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endorsed for edexcel ## Edexcel A level Further Mathematics Core Pure Mathematics Book 2 a Authors: Greg Attwood, Jack Barraclough, Ian Bettison, Lee Cope, Alistair Macpherson, Bronwen Moran, Johnny Nicholson, Laurence Pateman, Joe Petran, Keith Pledger, Harry Smith, Geoff Staley, Dave Wilkins Cres esate @) Pearson Published by Pearson Education Limited 80 Stand, London WC2R ORL. worapearsanschoolsandfecollegeso.uk Copies ofeficial specifications for all Pearson qualifications may be found on the websit= {ualifcatienspearsoncom “Text © Pearson Education Limited 2018 Edited by HehrSet Ltd Gateshead Typosat by Teeh-Set Lid, Gateshead Origirailustrations © Pearson Education Limited 2018 Cover ilustation Marcuseha-artsts The rights 3 Greg Attwood, ack Barraclough, lan Bettis, Lee Cope, Alistair Macpherson. ‘Bronwen Moran, Johnny Nicholson, Laurence Pateran, joe Petran Keith Pledger, Harty Smith {Geof Staley, Dave Wikis tobe idened as authors ofthis work have been asserted by them in accotdance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, First published 2018 21201918 yooe7 654321, Britis» Library Cataloguing in Publication Data [catalogue record for this book s available From the Bish Library ISBN 978 1 292 183343 Copyright notice ‘ligt reserved. No pat ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form or by any rieans Gncludng ahotocapying or storing it ia any medium by electronic means and whether or pat transiantly or Incidentally ta same other use ofthis publication) without the writen permission Df thecopyrght ower, excet in accordance withthe prouisons of the Copyright, Desig and Patents "1988 or under tne terms af a licence issued bythe Copyright Licensing Agency, Barnard Inn 86 Fetter Lane, London ECéA IEN (wwrcl.caul). Applications for the copyaght ‘owner written permission shouldbe addressed to the publisher Pinte inthe UK by Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow Acknewleegements ‘The authors and publisher would tke to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs (oy: bottom centre; Heft right 0p) 4123RF: 170, 196" Cobalt 77,93, Alamy Stock Photo: NASA Photo 52, 93cr, Getty Images SteveDF 1,93 SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY: Andrew Srockes,Haticnal Physical Laboratory 31, 93, Shutterstece Tyier Olson 100, 196, SpacedroneB08 118, 196c, Tatiana Shepeleva 147, 196¢z ‘AlLather images © Pearson Education ‘Anote from the publisher In oder to ensure that this resource offers high-qualiy suppor forthe associated Pearson {qualFeaton, [has been through a review process by the awarding body. This process confirms thatthis wesource fully covers the teaching and leaning content ofthe specication or 2art, ‘of a specication at which tis aimed, le also confirmethat it demonetrates an appropiate balance between the development of subject skills knowledge and understanding, In aidition to prepanition for assessment. Endorsement does nat cover any guidance on assessment acthites or processes (eg practice questions or advice on how to answer assessment quéstions included inthe resource nor does iE prescrioe any particular approach to the teaching of delivery ofa elated Course, While the publishers ave made every attempt to ensure that advice onthe qualification and ts assessment is accurate the official specication and assocated assessment guidance ‘materials are the only authoritative source of information and shoula aays be referred to for definitive guidance. Pearson examiners have not contributed to any sections in this resource relevant to ‘vaminat on papers for which they have responsibly, Exaniners wll nt use endorsed resources. a a source of material for any assessments by Pearson Endorsement of a resource does not mean that the resources required 1o achieve this arson qalfieat on, ror does It mean that it the ony sultaole mateialavalable to support the ‘qualFcat on, and any resource lists produced by the awarding, body shall ncluse this and thar apgropriat resources Pearson has robust editorial processes, including answer and fact checks, to ensure the accuracy ofthe content this publication and every efort fs made to ensure this publication Is fee of ewors. Weare, however only human, and oecasanallyerors do occu Pearson isnot llablefora'y misunderstandings that arise 35a result terrors in this publeation utes Ur pron to ensure that the content i accurate. Ifyox spotan error pease do contact us a resourcescerretions@pearson com so we can make sue iis carecte. e Contents Overarching themes Extra online content 1 12 13 14 15 16 a 2a 22 23 24 34 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 bd Complex numbers Exponential form of complex numbers Multiplying and dividing complex numbers De Moivre's theorem Trigonometric identities Sums of series nth roots of a complex number Solving geometric problems Mixed exercise 1 Series The method of differences Higher derivatives Maclaurin series Series expansions of compound functions Mixed exercise 2 Methods in calculus Improper integrals, The mean value of a function Differentiating inverse trigonometric functions Integrating with inverse trigonometric functions Integrating using partial fractions Mixed exercise 3 Volumes of revolution Volumes of revolution around the x-axis Volumes of revolution around the y-axis Volumes of revolution of parametrically defined curves Modelling with volumes of revolution Mixed exercise 4 Review exercise 1 u 16 20 25 27 31 32 38 40 44 48 52 53 58 62 65 69 1% 7 81 83 87 89 93 5 Polar coordinates 100 5.1 Polar coordinates and equations 101 5.2 Sketching curves 104 5.3 Area enclosed by a polar curve 109 5.4 Tangents to polar curves 113 Mixed exercise 5 16 6 Hyperbolic functions 19 6.1 Introduction to hyperbolic functions 120 6.2 Inverse hyperbolic functions 123 6.3 Identities and equations 125 6.4 Differentiating hyperbolic functions 130 6.5 _ Integrating hyperbolic functions 135 Mixed exercise 6 142 7 Methods in differential equations 147 7.1 First-order differential equations 148 7.2 Second-order homogeneous differential equations 153 7.3. Second-order non-homogeneous differential equations 157 7.4 Using boundary conditions 162 Mixed exercise 7 165 8 — Modelling with differential equations 170 8.1 Modelling with first-order differential equations am 82 Simple harmonic motion 15 83 Damped and forced harmonic motion 180 8.4 Coupled first-order simultaneous differential equations 186 Mixed exercise 8 191 Review exercise 2 196 Exan-style practice: Paper 1 209 Exan-style practice: Paper 2 au Answers 213 Index 256 Overarching themes e Overarching themes The following three overarching themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel AS and A level Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning and practice. 1. Mathematical argument, language and proof + Rigarous and consistent approach throughout + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols * Ded cated sections on mathematical proof explain key principles and strategies * Opportunities to critique arguments and justify methods 2. Mathematical problem solving The Mathematical Problem-solving cycle + Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated r specify the problem it the ain exercises a + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies interpret results + Structured and unstructured questions to build confidence olen * Challenge boxes provide extra stretch L orton ad J 3. Mathematical modelling ee + Ded'cated modelling sections in relevant topics provide plenty of practice where you need it + Examples and exercises include qualitative questions tha: allow you to interpret answers in the context of the model + Ded'cated chapter in Statistics & Mechanics Year 1/AS explains the principles of modelling in mechanics Finding your way around the book jcccss on online digital edition using the code at the front of the book. Modelling with differential equations Eact chapter starts with alist of objectives 7 ‘The real world applications of the maths you are about to lear are highlighted at the start of the chapter with links to relevant questions in the chapter ‘The Prio” knowledge check helps make sure you are ready to start the chapter Overarching themes Exercise questions are carefully graded so they increase indificulty and gradually bring you up to exam standard Exercises are packed with exam- style questions to ensure you are ready for the exams Challenge boxes aglve you a chance te tackle some rrore difficult questions Sxam-style questions / : are “laggedwith ©) each section begins Each chapter _ Step-by-step Problem-solving boxes 2roblem-solving with explanation endswitha worked examples provide hints, tips and questions are flagged and keylearning Mixed exercise focus on the key strategies, and Watch wit ® points and a Summary types of questions out boxes highlight Ofkey points youllneed to areaswhere students tackle often lose marks in their exams Every few chapters