many pieces does he make in 24 days?

A biker covered half the distance between two towns in 2 hr 30 min. After that he increased his speed by 2 km/hr. He covered the second
half of the distance in 2 hr 20 min. Find the distance between the two towns and the initial speed of the biker.

A train covered half of the distance between stations A and B at the speed of 48 km/hr, but then it had to stop for 15 min. To make up for the
delay, it increased its speed by 5/3 m/sec and it arrived to station B on time. Find the distance between the two stations and the speed of the
train after the stop.

Elizabeth can get a certain job done in 15 days, and Tony can finish only 75% of that job within the same time. Tony worked alone for
several days and then Elizabeth joined him, so they finished the rest of the job in 6 days, working together.
For how many days have each of them worked and what percentage of the job have each of them completed?

20. A farmer planned to plough a field by doing 120 hectares a day. After two days of work he increased his daily productivity by 25% and he
finished the job two days ahead of schedule.
a) What is the area of the field?
b) In how many days did the farmer get the job done?
c) In how many days did the farmer plan to get the job done?
21. To mow a grass field a team of mowers planned to cover 15 hectares a day. After 4 working days they increased the daily productivity by 33
x 1/3 ​%, and finished the work 1 day earlier than it was planned. 
A) What is the area of the grass field?
B) How many days did it take to mow the whole field?
C) How many days were scheduled initially for this job?
Hint: See problem 20 and solve by yourself.
Answer: A) 120 hectares; B) 7 days; C) 8 days.

22. A train travels from station A to station B. If the train leaves station A and makes 75 km/hr, it arrives at station B 48 minutes ahead of
scheduled. If it made 50 km/hr, then by the scheduled time of arrival it would still have 40 km more to go to station B. Find:
A) The distance between the two stations;
B) The time it takes the train to travel from A to B according to the schedule;
C) The speed of the train when it's on schedule.
Click to see solution

The distance between towns A and B is 300 km. One train departs from town A and another train departs from town B, both leaving at the
same moment of time and heading towards each other. We know that one of them is 10 km/hr faster than the other. Find the speeds of both
trains if 2 hours after their departure the distance between them is 40 km.

24. A bus travels from town A to town B. If the bus's speed is 50 km/hr, it will arrive in town B 42 min later than scheduled. If the bus increases
its speed by 50/9​ m/sec, it will arrive in town B 30 min earlier than scheduled. Find:
A) The distance between the two towns;
B) The bus's scheduled time of arrival in B;
C) The speed of the bus when it's on schedule.
1. A car traveled 281 miles in 4 hours 41 minutes. What was the average speed of the car in miles per hour?
2. In a group of 120 people, 90 have an age of more 30 years, and the others have an age of less than 20 years. If a person is selected at
random from this group, what is the probability the person's age is less than 20?
3. The length of a rectangle is four times its width. If the area is 100 m2 what is the length of the rectangle?
4. A six-sided die is rolled once. What is the probability that the number rolled is an even number greater than 2?
5. Point A has the coordinates (2,2). What are the coordinates of its image point if it is translated 2 units up and 5 units to the left, and
reflected in the x axis?
6. The length of a rectangle is increased to 2 times its original size and its width is increased to 3 times its original size. If the area of the new
rectangle is equal to 1800 square meters, what is the area of the original rectangle?
7. Each dimension of a cube has been increased to twice its original size. If the new cube has a volume of 64,000 cubic centimeters, what is
the area of one face of the original cube?
8. Pump A can fill a tank of water in 5 hours. Pump B can fill the same tank in 8 hours. How long does it take the two pumps working together
to fill the tank?(round your answer to the nearest minute).
9. A water tank, having the shape of a rectangular prism of base 100 square centimeters, is being filled at the rate of 1 liter per minute. Find
the rate at which the height of the water in the water tank increases. Express your answer in centimeters per minute.
10. Dany bought a total of 20 game cards some of which cost $0.25 each and some of which cost $0.15 each. If Dany spent $4.2 to buy these
cards, how many cards of each type did he buy?
11. The size of the perimeter of the square ABCD is equal to 100 cm. The length of the segment MN is equal to 5 cm and the triangle MNC is
isosceles. Find the area of the pentagon ABNMD.

12. Water is being pumped, at a constant rate, into an underground storage tank that has the shape of a rectangular prism. Which of the graphs
below best represent the changes in the height of water in the tank as a function of the time?

Initially the rectangular prism on the left was full of water. Then water was poured in the right cylindrical container so that the heights of
water in both containers are equal. Find the height h of water in both containers.(round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cm).

14. Peter drove at a constant speed for 2 hours. He then stopped for an hour to do some shopping and have a rest and then drove back home
driving at a constant speed. Which graph best represents the changes in the distance from home as Peter was driving?


15. Two balls A and B rotate along a circular track. Ball A makes 2 full rotations in 26 minutes. Ball B makes 5 full rotation in 35 minutes. If they
start rotating now from the same point, when will they be at the same starting point again?
16. In a certain college, 40% of the senior class students are taking Physics, 30% are taking calculus and 10% are taking both. If 40 students
are enrolled in the senior class, how many students are taking neither Physics nor calculus?
17. Joe drove at the speed of 45 miles per hour for a certain distance. He then drove at the speed of 55 miles per hour for the same distance.
What is the average speed for the whole trip?
If the radius of a cylindrical container is doubled, how do you change the height of the container so that the volume will stay the same?
19. One leg of a right triangle is 18 cm and its area is 108 square cm. Find its primeter.
20. What is the sum of the sizes of the interior angles of a polygon with 53 sides?
21. Jack is taller than Sarah but shorter than both Malika and Tania. Malika is shorter than tania. Natasha is shorter than Sarah. Who is the
22. What is the height (one of the legs) and the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle that has an area of 800 square feet?
23. Find the circumference of a circle inscribed inside a square with a side of 20 meters.
24. Two different schools (A and B) have the same number of pupils. The ratio of the boys in school A and the boys in school B is 2:1 and the
ratio of the girls in school A and the girls in school B is 4:5. Find the ratio of the boys in school A to the girls in school A.
25. A water tank has the shape of a rectangular prism of base 50 cm2. This tank is being filled at the rate of 12 liters per minutes. Find the rate
at which the height of the water in the water tank increases; express your answer in millimeters per second.
26. One pump fills a tank two times as fast as another pump. If the pumps work together they fill the tank in 18 minutes. How long does it take
each pump working alone to fill the tank?
Answers to the Above Questions

