Multiple-Choice Questions: HKDSE CHEMISTRY - A Modern View (Second Edition) Part I Planet Earth

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HKDSE CHEMISTRY — A Modern View (Second Edition)

Part I Planet Earth

Chemistry: Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Chemistry

Combined Science (Chemistry Part): Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Chemistry

Multiple-choice questions

Sections 1.11.4
|!|CMEMF0010100001|!| |!|CSEMF0010100001|!|
Which of the following combinations is INCORRECT?
Hazard warning label Meaning
A. Carcinogenic

B. Flammable

C. Explosive

D. Toxic

##B The label in option (B) means oxidizing.##

|!|CMEMF0010100002|!| |!|CSEMF0010100002|!|
The following hazard warning labels are found on the reagent bottle of a chemical.

Which of the following statements about the chemical is correct?

© Aristo Educational Press Ltd 2014 Chapter 1

HKDSE CHEMISTRY — A Modern View (Second Edition)
Part I Planet Earth

A. It is corrosive and toxic.

B. It is corrosive and harmful.
C. It is carcinogenic and harmful.
D. It is carcinogenic and irritating.


|!|CMEMF0010100003|!| |!|CSEMF0010100003|!|
Which of the following should NOT be attempted in the school laboratory?
(1) Smell ammonia gas by breathing directly above the test tube.
(2) Heat a test tube of ethanol with a Bunsen burner.
(3) Take out a piece of sodium metal from the reagent bottle with bare dried hands.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

##D To smell ammonia gas, one should hold the test tube away from the nose and
then ‘fan’ a little of the gas towards the nose. As ethanol is flammable, ethanol should
be heated with a water bath. As sodium is corrosive, sodium metal should be handled
with a pair of forceps.##

© Aristo Educational Press Ltd 2014 Chapter 1


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