a Review exercise helps you consolidate your learning with lots of exam-style questions Exam-style practice Further Mat further Mathematics Paper 1: Core Pure Mathemetics 2 Review exenise Seta reads ee Two A level practice papers at the back of the book help you prepare for the real thing, Extra online content e Extra online content Whenever you see an Online box, it means that there is extra online content available to support you. SolutionBank SolutionBank provides a full worked solution for every question in the book. ED teivoricssoutensae SE available in SolutionBank. Download all the solutions as a PDF or ‘cuickly find the solution you need ontne Use of technology Cy Explore topics in more detail, visualise ERED Fina the point oitersection problems and consolidate your understanding _graphically using technology. using pre-made GeoGebra activities. GeeGebra aE GeoGebra-powered interactives neo Interact with the maths you arelearring feel using GeoGebra's easy-to-use tools Seer cee eer ken cna Ogle www.pearsonschools.co.uk/cp2maths Yeu can also ac extra online content by scanning this QR Complex numbers eae) After completing this chapter you should be able to Express a complex number in exponential form > pages 2-5 ¢ Multiply and divide complex numbers in exponential form > pages 5-8 Understand de Moivre’s theorem > pages 8-11 © Use de Moivre's theorem to derive trigonometric identities + pages 11-15 @ Use de Moivte’s theorem to find sums of series > pages 16-19 © Know how to solve completely equations of the form =" — a— ib =0, giving special attention to cases where a = 1 and b > pages 20-25 © Use complex roots of unity to solve geometric problems + pages 25-27 b arg(:) ¢ |zn{ di arg(zw) € Book 1, Chapter 2 2 fle) = 244429 + 927 + 42 4B Given that z = is a root of f(z) = 0, show all the roots of f(c) = 0 on an Argand diagram. € Book 1, Chapters 1, 2 The relationships between complex numbers and trigonometric functions allow electrical engineers to analyse oscillations of voltage == andcurrent in electrical circuits more easily. 3. Use the binomial expansion to find the term in the expansion of (2 +n)? Pure Year 3, Chapter 8 (1.1) Exponential form of complex numbers You can use the modulus~argument form of a complex number to express it in the exponential form: = = re", GED the modutus-argument form of a complex number is = = r(cos@ + isin), where r= |2| and 6 = arg=. + Book1, Section 2.3 You can write cos 0 and sin#as infinite series of powers oft Kaye ger a a rte ng 68 6 (cay gee sind = 0-4 at eee aT 2 You car also write e%,x € R, asa series expansion in ER These are the Maclaurin series powers of x. ‘expansions of sin 6, cos @ and e*. 2 x3 xh > Chapter 2 ester B ated " You can use this expansion to define the exponential function for complex powers, by replacing x with a complex number. In particular, if you replace x with the imaginary number id, you get iO)? , GO) GO)® , Ga)é a at a te isos -+ . Ge.) +i(-F49-...) By comparing this series expansion w'th (1) and (2), you can write e” as. = cosa-+ ising Ths formula is known as Euler's relation. {tis important for you to remember this result. * You can use Euler's relation, e!”=cos0+isind, — (EBD substituting m into Eulers to write a complex number z in exponential relation yields Euler's identity: form: e+1=0 care This equation links the five fundamental where r= |z| and @ = argz. constants 0, 1, x, € and i, and is considered an example of mathematical beauty. Complex numbers Express the following in the form re, where -1 << 7. isin & a z= V2(cos 7p + isin yp) a 2a VB(coo Express z= 2 - 3i in the form re”, where -7 <0 = x. ai Express z = V2e 4 in the form x + iy, where x, y € R. Problem-solving 3n _ cos = cos (+ 2n) and sind = sin (0+ 2). 3h is in the range -7 <0 7 e 5 Subtract multiples of 2x from “= until you find a 2( coo + isin vvaluein the range —n <0 Tyrer) = 2a tenn Bone ® De Moivre’s theorem You can use Euler's relation to find powers of complex numbers given in modulus~argument form. (1:05 0 + isin a)? = (re')® =re"x re# ree = rlcos 20 + isin 26) Similarly, (r(cos 0 + isin @))? = r'{cos 30+ isin 36), and so on. The generalisation of this result is known as de Moivre’s theorem: ™ For any integer , (rlcos 0 + isin ))" = r"(cos 20 + isin nO) You can prove de Moivre's theorem quickly using Euler's relation. (cos 0+ isin 8)" = (re" =rielt = rilcos nO + isinnd) You cam also prove de Moivre's theorem for positive Tee integer exponents directly from the modulus— of proof by Induction argument form of a complex number using the addition feed 1 Chepeer 5 formulze for sin and cos. 1. Basis step 5 LHS = (r(cosd + isin #))! = r(cos0 + isin) RHS = r*(cos 10 + isin 16) = r(cos0 + isin 8) ‘As LHS = RHS, de Moivre's theorem is true for m = 1. 2, Assumption step Assume that de Moivre'’s theorem is true for n = (r(cos 4 + isin @))* = r\(cos k0 + isin kO) eZ: Complex numbers 3. Inductive step Whenn=k+1, (r(cos 4 + isin) *1 = (r(cos0 + isin A))* x r(cos 6 + isin d) = r!(cosk0 + isin ké) x r(cos0 + isin = r*2(cos k6 +isink6)(cos@ + isin #) = r*#2((cos k.cos 6 — sin kOsin 8) + i(sin kA-cos 6 + cos k@sin A) = r'*\(cos(ké +4) + isin(k@ + 6) = r'1(cos((k + 1)6) + isin((k + 1)0)) Therefore, de Moivre's theorem is true when n = k + 1. 4, Conclusion step By assumption step By addition formulae Ifde Moivre's theorem is true for m = &, then it has been GD tre conesconcing proot shown to be true for n= k +1. for negative integer exponents is ‘As de Moivre's theorem is true for n= 1, it is now proven to eri aeal assis + Exercise 1C, Challenge be true for all € Z* by mathematical induction. aay (cos #5 + isin 75 Simplify 12-177, (eos25 cae ‘You could also show this result by writing both numbers in exponential form: (cP eet) se nf adit eet lei ef cost + ising ao, | (cos 2F + ssn 28) Se ° ae (9) Express (1 + iv3)' in the form x + iy where x,y € R. Sottive x & ol f tia t+ w3y = 128{cos§ + isin) -a43 (8) Theretore, (1 +iv3)’ = 64 + 64iV5 or 1. Use de Moivre’s theorem to express each of the following in the form x +iy, where x, y ER. a (cos + isin #)° b (cos 36 + isin 30)* © (cos§ +isin§) z me 2m iin 2t\* a @ (cos§ + isin) © (cos%E + isin) £ (cos -isin 7) 2. Express each of the following in the form el”, cos 50 + isin 50 (cos 26 + isin 20)” : 1 (cos 20 + isin 20)? (cos 40 + isin 40) (cos 24 + isin 20)* (cos 20 + isin 26)* ¢ -008.50+ isin 0 1 cosa isind (cos 36 + isin 3¢)° (cos 36 = isin 30P (cos 20 - isin 20? 10 Complex numbers 3 Evaluate the following, giving your answers in the form x + iy, where x, y ER. (cos — isin i)" (cos 32 gin Mn)’ (cos — isin 2n\! 3 3 7 7 : 3 3 (cos +isin4t)’ (cos 482+ isin (cos 12 isin)" “13 13 7 7 3 3 4. Express the following in the form x + iy where x,y € R. a (1+i)° b (-2 +218 (=i a (iv) e (3-4iv3)’ f (-2v3 -2i)° © 5 Express (3 + iV3)' in the form a + biv3 where a and b are integers. (2 marks) Riot © 6 w= cos + ising) Find the exact value of 1, giving your answer in the form a+ ib where a, b € &. (2 marks) Aleos3™ isin 3 ©7 2213(c0s 47 isin ) Find the exact value of 2°, giving your answer in the form a + ib where a, b € R. marks) iP) 8 a Express ' + : in the form re, where r > O and -7 <0 <7. (3 marks) ~iv b Hence find the smallest positive integer value of 1 for which is real and positive. (2 marks) EZ) 9 Use de Moivre’s theorem to show that (a + hi)’ + (a — bi" is real for all integers n. (marks) ‘Without using Euler's relation, prove that if mis a positive integer, You may assume de Moivre’s (eos @ + isin a)” = r-*(cos (-né) + isin (-n8)) theorem for positive integer exponents, but do not write ‘any complex numbers in ‘exponential form. @ Trigonometric identities You can use de Moivre'’s theorem to derive trigonometric identit Ss Applying the binomial expansion ta (cos + isin "allows you to express cos n# in terms of powers of 050, and sin nf in terms of powers of sind. + "Cath + "Cyathea b+... + DREN nt rin = nt ‘€ Pure Year 1, Chapter 8 4 ea ‘Use de Moivre’s theorem to show that. ces 60 = 32cos° 0 — 48cos' + 18cos?d— 1 (c05 + isin 6) = cos 68 + isin 68 = cos?O + °C, cos* Ofisind) + ©C,cos* Hisin dy + °C3cos? Hisind)? + °C,cos? Hisin#)* + ©C.cos Hisind)? + (isind)® | = cos 0 + Gicos? Asin + 15i°cos* Asin? 6 + 20} cos? #sin?0 + 15i*cos?Osin*O + GP cos Asin? 0 + i in6 0 = c0s°0 + Gicos? Osin# — 15. costOsin? # = 20icos? Asin? 8 + 15.cos? Asin + Gicos@sin®# ~ sin’ @ Ezuat ng the real parts gives 60369 = cos ~ 15.co34 Bsin2O + 15.cos? Osin' = sin = cos®@ = 15.cos* 01 = cos?) #15. cos? Mt — cos? OF ~ (1 - cos? 4) = c0s®0 = 15.cos* H(t = cos? 6) 4 15.cos? M(t ~ 2cos?8 + cost = (1 = 3cos? 0 + 3.cos* 0 - cos 0) = cos®O ~ 15205" + 15cosO 4 15.cos? 6 ~ 30cos'8 + 1Scost# = 1+ 3cos*@~ 3cos*@ + cos*O 32c0s*@ - 48c0s"6 + 1Bcos?