1. 60 miles per hour

2. 0.25
3. 20 meters
4. 1/3
5. (-3,-4)
6. 300 square meters
7. 400 square cm
8. 3 hours and 5 minutes
9. 10 cm per minute
10. 12 cards at $0.25 and 8 cards at $0.15
11. 618.75 square cm
12. graph at the bottom left
13. 7.2 cm
14. graph at the bottom left
15. After 1 hour and 31 minutes
16. 16 students
17. 49.5 miles per hour
18. 1/4 of the original height
19. 51.6 cm
20. 9180°
21. Natasha
22. height (leg) = 40 feet , hypotenuse = 40 √(2) feet
23. 20π meters
24. ratio of the boys in school A to the girls in school A is 1:2
25. 40 mm/second
26. faster pump: 27 minutes, slower pump: 54 minutes
A salesman sold twice as much pears in the afternoon than in the morning. If he sold 360 kilograms of pears that day,
how many kilograms did he sell in the morning and how many in the afternoon?

2. Mary, Peter, and Lucy were picking chestnuts. Mary picked twice as much chestnuts than Peter. Lucy picked 2 kg more
than Peter. Together the three of them picked 26 kg of chestnuts. How many kilograms did each of them pick?
Sophia finished 2/3 of a book. She calculated that she finished 90 more pages than she has yet to read. How long is her
3. book?

A farming field can be ploughed by 6 tractors in 4 days. When 6 tractors work together, each of them ploughs 120
hectares a day. If two of the tractors were moved to another field, then the remaining 4 tractors could plough the same
field in 5 days. How many hectares a day would one tractor plough then? 

5. A student chose a number, multiplied it by 2, then subtracted 138 from the result and got 102. What was the number he

6. I chose a number and divide it by 5. Then I subtracted 154 from the result and got 6. What was the number I chose?

The distance between two towns is 380 km. At the same moment, a passenger car and a truck start moving towards each
other from different towns. They meet 4 hours later. If the car drives 5 km/hr faster than the truck, what are their

8. One side of a rectangle is 3 cm shorter than the other side. If we increase the length of each side by 1 cm, then the area
of the rectangle will increase by 18 cm 2. Find the lengths of all sides.
The first year, two cows produced 8100 litres of milk. The second year their production increased by 15% and 10%
respectively, and the total amount of milk increased to 9100 litres a year. How many litres were milked from each cow
each year?
The distance between stations A and B is 148 km. An express train left station A towards station B with the speed of 80
km/hr. At the same time, a freight train left station B towards station A with the speed of 36 km/hr. They met at station C
at 12 pm, and by that time the express train stopped at at intermediate station for 10 min and the freight train stopped
for 5 min. Find:
a) The distance between stations C and B.
b) The time when the freight train left station B.

Susan drives from city A to city B. After two hours of driving she noticed that she covered 80 km and calculated that, if
she continued driving at the same speed, she would end up been 15 minutes late. So she increased her speed by 10
km/hr and she arrived at city B 36 minutes earlier than she planned.
Find the distance between cities A and B.

To deliver an order on time, a company has to make 25 parts a day. After making 25 parts per day for 3 days, the
company started to produce 5 more parts per day, and by the last day of work 100 more parts than planned were
produced. Find how many parts the company made and how many days this took.

There are 24 students in a seventh grade class. They decided to plant birches and roses at the school's backyard. While
each girl planted 3 roses, every three boys planted 1 birch. By the end of the day they planted \displaystyle 2424 plants. How
many birches and roses were planted?

A car left town A towards town B driving at a speed of V = 32 km/hr. After 3 hours on the road the driver stopped for 15
min in town C. Because of a closed road he had to change his route, making the trip 28 km longer. He increased his speed
to V = 40 km/hr but still he was 30 min late. Find:
a) The distance the car has covered.
b) The time that took it to get from C to B.

If a farmer wants to plough a farm field on time, he must plough 120 hectares a day. For technical reasons he ploughed
only 85 hectares a day, hence he had to plough 2 more days than he planned and he still has 40 hectares left. What is the
area of the farm field and how many days the farmer planned to work initially?

A woodworker normally makes a certain number of parts in 24 days. But he was able to increase his productivity by 5
parts per day, and so he not only finished the job in only 22 days but also he made 80 extra parts. How many parts does
the woodworker normally makes per day and how many pieces does he make in 24 days?
A biker covered half the distance between two towns in 2 hr 30 min. After that he increased his speed by 2 km/hr. He
covered the second half of the distance in 2 hr 20 min. Find the distance between the two towns and the initial speed of
the biker.