# — 1 Therelore, cosGd = 32.cos60 - 48cos40 + 18cos?0- 1 | | ' You can also find trigonometric identities for sin’ @ and cos" # where n is a positive integer. If = cos + isin, then 4 cos 0+ isin) = (cos(-6) + isin(-0)) Apply de Moivre's theorem 0s —isind Use cos @ = cos (-#) and sin @ = sin (-6). It follows that +1 =cos0 +isind + cos —isind = 2cos0 os 0 + isin 6 — (cos ~ isin @) = 2isind 12 Complex numbers A\so, 2" = (cos 6 + isin #)” = cosnd + isinn? By de Moivre's theorem. "= (cos + ising)” = (cos(~n6) + isin(-né)) Apply de Moivre’s theorem. = cosnd —isinnd Use cos = cos (+0) and sin (-#) = ~sin@, a r It fol ows that 1 2+ 45= cosnd + isin nd + cosné —isinnd = 2cosnd 2" =F = cos nd + isin nd — (cos nd — isin nd) = 2isinnd Itis important that you remember and are able to apply these results: a csta2c0s0 +E =2cosnd In exponential form, these results are t equivalent to: =2isind st 2, =2isinnd cos = Helm + erm sind = Hem —e-™, Express cos' in the form acos 54+ bcos 38 + ecos 4, where a, b and c are constants, Let cos + isind +5(2+4) +0: 42 a. Express sin‘ in the form dcos 40 + ecos 20 + f, where d, e and fare constants. b Hence find the exact value of f sin*0d0. cos8 +isind > sint¥8=$ cos. 40 —~ $003 26 + 3. — 20240 - 4(2cos 20) + 6 -—____ SSS | ee gezesn 2))-° = (gionar~ done + 38 [Sore Use de Moivre’s theorem to prove the following trigonometric identities: ® 1 a sin3@=3sin@-4sin'd b sin 50 = 16sin’ @ — 20sin5 # + Ssind cos? = 112cos0-+56cos'9 = 7cos? —d cos* = (cos 4d + 4c0s 20+ 3) 4 (sin 50 Ssin 39 + 10sin 4) © cas 70 e sin’? 2 Complex numbers 2 a Use de Moivre's theorem to show that 0s 50 = 16c0s‘ — 20cos'd + Scos (5 marks) b Hence, given also that cos 30 = 4cos?@ ~ 3cos6, find all the solutions of cos 50+ 5cos 30 = 0 in the interval 0 < 0 < 7. Give your answers to 3 decimal places. (6 marks) 3 a Show that 32cos*# = cos 60 + 6cos 40 + 150s 20+ 10. (6 marks) b Hence find f "cost 0 dd in the form ax + by3 where and b are rational constants to be found. ” (3 marks) 4 a Show that 32cos*sin*9 = cos 60 ~ 20840 - cos 20+ 2. (6 marks) b Hence find the exact value of f cos? Asin# 68. (3 marks) hy ® 5 By using de Moivre’s theorem, or otherwise, compute the following integrals. in’ 0.40 b ['sinzecostus c [ swocossoan h % EB) 6 a Use de Moivre’s theorem to show that £0360 = 32c0s" — 48.cos" 6 + 18cos?# 1 (5 marks) b Hence find the six distinct solutions of the * eee equation id Use the substitution x = cos/to reduce Ree tele the equation to the form cos 60 = k. giving your answers to 3 decimal places Find as many values of @ as you need where necessary. (5 marks) to find six distinct values of x. EB) 7 a Use de Moivre's theorem to show that sin 49 = 4cos'4sin 0 — 4cos @sin’ 0. (4 marks) 4tan@-4tan' = 6tan? + tant b Hence, or otherwise, show that tan 41 (4 marks) © Use your answer to part b to find, to 2 decimal places, the four solutions of the equation xt 4x3 — 6x2 4 $120, (S marks) 45 Complex numbers 2 a Use de Moivre's theorem to show that 0s 50 = 16c0s‘ — 20cos'd + Scos (5 marks) b Hence, given also that cos 30 = 4cos?@ ~ 3cos6, find all the solutions of cos 50+ 5cos 30 = 0 in the interval 0 < 0 < 7. Give your answers to 3 decimal places. (6 marks) 3 a Show that 32cos*# = cos 60 + 6cos 40 + 150s 20+ 10. (6 marks) b Hence find f "cost 0 dd in the form ax + by3 where and b are rational constants to be found. ” (3 marks) 4 a Show that 32cos*sin*9 = cos 60 ~ 20840 - cos 20+ 2. (6 marks) b Hence find the exact value of f cos? Asin# 68. (3 marks) hy ® 5 By using de Moivre’s theorem, or otherwise, compute the following integrals. in’ 0.40 b ['sinzecostus c [ swocossoan h % EB) 6 a Use de Moivre’s theorem to show that £0360 = 32c0s" — 48.cos" 6 + 18cos?# 1 (5 marks) b Hence find the six distinct solutions of the * eee equation id Use the substitution x = cos/to reduce Ree tele the equation to the form cos 60 = k. giving your answers to 3 decimal places Find as many values of @ as you need where necessary. (5 marks) to find six distinct values of x. EB) 7 a Use de Moivre's theorem to show that sin 49 = 4cos'4sin 0 — 4cos @sin’ 0. (4 marks) 4tan@-4tan' = 6tan? + tant b Hence, or otherwise, show that tan 41 (4 marks) © Use your answer to part b to find, to 2 decimal places, the four solutions of the equation xt 4x3 — 6x2 4 $120, (S marks) 45 @®B Sums of series You car use results about the sums of geometric series with complex numbers. = Forw,zeC, 7 EDD These results match the ‘corresponding results for real numbers. The infinite series }-w="converges only when |z}<1. + Swel =w4 wat we? +. od Given that 2 € Pure Year 2, Chapter 3 1 sien 5 — cos + isin, where n is a positive integer, show that m Terai. tot! = 1 +icot fezettan A & z a You know that sin nd = tle — e-mt You can use this result to simplify an expression like e””— 1 by writing it in the form eile! —e°#) = e'(2isin§). in this case this is equivalent to multiplying the top land bottom of the fraction by e 2, am Complex numbers The series e” + e+ ©" + ... +e" is geometric with first term e”’, common ratio e” and n terms. ier — ‘The sum of this series is given by S, seen Converting the exponential form into modulus-argument form lets you consider the real and imaginary parts of the series separately. e+ et + e+... +m? (cos6 + isin) + (cos26 + isin 20) + (cos3 + isin 36) +... + (cosnd + isinnd) = (CoSO + cos20 + cos30 + ... + cosnd) + i(sind + sin20 + sin30 +... + sinnd) Therefore, lero — 05 + C0820 + COS 30 ... + COS nf ne( ee") e sin + sin 20+ sin304.. er 1) eet s 4 e2i? + e+. 4+ eS”, for d# In, where n is an imeger, a Stow that § = £Sin48 sin Let P=cos@ + cos26 + cos30+ ... + cos8# and Q= ind + sin 20 + sin30 + ... + sin86 b Use jour answer ta partia to show that P= cos ain 0=0, 507 =c050 +isin0 = ES ecu cts Choose values of k to find the three distinct roots. By choosing values on either side of 3 k=O you can find three different arguments in a the interval [-n, 7}. 20 Complex numbers CED it canbe proved that the sum of the nth Tocts of unity i 2ro, for any postive integer ne2. RF in general, the solutions to z*= 1 are z= cos (274) are known as the th roots of unity. If nis a positive integer, then there is an nth root of unity w =e" such that: + the th roots of unity are 1, w, w%, --,w™? + 1,w, «2, -,w! form the vertices of a regular 1-gon eltwtwr+..tw™=0 31 Solve the equation z* = 2 + 2iv3. 2? + (VSP = V4412 = 4 2) x ase 2/73 Ts isin® (cos + isin 6+ isin) = 4{cos(§ + 2kn) + isin(Z + 2hx)), k¢ Z-———__] ricos 40 + isin 40) 3 t 2kr) +isin(S + 2kr)), kEZ err consecutive values of k to get distinct roots. if an argument is not inthe interval [~r, 1] you can add ‘or subtract a multiple of 2. 2 Complex numbers You can also use the exponential form of a complete number when solving equations. Solve the equation 2° + 4/2 + 4iv2 = 0. 4 4V2 + a2 = 0 AVE - 42 modulus = V(-4V2)" + (-4V2)° = V824 32 = Vea = ee ave) ee he_3t argument = -7 + arctan( 242) =n Sm tre? = Bel ree rs 102 = Bel Fete sor=0.+r-18=2-___[ SSeS) MN y qor 90 23 = 20 22 Solve the following equations, expressing your answers for z in the form x + iy, where x, yER, at-1=0 e527 d *464= f 3+8i=0 Solve the following equations, expressing the roots in the form r(cos0 + isin), where <1 <0< a. b ++ 16i=0 ¢ 432=0 e 4+2iv3=2 f 234323 + 32i=0 Solve the following equations, expressing the roots in the form re”, where r > 0 and -1 <0 = x. Give 0 to 2 decimal places. a t=344i b =I -4i ¢ A=-/7 43: a Find the three roots of the equation (= + 1)? = Give your answers in the form x + iy, where x, y €R. b Plot the points representing these three roots on an Argand diagram. ¢ Given that these three points lie on a circle, find its centre and radius. a Find the five roots of the equation 25-1 = 0. Seer) Give your answers in the form »(cos # + isin 6), where -7 <0 <7. Use the factthat the b Hence or otherwise, show that ‘sum ofthe five roots 2n 4n ‘of unity is zero, cos(24) + o0x(42) a Find the modulus and argument of -2 - 2iv3. (2 marks) b Hence find all the solutions of the equation z* + 2 + 2i Give your answers in the form re", where r > 0 and illustrate the roots on an Argand diagram. (4:marks) Find the four distinct roots of the equation z4 = 2(1 ~ iv3) in exponential form, and show these roots on an Argand diagram. (7 marks) (6 +iv2 a Find the modulus and argument of z (2 marks) b Find the values of w such that »° = <4, giving your answers in the form re, where r > 0 and—1<0 ) Eo 1) (0, -2) Area = 3 x base x height =$x25x3 = 33 Sa 6) ® 1 Find the coordinates of the vertices of the following regular polygons with centres at the origin. a Equilateral triangle with one vertex at (0, 4) b Square with one vertex at (5, 0) ¢ Regular pentagon with one vertex at (-1, /3) d_ Regular hexagon with one vertex at (2, 2) ® 2 Find the coordinates of the vertices of an equilateral triengle with centre (2, 3) and one vertex at (3, -2). oy] Complex numbers 3 The triangle OAB in an Argand diagram is equilateral, O is the origin and A corresponds to the complex number ¥3(1 ~ i). B is represented by the complex number b. Find the two possibilities for b in the form re’, Illustrate the two possibilities for OAB in a sketch. (5 marks) EP) 4 a Find the 4th roots of ~12i in the form re! where r > 0 and —7 < 6 < x. Illustrate these roots on an Argand diagram, (6 marks) Let the points representing these roots on an Argand diagram, taken in order of increasing 6, be A, B,C, D. The midpoints of the sides of ABCD represent the 4th roots of a complex number W. b Find w. (4.marks) @®) 5 Pisone vertex of a regular hexagon in an Argand diagram. The centre of the hexagon is at the origin. P corresponds to the complex number 8 + 8i. a Find, in the form a + bi, the complex numbers corresponding to the other vertices of the hexagon, and illustrate these on an Argand diagram, (5 marks) b The six complex numbers corresponding to the vertices of the hexagon are squared to form the vertices of a new figure. Find, in the form a + bi, the complex numbers corresponding to the other vertices of the new figure. Find the area of the new figure. (4 marks) 6 Anant walks forward one unit and then turns to the right by a It repeats this a further inl 42 sin(4 Sn) (6 marks) three times. Show that the distance of the ant from its initial position is ® | a Usce= cos 0 + isin# to show that cos = ye +e), cos (4 + B) + cos (A = B) b Hence prove that cos A.cos B = a 2 Given that = = r(cos# + isin 6), r © R, prove by induction that >" = r"(cos nd + isinn®), n © Z*. (S marks) (cos 3x + isin 3x)? 3. Express in the form cosnx + isin nx where 1 is an integer to be determined, cos.x — isin. 4 Use de Moivre’s theorem to evaluate: a (-1+i)8 5 a Given z = cos@ + isin, use de Moivre’s theorem to show that 2”+ ‘cos nt. (4 marks) : b Express (# i 4) in terms of cos60 and cos 28, (3 marks) © Hence, or otherwise, find constants a and b such that cos'24 = acos 60 + bcos 26. (3 marks) Hence, or otherwise, show that f cos'29d0 = kV3, where k is a rational constant, (4 marks) » 7 6 a Show that cos’ = 7g (cos 56 + Scos30 + 10cos 6) (S marks) The diagram shows the curve with equation y = cos* x,-5 0, -7 <6 < x, where rand @ are exact values. (2 marks) b Hence, o otherwise, solve the equation 2$ = 4 ~ 4i, leaving your answers in the form z = Re, where R is the modulus of 2 and k isa rational number such that -1<=k <1. (4marks) € Show on an Argand diagram the points representing the roots. (2 marks) 15 a Find the cube roots of 2 — 2i in the form re” where r > 0 and -1 << x. (5 marks) These cube roots are represented by points A, B and Cin the Argand diagram, with A in the fourth quadrant and ABC going anticlockwise. The midpoint of AB is M, and M represents the complex number 1, hb Draw an Argand diagram, showing the points 4, 8, Cand M. (2 marks) ¢ Find the modulus and argument of w. (2 marks) ds Find w* in the form a + bi. (3 marks) ®) 16 An equilateral triangle has its centre at the origin and one vertex at the point (2, 1). a Find the coordinates of the other two vertices. (4marks) b Show that the length of one side of the triangle is VTS, (2 marks) Challenge ‘Show that the points on an Argand diagram that represent the roots of (#44 ‘ ) =1 ie ona straight line, 20 Chaat Puen 10 If z, is one root of the equation 2" = aq cos + isin, to write a complex number z in exponential z=ree wrere r= |2| and @ = arg. 2. For any two complex numbers + p= ryrpeleie neM and z, =e", 2 = Mew-0 Bore 3 De Moivre’s theorem: For any integer n, (r(cos@ + isin)" = r'(cosnd + isin né) cosnd 1 +i. 1 2isinnd Set wt wet wet hat wet... Sena » 6 If z and w are non-zero complex numbers and mis a positive integer, then the equation =” = w has n distinct solutions. 7 For any complex number = = r(cos# + isiné), you can write 1(C0s (0 + 2kn) + isin (0 + 2kn)) wnere k is any integer. 8 Ingeneral, the solutions to z" = 1 are z= ) =e fork =1,2,...,nand are known as the nth roots of unity. If nis a positive integer, then there is an nth root of unity w =e’ such that: + The nth roots of unity are 1, w, 1% ..., w"! + 1wu2,. *1twtort... tw" , w1 form the vertices of a regular n-gon 0 9 The nth roots of any complex number s lie on the vertices of a regular n-gon with its centre at the origin. and 1, ww ..., ware the nth roots of unity, then the roots of 2" =. are given by 2,24 20%, ..., 201. After completing this chapter you should be able to: Understand and use the method of differences to sum finite series > pages 32-37 © Find and use higher derivatives of functions ~> pages 38-39 © Know how to express functions as an infinite series ir ascending powers using Maclaurin series expansion > pages 40-46 © Be able to find the series expansions of compound functions > pages 44-48 a > (99- 4n) « Pure Year 2, Chapter 3 a Show that ¥ (2 + 2r+3) = Ann? +9 + 25) Physicists use Maclaurin series in special relativity to approximate the Lorentz pHeneerndise (fore) factor. The Lorentz factor relates time, 0 length and relativistic mass change for a © Book 1, Chapter 3 moving object. Experiments with atomic clocks have shown that time passes more quickly for a stationary observer a ® poe than for one travelling at high speeds. dx dx? > Exercise 2D, challenge Pure Year 2, chapter 9 Given y = sin 3x, find: @ The method of differences You car use the method of differences to find the sum of a finite series, = Ifthe general term, u,, of a series can be expressed in the form f(r) ~ Fr +1) You can also start with u, written in the form “ f(r +1) — f(r After adding and cancelling, (F(r) fr )) : a (r) - fr +1) you get Sou, = flr + 1) ~ f(1) i sou, =F(1) - f(2) (2) - £(3) us = £(3) — F(4) fae) n+ f(@) +f@ - £3) le af) Then adding >~ u, = f(1) — f(a+1) The f(2) terms cancel. = By summing iy + up +... +1, all terms cancel except the very first term, fl), and the very last term, f(t + 1). ex) a Show that 4r3 = rr + 1)?= (r= 12? b_Henee prove, by the method of differences, that sors = batt 1 Wr? + 2r + 1) ~ (0? = ar + Mr? Start rears 2 =4r b Consider So (rer + 1)? = (r - Hr?) Let rat Deere — (ope rsa: 2a" - uper rad: Bear pret the first and CED hen using the method of mesa ala Vien differences, be sure to write out enough terms Sum of terms. = nn + 1 to make it clear which terms cancel. When you cance’ terms, make sure that they can still be = tn + 1 clearly read, You could cross them out in pencil. Pn + 1 20 ! a2 pt the first and last If the general term of the series is given in the form f(r) - f(r-+ 2), you need to adapt the method of differences to consider the terms f(1), (2), fia + 1) and f(r + 2), xx) a Express in partial fractions, — OF De+3, b Hence prove by the method of differences that u 2 nan +5) XG eed = Ga Dnt) where a and b are constants to be found. 2 2 © Find the value of }° Xe heey (5 decimal places, an 2 AB we r+ 3) r+ eS _ Ar + 3) + Ber +1) a rc > At + 3) + Bir +1) letr=-3: 2=-2B= B=-1 letr=- 2=244 4 Bh st 4 herelore Gara a) = ret P+ b Using the method of differences, when rt: J HH tae Sit -fr+2) = f(1) + f(2) — flr + 1) — f+ 2) 5(n + 2)lu + 3) - Gin + 3) - En + 2) Ein + 2\in + 3) = Di? + 25 + 30 - Gn- 18 - Gn- 12 = Gin + 2)(n + 3) Sn + 13n Ca + 2yn + 3) 5m + 13) = Gin + 2+ 3) Facts, Soa=5 and b= 13, ais ep 6 piesa 2h, Fey oa = BOS: H30 419) 205% 2014.12). *G(30 + 2)(30 + 3) ~ 620 + 220 + 3) = 85. _ 565 “1056 ~ 759 = 665 = 24265 | = 002738 to 5 dp. a a 2 AB we r+ 3) r+ eS _ Ar + 3) + Ber +1) a rc > At + 3) + Bir +1) letr=-3: 2=-2B= B=-1 letr=- 2=244 4 Bh st 4 herelore Gara a) = ret P+ b Using the method of differences, when rt: J HH tae Sit -fr+2) = f(1) + f(2) — flr + 1) — f+ 2) 5(n + 2)lu + 3) - Gin + 3) - En + 2) Ein + 2\in + 3) = Di? + 25 + 30 - Gn- 18 - Gn- 12 = Gin + 2)(n + 3) Sn + 13n Ca + 2yn + 3) 5m + 13) = Gin + 2+ 3) Facts, Soa=5 and b= 13, ais ep 6 piesa 2h, Fey oa = BOS: H30 419) 205% 2014.12). *G(30 + 2)(30 + 3) ~ 620 + 220 + 3) = 85. _ 565 “1056 ~ 759 = 665 = 24265 | = 002738 to 5 dp. a a ae a Show that r= x(r(r + 1) -r(r~ 1). b Hence show that }> = Bn + |) using the method of differences. 1 _ i 1 rr + D+ 2) > rT) FH DG +2) find > aa using the method of differences. (5 marks) Given a Express in partial fractions. (1 mark) 1 rr +2) using the method of differences. (marks) b Hence find the sum of the series > 7-5 Express aes in partial fractions. (1 mark) b Hence find the sum of the series S~ Panera or Using the method of differences. (5 marks) a Show that ot Di (2 marks) b Hence find of DI (5 marks) . "2 Given that wth 1-1 find + (6 marks) = : 1 a Use the method of differences to prove that 5 Faia S mad! where a and b are constants to be found, b Prove your result from part a using mathematical induction. Prove that 8 nan+b) dbs el ove that Fae F= Gp + Ty Pay MEME 4 An Pare constants to be found. f (6 marks) EBDD this question can be answered using either the method ‘of differences or proof by induction. In the exam, either method would be acceptable. If you use proof by induction, you will need to substitute values of n to find the values of a and b, Prove that S>(r-+ 1? ~(r~ 1)? = ann + 1), where a is a constant to be found. (4 marks) rt Series = 3 an . 