A train covered half of the distance between stations A and B at the speed of 48 km/hr, but then it had to stop for 15 min.
To make up for the delay, it increased its speed by 5/3 m/sec and it arrived to station B on time. Find the distance
between the two stations and the speed of the train after the stop.
Elizabeth can get a certain job done in 15 days, and Tony can finish only 75% of that job within the same time. Tony
19. worked alone for several days and then Elizabeth joined him, so they finished the rest of the job in 6 days, working

For how many days have each of them worked and what percentage of the job have each of them completed?

20. A farmer planned to plough a field by doing 120 hectares a day. After two days of work he increased his daily productivity
by 25% and he finished the job two days ahead of schedule.
a) What is the area of the field?
b) In how many days did the farmer get the job done?
c) In how many days did the farmer plan to get the job done?

21. To mow a grass field a team of mowers planned to cover 15 hectares a day. After 4 working days they increased the daily
productivity by 33 x 1/3 ​%, and finished the work 1 day earlier than it was planned. 
A) What is the area of the grass field?
B) How many days did it take to mow the whole field?
C) How many days were scheduled initially for this job?
Hint: See problem 20 and solve by yourself.
Answer: A) 120 hectares; B) 7 days; C) 8 days.

A train travels from station A to station B. If the train leaves station A and makes 75 km/hr, it arrives at station B 48
minutes ahead of scheduled. If it made 50 km/hr, then by the scheduled time of arrival it would still have 40 km more to
go to station B. Find:
A) The distance between the two stations;
B) The time it takes the train to travel from A to B according to the schedule;
C) The speed of the train when it's on schedule.
Click to see solution

The distance between towns A and B is 300 km. One train departs from town A and another train departs from town B,
both leaving at the same moment of time and heading towards each other. We know that one of them is 10 km/hr faster
than the other. Find the speeds of both trains if 2 hours after their departure the distance between them is 40 km.

24. A bus travels from town A to town B. If the bus's speed is 50 km/hr, it will arrive in town B 42 min later than scheduled. If
the bus increases its speed by 50/9​ m/sec, it will arrive in town B 30 min earlier than scheduled. Find:
A) The distance between the two towns;
B) The bus's scheduled time of arrival in B;
C) The speed of the bus when it's on schedule.
1. In a bag full of small balls, 1/4 of these balls are green, 1/8 are blue, 1/12 are yellow and the remaining 26 white. How many balls are

In a school 50% of the students are younger than 10, 1/20 are 10 years old and 1/10 are older than 10 but younger than 12, the remaining
70 students are 12 years or older. How many students are 10 years old? 

3. If the length of the side of a square is doubled, what is the ratio of the areas of the original square to the area of the new square? 

4. The division of a whole number N by 13 gives a quotient of 15 and a remainder of 2. Find N. 

5. In the rectangle below, the line MN cuts the rectangle into two regions. Find x the length of segment NB so that the area of the
quadrilateral MNBC is 40% of the total area of the rectangle. 

6. A person jogged 10 times along the perimeter of a rectangular field at the rate of 12 kilometers per hour for 30 minutes. If field has a
length that is twice its width, find the area of the field in square meters. 

7. Four congruent isosceles right triangles are cut from the 4 corners of a square with a side of 20 units. The length of one leg of the
triangles is equal to 4 units. What is the area of the remaining octagon? 

8. A car is traveling 75 kilometers per hour. How many meters does the car travel in one minute? 

9. Linda spent 3/4 of her savings on furniture and the rest on a TV. If the TV cost her $200, what were her original savings? 

10. Stuart bought a sweater on sale for 30% off the original price and another 25% off the discounted price. If the original price of the sweater
was $30, what was the final price of the sweater? 

11. 15 cm is the height of water in a cylindrical container of radius r. What is the height of this quantity of water if it is poured into a cylindrical
container of radius 2r? 

12. John bought a shirt on sale for 25% off the original price and another 25 % off the discounted price. If the final price was $16, what was
the price before the first discount? 

13. How many inches are in 2000 millimeters? (round your answer to the nearest hundredth of of an inch). 

14. The rectangular playground in Tim's school is three times as long as it is wide. The area of the playground is 75 square meters. What is
the perimeter of the playground? 

15. John had a stock of 1200 books in his bookshop. He sold 75 on Monday, 50 on Tuesday, 64 on Wednesday, 78 on Thursday and 135 on
Friday. What percentage of the books were not sold? 

16. N is one of the numbers below. N is such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1. Which number is equal to N? 
A) 1 1/2 
B) 1 1/3 
C) 5/3 
D) 3/2

17. In 2008, the world population was about 6,760,000,000. Write the 2008 world population in scientific notation. 

18. Calculate the circumference of a circular field whose radius is 5 centimeters. 

In a bag full of small balls, 1/4 of these balls are green, 1/8 are blue, 1/12 are yellow and the remaining 26 white. How many balls are blue? 
Let us first find the fraction of green, blue and yellow balls 
1/4 + 1/8 + 1/12 = 6 / 24 + 3 / 24 + 2 / 24 , common denominator 
= 11 / 24 , add numerators 
The fraction of white balls is given by 
24 / 24 - 11 / 24 = 13 / 24 
So the fraction 13 / 24 corresponds to 26 balls. If x is the total number of balls then 
(13 / 24) of x = 26 balls 
or (13 / 24) × x = 26 
x = 26 × (24 / 13) = 48 , total number of balls 
The fraction of blue balls is 1 / 8 of x. The number of blue balls is given by 
(1 / 8) of 48 = 6 balls.