10 a Prove that 5° ry TiGyea)" Bn +c” Where a, b and care constants to be found. (5 marks) ‘" 3 3in+ 1) b Hence, or otherwise, show that 3°35 5-5-9 = 3Gn4 Dana) (4 marks) " . C- 2r+) I ML Robin claims that oT) His workings are shown below Explain the error that he has made. Using partial fractions: 2r+1_A mer Therefore 2r +1 So A=1and B= Using the method of differences, feted rast ces: wis, ‘Summing the differences: x ee Fer * (2 marks) 1 1 1 1 3 an+b B12 Show thar 5 + F3ca* Fast tay a Tas Lye ray Oe a Bae constants to be found. (6 marks) A at tti 3 13a Express 5 9,45) it Partial fractions, (3 marks) b Find the value of > to 4 decimal places. (§ marks) Qr + DQr+ 5) Challenge 2 @ Given that Sin( + Ink, where kis an integer, find k. * 2 ) bb Giventhat o—28_ 2 mane +bn +d) Lee Ge Dera yh when a7 @ Higher derivatives You need to be able to find third, and higher, derivatives of given functions. You already know how to find first and second derivatives. dy ), the first derivative of f(x) is given by a y os) 4) bya ule mr Sim larly the third derivative is given by You car find the nth derivative of f(x) by differentiating n times with respect to x. CEEEED ane ntn deivaveo y=fa)is ip 1 SY coy written as Gn =P". Given that y = In(1 ~.), find the value of (x), and the second derivative of fix) is given "(x), and so on. when x= 2 exes =x =x? fo)=e" a Show that f"(x) = 2xf(x). b By differentiating the result in part a twice more with respect to x, show that: i £"(x) = 2f(x) + 2x") ii £"(x) = af") + 4") © Deduce the values of £"(0), £"(0), and £"(0). bi Mx) = 2ix) + 2x) H Ax) = 2) + 2x") + 27°) xi"(x) + 47"(X) an ® 2 a Given that y= xOxe0 HO) + 2 x Ox FO) HO) = 2 x0 x MO) + 410) =4F'Q)=0 isc 1 For each of the following functions, f(x), find f(x), Px), £"(x) and F(x), ac b(l+x)" © xe" @ Ind +x) as find an expression, in terms of y, for $= dy 1 b Hence evaluate =; when x =In (5). ay 3 Gvven that y= sin? 3x, dy « a show that 7. = 3 sin 6x uate 2 i € Hence evaluate 5% when x =% 4 faa re a Show that f"(x) = (6x - 6 - b Skow that f”"(2) = 0, 5 Given that y = see x, a show that b show that the value of 25 when x = 3 is 11V2. ® 6 Grven that y is a function of x, @ a show that 5 (J) ee ay By b Find an expression, in terms of y, gy, Garand gx for G5"). 7 Gven that fix) = In (y+ V+ 9°), show that: a Vite f'(x)= b (1432) P09 + xf") =0 © (1+ 32) "(9 + 3x0") + MQ) =0 d_ Deduce the values of £”(0), (0) and £"(0).. 20 Mary functions can be written as an infinite sum of terms of the form ax". You may have already encountered series expansions like these: Bucci Lee AE e x LO EDD The frst wo series expansions ‘shown here are examples of the binomial expansion. < Pure Year 2, Chapter 4 Given that fix) can be differentiated infinitely many times and that it has a valid series expansion of the form fix) = ay + ax + ayx? + ay? +... + d,x* + ..., Where the a, are all real constants, show that the series expansion must be £(O)x? £00) fix) = (0) + Ox gy ot + Write f0x) = do + aya + dox® + asx +... + ax + £0) Diferentiating f(x) gives: Ho = ay + Zag + Bagx? + ra + May = 2 x tap +3 X Qasr ton. + rir Nae? + Mos BX 2X fast... trie Wr Qa? +. Continuing in this way by differentiating r times: Frew Evaluate each term at x = ©: #10) = a, > a, = FO) ra, + terms in powers of x 0) lag > d= #0) = #10) = Blas > a3 = zi +40) 170) =e a, = 20 ‘i Hn Therefore for = 10) + "(Om + Ohne 4 Oyo 4 MO Ln Series In this process, outlined in the worked example above, a polynomial in powers of x is being formed step by step. The process focuses on x = 0; substituting x = 0 into successive derivatives increases the power of the polynomial. For example, if you stop the process after finding f'(0) the polynomial is linear, (0) + (Ox, after 0) itis quadratic (0) + °(0)x + x2, after P(0) itis cubic, zi PO). , PO) (he CO gL et gy A anes CED ict at functions satisfy the The above argument assumes that the function can condition that f(0),F'(0),F", ..,Fr(0) all b2 wiitten in the given form. This is only true if the have finite values. given series converges. The above reasoning also only _-—-*Forexample, when fay = In.x holds if the function can be differentiated an infinite 50 f(0) is undefined and therefore does not number of times, and if f#”(0) is always finite. have a finite value. «= The Maclaurin series expansion of a function f(x) is given by f(x) =£(0) + FO) + PO) se The series is valid provided that f(0), f’ (0), f"(0), . £00), ... all have finite values. The polynomial f(0) + f"(0)x is a Maclaurin polynomial of degree 1. The polynomial fo) + Fox-+ 0. FO) oy is a Maclaurin polynomial of degree 2. The polynomial f0) + f"(0)x + + TO vis a Meclaurin polynomial of degree Even when f'"(0) exists and is finite for all r, a Maclaurin series expansion is only valid for values of x that give rise to a convergent series. For example, the Maclaurin series oft isl4x+x2+3+ ° But when x = 2, the series gives 1+2 +4 +8 +... which coes not converge to 1 1-2 CED the range of vaicity for some individual Maclaurin series is given in the formula2 booklet. If no range of validity is given in this chapter, you may assume that the expansion is vad for all x € R. a Express In(1 +x) as an infinite series in ascending powers of x. b Using only the first three terms of the series in part a, find estimates for: i In 1.05 fi In 1.25 iii In. Comment on the accuracy of the estimates. a ft) in(h +x) > {=mnt=0 tobeptgetem es 10) P= (1 + 3° = = SS Px) = (G2) + xr > FO) = 21 The term (-1)" can be used in the general term of Hx) = (EINE2NHB). (r= ACT + alternating sequences, in which the terms are HHO) = EN" 1) alternately positive and negative. al 12 4 2D So In(l +x) =O + te trv? +g x8 + at, Inf) +3) = Se = 005 - 298% , 0.057 _ bi nts = 005 - 295" , 005" _ | = 0.0487916... This is correct to 5 dp. In.25 = 025 - O85" , O25 _ % 0.223956... This is correct to 2 dp, z 0.8" , O£ ii Int =08 - OF + = O.G506666... This is not correct to 1 dp. a Find the first four terms in the Maclaurin series of sin x. b Using the first two terms of the se a fa = sin f(0) = sn0=0 05x FO) = cos0.=1 Hout (a) = ~sinx M"(0) = -sin0 =O f(x) = ~cosx #0) = -cos Px) = sine (0) =sin0 =O wcll ese tee cy Se sing= x4 3b 4 Sx8 + oi +. +o dd patel ~ ap? + ep? - 7 b sito sina B21 (5) = 0174532925 - 0,000886096 = 0173646629 wD peer LED Fis cicansonicvais CY for =1 <.x= 1. Ifyou usea computer to generate the graphs of the successive Maclaurin polynomials you will see that they converge to the graph of in (1 + x) between. x=—1 ‘and x= 1, but outside that interval they diverge rapidly. Explore this using GeoGebra. 's find an approximation for sin 10° EID x must be in radians in expansions of trigonometric functions. a (Src 1 Use the formula for the Maclaurin series i me EDD the binomial expansions of i + x and differentiation to show that: where 1 is fractional or negative and a (l-xypteltveate tate x] < 1, are the Maclaurin series of the function 2. Use Maclaurin series and differentiation to show that the first three terms in the series x expansion of e*™* are | ++ @® 3 a Show that the Maclaurin series of cos.x is 1 ~3 +CV Gait b Using the first three terms of the series, show that it ED tis expansionis gives a value for cos 30° correct to 3 decimal places. valid forall values of 4. Using the series expansions for e* and In(1 + x) respectively, find, correct to 3 decimal places, the values of: ae b In($) 5. Use Maclaurin series and differentiation to expand, in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x4, ae b In(1 +2x) © sin?x ® 6 Using the addition formula for cos (A — B) and the series expansions of sin x and cos x, show that © 7 Given that f(x) = (1 - xf In(l-»), a show that £"(x) = 3 + 2In(1- x) (2 marks) b find the values of 1(0), £"(0), £%(0), and £"(0) (1 mark) ¢ express (1 — x)? In (1 ~.x) in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x8, (3 marks) 8 a Using the series expansions of sin.x and cos.x, shew that 3sin.x - 4x cos.x + Bm 79g 25 + oo (5 marks) 3 sin x 4x cos.x +x b Hence, find the limit, as x — 0, of = x a rk), 4a © 9 Given that f(x) = Incosx, a show that f(x) = -tanx (2 marks) b find the values of £°(0), £"(0), "(0) and £"(0) (1 mark) © express In cos.x as a series in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x* (3 marks) d_ show that using the first two terms of the Maclaurin series for In cos x, with x = a gives a value for In2 of $5 (1 +25). (2 marks) 10 Show that the Maclaurin series for tan x, as far as the term in x, is. x + 4x3 + (5 marks) $ ‘The ratio test is a sufficient condition for the convergence of an infinite as ae Lor does not series. It says that a series Sa, converges if in| “| < 1, and diverges : = ees Ea, e exist then the ratio testis inconclusive, Use the ratio test to show that fa the Maclaurin series expansion of e* converges for all x eR b the Maclaurin series expansion of In (1 +x) converges for -1 1. @ Series expansions of compound functions You can find the series expansions of compound functions using known Maclaurin series. In the last exercise you found the Maclaurin series of simple compound functions, such as e® and In (1 + 2x) However, the resulting series could also be found by replacing x by 3x or x by 2x in the known expansions of e* and In(1 + 