In a school 50% of the students are younger than 10, 1/20 are 10 years old and 1/10 are older than 10 but younger than 12, the remaining 70
students are 12 years or older. How many students are 10 years old? 
Let us write the fraction for each group of students 
Group A: younger than 10: 50% = 50/100 = 1/2 
Group B: 10 years old: 1/20 
Group C: older that 10 but younger than 12: 1/10 
Group D: 12 years or older: 70 students 
The fraction for group A, B and C together is given by 
1 / 2 + 1 / 20 + 1 / 10 = 10 / 20 + 1 / 20 + 2 / 20 , common denominator 
= 13 / 20 , add numerators 
The fraction for group D is given by 
20 / 20 - 13 / 20 = 7 / 20 and corresponds to 70 students 
If X is the total number of students, then 
7 / 20 of X = 70 
or (7 / 20) × X = 70 
Solve for X 
X = 70 × (20 / 7) = 200 
1. Students who are 10 years old have a fraction of 1 / 20 of the total X and their number is equal to 
(1 / 20) of 200 = 10 students

If the length of the side of a square is doubled, what is the ratio of the areas of the original square to the area of the new square? 
If x be the side of the original square, then its area is equal to 
If x is doubled to 2x, then the new area is equal to 
(2x)2 = 4 x2
The ratio of the areas of the original square to the area of the new square 
x2 / (4 x2) = 1 / 4 or 1:4

4. The division of a whole number N by 13 gives a quotient of 15 and a remainder of 2. Find N. 
According to the division process of whole numbers, N can be written, using multiplication, as follows 
N = quotient × divisor + remainder = 15 × 13 + 2 = 197

5. In the rectangle below, the line MN cuts the rectangle into two regions. Find x the length of segment NB so that the area of the quadrilateral
MNBC is 40% of the total area of the rectangle. 
We first note that 
MC = 20 - 5 = 15 
The quadrilateral MNBC is a trapezoid and its area A is given by 
A = (1/2) × 10 × (x + MC) = 5 (x + 15) 
40% of the area of the rectangle is equal to 
40% × (20 × 10) = (40 / 100) × 200 = 80 
Since the area of MNBC is equal to 40% the area of the rectangle, we can write 
5(x + 15) = 80 
5x + 75 = 80 
5x = 5 
x = 1 meter

6. A person jogged 10 times along the perimeter of a rectangular field at the rate of 12 kilometers per hour for 30 minutes. If field has a length that
is twice its width, find the area of the field in square meters. 
Let us first find the distance d jogged 
distance = rate × time = (12 km / hr) × 30 minutes 
= (12 km/hr) × 0.5 hr = 6 km 
The distance of 6 km corresponds to 10 perimeters and therefore 1 perimeter is equal to 
6 km / 10 = 0.6 km = 0.6 × 1000 meters = 600 meters 
Let L and W be the length and width of the field. The length is twice the width. Hence 
L = 2 W 
The perimeter is 600 meters and is given by 
2 (L + W) = 600 
Substitute L by 2 W 
2 (2 W + W) = 600 
Simplify and solve for W 
4 W + 2 W = 600 
6 W = 600 
W = 100 
Find L 
L = 2 W = 200 
Find the area A of the rectangle 
A = L * W = 200 * 100 = 20,000 square meters

7. Four congruent isosceles right triangles are cut from the 4 corners of a square with a side of 20 units. The length of one leg of the triangles is
equal to 4 units. What is the area of the remaining octagon? 

Let us first find area A of the square 
A = 20 × 20 = 400 square units 
The area B of a small triangle is 
B = (1/2) × 4 × 4 = 8 square units 
The area of the octagon obtained by subtracting the ares of the 4 triangles from the area of the large square 
A - 4 B = 200 - 4 × 8 = 168 square units

8. A car is traveling 75 kilometers per hour. How many meters does the car travel in one minute? 
Convert hour into minutes ( 1 hour = 60 minutes) and kilometers into meters (1 km = 1000 m) and simplify 
75 kilometers per hour = 75 km/hr 
= (75 × 1000 meters) / (60 minutes) = 1,250 meters / minute

9. Linda spent 3/4 of her savings on furniture and the rest on a TV. If the TV cost her $200, what were her original savings? 
If Linda spent 3/4 of her savings on furnitute, the rest 
4 / 4 - 3 / 4 = 1 / 4 on a TV 

But the TV cost her $200. So 1 / 4 of her savings is $200. So her original savings are 4 times $200 = $800

10. Stuart bought a sweater on sale for 30% off the original price and another 25% off the discounted price. If the original price of the sweater was
$30, what was the final price of the sweater? 
The price with 30% off 
30 - 30% of 30 = 30 - (30 / 100) × 30 = 30 - 9 = 21 
The price with another 25% off 
21 - 25% of 21 = 21 - (25/100) × 21 
= 21 - (525 / 100) = 21 - 5.25 = $15.75

11. 15 cm is the height of water in a cylindrical container of radius r. What is the height of this quantity of water if it is poured into a cylindrical
container of radius 2r? 
The volume V of water in the container of radius r 
V1 = 15*(πr2) 
The volume V of water in the container of radius 2r 
V2 = H * (2π (2r)2) (H is the height to be found) 
Since is it is the same quantity of water, V1 = V2 
15*(πr2) = H * (2π (2r)2) 
Solve the above for H to obtain 
H = 15/4 = 3.75 cm

12. John bought a shirt on sale for 25% off the original price and another 25 % off the discounted price. If the final price was $16, what was the price
before the first discount? 
let x be the price before the first discount. The price after the first discount is 
x - 25%x (price after first discount) 
A second discount of 25% of the discounted price after which the final price is 16 
(x - 25%x) - 25%(x - 25%x) = 16 
Solve for x 
x = $28.44

13. How many inches are in 2000 millimeters? (round your answer to the nearest hundredth of of an inch). 
One inch is the same as 25.4 mm. Let x inches be the same as 1000 mm 
x = 1 inch * 2000 mm / 25.4 mm = 78.74 inches

14. The rectangular playground in Tim's school is three times as long as it is wide. The area of the playground is 75 square meters. What is the
perimeter of the playground? 
Let L be the length and W be the width of the playground. "The rectangular playground in Tim's school is three times as long as it is wide
L = 3 W 
The area A = L * W. Hence 
75 = L * W = (3W) * W = 3 W2
Solve for W 
3 W2 = 75 give W = 75/3 = 25 gives W = &sqrt;(25) = 5 m 
L = 3 W = 3 * 5 = 15 m 
Perimeter = 2L + 2W = 2(15) + 2(5) = 40 m

15. John had a stock of 1200 books in his bookshop. He sold 75 on Monday, 50 on Tuesday, 64 on Wednesday, 78 on Thursday and 135 on Friday.
What percentage of the books were not sold? 
Let N be the total number of books sold. Hence 
N = 75 + 50 + 64 + 78 + 135 = 402 
Let M be the books NOT sold 
M = 1200 - N = 1200 - 402 = 798 
Books not sold / total number of books = 798/1200 = 0.665 = 66.5%

16. N is one of the numbers below. N is such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1. Which number is equal to N? 
"N is such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1" is written mathematically as 
N * 0.75 = 1 
Solve for N 
N = 1/0.75 = 100/75 = (75 + 25) / 75 = 75/75 + 25/75 = 1+1/3 Answer: B 
A) 1 1/2 
B) 1 1/3 
C) 5/3 
D) 3/2

17. In 2008, the world population was about 6,760,000,000. Write the 2008 world population in scientific notation. 
a number in scientific notation is written as 
m * 10n , such that |m| is greater than or equal to 1 and smaller than 10. 
6,760,000,000 = 6.76 * 109

18. 1. Calculate the circumference of a circular field whose radius is 5 centimeters. 

Circumference C is given by 
C = 2πr = 2π*5 = 10 π cm
1.9 Practice - Age Problems

1. A boy is 10 years older than his brother. In 4 years he will be twice as old as his brother. Find the present age of each.

2. A father is 4 times as old as his son. In 20 years the father will be twice as old as his son. Find the present age of each.

3. Pat is 20 years older than his son James. In two years Pat will be twice as old as James. How old are they now?

4. Diane is 23 years older than her daughter Amy. In 6 years Diane will be twice as old as Amy. How old are they now?

5. Fred is 4 years older than Barney. Five years ago the sum of their ages was 48. How old are they now?

6. John is four times as old as Martha. Five years ago the sum of their ages was 50. How old are they now?

7. Tim is 5 years older than JoAnn. Six years from now the sum of their ages will be 79. How old are they now?

8. Jack is twice as old as Lacy. In three years the sum of their ages will be 54. How old are they now?

9. The sum of the ages of John and Mary is 32. Four years ago, John was twice as old as Mary. Find the present age of each.

10. The sum of the ages of a father and son is 56. Four years ago the father was 3 times as old as the son. Find the present age of each.

The sum of the ages of a china plate and a glass plate is 16 years. Four years ago the china plate was three times the age of the glass plate. Find
the present age of each plate.

The sum of the ages of a wood plaque and a bronze plaque is 20 years. Four years ago, the bronze plaque was one-half the age of the wood
plaque. Find the present age of each plaque.

13. A is now 34 years old, and B is 4 years old. In how many years will A be twice as old as B?

14. A man’s age is 36 and that of his daughter is 3 years. In how many years will the man be 4 times as old as his daughter?

15. An Oriental rug is 52 years old and a Persian rug is 16 years old. How many years ago was the Oriental rug four times as old as the Persian Rug?

A log cabin quilt is 24 years old and a friendship quilt is 6 years old. In how may years will the log cabin quilt be three times as old as the
friendship quilt?

17. The age of the older of two boys is twice that of the younger; 5 years ago it was three times that of the younger. Find the age of each.

18. A pitcher is 30 years old, and a vase is 22 years old. How many years ago was the pitcher twice as old as the vase?

19. Marge is twice as old as Consuelo. The sum of their ages seven years ago was 13. How old are they now?

20. The sum of Jason and Mandy’s age is 35. Ten years ago Jason was double Mandy’s age. How old are they now?
A silver coin is 28 years older than a bronze coin. In 6 years, the silver coin will be twice as old as the bronze coin. Find the present age of each
21. coin.

22. A sofa is 12 years old and a table is 36 years old. In how many years will the table be twice as old as the sofa?

A limestone statue is 56 years older than a marble statue. In 12 years, the limestone will be three times as old as the marble statue. Find the
present age of the statues.

24. A pewter bowl is 8 years old, and a silver bowl is 22 years old. In how many years will the silver bowl be twice the age of the pewter bowl?

25. Brandon is 9 years older than Ronda. In four years the sum of their ages will be 91. How old are they now?

A kerosene lamp is 95 years old, and an electric lamp is 55 years old. How many years ago was the kerosene lamp twice the age of the electric

A father is three times as old as his son, and his daughter is 3 years younger than the son. If the sum of their ages 3 years ago was 63 years, find
the present age of the father.

28. The sum of Clyde and Wendy’s age is 64. In four years, Wendy will be three times as old as Clyde. How old are they now?

The sum of the ages of two ships is 12 years. Two years ago, the age of the older ship was three times the age of the newer ship. Find the present
age of each ship.

30. Chelsea’s age is double Daniel’s age. Eight years ago the sum of their ages was 32. How old are they now?

31. Ann is eighteen years older than her son. One year ago, she was three times as old as her son. How old are they now?

32. The sum of the ages of Kristen and Ben is 32. Four years ago Kristen was twice as old as Ben. How old are they both now?