2) respectively. When successive derivatives of a compound function are more difficult, or when there are products of functions involved, itis often possible to use one of the stardard results, ® The following Maclaurin series expansions are given in the formulae bookl forall x eet (dt -1 4 may be neglected, show that se the series expansions for e* and sin.x to nt oy x ea Lt (Stren ® 1 Use the series expansions of e*, In(1 + x) and sin.x to expand the following functions as far as the fourth non-zero term. In each case state the values of x for which the expansion is valid. L » ee ae ec elt @ ind -») ey e sin (5) f In@+3x) z @®) 2 a Using the Maclaurin series of In(1 +x), show that n(}2%) =2(x+ 3 (4 marks) b Deduce the series expansion for In (marks) © By choosing a suitable value of x, and using only the first three terms of the series from part a, find an approximation for In (3), giving your answer to 4 decimal pla (2 marks) d_ Show that the first three terms of your series from part b, with x = 3, give an approximation for In2, which is correct to 2 decimal places. (2 marks) ®) 3 Show that, for small values of x,e® - e* ~ 3x+ (4 marks) @®) 4 a Show that 3x sin2x- cos 31 (S marks) b Hence find the lim (S*882"=cos.3x'+ 1) (1 mark) sa ® 5 &) @& u @&® 2 Find the series expansions, up to and including the term in x4, of: a In(l+x-2x) Factor b n+ 6x42) ED ractorse the quacratic st and in each case give the range of values of x for wh:ch the expansion is valid, a Write down the series expansion of cos 2x in ascending powers of x, up to and including the term in x*, (3 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, find the first four non-zero terms in the series expansion for sin?.x. (3 marks) Show that the first two non-zero terms of the series expansion, in ascending powers of x, of In (1 +x) + (x= I)(e* = 1) are px* and gx, where p and g are constants to be found. (6 marks) x a By considering the product of the series expansions of sin.x and (I~ x), expand 7} in ascending powers of » as far as the term in x4 (6 marks) by Deduce the gradient of the tangent, at the origin, to the curve with equation y= (-xy (3 marks) ‘Use the Maclaurin series, together with a suitable substitution, to show that: a (1 3x)In(I + 2x) = 2x - 822+ Bx — 1x4 +. be siny= x4 2x74 Ur tate ¢ Viteer=l-xte- die ite.. a Write down the first five non-zero terms in the series expansions of (3 marks) ig b Using your result from part a, find an approximate value for I ©? dx, giving your answer to 3 decimal places. 7 (3 marks) 2, 30-3) a Show that ¢”* sin 3x = 3x + 3px? + .. Where p is a constant. (5 marks) b Given that the first non-zero term in the expansion, in ascending powers of x, of e?* sin 3x + In (1 + gx) is kx, where k is a constant, find the values of p.qand k. (4 marks) fix)=e'"*sinx, x > 0 a Show that, if .v is sufficiently small, «and higher powers of x may be neglected, f(xy x 1 +x +e (5 marks) b Show that using x= 0.1 in the result from part a gives an approximation for f{0.1) which is correct to 6 significant figures. (2 marks) a7 GP) 13 y=sin2x-cos2x My é a Show that l6y (4 marks) b Find the first five terms of the Maclaurin series for y, giving each coefficient in its simplest form. (4 marks) CED Aightyeoristhe ‘The Lcrentz factor of a moving object, 4, is given by the formula distance light travels in one year. is the ratio ofr, the speed of the object, to c, the speed of light @ x 10¢ms~, a Find the Maclaurrin series expansion of overs of up to the term in ‘The theory of special relativity predicts that a period of time observed as Twithin a stationary frame of reference will be observed as a period oftime 7 Ina moving frame of reference. ascending A spaceship travels from Earth to a planet 4.2 light years away. To an observer on Earth, the journey appears to take 20 years. b Use your answer to part a to estimate the observed journey tine for aa person on the spaceship. € Calculate the percentage error in your estimate. Comment on whether your approximation would be more or less accurate if the spaceship was travelling at three times the speed. Mixed exercise 2. ‘ 1 a Express (54, 4 git Partial fractions. (1 mark) n 9 242 b Hence show that 3] ——2—— =» — 7a" +250 Sie red)” Dns n+ 4) (marks) 2 a Express 4 . . Ger iara pit partial fractions. (2 marks) b Using your answer to part a and the method of differences, show that . ef i. x (r— Gr +3) 34n+3) (3 marks) 3 4 ‘ +a © Evaluate a jxar eg Siig your answer to 3 significant figures. (2 marks) AR ® 3 Gu @®n a Show that (r+ 13 —(r— D3 = 6r? +2. (2 marks) b Using the result from part a and the method of di‘ferences, show that » Eni + W2n + 1 (5 marks) . ‘ Brove dat $2 —*— == ian +) Seed 7 Bw a din vp’ MME @ and bare constants to be Found. (S marks) Prove that )>((r + 1) = (r- 1)) = an} + bn? + en + d, where a, b,c and dare constants to be found. '~" (5 marks) a Given that y =e, find an expression, in terms of y, for 35 ty b Hence show that at x=In32is slo a For the function f(x) = In(1 + e°), find the values cf (0) and £"(0). b Show that £"(0) = 0. ¢ Find the series expansion of In(I + ¢*), in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x2, a Write down the Maclaurin series of cos 4x in ascending powers of x, up to and including the term in x*, (3 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, show that the first three non-zero terms in the series expansion of sin? 2y are 4x? (3 marks) at Given that terms in x5 and higher powers may be neglected, use the Maclaurin series for e* and €08.x, to show that ee x e(1 == (5 marks) Given that |2x| <1, find the first two non-zero terms in the series expansion of 1a (1 + x0 - 2x)) in ascending powers of x. (5 marks) Use differentiation and Maclaurin series, to express In (sec.x + tan x) as a series in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x, (marks) Show that the results of differentiating the standard series expansions of e*, sin x and cos x agree with the following: a eee b fe Ginx) = cos.x © £ (osx) =-sinx 40 © 13 a Given that cos sss Show that sec. (4 marks) s b Using the result found in parta, and given that sin =~) +37 — ...find the first three non-zero terms in the series expansion, in ascending powers of x, for tan.x. (4 marks) 14 By using the series expansions of e* and cos x, or otherwise, find the expansion of e* cos 3x-in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x? (S marks) 15 Find the first three derivatives of (1 +.x)?In (1 +x). Hence, or otherwise, find the expansion of (1 4x)"In (1 +x) in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in 3°. (marks) @®) 16 a Expand In (1 + sin.x) in ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x, (4 marks) b Hence find an approximation for f In(1 + sin.x) dx giving your answer to 3 decimal places. 7 (3 marks) 17 a Using the first two terms, + *>, in the expansion of tan x, show that G19 y=e%- etre 14 4 ee (3 marks) b Deduce the first four terms in the series expansion of e-*, in ascending powers of x (3 marks) diy a Show that 7 8ly. (4 marks) b Find the first three non-zero terms of the Maclaurin series for y, giving each coefficient in its simplest form. (3 marks) ¢ Find an expression for the mth non-zero term of the Maclaurin series for y (2 marks) Challenge Given that the Maclaurin series of e*is valid for all x € C, show, using series expansions, that e = cos.x+isin.x. 5O ered 1 IF the general term, u,, of a series can be expressed in the form f(r) ~ f(r+ 1) then Yiu, = Y2(f) - fr + Y). mi at sou, =f()- (2) &=f@ -f@) -f(4) Un = Fl) - f(a + 1) Then adding ar u,=f(1) -fn+1) 2. The Maclaurin series of a function f(x) is given by FO) £0) 2 ak The series is valid provided that f(0), f"(0), f"(0), ..., F°(0), ... all have finite values. f(x) = FO + FOx+ ts 3 The following Maclaurin series are given in the formulae booklet: ra eal+xte, for all x 2 ina +x) tee -1 Review Exercise 1, Challenge Q3. a Find rede. b Hence show that [ ved» converges and find its value. ay b Spit You can choose any point at which to split the integral up, but choosinga special value like 0 will often make evaluating the integral easier. Consider [xe dx: dea lier eraripm Paertre [sean [reer ji ancamages wid [retain So Sof Similarly, consider f xe* dx: [rear se fn fxe-"e You need to check that ‘both the integrals converge before you can determine thatthe orginal integral converges. So [xe ax converges and [xe dx = Since both integrals converge, we know that _Saesto [iseaxconegeeva 1 Find the values of the following improper integrals. a [bax b fxtas e femdx 2 For each of the following, show that the improper integral diverges. e = - a fede b [dar e Lye 3 For each of the following, show that the improper integral converges and find its value, 5a Methods in calculus ©®© 5a Find [5 7m hb Hence show that (2 marks) Gampercomenssand — QUEM vie suejeu stow find its value. (3 marks) limiting process clearly in your working, ©® 6a Find fx2e*' dx. (2 marks) L 1b Hence show that [/xe*dx converges and find its value. (3 marks) @© 7a Find [B¥ dx. (3 marks) h Hence show that dx is divergent. (3 marks) © 8 a Find finw?dx. (2 marks) Hence show that: 1 bf Uns? dx is convergent. (2 marks) b c f (inx?* dv is divergent, (2 marks) b (om) evaluate [ Sax, (4 marks) Va-x @& 0 Evaluate [ (S marks) IL The diagram shows the curve with equation y = Inx. Find the shaded area enclosed by the curve and the coordinate axes. You may assume that xInx 0 as x > 0, (5 marks) © 22 a Explain why [tan dis an improper integral. (1 mark) b Show that J *tan.x dy is divergent. (3 marks) 57 4 ax = (Oa) —— + fh od Lina Using partial fractions: iat Wea" So All + ul + Bu = Whenw=0,4=1. Equating u terms, A+ B= 0,50 B [rman 4 (l- ie) = Allnw — Inte + 1]; ———— = Allin ~ In7) = (In2 - In 3)) — {_——_ So the mean value of f on tin, In] is 6 =4 int 2 =4In3 [o4ax= tani Aline = In2} =4in3 Calculating the mean value, eli +4)ax eae 1 T+ I(x) is a reflection in the x-avis of f(x). ‘The mean value of f(x) over the interval ing Un 2, Iné] was a3 ‘Therefore, the mean value of ~f(x) over the 2 interval (In 2, In] is 3 ee) ‘Every value of f(x) in the interval has increased by 4, so the mean value has increased by 4. In the example above, you saw that geometric considerations can be used to find mean values of transformed functions, if you already know the mean value of the original function on the same interval. 6D Methods in calculus If the function f(x) has mean value f over the interval [a, 5], and & is a real constant, then: 1 fl2) + khas mean value # + & over the Interval [a 5] CED 00 cannot deduce = Af(x) has mean value Af over the interval [a, 5] the mean value of fx) or fx) in this way. = f(x) has mean value —f over the interval [a, 4]. aa 1 For each of the following functions f(x), find the mean value of f(x) on (0, 1]. 1 * a f(x)=1 b= ¢ fix)=erH1 2. Find the exact mean value of f(x) over the given inte-val. ‘ee 5 5 co eRE a f= 5711021 b fix) = cos = oF € fixy= xe; [1,3] @ R= a O.3I € fix) = (sec.x — cos 4 3 fix) = x3 - 3x? - 24x + 100 a Find the coordinates of the turning points of f(x). b Sketch the graph of y= fix). ¢ Without calculation, state an upper and lower bound on the mean value of the function on the interval [-2, 4], giving a reason for your answer. 4 Calculate the exact mean value of f(x) over the interval [-2, 4]. © 4 Find the exact mean value of fix) = STFC over the interval [0, 5]. (4 marks) cos 2x +2 2 © 5 Find the exact mean value of fix) = xvx +4 over the interval [0, 5]. (4 marks) © 6 Find the exact mean value of fix) =. sin 2x over the interval [o. ag (4 marks) Sx. @ 1 =a aa a Show that the mean value of f(x) over the interval [1, 5] is In (4 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, find the mean value over the interval [1, 5] of f(x) + Ink where k is a positive constant, giving your answer in the form pin g, where p and q are constants and q isin terms of k. (2 marks) GP 8 fuexlx?-4) a Show that the mean value of f(x) over the interval [0, 2] is 75° (3 marks) b Use the answer to part a to find the mean value over the interval [0, 2] of -2f(x). (2 marks) e constant. 9 f[x) = In(kx), where k is a positis Given that the mean value of f(x) on the interval [0, 2] is -2, find the value of k. (4 marks) 61 ®) 10 Prove that if f(x) has mean value m on the interval [a, 6), then f(x) + ¢ has mean value m + c. 1 fox a CEEEIETD This is an improper integral. Find the exact mean value of f(x) on the interval [0, 2]. (6 marks) @® 12 Use geometric reasoning to explain why the mean value of fix) = sin’ x on the interval (0, 27] is 0. cos.x 13 8)= oo sin a? a Find Jf(x)dx. (4 marks) b Hence show that the mean vale off.) over the interval [0,52] is —5h-[ +4. (2 marks) © Hence, or otherwise, find the mean value, over the interval [0.3 of fix)+ 3x. marks) ® 14 a Sketch a graph of f(x) = 1 - 3x - 2°, finding the coordinates of any turning points. ast b Calculate ["" f(x)dy forae eR. ¢ Find the maximum possible mean value of f(x) on any real interval of length 1. (3.3) Differentiating inverse trigonometric functions You can differentiate the inverse trigonometric functions implicitly. fan Show that J Let y = arcsinx siny gy 1 Aterntively since g = +=" yeu cen conclude the sign is positive since the graph of ‘y=ar:sin.x shows that the gradient is positive at all points x. 2 Methods in calculus You can use similar methods to obtain the following standard results. d 1 . ay resin x) = ra a ni . dy (Brees: = d 4 = 4 arctans)= 535 You should earn these results, but also be able to derive them as in the example above. Notice that 4 (aresin.x) = 4 (arecos.x). dx Le Recall the domain and range of each of these inverse trigonometric functions: Function | Domain | Range arcsirx | 1,0) lea arccosx | ELI) (0,7 wcanx (me) ((-22) Pure Year 2, Chapter 6 d, Given y = aresin.% find a_using implicit differentiation b using the chain rule and the formula for aresin m. asin b Let ¢=x%, then y = arcsint ana Then Ee a7 S dy _dy a dy Given y= arctan( 1 wo * “Tr enty* Casa) =__t+ar 2 - gato (a =) ‘You could also use the chain rule and the formula for Sterctan), Use implicit differentiation to differentiate the following functions. a erctany b arccos.x You can check your answers by using the © erccos x? d arctan (x + 3x) chain rule as well as the results stated earlier in e eresin(4) Be Differentiate y = (arccos.x)(aresin x) o a +arctanx Differentiate y= 7 Sane (4 marks) fix) = arccos x + aresinx By considering [P(x)dx, prove that fix) = 5 forall values of x. (4 marks) Differentiate with respect to x: a erccos 2x b arctan © aresin 3x d arcot(x+ 1) ¢ eresin(1 - x2) f arecos.x? g e*arecos.x h aresin.xcosx i »2arceos x jeremy Methods in calculus 4 © 5 Given that tan y= varetan x, find ra (4 marks) 7 Given that y = aresin x, prove that (6 marks) 8 Find an equation of the tangent to the curve with equation y = aresin 2x at the point where xed 9 Find the derivatives of the following functions. 1 aresin x a (arctan x? © aretan (aretan.x) ©® 10 Sketch the graphs of the following: a aresin (aresinx) b arecos (arecos.x) © arctan (arctan x) ©® 11 Prove each of the following: q@D Titneneeeae a sin arceos.x) = V1 b cos(aretan x) = Toot, you should consider the definitions or graphs of the 1 —T inverse trigonometric functions © sec(arecos.x) = 4 sin areseex) = (1 to determine the sign. (3.4) Integrating with inverse trigonometric functions You can use the results from the previous section to integrate functions of the forms 1 1 etx and By using an appropriate substitution, show that constant and |x| 0, [sl 1, use the substitution = secd to fine: DA | a oa u @ Integrating using partial fractions In your A level course you used partial fractions to integra-e some rational functions. Gm Prove that Be careful not to corfuse this esut rt _gy al, (*) with fade = Zarctan (7) +6 1 ja+x goes gglaeal+ where a is a real constant. 7 larae=s C —— eee armas 1 A + @+xia-xy atx A@~ x) + Bat x= 1 60 If the danominator of a partial fraction includes a quadratic factor of the form (x? + ¢), ¢> 0, you cannot write it as a product of linear factors with real coefficients. However, you can still write it in partial fractions, where the partial fraction corresponding to the quadratic factor has a linear numerator and quadratic denominator. so -——20 _A_, Bxt+C (e+ 3241) X43" 241 20 = A(x? +1) + (Bx + C)(x +3) Find the values of 4, Band Cby multiplying both sides by (x + 3)(x2 + 1) Set x=-3:20=104 > A=2 Setx 3 so that (Bx + C)(r+3)=0 A+B=05B Equate coefficients of x2 on each side. 3B+ =0-C= a (e+ 3)x? +1) x43 x41 You can use the techniques from the previous section to integrate the second fraction on the right- hand side. Show that [1#* y= x34 9x Equate coefficients of x on each side. Aly? +9) + Bx? + Crone Ecuate x? terms: A+ B=O Jle- Bix? + ae Star- 355% infx2 + 9) =gnx- 2 ce = Ginx ~ inl? + 9) + Larctan (3) + 4 2 4 = ygl2inw ~ Inka? + 9) + geretan(3) +e = al categ) + Sorcton(S) + 7 Methods in calculus xten xt+5x7+6 4 b Hence find [—**+* gy. le a Express as partial fractions, a xt Sx +6 = (x? + 2)lr? + 3) So —— Ete dg EEC, DEE, (x? + 2Mx? + 3) x? 42 x? 43 af x Ala? + 207 + 3) + (Bx + Cx? + 3) + (Di + Eo? + 2) 4=t BrD=0 J 3B+ap=1 | So B=1 and D = 5A+C+B=0 ] 64 +3C+2E=0 | enn . There are other ways of determining the See oe ti eae coefficients. You could find 4 = 1 by writing rte atta __ t+ Sxi + 6)- (Gxt + 6) SO) apex BE WO BPO x4 53°46 21 Sea MSIE Methods such as this are often quicker than 4sing polynomial long division You could also substitute x =iV2 and x =i/3 to eliminate terms. 7 b Using the yartial fraction decomposition: a x We auras” 148+ aya * [pret Leta less axa Sinlx? +2 + Havctan( $) 1 = dine? ginlx? +31 - SVB aretan( =) +e 1 Express the following as partial fractions. 