33. A mosaic is 74 years older than the engraving. Thirty years ago, the mosaic was three times as old as the engraving. Find the present age of each.

34. The sum of the ages of Elli and Dan is 56. Four years ago Elli was 3 times as old as Dan. How old are they now?
A wool tapestry is 32 years older than a linen tapestry. Twenty years ago, the wool tapestry was twice as old as the linen tapestry. Find the
present age of each.

36. Carolyn’s age is triple her daughter’s age. In eight years the sum of their ages will be 72. How old are they now?

37. Nicole is 26 years old. Emma is 2 years old. In how many years will Nicole be triple Emma’s age?

The sum of the ages of two children is 16 years. Four years ago, the age of the older child was three times the age of the younger child. Find the
present age of each child.

39. Mike is 4 years older than Ron. In two years, the sum of their ages will be 84. How old are they now?

A marble bust is 25 years old, and a terra-cotta bust is 85 years old. In how many years will the terra-cotta bust be three times as old as the
marble bust?
Example 2: A can do a piece of work in 60 days, which B can do in 40 days. Both started the work but A left 10 days
the work. The work was finished in how many days?
Sol: A left the job 10 days before the completion. So, B worked alone for the last 10 days. First, we will calculate B’s
did alone.
In 10 days B will do 10 × 1/40 = 1/4th of the work.
Remaining work 1 - ¼ = ¾ (Which A and B have done together). A and B can do 1/60 + 1/40 work in 1 day. Their on
1/40 = (2 + 3)/120 = 5/120 = 1/24. They can finish the work in 24 days.
They would have done three-fourth of the work in 24 × 3/4 = 18 days.
⇒ Total days = 18 + 10 = 28.
As discussed earlier in time work questions, time and work tricks like the unit approach can also be applied. In this ca
are 60 & 40, let the work be equal to 120 units. That implies A does 120/60 = 2 units a day, whereas B alone does 120
means working alone B would have done 3 × 10 = 30 units. The remaining 120 – 30 = 90 units of work has been don
do 2 + 3 = 5 units a day working together, thus they would have finished 90 units in 90/5 = 18 days. Hence the total w
10 = 28 days.

Example 3: A can do a piece of work in 24 days and B in 20 days but with the help of C they finished the work in 8 d
work in how many days?
Sol: Using work formula here (1/A) + (1/B) + (1/C) = (1/8)
(1/C) = (1/8) - (1/A) - (1/B) ⇒ (1/C) = (1/8) -(1/24) = (1/20) ⇒ (1/C) = (1/30)
C can do this work in 30 days.

You can take the total work to be equal to 120 units (the LCM of 24, 20 & 8). That implies A does 120/24 = 5 units a
units a day. Together they finished the work in 8 days means they are doing 120/8 = 15 units a day. Let the units done
as per the statement 5 + 6 + c = 15 ⇒ c = 4 units. Now if C does 4 units a day, he can finish the work in 120/4 = 30 da

Karl ran a total of 16 miles over the course of 4 track practices. How many track practices would it take for Karl to run 24
2. miles? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

Shelby jarred 24 liters of jam after 8 days. How many days does Shelby need to spend making jam if she wants to jar 30
2. liters of jam in all? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

Steven prepared 4 kilograms of dough after working 2 hours. How much dough did Steven prepare if he worked for 6
3. hours? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

Henry took a total of 12 quizzes over the course of 2 weeks. After attending 8 weeks of school this quarter, how many
4. quizzes will Henry have taken in total? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

Lamar baked 35 cookies with 5 scoops of flour. How many scoops of flour does Lamar need in order to bake 49 cookies?
5. Assume the relationship is directly proportional.
ans : 7 scoops

Carly spent 8 minutes on the phone while routing 2 phone calls. If she routes 5 phone calls, how much time will Carly
6. have spent on the phone in total? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

Craig used 14 centimeters of tape to wrap 2 presents. How much tape will Craig need in all if he has to wrap 7 presents?
7. Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

Erica took a total of 54 quizzes over the course of 6 weeks. After attending 7 weeks of school this quarter, how many
8. quizzes will Erica have taken in total? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

9. In a group, the ratio of doctors to lawyers is 5:4. If the total number of people in the group is 72, what is the number of lawyers in the group?

In a bag, there are a certain number of toy-blocks with alphabets A, B, C and D written on them. The ratio of blocks A:B:C:D is in the ratio
10. 4:7:3:1. If the number of ‘A’ blocks is 50 more than the number of ‘C’ blocks, what is the number of ‘B’ blocks?
4x = 3x + 50 → x = 50.
So the number of ‘B’ blocks is 7*50 = 350.

11. If the ratio of chocolates to ice-cream cones in a box is 5:8 and the number of chocolates is 30, find the number of ice-cream cones.

In a mixture of 45 litres, the ratio of sugar solution to salt solution is 1:2. What is the amount of sugar solution to be added if the ratio has to
12. be 2:1?
ans :

Number of litres of sugar solution in the mixture = (1/(1+2)) *45 = 15 litres.

So, 45-15 = 30 litres of salt solution is present in it.
Let the quantity of sugar solution to be added be x litres.
Setting up the proportion,
sugar solution / salt solution = (15+x)/30 = 2/1 → x = 45.
Therefore, 45 litres of sugar solution has to be added to bring it to the ratio 2:1.

13. A certain recipe calls for 3kgs of sugar for every 6 kgs of flour. If 60kgs of this sweet has to be prepared, how much sugar is required?
1. The ratio of the present ages of Priya and her mother is 3: 7. The mother’s age at the time of Priya’s birth was 48 years. Find the
mother’s present age.
Explanation: Present ratio is 7 : 3.∴ actual ages are 7x and 3x. ∴ 7x – 3x = 48 → x = 12.
Hence their present ages are 84 and 36 yrs.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 64 cm. If the ratio of the lengths of two adjacent sides is 7: 9, find the lengths of these sides.
Explanation: : Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 (L + B) Also L: B = 7 : 9 ∴ actual values are 5x and 8x. Hence 2(7x + 9x) = 64. → x = 2
∴ sides will be of 14 cm and 18 cm.

3. The ratio of the length and the breadth of a rectangle is 3 : 5 and its area is 1.35 cm 2. Find the length of the rectangle.
Explanation: Area of a rectangle = LB. Ratio of sides = 3 : 5. ∴(3x)(5x) = 1.35 → x = 0.3.
→ Length of the rectangle = 3 (0.3) = 0.9 cm and breadth = 5(0.3) = 1.5 cm.

4. The ratio of the present ages of John and Jim is 5 : 3. Four years hence it will be 3 : 2. Find the present age of John.
Explanation: : Present ratio = 5 : 3. ∴ actual values are 5x and 3x. So (5x + 4) / (3x + 4) = 3/2 → x = 4
So present ages are 20 yrs and 12 yrs.

There are 145 students in the first three standards. The ratio of number of students in the first and the second standards is 2 : 3,
while that of students in standards second and third is 4: 3. Find the number of students in 2 nd standard.
Explanation: : Total students = 145. Ratio of students in 1st and 2nd standards = 2 : 3
Ratio of students in 2nd and 3rd standards = 4 : 3
Hence combined ratio i.e. 1st: 2nd: 3rd is 8 : 12 : 9.
∴ Number of students in each standard = (145 × 8)/29 = 40, (145 × 12)/29 = 60 and (145 × 9)/29 = 45.

6. Which number when added to each of the numbers 24, 32 and 42 would make the sums to be in continued proportion?
Explanation: Let the number to be added is x. ∴(24+ x) / (32 + x) = (32 + x) / (42 + x).
Solving for x, we get x = 8.

7. If 46 – x is the geometric mean between 56 – x and 38 – x, find the value of x.

Explanation: (38 – x)(56 – x) = (46 – x)2. Solving this equation, x = 6.

8. If 6m – n = 4m + 13n, find the value of 2m + n : 2m – 3n.

Explanation: 6m – n = 4m + 13n → m = 7n. ∴ Required ratio = (2m+ n : 2m – 3n)
=15n : 11n → 15 : 11.

9. The ratio of the measures ∠A and ∠B of a triangle ABC is 3 : 2. The ratio of the measures of ∠B and ∠C is 4 : 5. Find the
measure of largest angle of the triangle ABC.
Explanation: : ∠ A : ∠ B = 3 : 2. ∠ B : ∠ C = 4 : 5. ∴ ∠ A : ∠ B : ∠ C = 6 : 4 : 5.
∴ actual values are 6x, 4x and 5x. So 6x + 4x + 5x = 180 → 15x = 180
→ x = 12. So angles are 6(12) = 72, 4(12) = 48 and 5(12) = 60

10. A piece of string 70 cm in length was cut into pieces, the ratio of whose lengths was 3: 7. Find the length of longest piece.
Explanation: Total length = 70 cm. Ratio is 3:7 ∴ Length of longest piece is (70 × 7) / 10 = 49cm

1. Arrange the following ratios in descending order. 

        2 : 3, 3 : 4, 5 : 6, 1 : 5 
Given ratios are 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 1/5 
The L.C.M. of 3, 4, 6, 5 is 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 60 
Now, 2/3 = (2 × 20)/(3 × 20) = 40/60 
         3/4 = (3 × 15)/(4 × 15) = 45/60 
         5/6 = (5 × 10)/(6 × 10) = 50/60 
         1/5 = (1 × 12)/(5 × 12) = 12/60 
Clearly, 50/60 > 45/60 > 40/60 > 12/60 
Therefore, 5/6 > 3/4 > 2/3 > 1/5 
So, 5 : 6 > 3 : 4 > 2 : 3 > 1 : 5

2. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4. If the sum of numbers is 63, find the numbers. 
Sum of the terms of the ratio = 3 + 4 = 7 
Sum of numbers = 63 
Therefore, first number = 3/7 × 63 = 27
Second number = 4/7 × 63 = 36 
Therefore, the two numbers are 27 and 36. 

3. If x : y = 1 : 2, find the value of (2x + 3y) : (x + 4y) 

x : y = 1 : 2 means x/y = 1/2 
Now, (2x + 3y) : (x + 4y) = (2x + 3y)/(x + 4y) [Divide numerator and denominator by y.]
= [(2x + 3y)/y]/[(x + 4y)/2] = [2(x/y) + 3]/[(x/y) + 4], put x/y = 1/2 
We get = [2 (1/2) + 3)/(1/2 + 4) = (1 + 3)/[(1 + 8)/2] = 4/(9/2) = 4/1 × 2/9 = 8/9 
Therefore the value of (2x + 3y) : (x + 4y) = 8 : 9

4. A bag contains $510 in the form of 50 p, 25 p and 20 p coins in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. Find the number of coins of each type. 
Let the number of 50 p, 25 p and 20 p coins be 2x, 3x and 4x. 
Then 2x × 50/100 + 3x × 25/100 + 4x × 20/100 = 510
x/1 + 3x/4 + 4x/5 = 510
(20x + 15x + 16x)/20 = 510 
⇒ 51x/20 = 510
x = (510 × 20)/51 
x = 200
2x = 2 × 200 = 400 
3x = 3 × 200 = 600 
4x = 4 × 200 = 800. 
Therefore, number of 50 p coins, 25 p coins and 20 p coins are 400, 600, 800 respectively. 