1 L | i 1 "Pe eed) > aE Nxt) GP) 2 Find if aacca dx, giving your answer in the form Alnlx + 21+ Baretan (a) +e, where 4 and B are constants to be found, and ¢ is an arbitrary constant. (4 marks) @®) 3 fi =x4- x8 4x2 - 2-12 a. Given that (1+ 2) is a factor of f(x), fully factorise ft). (2 marks) b Hence find I Pa Rtas, giving your answer in the form #2 In + Darctan & +c, where A, Band D are constants to be found, end cis an arbitary constant. (S marks) x xP 4 Find | 2— dx, giving your answer in the form ln a= ) + Barctan(3) +6, where A and B are constants to be found, and ¢ is an arbitary constant, (marl ing (22+! ae. oii . A @) @e) 5 Find f Gar tgga ds giving youranswer in the form + Baretan (5) +c, where A anc Bare constants to be found, and ¢ is an arbitary constant. (5 marks) 7 Methods in calculus a 6 Show that [= #95# #1 gy = In —R + Darctanx +6, where A, Band Dare x constants to be found, and c isan arbitary constant. (5 marks) GB) 7 fxy= x 4x? + 6x - 24 a Given that (4) = 0, fully factorise fx). (2 marks) 2. ee bb Express 45 gy qt partial fractions. (2 marks) ¢ Use your answer to part b and an appropriate substitution to calculate 2x2 3y +24 (4 ks 5 = dx? + 6x — 24 {tmerks) @ 8 ty-—— YQ Dax— D a Calculate ffixidx. (3 marks) 1 ; b Hence show that ft 5355, —) 4 diverges. (3 marks) + 5x24 .2v @®) 9a Express > ae toe pag &S Partial fractions. (4 marks) b Hence find [2*+5x2+ 2x. (5 mark: jence find [FS 2 de (5 marks) GP) 10 Use the method of partial fractions to find / et art Was, 20, (4marks) 2 ge dy Gu Show that | pare ye =e + 2in2). (4 marks) ©@® 12 a Express +1 as partial fractions, (4 marks) xo? +2? b Hence find Ie att gy, (5 marks) x? +2 Find: First complete the square in the denominator - ‘and then use an appropriate substitution. 1 ® |e ere ™ Se reer} 72 1 a. Using the substitution u =e*, find I watt (marks) 1 x b Hence show that ['- waerdy=5 (3 marks) © © © 1 2. Find the exact mean value of fix) mae 5 over the interval E (4 marks) 3 Show that the exact mean value of fix) = «sin 2x over the interval [ (4 marks) 4 a Find the derivative of arccosx?, (3 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, calculate f (1 mark) v 5 fixy= arctan(2+* ) x1 ‘ 1 8 Show that 0) = S55 (4 marks) b Given that -2 < x <2, show that |f"(x)] <1 (2 marks) a a Explain what it means for an integral to be improper. b Identity (wo features of [ ee which make it an improper integral. © By differentiating arctan, or otherwise, show that a aa its exact value. dv is convergent and find 1+ 5x a fixy= Find fix dx, giving your answer in the form A VT 5x? + Baresin (y3.x) + ¢ where ¢ is an arbitrary constant and A and Bare constants to be found. (4 marks) Te = arctan. (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) 7 Methods in calculus a Find [f(~ dx, giving your answer in the form Aln(1 + 4x2) + Baretan 2x) + ¢ where c is an arbitrary constant and 4 and B are constants to be found, (4 marks) as bb Hence find the exact value of { fioydx (3 marks) © 10 a Show that [—!— dy = Paresin Qx +e where cis an arbitrary constant and P and Q are a-9x constants to be found. (4 marks) So b Hence show that 3 marks) v4=9. c ) Use the substitution » = sin @ to show that [ a seats) x fe=7s 1 a Use the substitution w = x? to calculate f fixidx. (4 marks) bb Hence show that f xydx converges and state its value. (3 marks) . 2 Show that (28° =2*°+ 18" +9 gy= ginjx|- 2 ~ 2+ Daretan() +c, where A, Band D are xt + 9x? 3 constants to be found. (5 marks) @u fy ; where P and Q are constants to be found. (3 marks) a Express f(x) in the form bb Find fix) dx, giving your answer in the form Aln|x ~ 4] + Barotan (5) 5) +e where Aand Bare constants to be found. I (4 marks) © Hence show that f fix) dv diverges. (2 marks) 2 +8 a Find ffi dx. (4 marks) by Hence show that the mean value of f(x) over the interval (1, 2}is In (2 marks) © Hence, or otherwise, find the mean value, over the interval [1, 2], of 2°) -8 : (3 marks) 7 Challenge A function is said to attain its mean value on the interval [a, 6] f there : exists avaluee€ a, A] such that) =*-f to) dx. a Shew that the function f(x) = x? — 2x + 4 attains its mean value on the interval [0, 2], and find the exact values of c € (0, 2] for wrich f=1 [ted dx Give an example of a function which does not attain its mean value con the interval (0, 2, Fully justifying your answer. Sues 5 1 The integral [ f(x) dx is improper if either: + one or both of the limits is infinite + f(x) is undefined at x = a, x = 4 or another point in the interval [a, 6]. 2. The mean value of the function f(x) over the interval [a, HJ, is given by 1_f rae real 3. If the function f(x) has mean value f over the interval (a. 6], and is a real constant, then: + f(x) + & has mean value f + k over the interval [a, b] + Hx) has mean value AF over the interval [a, 6] + -f(x) has mean value -f over the interval (a, 4]. 1 d 4 + FCaresinx) = 1+x? 1 +x? dx =tarctan(*) +¢a>0 Ixl pages 83-87 © Model real-life applications of volumes of revolution + pages 87-89 ure eta 1 Evaluate: a [’x@x - 6dr b [7cos?xdx © [?x2e%dx «pure Year 2, chapter 11 2. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y= }sec'x, the x-axis, the Jraxis and the line x= 1. « Pure Year 2, Chapter 11 The region Ris bounded by the curve 4x2 + 5, the x-axis and the lines 2 and x= 4. The region is rotated through 2z radians about the x-axis Find the volume of the object generated. «Book 1, chapter 5 Volumes of revolution can be used to model objects with circular cross-sections. By defining curves parametrically, you can find volumes of a wider range of objects. > Exercise 40 6 @ Volumes of revolution around the x-axis You need to be able to find volumes of revolution CE ee ree of more complicated curves. in this chapter you retain sinclar angers might need to use any of the functions and Serene integracion techniques you encountered in your A level course. = The volume of revolution formed when y = f(x) is rotated through 27 radians about the a-axis between x = a and x = bis given by Volume = x yFdx EMD Essirevoumesotreciion CP = around the x-axis using GeoGebra. The region R is bounded by the curve with equation y = sir 2x, the x-axis and the lines x = 0 and Find the volume of the solid formed when region R is rotated through 2m radians about the x-axis. ) Va mf 'sin’2xax «fh = cos4x)dx ribs gsinay] o)-0 Exe © 1 Find the exact volume of the solid generated when each curve is rotated through 27 radians about the x-axis between the given limits. aa. SiN etween x= 0 and x= 1 +cosx 2 a y= between x=0 and x=2 axel - x 3x. © y=yseex between x= 0 and x= j @ y= ipa ay between x= Oand x =2 e y= VB between x= 1 and x=2 f y= cosee x + cot x between x= @P) 2 The curve with equation y = cosx/sin2x, 4 : a y= cos VERE 0 << Fis shown in the diagram. ‘ie ‘The finite region enclosed by the curve and the .waxis is shaded. The region is rotated about the »-axis to form a solid of revolution. Find the volume of the solid generated. (6 marks) 2 wR Volumes of revolution G@®) 3 The diagram shows the finite region R, which is bounded by the curve y = In.x, the line x = 3 and the x-axis. The region R is rotated through 27 radians about the x-axis. Use integration to find the exact volume of the solid generated. (7 marks) Pr You will need to find the value of «, where the curve crosses the x-axis oli © 4 a Using the substitution » the exact value of ‘The diagram shows a sketch of part of the curve with 9 = 3sind, or otherwise, find (7 marks) equation y= xl The shaded region R, shown in the diagram, is bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the lines with equations 32 a = The shaded region Ris rotated through 27 radians about the x-axis to form a solid of revolution, b Using your answer to part a, find the exact volume of the solid of revolution formed. (2 marks) » § Thecurve with equation? wane fivhowntn ‘eed the diagram. _ x¥2020—D ‘The shaded region R, bounded by the lines x = l,.v=4, the x-axis and the curve, is rotated 360° about the x-axis, Use calculus to find the exact volume of the ot + % solid generated. (6 marks) ®) 6 The curve shown in the diagram has equation 2y = xsinx +x. a Show that the coordinates of point 4 are (0). (1 mark) ‘The shaded region R is rotated about the x-axis to generate a solid of revolution. b Find the volume of the solid generated. (5 marks) 7° GP) 7 The curve with equation y = a net is shown in the digram, The region R bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the lines shown in the diagram. ‘The region is rotated through 360° about the x-axis. -—l0 * 36420) xeelx= a Find the exact volume of the solid generated. (6 marks) ; 10 The 4 S, bounded by the curves y = 35420 and HE eFqp Ad the lines = Land x= 2, is shown in the diagram, The region is rotated through 360° about the x-axis. b Find the exact volume of the solid generated. (marks) GBP) 8 The region R is bounded by the curve with equation ve and the line with equation y = 4x, as shown, in the diagram, ‘The region is rotated through 2 radians about the x-axis, Find the volume of the solid of revolution formed. Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures. (8 marks) Gers ‘The diagram shows the region R, which is bounded by the curve with equation y = sin.x, 0

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