5. If 2A = 3B = 4C, find A : B : C
Let 2A = 3B = 4C = x 
So, A = x/2 B = x/3 C = x/4 
The L.C.M of 2, 3 and 4 is 12
Therefore, A : B : C = x/2 × 12 : x/3 × 12 : x/4 = 12
= 6x : 4x : 3x
= 6 : 4 : 3 
Therefore, A : B : C = 6 : 4 : 3

6. What must be added to each term of the ratio 2 : 3, so that it may become equal to 4 : 5? 
Let the number to be added be x, then (2 + x) : (3 + x) = 4 : 5 
⇒ (2 + x)/(5 + x) = 4/5 
5(2 + x) = 4(3 + x) 
10 + 5x = 12 + 4x 
5x - 4x = 12 - 10 

7. The length of the ribbon was originally 30 cm. It was reduced in the ratio 5 : 3. What is its length now? 
Length of ribbon originally = 30 cm 
Let the original length be 5x and reduced length be 3x. 
But 5x = 30 cm 
x = 30/5 cm = 6 cm
Therefore, reduced length = 3 cm
= 3 × 6 cm = 18 cm 

Mother divided the money among Ron, Sam and Maria in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If Maria got $150, find the total amount and the money received by Ron
8. and Sam. 
Let the money received by Ron, Sam and Maria be 2x, 3x, 5x respectively. 
Given that Maria has got $ 150. 
Therefore, 5x = 150 
or, x = 150/5 
or, x = 30 
So, Ron got = 2x 
                   = $ 2 × 30 = $60
Sam got = 3x
              = 3 × 60 = $90
Therefore, the total amount $(60 + 90 + 150) = $300 

9. Divide $370 into three parts such that second part is 1/4 of the third part and the ratio between the first and the third part is 3 : 5. Find each part.  
Let the first and the third parts be 3x and 5x. 
Second part = 1/4 of third part. 
                    = (1/4) × 5x
                    = 5x/4
Therefore, 3x + (5x/4) + 5x = 370 
(12x + 5x + 20x)/4 = 370 
37x/4 = 370 
x = (370 × 4)/37 
x = 10 × 4
x = 40 
Therefore, first part = 3x 
                                = 3 × 40
                                = $120
Second part = 5x/4 
                    = 5 × 40/4
                    = $50
Third part = 5x
                 = 5 × 40
                 = $ 200

10. The first, second and third terms of the proportion are 42, 36, 35. Find the fourth term. 
Let the fourth term be x. 
Thus 42, 36, 35, x are in proportion. 
Product of extreme terms = 42 ×x 
Product of mean terms = 36 X 35 
Since, the numbers make up a proportion 
Therefore, 42 × x = 36 × 35
or, x = (36 × 35)/42 
or, x = 30
Therefore, the fourth term of the proportion is 30. 

11. Set up all possible proportions from the numbers 8, 12, 20, 30. 
We note that 8 × 30 = 240 and 12 × 20 = 240 
Thus, 8 × 30 = 12 × 20       ………..(I) 
Hence, 8 : 12 = 20 : 30       ……….. (i) 
We also note that, 8 × 30 = 20 × 12 
Hence, 8 : 20 = 12 : 30       ……….. (ii) 
(I) can also be written as 12 × 20 = 8 × 30 
Hence, 12 : 8 = 30 : 20       ……….. (iii) 
Last (I) can also be written as 
12 : 30 = 8 : 20       ……….. (iv) 
Thus, the required proportions are 8 : 12 = 20 : 30 
8 : 20 = 12 : 30     12 : 8 = 30 : 20     12 : 30 = 8 : 20 

The ratio of number of boys and girls is 4 : 3. If there are 18 girls in a class, find the number of boys in the class and the total number of students in the
12. class. 
Number of girls in the class = 18 
Ratio of boys and girls = 4 : 3 
According to the question, 
Boys/Girls = 4/5 
Boys/18 = 4/5 
Boys = (4 × 18)/3 = 24 
Therefore, total number of students = 24 + 18 = 42. 

13. Find the third proportional of 16 and 20. 

Let the third proportional of 16 and 20 be x. 
Then 16, 20, x are in proportion. 
This means 16 : 20 = 20 : x 
So, 16 × x = 20 × 20
x = (20 × 20)/16 = 25
Therefore, the third proportional of 16 and 20 is 25. 
1. How many mg of metal containing 45% nickel must be combined with 6mg of pure nickel to form an alloy containing 75% nickel?

2. Heather wants to make a 36% acid solution. She has already poured 3fl oz of a 72% acid solution into a beaker. How many fl oz of a 9% acid
solution must she add to this to create the desired mixture?

3. Kristin wants to make 6 gal of a 34% alcohol solution by mixing together a 24% alcohol solution and a 64% alcohol solution. How much of each
solution must she use?
4. Emily mixed together 9 gal of Brand A fruit drink and 8 gal of Brand B fruit drink which contains 48% fruit juice. Find the percent of fruit juice
in Brand A if the mixture contained 30% fruit juice.

5. You have a 10% HCL solution and a 60% HCL solution. How much of each should you mix together to form 100ml of a 25% solution?

6. You have 50 ounces of 25% saline solution (a mixture of water and salt) How many ounces of a 10% saline solution must you add to make a
new solution that is 15% saline?

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